League of Legends Questions
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Refillable Potion Support Start?
I've seen some supports start out with a gold gen item and [[refillable potion]] and it seems to have some mixed results. I've seen supports utterly fail in lane presence and get pushed out after using both charges or doing weird things like building it into a [[hunter's potion]] and I haven't seen anyone build it into a [[corrupting potion]]. They generally waste the item slot and get stuck...
How do I put multiple icons in the centre of a chapter in a guide?
If I put them side to side, they go vertically down.
Akali jungle
I've seen very little jungle Akali. Is there a particular reason she isn't suited for this role? I am also curious if Warrior enhancement might work for her. It should give her quite nice spell vamp bonus. Runeglaive seems like an obvious pick, but nerfs upset me.
Is hybred jax actully good
I have played a ton of games on jax and now there is all this hybried stuff going around but i still think that my build is better Lich bane Blade of the ruined king Sprit visage ninga tabi ravinouse hydra (after compleat the bulied swich to titanic)) Gardin angle and zonnize hourglass can you tell me which is better
Which Champion To Use?
I have been playing LOL for about 4 months now.I can play really well against BOTS but I really suck when I play with my friends.They say it's because I don't know how to use a particular champion.I am currently using riven a lot but I feel like I'm still dying too much.I need to know a champion to use.Any suggestions would be welcome.I also have a problem that I can deal a lot of damage but...
Lucian Build?
So I'm confused. I've seen people build a lot of different things on [[Lucian]] and heard a lot of people say different things. If you look at probuilds, most builds include [[Rapid Firecannon]] and not [[Statikk Shiv]]. Even saw an [[Infinity Edge]] first into [[Statikk Shiv]] instead of the usual [[Essence Reaver]]. Could anyone enlighten me?
ad nidalee
is ad nidalee jungle viable? if so what would you build on it?
Cunning or Resolve for AD assasins?
On all these ad assassins would cunning or resolve be a better choice for your 12 points after putting 18 in ferocity (I don't think you ever take anything but 18 in that tree with these champions although tell me if you would) but I'm not sure if I should take the extra resistances and utility of resolve or the damage potential from cunning. With a melee laner you'll tend to get bullied a lot...
Why cant you stun one guy into another with poppys E?
the idea - if you move Guy 1 with charge into positionn where secon dguy stands, both would get stunned for full duration (like you stunned tehm into wall). So tell me, why cant new poppy do that when bard can do that on range? (Also please suggest some serious place to post this). IMAO this E change is only thing poppy needs as rework. when she ults for example garen, she could shout Garen...
Rylais on Azir
Currently i build Athene/Nashor on Azir to get 40% cdr, mana regen and atk speed. Then i build Rylais because slowing people from behind the frontline is a great addition for the team. It wasts Azir Q slow but is obviously a better slow. So what do you guys think? Is it still a worth item on him or should i be happy enough with his Q and another item? Also which item would you suggest as a...
Creating a guide- Benefits
what are the benefits of creating a guide on mobafire?
shiv rapidfire cannon build
to what extent is this build viable after patch 5.23? I've been playing around with this build on tryndamere but after nerfs its less oneshotting and more splitpushing power. Another question I guess is whether or not cannon is viable on melee champions. Since its percent range its obviously meant for ranged but does it still work on melee. Another question (stahp) is whether bork is good in...
How to specify in the banner of my new guide it's for season 6 ?
How to specify in the banner of my new guide it's for season 6 ? and i don't know why my guide is in the category "Build only" and not "Full guide" Thank you ! :)
Blitzcrank ult in a bush and hit noting. Will the enemy see the efect or the ult sound?
Guinsoo's Rageblade on Kog'Maw?
The question is the title. I've been running [[Statikk Shiv]] [[Runaan's Hurricane]] [[Berserker's Greaves]] [[Blade of the ruined king]] [[Infinity Edge]] [[Rapid Firecannon]]/[[Mercurial Scimitar]]. [[Lord dominik's regards]] is situational (imo at least) and [[Death's Dance]] might work as well (never tried, but im not sure about it), but i saw a good number of guides that suggests to build...
Where is Yi during Alpha Strike?
When Master Yi Qs, where is he positionally? For example, if he Qs on an enemy and the enemy flashes out of ignite range from Yi's starting position, will Yi be able to land an ignite on that enemy during the rest of his Q?
Tp mid
So what happend with tp on mid?I know tp got nerfed but is it really the end of the tp mid meta?Ive seen very few take it anymore, is now ignite better again or...?
How to get my guide back?
I need some help here. I was making a guide earlier today, and I pressed the save button on the side panel before I closed the tab. Logging back on, is there any way to go back to that guide? Is it lost forever? Or am I just blind?
Reputation Score
I think it's bugged because the numbers differ from my comment rep and profile. If you go to my profile, you will see a 13 but if you look at a comment I made, it will show 11, what it was before. If you hover over my name it also shows 11. I'm kind of confused because yesterday it was 12 and now 13.
How do you Become a Moderator?
I've made a couple guides, both at around 50,000 views and I have been answering a lot of questions on the questions board. I wanted to know how could I become a moderator? Should I continue doing what im doing or is there a certain process?
Yasuo Item Build
As i am trying to get better at Yasuo, i would like to know how to be able to change my item pick late game based on laning vs different opponents such as AP, AD or tank?
How to get in the category "full guide" and not "build only&
It says my Rengar guide is build only but i wrote hwo to jungle team work and all other chapters ? Help Plez :D
Supports for season 6?
What champion is good in the current meta and best bot synergy?
How can i delete a guide
How do I delete a guide i posted one then made a change to it and now i have 2
What ADC is strongest right now?
I feel like all games i play are complete stomps one way or another. 25 minutes max. So early game champions are really strong. However i have very little success with Corki who was the old early game adc. What do you think is strongest right now?
Question for Rumble players
I've never really gotten around to testing it, but I was thinking of WOTA on Rumble. Your not wasting any of the stats because the item doesn't have mana, and you are getting life back from using your q constantly and your ult. plus, if you low, and you have Zhonya's and WOTA, you can pop your ult, q and Zhonyas, and you will gain back a sh*t ton of health. Of course i'm only pointing out the...
Why is mobafire so slow now?
Why is mobafire so slow now?
Preseason 6 ADC Itemization
Hey guys! As season 5 "ADC Main", I've given a lot of thought to ADC itemization. I have absolutely no idea how to build them, but here are my thoughts thus far: [[Tristana]]/[[Caitlyn]]: [[infinity edge]] and [[rapid firecannon]]/[[statikk shiv]] - Because they are autoattack orientated and they have to position a lot [[lucian]]: [[essence reaver]] and [[statikk...
Mobafire error
Hello! I have a problem with mobafire. It's just broken... http://oi67.tinypic.com/2v9d5dt.jpg Any advice how to fix it? Because I have same error on laptop and smartphone too.
Level up
What is the fastest way to level up? I'm currently level 17 and really want to get to level 20 to get tier 3 runes. Any ideas on how to level up really quickly?
New Masteries , Help Please !
As the title says , i need help with the new masteries , ive read about the changes but im still not sure how to do them. Could someone tell me how to do it properly or make one or two for me ? Thank you for any help.
What's going to happen to MOBAFIRE in season 6 most of new items and masterpieces will change game so last season build will be useless so will it get updated?? I'm new to MOBAFIRE and i really like it but season 6 is changing the game so what will happen to it??
Where is the LOL file?
I got a razer tartarus gaming keypad and I'm trying to keybind it. But i need to find the file to attach to it...i just can't find it. I'm not sure what its supposed to be called either. I even re installed lol and copied the file name (C:Riot/leagueoflegends) but I can't find it anywhere. I looked under desktop and even tho league is on my desktop its not there...csgo and others are but not...
S6 Lane Structures
So, first of all I'll be sure with the changes for season 6 the comps will be more focused on protect the carry combinations. The meta will most probably shift on a bruiser-tank-assassin-carry-peelsupport and why do i think this will be? First of all bot-top lane swaps will be tried in a lot of games, I'm sure of that, so having a bruiser top, or a champ with good waveclear(anti rift herald...
What will happen to MOBAFIRE in Season 6
After the new masteries and the whole ADC update plus the item overhaul most guides will be rendered useless, what happens then?
Viability on Sterak's on ADC
While I have assumed that [[sterak's gage]] would be terrible on ADC's due to their low base AD, I am now a bit curious on how it compares to standard defensive items, like [[banshee's veil]]. In the world championship it was built on a ADC and in one soloqueue game I had with a [[jinx]] buying [[sterak's gage]] instead of something like [[banshee's veil]]. It seems to work decently since it...
season 6
who do you think will be played in season 6 that hasn't been played a lot in season 5?
hello guys, i have tried out kindred now and i got one good game so far. can someone tell me how to build the strongest kindred in LEAGUE OF LEGENDS. respond someone please :)
Starting ADC Jungle Camps
When in a game, while I play ADC and start on blue side I have my jungler smite the Large Krug to gain the Heavy Hands bonus and the go to red buff. While me and my support take that camp to get me to rank up faster then return to lane. On blue side it happens the same way ,but I take the gromp. Is this viable or should it be done a different way?
Map Awareness
Recently I've been playing some Gnar top and having success. I would farm up as usual, get kills and get fed most games and late in the game have some great ults. Sometimes I could 1v2 with their jungler top, but if I did I'd be dissapointed because I never saw them coming. The same was true for teleports, I only really used it on something other than my tower when the game was late 30 minutes...
Carry top laners
what are some good carry top laners that arn't perma bans like fiora gp or darius?
Is it better to build a high damage Gnar or a super tanky Gnar? Or does it depend on the situation at hand?
What is the fastest way to build AP with teemo?
Guys, How can i do more damage early in the game with teemo. somehow i just cant seem to get his AP high enough. Any advise?
How decent is adc varus
How good is botlane adc varus. You'd obviously still go tear but maybe swap out bt/maw for ie. Whenever I play midlane varus i get kinda rekt by leblanc and stuff. Plus I find botlane varus more fun to play. Is it decent for ranked
Dem Burn Effect
Okay, so I was playing Attack Speed Kayle and throughout the match I thought of buying Liandry's Torment to see if it works on my E since I never tried it before. Unfortunately, game ended and I didnt get to do so. Therefore, before my next match with Kayle, I wanted to know if it really works or not with my E? If there is something better than Liandry's Torment for her, feel free to tell so! :D