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VexRoth's Mobafire Blog - Tag: clearing

20 Nov

Views: 708 Clearing

Just some observations about some junglers that I've tried out since the start of preseason.

Tryndamere is still viable in the jungle even after the hot fix to Warlord's Bloodlust . I know because I did the whole thing with AP runes and masteries and still managed to contribute meaningfully to the game once I got some attack speed.

Since you no longer gain health except on crits on champions, you definitely lose more health on your first clear so you have to watch out of invades by junglers with executes like Lee Sin, but with the right masteries and the life steal you get...
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03 Apr

Views: 2209 clearing

Using Smite upon the Ancient Krug will grant you Gift of Heavy Hands for 90 seconds, causing every 6th basic attack to stun minions and monsters. Additionally, you can attack a tower to expend the buff early - dealing a large amount of bonus true damage (65 + 15 x level). This bonus can only be claimed once per spawn, and only by smiting the Ancient Krug - Smite cannot be used on the small Krug.


First 1-2 jungle clears for autoattack based jungle champions, which often includes even tanks like Nautilus who typically run Attack Speed Marks if not...
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