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ADC does not equal play safe

Veteran's different take on the roles of the individual positions.

I main jungle, so that is what I really care about, but it is also good to know which roles are easiest to carry from because as the jungler that helps know which lanes to prioritize.

And really once you watch the video above you should also watch his analysis of the fairly recent Summer Season 9 game of G2 vs Fanatic as it might help you put things in context (though that may depend on where you are at with your understanding of league).

The logic for jungle is this. Do more faster. Always look for something else to do on the map before farming your own jungle.

You need your first clear for levels, but after that kill the enemy jungler. Kill their laners. Then farm the enemy jungle since they are so far behind they can't contest what you want to do.

Really you should only be doing a camp if it will give you a level up or item spike.

Below is an amalga…

The Eternal Hunters

Blah, blah, blah peaked at Gold 2 in Season 7. Ended up in Gold 5 in Season 8. Flirting with like a 48% win rate in Season 9 even though I've got a pretty good win rate on a handful of champions, though some of those are ADCs as I got so frustrated with my Bot lanes getting stomped that I switched to that role for a while. Climbed a bit and then realized that it was such a **** shoot as to they quality of your support that it wasn't worth maining the role in Silver.

Season 7 I mostly played Shyvana and she isn't sitting in a horrible spot at the moment. Around a 50% winrate IIRC. Before the

Feeling Yuumi

I finally won a game on Yuumi and it wasn't like my team was ridiculously far ahead.

I haven't been able to make the Sorcery rune page work. What finally worked was the Inspiration page with Glacial Augment as my keystone.

Got the idea from bizzleberry's yuumi guide.

No idea if it is great into all lanes/comps, but if you play Yummy like lolphally suggests in this video it seems to work reasonably well.

;tldr version is attach using W,

Who is a pretty pony?

I think Hecarim jungle might be a little busted right now and I didn't see anything any the upcoming patch notes that suggest Riot is going to do anything to change that.

Caveat. I've played a decent amount of Hecarim jungle in the past using him to go 9-1 in my placements one season when he was also under the radar busted.

Average game time has been around 28 minutes in Silver 3 and breaking into Silver 2.

I'm going the

Everyone has a threshold

Was watching the fam play Smash Brothers last night. They got quite a few games in and eventually I noticed some gripes and antagonistic behavior moving from the game to real body reality.

And I had the thought that this reminds me of my league games. People can only take so many punches or failures or letdowns.

It just gets to you after a while.

You expected your ADC to all-in but he got cold feet since he didn't know where the enemy jungler was though you knew the jungler was Top side.

The champion with hard single target CC didn't go first to set up the gank so you missed the kill when you didn't hit your skill shot CC.

Your Top laner has apparently given up on trying to match the Tryndamere so he has taken another tower while your team is trying to get much of nothing done in Mid.

You tell your team that you are going to go back to base to finish your Guardian Angel at which point they see a possible catch in Mid and chase it and get flanked and all die because they have n…

100% Guaranteed Way to Win More Games!

Title is tongue in cheek. Sort of.

I'm currently stuck in the depths of Silver 3ish. Players rank somewhere from Bronze 2 to Silver 1.

And neither I nor they play the game right. But when you do have an idea of how the game should be played - OMG! My eyes! Do these people really have no idea what they are doing. Yes. The answer is yes. They don't know what they should be doing and they can barely pilot their characters half the time.

There are some exceptions, but the individual knowledge level is so diverse that actually coming to the same conclusions about what should be happening is rare. You know it when it happens. Maybe the game is a little struggly in the early game, but everyone is farming well and your scaling is good. Then it clicks. Gank Bot. Get a double. Your Mid laner doesn't get a kill but does send their lane opponent back to base so you have a clear shot at the Infernal Drake. Top sees the gank Bot and plays it safe thus avoiding their jungler who was trying to …

On League and Ranked

Don't attach your personal worth to how good you are at League. You'll get to the rank you should be at in around 100 games if you are new. Probably somewhat less than that if you are very good and haven't let your skills lapse during pre-season by taking a break.

Once you've settled where you as to your rank you have to decide how much work you want to do to improve.

There is quite a bit of advice out there on improving.

I for one want to get things done in the early game so I have a bit of a bad habit of overextending to try and kill the enemy jungler or steal as many of their camps as I can. Which is actually a little funny because when I first started jungling anything past the river was "That Scary Dark Place Over There".

So how could I improve on this and also use the information I have to make the right choice to get the most for my time and my team?

From a game I played this AM. This was a bit after I woke up so I might not have been firing on all cylinders.


Rek'sai is Stronk Patch 9.4

Don't have a lot of time for ranked at the moment since I'm spending some extra time prepping for an upcoming Aikido test. Should get a few games in come the weekend.

I'm wavering a bit on the ADC role. With Lucian dropping down it feels a little harder to take control of the lane with a crit based ADC. Or in other words the lanes feel more support dependent. (and the quality of supports is a complete **** shoot in soloqueue).

Not ranked, but I've had some good games on

Taking uneven fights

The #1 problem with my teams in Bronze/Silver is handshaking on uneven fights.

You can take uneven fights if you can instantly delete someone or they are tanking an objective such as Dragon or Baron.

Otherwise winning an uneven fights requires that you and/or your teammates manage to outplay the enemy team.

But to outplay you generally have to have some sort of advantage.

-You have Flash and they do not
-One or more of your teammates has a level or item advantage

And you have to execute properly on that advantage. If you don't Flash the thing that will kill or CC you, then you auto lose.

Which is why trying to rely on outplays is a low % tactic.

A numbers advantage, all other things being equal, is the most reliable play in league.

You need to look at the mini-map and count heads. If you are at a numbers disadvantage or could be at a numbers disadvantage then the correct play is to usually chill and continue with the plan that works for your lane.

Are we a poke lane? Then w…

Mistakes were made and things were learned

That one turned epic. We went down two inhibitors but managed to come back. Everyone was patient and stuck with it. Not much chatter in chat other than me doing some traffic direction around objectives. Even I kind of lost sight of what to do after we couldn't finish with our second Baron Nashor and an Elder Dragon. My Guardian Angel got popped and I died to a flipping

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide