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Posted a Comment: Jan 26th, 2013
"Hey, wouldn't be sword of the divine an option? His 3 shots would then all turn into crit hits and this way deal way more damage to burst someone down instantly."
Posted a Comment: Jan 26th, 2013
"I don't think either Liandry's or Rylai's proc with on-hit magic damage, they proc only with spell damage."
Posted a Comment: Jan 26th, 2013
"Well, but meditate now lasts 3 seconds instead of 5, which means the AP ratio of 2.0 is the same like the 1.2 before."
Posted a Comment: Jan 26th, 2013
"This guide gets very outdated lately."
Posted a Comment: Jan 26th, 2013
"I think, getting a warmog's armor first and then the AP is the way to go. You need enough survivability to even able to hit the enemy for the heal. I would say the second one should be guinsoo's rageblade because of the overall effectivity. Third would be malady.
After that, I would b"
Posted a Comment: Jan 26th, 2013
"Hey, zhonya's hourglass will be changed aswell. Instead of building of chain vest, it will build of a new item. It seems, this new item brings a new effect to it."
Posted a Comment: Jan 26th, 2013
explosive shot
Active: Rends target enemy,reducing healing and health regeneration by 50% and dealing 110/150/190/230/270 (+1)Magic Damage over 5 seconds.
What to max now first? E or W?"
Posted a Comment: Jan 26th, 2013
"You can't compare Tryndamere with Yi. Yi focuses more on pushing while Tryn on teamfighting."
Posted a Comment: Jan 24th, 2013
"I think riot wants to buff AD Yi without changing AP Yi that much."