League of Legends Questions
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Created a guide/build but i can't see it in the list
Created a guide/build but i can't see it in the list. This is my first ever guide but its not showing, it should be in the Season 6 guides. [6.1] Winnin' Xinnin' Killin'
The New Season
Along with the new season start I have already played my placement games and have received my ranking. Last Season I was placed in Silver IV and this season I was placed Bronze IV. I feel like I am a much better player than I was ranked but I can't really do anything about my ranking. So what are some tips for climbing the ladder back into silver and to my goal of gold by the end of the season....
Problem with MOBAFire
I upgraded to Windows 10 not too long ago, and I seem to be having problems with MOBAFire. It's literally impossible to type, i'm actually writing this question in a different tab, because it would take me hours otherwise. What happens is: I press a letter, and it either shows up after 4 seconds, or doesn't show up at all. This only happens in mobafire, nowhere else. Also, if i'm checking...
How to get people to listen to you
I main jungle and I have this communication problem with my team. I know as a jungler I have the tools necessary to take objectives, but for some reason, my team never really follows my pings or messages. Some examples would be: Instead of taking dragon after a successful counter-gank bot leaving the enemy jungler, adc, and support dead, they would rather back right after, leaving me standing...
Critical chance and life steal Darius?
Is There any critical chance and life steal Darius build out there for season 6 that can one shot squishy targets like adcs?
How do I edit my builds on my guide?
I'm making a guide and it's pretty much done, but I need to go back to edit the builds that it has you start on when you create a guide but whenever I click "edit," it just brings me to the page that has all my chapters but there is no way to get to the builds that I put. Please help!
As you have probably guessed by the title, I'm a leblanc player and i just got raped by a midlane Quinn. I am still salty about it. I just couldn't outdamage her, and her E cancels my dash so I could never hit a Q-W harass combo. I tried baiting her E but the close vision makes it really difficult to hit the W afterwards. I cried for help but the jungler just wouldn't gank. She also was able to...
How Do i watch my posted things?
I know it sounds wierd and yes you can laugh at me.. but how do i watch thins that i posted like a build and guide..
what is an offtank?
i am currently starting a guide n im not sure what role to put it as. i understand what adc's and tank etc. are.. i'm just not sure what the offtanks are.
Splitpush build for Poppy?
Today I played a game with Poppy in which I got utterly fed (I ended 19/3/11) but failed to carry my team since no one pushed any line, and I was unable to splitpush because Poppy's too slow killing the minions. The Items I got were Iceborn Gauntlet, Dead Man's Plate and Zz'Rot (gotta push!) but I still couldn't do anything (later I got Mawmalwtiuosiajsks and Titanic Hydra but I still couldn't...
My mobafire match-ups section is bugged.
[img=http://i.imgur.com/QI1YxvQ.png] As you can see, champion icons are covering the explanations. How can I fix it? [url=http://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/build/s6-6-1-straight-outta-hit-points-guide-revamped-423597]Link to my guide[/url]
Last Whisper on Corki
So, I have been browsing through various champs I play on ProBuilds.net and have seen players building [[last whisper]] and its upgrades on [[corki]]. And I'm not talking about like Vardags or Steelback, but good ADCs like Deft. The reason I'm asking why is just that [[corki]] has so much magic damage now (half his AA damage on top of at least half on all his abilities) that I don't see it...
Should I still sit on Hexdrinker, or should I finish it?
Before pre-Season 6, I would just buy a [[hexdrinker]] when needed and wait until I was full build to finish [[Maw of Malmortius]]. Did this change? Should you upgrade it earlier now, or are you still able to sit on the orange sword alone for a good part of the game?
When does "New Guide" disappear
So my new guide on Zed is saying "New Guide", and as I'm new to MobaFire.. I would just like to know when that disappear, not that it bothers me. I just want to know xD
most underrated champ for top lane
I need help publishing a guide on this site.
I just recently made a Xerath build guide and everything worked fine, and I successfully saved a draft of it. Whenever I try to publish it however, I click the button, and nothing happens and it remains a draft. Nowhere on the page does it say there is an error that needs fixed or anything so I don't know how to publish my guide so the world will finally know how to climb straight to...
Reverting guide to previous version
So uhm...I really messed up my guide while trying to expand it a little and I ended up deleting a lot of hours of work and because of that I'm wondering if there is an option to revert the guide to it's published version (because I haven't republished it yet), where the messing up didn't happen?
Snowdows 2015
hey you guys if i remember correctly after last years snowdown everybody got a free skin . anybody knows if that is going to happen again ?
Unique rune pages
Hello there, Can you name few champs that use unique rune pages, that differ from the widely used rune pages, and what are they? Thanks in advance :)
How to delete my own guide
I want to delete m own guide but i don't see any botton to delete it. I only have archived it but it's not deleted yet and I don't know how. Can You help my?
Questions about Guide making(Mostly code-based)
Been working on a guide, but got some things I'd like to put into it that I don't know how to Is there any way to change the font size? With [[Doran's Ring]] type links (Ones that show an icon+text with a link to the wiki) is there anyway I can change the text that follows the icon? Is there any way to the text size/font/ in [[Doran's Ring]] type links?
Increased attack range on melee champions is bad?
Lets say you build [[rapid firecannon]] on a melee champion,like [icon=garen size=30] for example,does it benefits in any ways or is just a bad item to build?
I'm not sure if it's a Troll Comment?
I made a guide "My Place Is At The Top - Wukong Top/Mid/Jungle Updated!" and famyyy commented: "Masteries makes no sense and dont match for lategame." and I was wondering if that would be considered a troll comment and I could get it removed. (Sorry I'm a noob at mobafire stuff!)
Jungling with a low level account
I am a lvl 15 summoner on EUNE and I was planning to learn jungling. As you all guys know, it is not fun to jungle without complete runes and masteries. Here's my question: What champions are capable of jungling w/o complete runes and masteries?
mage with mastery ferocity
Hi all, want to know if there is a mage with build and mastery ferocity in first. I have zyra for the moment and want to buy an another champion, i like to play mage.
What is the opportune time to buy the new Last Whisper?
I've done a TON of math on this. It seems that there is a pretty accurate time of ~ lv 5 and they have 50 bonus armor. Then I have to factor in all my abilities for Riven and her passive and how much the bonus armor percentage will increase percentage of damage dealt at further levels as base armor increases decreasing bonus armor's effectiveness and thus, LWs. Here's all the work I've done...
A question about dark seal stacks
You buy dark seal and get some glory stacks on it. Do the glory stacks stay when you later upgrade it to [[mejai's soulstealer]]?
Is double morello still worth it
The price isn't as cheap as it used to be, but achieving 40% cdr has become considerably harder. Would it be worth to buy two [[morellonomicon]]s?
Best Champion for 1350 IP?
So, I have been saving up my IP, but it is burning a hole in my pocket so, I wanted to know what's the best champion for 1350 IP. So far, I have Blitzcrank, Amumu, Soraka, Garen, and Annie. I have been trying to ADC with Ezrael and Kog'Maw but have been failing miserably so I most likely want a Jungler, top laner, or support. Thanks for the help!
How to show viability from the guide?
It says statistics, so does it mean anything have to do with real statistics, how do i show them that a slight different build is still viable.
How to code masteries separated from a single guide
["masteries"] how do i code to get another mastery from a single guide with different builds? is it "masteries 2"?
Good champions for climbing the ladder
[color=#E8570C]I mostly play jungle/supp/mid and I main [[shaco]] and [[bard]]. Climbing has been really slow for me, so I was wondering if there's any champions I could pick up that are particularly strong for climbing at the moment. I recently bought [[rengar]] and achieved a whooping 14% winrate in normals after buying him, despite performing decently well. Should I stick with [[rengar]]? Or...
How does Fizzes W work
Like the title asks how does Fizzes W work. Specifically the % health DOT. Examples would help me understand if you're willing to take the time. Thanks
Best sustain item after yoummus
What exactly is the best item for sustain after getting yoummu's ghostblade as first item considering you have the warlords mastery? (Particularly on Quinn)
How does a guide get featured?
Just curious about how the system to feature guides works.
I made a guide and I cannot see it
I made a zed build called, "RedMercy's zed build NOT MY BUILD" (I got it from a youtuber) I can't find it. I also Favorited it
Mana Quints or AP Qunits on Ryze
Are Mana Quints or AP Quints Better on Ryze?
hybrid attack speed diana?
Ive been messing around with some attack speed diana builds. namely with nashors and guinsoos being my core items. the dps on it is good late game, especially if you build a roa for survivability. maybe throw a rylais in there somewhere. the biggest downside ive found is the cost of the build as its pretty pricey. overall its an interesting non meta way to play her, and ive found decent success...
How do i screenshot?
Is there any software needed to do this? help the the steps to do so and use the screenshotted imaghe and use it on a guide.
Should I create a guide in my language or in English?
My [url=http://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/build/the-box-of-the-new-thresh-not-finished-443203] guide[/url] isn't growing well and I'm thinking ,if I should create a new guide in my language, because the best [url=http://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/build/fr-s6-thresh-the-god-support-work-in-progress-428823] thresh guide[/url] is in French and my English isn't well.
need help ;')
[img=https://gyazo.com/4a8fa0675e5159de89db59916b6132ff] how do i get my items to show up like that mine aren't showing? https://gyazo.com/4a8fa0675e5159de89db59916b6132ff
My guide keeps growing. Should I mark it as in-depth?
Hello, at this point I feel like I should add in-depth tag to my guide and maybe change guide's name to include "[In-Depth]". Should I do so? Is there a correct way to mark a guide as in-depth? At what point a guide should be marked as in-depth? [url=http://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/build/soraka-the-healer-of-valoran-in-depth-5-24-445987]Link to my guide.[/url] My deepest...
is there a champion that c an be played in top lane and mid lane that isnt the difficult to play?
When will you update season 6 cunning mastery tree?
Dear Mobafire admins, I'm curious as to when you will update the cunning tree and add a mastery page for the new Assassin mastery. [img=http://i68.tinypic.com/zmch3a.jpg] So we can reference it in our guides. King Regards, War7hehorseman
I made a awesome guide but i dont know how to send that to judges. PLEASE HELP !