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Recommended Items
Runes: Standard
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Threats & Synergies
This matchup really depends on the skill of the fizz. His e can straight up negate your r and dodge your q. Wait for him to use his e on you then weq/all in.
Good cc, be sure to save your weq for when he q's to ensure both q's hit.
Good cc, be sure to save your weq for when he q's to ensure both q's hit.
Champion Build Guide
Im a

I make this guide to inform newer players about how to zed but also to expand my knowledge about him. I have been playing zed for a while now and have managed to get 220K points on him. I can confidentally say that I know the champion inside and out. The main reason I started playing zed is because he has a high skill ceiling and a very skill expressive fun kit.
Pros: Amazing splitpusher High mobility Fun to play 1 shot potential Strong in low elo High skill expression |
Cons: Lots of counterplay Weak in high elo Weak laning phase High skill floor Falls off late game weak against tanks |

There are a couple of scenario's in which picking him can greatly increase your chances of winning:
In a heavy ap comp
Let's say my team picks:




A good matchup
Even though I said zed has a weak laning phase, don't get me wrong he's not talon in early game. He can still solo kill the opponent but this will mostly be if the enemy screws up/you have an easy matchup. If you get a good matchup on zed you can farm the enemy over and over and over.
That's just how the champion works, if you're 5/0/3 you can easily dive the 0/3/1

You're playing in low elo

The enemy team has a lot of squishy's

When to not pick
Too much ad in your team
This might seem insignificant and obvious because you always want a good ap/ad ratio right? Well yes ofcourse but even more so with lethality champions. To really know when to pick zed you gotta understand lethality.
Lethality cuts off a certain amount of armor based on level. For example:

Too many tanks in enemy
This is similar to: "you're in an (almost) ad comp", people are gonna build armor, lethality is gonna be ineffective and you aren't gonna deal damage.

We take this rune standard because not only does it work perfectly with your weq combo but the domination tree is also really good for

Taste of Blood
Some people opt for

Eyeball Collection
This rune makes you snowball harder, it's not the best rune for zed but it still is very nice. Definitely the weakest rune in your kit, if you want to switch it out you can change it into

Ultimate Hunter
This is extremely strong, a no brainer.

Presence of Mind
This is by far the best rune on

Coup de Grace
Gives you more kill pressure in lane, really good for diving and those

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This ability is really good for extended trades and all ins, it does a lot of damage since your enemy is probably building armor and it deals ap damage.
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This ability is your bread and butter, 90% of your damage comes from this ability. It's good harrass in the laning phase when your



This ability is used to gap close, land 2

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This does relatively low damage compared to

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This ability is what zed is known, loved and hated for. When you make an all in/dive with this ability be sure to have your w up for maximum dps. A mistake I often see with new zed players is they just use r --> e --> q. This is really wrong! Always have 2 shadows available when you use q (in an all in)
We take

W-E-Q |

What you should try to maximise dps is not have any minions between you and your enemy, if your q goes through a minion it will deal less damage to the enemy.
W-Q |



R-W-E-Q-AA |
W(behind)-R-E-Q-AA-W |

W-W-R-E-Q |

Early Game |

Now the question is, you have

So, you probably already know this but I'll say it anyway, lvl 1 you upgrade

Zed has a very weak lvl 1/2, during this time you wanna just get poked the least amount possible and farm with q. Level 2 you either do the same thing as level 2 (melee matchup) or you go for a wq combo trying to hit both shurikens.
Only do this combo once otherwise you can't use weq on lvl 3.
During the first 3 levels you don't wanna get pushed in if possible q the whole wave if enemy is pushing.
Level 3 is when you start to become a champion,

Into some (easier) matchups you get kill pressure level 3 when you start chipping away their hp (with weq and q's). When the enemy is low enough you can do this combo: w-e-q-w-aa-ignite. Once again, check the combos section.
Aight, let's say you just hit level 6, this is around the time you want to have your

Something I haven't covered yet is roaming. Zed is a very strong roam champion, I'd recommend primarily ganking bot lane because: most bot laners include at least 1 squishy (lethality good into squishy's) and botlane is always down 1/2 levels compared to you, this makes ganking when you get 6 very effective, just get 6. Push in the wave and roam to bot with your ultimate advantage. I wouldn't really roam pre 6, if you're gonna roam a lot be sure to buy

How much you roam depends on how ahead you are, if you are behind you shouldn't roam often since your lane opponent can just follow you and win the teamfight. If you're ahead a kill or 2, GO ROAM. Use your small lead to establish lane prio/crash into tower (preferabbly a slowpush

Mid game |
Split pushing
In the mid game as

Now I hear you asking, Ignix what do I do if the enemies don't rotate? Well it's simple, you ping your team not to fight and just take the tower.
In teamfights as

When your r is of cooldown you're looking to hit weq combos, favorably to multiple squishy targets. If both your r and w are off cooldown, back down or just poke with q (unless you're really fed)
Late Game |

The same rules for teamfighting applies to the late game. You might wanna change your build around in the late game for maximum dps. You ALWAYS wanna have either

I really enjoyed making this guide and I feel like I greatly increased my knowledge about

If you want to thank me for this guide, the best way to do that is to check out my social media, click one of the pictures to go there.
My main platform is twitch, I stream daily for ~5 hours usually starting 1 pm CEST - 6 PM CEST

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