League of Legends (LoL) Question: Viktor vs Vladimir who wins?
Posted in Champions | Tags: Viktor Vladimir 28,799
Viktor vs Vladimir who wins?
Hello everyone on mobafire. Im new to this community and want to ask one simple question: if playin midlane Viktor versus Vladimir is there way to hard win Vladimir with his push and sustain abilities or its just ureal?
P.S. I maining Viktor and always upset of losing to Vladimir.
P.S. I maining Viktor and always upset of losing to Vladimir.
Setup I use:
9x Greater Mark of Magic Penetration
9x Greater Seal of Armor
9x Greater Glyph of Magic Resist
3x Greater Quintessence of Movement Speed
Against Vlad I tend to go for a Chalice of Harmony/ Hextech Revolver combo.
And what about items? Im always rushing Abyssal Mask after buying augment, then Rabadon's Deathcap.
In regards of Sanguine Pool, try not to make it obvious when you do your burst. If anything try to bait his Sanguine Pool out because that will grant him no escape from your burst.
Vladimir's level 9 wave clear is not as strong as yours. So, if you can push him under his turret, you should see if you can roam and help your team out on the map.
Hope this helps, and good luck.
Off-topic: can u give me link on theme where I can learn how insert links on champs skills and items into messages?
And if this lane occurs should I take ability power per lvl runes or magic resist; masteries 21/9/0 top get some extra hp or 21/0/9 to get some extra mp?