League of Legends (LoL) Question: Viable Junglers Not Meta?
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Viable Junglers Not Meta?
I am curious if anyone has some non meta junglers they have enjoyed playing. I have seen a few jungle TF's and Fizz's that have been rather successful. Fizz built the attack speed jungle enchantment and BOTRK and did really well, I have also seen TF build attack speed and max his e and w first. I want to know what other people have been playing and works for them in the new jungle. I really enjoy playing unique picks and would love to try something new. Please tell me the champs and general build to go with it =)
I personally like playing Aatrox as a jungler because he can sustain through his early clears and farm straight for an enchantment where other junglers have to base. but idk how "not meta" he is.
for a good gank, you'll need a low minion to q to, and probably not be full hp so your e will stun.
Nidalee can still jungle and she invades well at level 2 if your opponent ins't trying to invade you instead (awkward I know) because if you put W traps around the major escapes (think shaco boxes, but these make you jump hard into your opponent) and then you jav them + cougar W+Q and then keep hitting them they have to try to run (unless high sustain jungler, pointless to invade Udyr for example). She clears decently and her ganks are really scary if you have red buff and manage to hit Q.
Jungle GP can also work, I do it a lot but his clear is hard. Jungle Diana is also pretty ok but mana issues.
Also if you are above gold I would HEAVILY suggest Twitch. Take E first go take red get to level 2 then get stealth and gank mid. If you do this properly you can have a 100% accuracy on easy level 2 first blood that at higher leagues can be abused VERY hard. Just a warning if you go Twitch though, Only gank top and mid. Your too squishy to easily be able to take bot lane if the other team is not lower then half health.