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Kayn Build Guide by TheDrKlord

Jungle [10.1] Kill Them ALL! Guide to Kayn. Conquer The Victory.WIP

Jungle [10.1] Kill Them ALL! Guide to Kayn. Conquer The Victory.WIP

Updated on January 11, 2020
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League of Legends Build Guide Author TheDrKlord Build Guide By TheDrKlord 12,512 Views 0 Comments
12,512 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author TheDrKlord Kayn Build Guide By TheDrKlord Updated on January 11, 2020
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Runes: Rhaast Rune

1 2
Legend: Tenacity
Last Stand

Sudden Impact
Ravenous Hunter

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


1 2
Rhaast Spells
LoL Summoner Spell: Challenging Smite

Challenging Smite

LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

[10.1] Kill Them ALL! Guide to Kayn. Conquer The Victory.WIP

By TheDrKlord
Hi, I am TheDrkLord (BR server), my actual Rank is Gold I, I really enjoy playing Kayn and I decided to make a guide related to my main. I hope everyone enjoy it, i'll be happy if you comment something you didn't like, so I can improve it. Thanks.
. Full Clear Path
. Warding Utilities

. Pros / Cons
. Abilities
. Tips & Tricks

x Runes

. Items
. Gameplay
As Kayn you have one of the best clears in jungle,and with the new jungle XP tweaks there are much more options to clear.

FULL CLEAR OPTIONS(Red and Blue Side):RED SIDE: Blue Buff >> Gromp >> Wolfs >> Raptors >> Red Buff >> Krugs >> Scuttle Crab.

BLUE SIDE: Red Buff >> Krugs >> Raptors >> Wolfs >> Blue Buff >> Gromp >> Scuttle Crab.
Why Kayn ?

+ Very versatile for team composition
+ Great gank potential
+ Fast jungle clear
+ Can be Tank or Burst-Damage champion
+ Can dodge nearly any skill with Umbral Trespass
+ Good late game

Kayn have a weak early game and also have a strong jungle clear, provided by Reaping Slash and Blade's Reach, he can clear the jungle faster than any jungle and make some decisions with precious time ahead. Ganking with Kayn shouldn't be a problem, as he have Shadow Step that give him movement speed and you can walk through walls, creating imprevisible ganking paths.

- Weak early game
- Hard to come back when behind
- He's forced to gank in order to become stronger
- You can be damaged during Umbral Trespass by already applied effects like Ignite
- If The Darkin Scythe stack the wrong transformation, you shall wait 4 minutes to choose the correct transformation
- Mana thirsty champion

Besides her strong advantages, Kayn has strong disadvantages as well, being really easy to fall behind, he's very countered by grievous wounds, Shadow Assassin form can't deal with tanks and if you get caught by a Crowd Control you're basically dead.
The Darking Scythe (Passive): Kayn wields an ancient, sentient weapon that battles with him for control. Dealing damage against champions causes them to drops orbs that are automatically collected upon leaving combat, filling a bar above Kayn's portrait.

Once the bar is full, he can choose to either be overwhelmed by Rhaast or expel him to become the Shadow Assassin, based on whether he has damaged more melee or ranged champions, respectively. Once primed, the other option becomes available after 4 minutes. Kayn can continue collecting orbs for his other form to reduce the wait time.

The transformation can only be performed by interacting with Kayn's portrait while on the summoning platform, permanently changing his abilities.

Reaping Slash (Q): Kayn dashes forward, dealing physical damage to all enemies he passes through before flourishing his scythe, dealing the same damage again to surrounding enemies.

Both instances of Reaping Slash deal bonus damage against monsters.

Shadow Assassin: Stay the same.

Rhaast: Deals 55% of his total attack damage of target's maximum health) physical damage to all enemies he passes through before flourishing his scythe, dealing the same damage again to surrounding enemies.

Blade's Reach (W): After a short delay in which he can't perform any other actions, Kayn performs an upwards sweep with his scythe, dealing physical damage to all enemies in a line and slowing them by 60%, decaying over 1.5 seconds.

Shadow Assassin: After a short delay, Kayn conjures a living shadow at his casting position that performs an upwards sweep with its scythe, dealing physical damage to all enemies in a line and slowing them by 60%, decaying over 2 seconds.

Shadow Assassin grants Blade's Reach 200 bonus range.

Rhaast: After a short delay in which he can't perform any other actions, Kayn performs an upwards sweep with his scythe, dealing physical damage to all enemies in a line, knocking them up for 1 second, then slowing them by 60%, decaying over 1.5 seconds.

Shadow Step (E): Kayn gains 40% bonus movement speed, is ghosted and can ignore terrain collision for 1.5 seconds. Immobilizing effects will interrupt Shadow Step.

Kayn heals himself by upon moving through terrain for the first time and, if he's not in combat with enemy champions, Shadow Step's duration is increased to 7 / 7.5 / 8 / 8.5 / 9 seconds.

Entering combat with a champion after the effect is enhanced reduces the remaining duration to 1.5 seconds.

Shadow Assassin:Kayn removes slows on himself, gains 40% bonus movement speed, is ghosted and can ignore terrain collision for 1.5 seconds. Immobilizing effects will interrupt Shadow Step.

Kayn heals himself by upon moving through terrain for the first time and, if he's not in combat with enemy champions, Shadow Step's duration is increased to 7 / 7.5 / 8 / 8.5 / 9 seconds.

If Kayn enters terrain at least once, Shadow Step will be improved for the remainder of its duration to grant 80% bonus movement speed and make Kayn immune to slows.

Entering combat with a champion after the effect is enhanced reduces the remaining duration to 1.5 seconds.

Rhaast: Stay the same.

Umbral Trespass (R): Passive: Kayn's basic attacks and abilities mark enemy champions for a few seconds.

Active: Kayn can activate Umbral Trespass to infest a marked enemy champion for up to 2.5 seconds, revealing them and becoming untargetable for the duration. Reactivating Umbral Trespass ends the effect early.

Upon reactivation or at the end of the duration, Kayn wrenches free from their body in the cursor's direction, dealing physical damage to the target.

Shadow Assassin:Shadow Assassin form grants Umbral Trespass 200 bonus range and emerging from the target resets The Darkin Scythe's cooldown. Kayn can also exit between 300 and 500 units away from his host based on cursor position.

Rhaast:Upon reactivation or at the end of the duration, Kayn wrenches free from their body in the cursor's direction, dealing 10% of target's maximum health as physical damage to the target, and healing him for 70% of that amount.
Tips and Tricks
You can make Reaping Slash animation shorter by casting it into a thick terrain, making kayn dash an slash almost at the same time, reducing cleaning time.

You can use Shadow Step to heal yourself on jungle and gaining movement speed.

If you use Chilling Smite on a enemy champion you'll be able to cast Umbral Trespass.
Spell & Smites Usage

FLASH: Flash is the best engage and escape tool, you can flash to extend your Reaping Slash or Blade's Reach range to catch further enemies, even use it to gain extra range to cast Umbral Trespass.
CHILLING SMITE: Chilling Smite is useful for bursting targets as it gives a guaranteed true damage when cast and steals 20% of the target's movement speed for 2 seconds, which is useful for chasing him and can let you cast Umbral Trespass as it damage the enemy.
CHALLENGING SMITE: Challenging Smite is useful for extended fights, because it reduces the target damage in 20% and also deals true damage with basic attacks.
Kayn Pre-Form
Hunter's Talisman
Always go for Hunter's Talisman because this item damage the monster with skills and basic attacks, also offering mana regeneration, which kayn use a lot.

Refillable Potion
Refillable Potion is enough for Kayn, he don't lose too much health farming the jungle.

Control Ward
You need to take at least 1 Control Ward on your first back,it will give you control of your jungle and objectives.

Oracle Lens
You need to change your Trinket to Oracle Lens, it will give you control of your jungle and objectives.

Kayn Pre-Form is very weak early game and are forced to hit champions in order to get her transformation and become stronger, so focus on farming your jungle and gank when a good opportunity appears, remember to control the vision around objectives and inside your jungle.
Items & Gameplay (Rhaast)
Skirmisher's Sabre - Warrior
Skirmisher's Sabre grants you AD, CDR, sustain in jungle and fights.

Black Cleaver
Black Cleaver is perfect for Rhaast, as it gives you CDR, health, armor penetration, AD and a little boost of movement speed.

Mercury's Treads
Take Mercury's Treads when the enemy team have too much AP based damage or when they have heavy Crowd Control quantity.

Ninja Tabi
Take Ninja Tabi if the enemy team have large amount of AD based damage or when they are basic attack dependant.

Randuin's Omen
Buy Randuin when enemy team have more than 2 critical based damage champion.

Buy Thornmail against heavy healing compositions and if your team lack a tank.

Sterak's Gage
Sterak is good against heavy Crowd Control compositions as it gives you tenacity.

Adaptive Helm
Adaptative Helmet is useful against damage over time mages and mages that spam his abilities.

Spirit Visage
Spirit Visage is useful if you want to improve your healing power and want some Magic Resist too.

Maw of Malmortius
Maw of Malmortius is useful against burst mages, giving some handy AD too.

Death's Dance
Death Dance is useful against burt compositions, because some part of the damage you would take come in a bleeding debuff, so you can try to heal yourself and survive.

As Rhaast you'll be your team frontline, tanking and healing all the damage taken and saving your Umbral Trespass to garant almost full life healing. You are very good to make objectives because your Reaping Slash deal damage based on max health.
Items & Gameplay (Shadow Assassin)
Stalker's Blade - Warrior
Stalker's Blade gives you AD, CDR, sustain in jungle and a granted movement speed plus true damage when casting Chilling Smite.

Duskblade of Draktharr
Draktharr are the Assassin's best friend, due to giving lethality, AD, CDR and bonus damage to burst the foes.

Boots of Mobility
You never change your boots, because Shadow Assassin need mobility to have a great map presence.

Umbral Glaive
Only take Umbral Glaive if your team can't control the jungle vision by themselves or when enemy team have all your jungle control.

Mortal Reminder
Mortal Reminder is good for his extra armor penetration and for the grievous wounds that it gives, great to counter high sustain compositions.

Edge of Night
Edge of Night is useful against hard Crowd Control champions ability, like : Morgana's "Q", Lux "Q", because you are an previsible target and hitting these skill shots aren't that hard.

Mercurial Scimitar
You will ONLY BUY Mercurial Scimitar against SUPRESSION, great counter to Malzahar and Skarner.

Youmuus's Ghostblade
Yoummu's Ghostblade gives lethality, CDR, AD and a active that provide extra mobility for a short time, a perfect item for Shadow Assassin.

As Shadow Assassin you will act like an assassin champion(really?) you need to be careful with your positioning in fights, if you get caught by Crowd Control you're dead, Shadow Assassin is good for pick offs, her Umbral Trespass allow a good repositioning, as it gains extra range.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author TheDrKlord
TheDrKlord Kayn Guide
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[10.1] Kill Them ALL! Guide to Kayn. Conquer The Victory.WIP

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