1 Million Mastery Points Lulu Support - Easy Guide.
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Runes: Aery / inspiration
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Aggressive sums
Ability Order My favorite skill order (Shield max)
Pix, Faerie Companion (PASSIVE)
Lulu Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
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Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Champion Build Guide
About me
Hello everyone,
I play league of legends on EUW since 2013. This Lulu guide is my first guide.
My favorite champion is Lulu and i have 1 million+ mastery points on her.
Everyone has their own playstyle and opinion about builds, and with this guide i'm sharing mine, be sure to play what fits your playstyle, and its never wrong to try out what fits you or what doesn't.
I want to make this guide understandable and playable for everyone, even if you are a beginner.
Have fun!
I play league of legends on EUW since 2013. This Lulu guide is my first guide.
My favorite champion is Lulu and i have 1 million+ mastery points on her.
Everyone has their own playstyle and opinion about builds, and with this guide i'm sharing mine, be sure to play what fits your playstyle, and its never wrong to try out what fits you or what doesn't.
I want to make this guide understandable and playable for everyone, even if you are a beginner.
Have fun!
Summoner Spells
I recommend to take Ignite for a aggresive laning phase. This gives you a great opportunity to have kill pressure in lane. It is also good against healing champions (like Soraka, Nami, Yuumi, Dr. Mundo, Swain, etc) |
I recommended to take Flash on Lulu. This makes you able to have kill pressure, but also to dodge skillshots and escape from dangerous situations. |
Other options
Heal is good to take when you are for example premade with your adc, and he goes ignite or exhaust. |
Exhaust is always good and helps you if you have to lane safe. Mostly exhaust scales better in to the late game. Good against high burst dmg champs like assasins or mages. |
Start items
I prefer Spellthief's Edge over Relic Shield and here is why: Spellthief's Edge has 50% base mana regen, wich is really nice since you will be poking alot and the mana regen will help you to not get out of mana. With Lulu it is really easy to poke and proc gold for Spellthief's Edge. You can proc this gold by attacking the enemy, but also by hitting the tower. Once you collect 500 gold with Spellthief's Edge it automaticly upgrade into Frostfang. With this upgrade you unlock 3 wards. |
Relic Shield is a safe option. If you know that you have to play safe, for example against a Nautilus, Blitzcrank or Thresh matchup, you can choose for Relic Shield. This starter item is also a nice option if you decide to build tanky with Locket of the Iron Solari and Guardian when Relic Shield upgrades into Targon's Buckler into Bulwark of the Mountain |
First back
With your first back you can buy Bandleglass Mirror or Kindlegem. Those are a nice start for your next mythic item Moonstone Renewer or Shurelya's Battlesong. If you have some gold left you can buy a Control Ward. Having vision is really important so you know the position of the enemy. If your Spellthief's Edge upgrade into Frostfang, you can switch your Stealth Ward into Oracle Lens |
1st (boots) and 2nd item (choose)
Boots are good choice to upgrade first.
Its important to always upgrade your Boots to Ionian Boots of Lucidity Boots are good to have to roam, or its nice to have in some match up like Nautilus, Blitzcrank or Thresh. Since ability haste goes well with lulu, i always get Ionian Boots of Lucidity |
Moonstone Renewer is good for helping the team sustaining through fights. This item is overall a good choice. |
Shurelya's Battlesong Is a really nice item to engage but also to disenage. Imagine you have a Kog'Maw adc, and you want to run in, you activate the item, and give Kog'Maw your movementspeed buff with lulu w (Whisy), then you create a perfect opportunity to kill the enemy, or to make them flash away. |
3 item (Ardent Censer) IF you need it
Rushing Ardent Censer is also an option, even if you rush it or not, this item is really really powerfull for your adc like Twitch, Kog'Maw, Jinx. Ardent Censer gives 60 ap, 10% heal and shield power and it gives you and the affected ally 10−30% bonus attack speed (depending on target's level) and 5−20 bonus magic damage (depending on target's level) on-hit on basic attacks for 6 seconds. |
If you don't need Ardent Censer, you can skip this and go to the next one.
(3rd), 4th, 5th, 6th item (choose situational)
If you have a team that doesnt have on-hit champs, like Twitch, Kog'Maw, Vayne, you can skip Ardent Censer and buy Staff of Flowing Water instead. It gives extra ability power and short duration of ability hase (20 ability haste for 4 seconds) This is good if you have for example a Veigar adc. Its also an option to get Mikael's Blessing (for cc, for example Morgana Q) |
This item is perfect to protect your adc or teammate from CC. It also gives 20% extra shield and heal power wich is really nice for Lulu |
I really recommend this item since vision is important. This item let you carry up to 3 control wards. This is really nice to have in general, but even more against matchs ups like: Shaco, Evelynn, Talon, Teemo, Twitch When this item is upgraded from Watchful Wardstone into Vigilant Wardstone you are also able to place 2 control wards instead of 1. |
This item is really nice to have against heal champions. Like Dr. Mundo, Yuumi, Soraka, Vladimir. It also gives ability haste and mana regeneration so late game you will barely run out of mana. |
Redemption is also an option to buy. It gives 15 ability haste and a powerfull 20% extra heal and shield power. This is extra strong if you bought the other heal/shield buff items like Ardent Censer, Mikael's Blessing, Staff of Flowing Water. To buy this as a last item makes it pretty strong in combination with the heal buffs and the aoe healing Redemption gives. |
6th item
I really recommend this item since vision is important. This item let you carry up to 3 control wards. This is really nice to have in general, but even more against matchs ups like: Shaco, Evelynn, Talon, Teemo, Twitch When this item is upgraded from Watchful Wardstone into Vigilant Wardstone you are also able to place 2 control wards instead of 1. |
This item is really nice to have against heal champions. Like Dr. Mundo, Yuumi, Soraka, Vladimir. It also gives ability haste and mana regeneration so late game you will barely run out of mana. |
Redemption is also an option to buy. It gives 15 ability haste and a powerfull 20% extra heal and shield power. This is extra strong if you bought the other heal/shield buff items like Ardent Censer, Mikael's Blessing, Staff of Flowing Water. To buy this as a last item makes it pretty strong in combination with the heal buffs and the aoe healing Redemption gives. |
Other options
Imperial Mandate is a mythic item. In my opinion this item is not a good mythic for Lulu. But it can be build for fun, lets say when you have an AP twitch adc, or an ap carry on the botlane like ziggs |
Locket of the Iron Solari is a mythic item. If you go for a defensive build, Locket of the Iron Solari is not a bad option at all. In my opinion, this item goes well with the rune Guardian. Good to know is, the shield from Locket of the Iron Solari will proc Ardent Censer. |
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