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Posted a Comment: Aug 17th, 2012
"When katarina is ignored in every team fight. God knows I love it when no one stuns me."
Posted a Comment: Aug 14th, 2012
""Quite obviously I'm the best person ever" then when I got the penta I thought "told ya"."
Posted a Comment: Aug 4th, 2012
"It's something that they got from dota. Thank god they implemented it. Why wouldn't you like it? I can't even make a guess at how many games I've had to play where we had only 4 players the whole game cuz one guy was AFK in que. This prevents that. What isn't to like?"
Posted a Comment: Aug 4th, 2012
"Hey look he took my advice... No one ever takes my advice Lol. I wouldn't go with teemo though. Mainly cuz I hate teemo but also because he isn't that great of a carry. But if it works for you who am I to tell you to stop using him?"
Posted a Comment: Aug 4th, 2012
You're kidding me right? levels don't portray knowledge of the game? Seriously? I bet you'd say that someone at 1800 ELO isn't better than someone at 1200 too. Serio"
Posted a Comment: Aug 3rd, 2012
"Her top rated guide is the on-hit guide. At least it was last time I checked. And I'd suggest experimenting with and without malady to find what works best for you."
Posted a Comment: Aug 2nd, 2012
"Eat an orange and make it k."
Posted a Comment: Aug 2nd, 2012
ICWUTUDIDTHERE and it makes me sad."