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Great pair all around, Swain can root an enemy and jhin can re-root them with his W, swain can also mark enemies for jhin's W and during Jhin's ult swain can give some vision with his W.
Really good pair: ashe's slow can help swain to farm passive stacks with the W and as a good follow up to his root, also Ashe's ult synergises with swain passive (obvious i know, but it is a synergy).
Swain Root can help to ensure that Xayah E can hit, and the fact that she has a root in her can help swain to trigger his passive and farm passive stacks.
has a good combo between her trap and swain passive and, if done properly, swain can drag a enemy in her E, and her W can hel you hit your W.
Has a great synergy with kai'sa's Passive (both the root and the passive drag put one stack on the enemy each) for the rest is a normal botlane duo, the only problem with kai'sa because swain usually roots enemy in the minion wave kai'sa can miss her abilities to the minions.
if used well swain can use his passive to drag an enemy on a trap but that is kind of diffcult to pull of and it either needs to have a good comunication with the ADC, or the caitlyn to have really good reactive skills, for the rest the trap root can help swain to trigger his passive and farm passive stacks.
his slow can hel swain to hit W, his R can trigger swain's passsive.
has a sinergy only with the Gravitum, but for the rest there isnt much else.
can synergyze with her stun, but not much more.
swain passive synergizes with the tornado, but be really carefull because it can negate yasuo R.
her W can trigger Swain passive.
her R can be yuseful if put in combo with Swain R to get a good engage.
Swain dosent have much synergy exept helping him hit his abilities.
Swain dosent have much synergy exept helping him hit his abilities.
Swain dosent have much synergy exept helping him hit his abilities.
Miss Fortune
Swain dosent have much synergy exept helping him hit her abilities, but Her slow can help swain to hit his W.
Swain dosent have much synergy exept helping him hit his abilities.
dosent have any ability synergy and the low movement of swain makes him fall behind to the agressive and fast playstyle of Draven.
Great pair all around, Swain can root an enemy and jhin can re-root them with his W, swain can also mark enemies for jhin's W and during Jhin's ult swain can give some vision with his W.
Really good pair: ashe's slow can help swain to farm passive stacks with the W and as a good follow up to his root, also Ashe's ult synergises with swain passive (obvious i know, but it is a synergy).
Swain Root can help to ensure that Xayah E can hit, and the fact that she has a root in her can help swain to trigger his passive and farm passive stacks.
has a good combo between her trap and swain passive and, if done properly, swain can drag a enemy in her E, and her W can hel you hit your W.
Has a great synergy with kai'sa's Passive (both the root and the passive drag put one stack on the enemy each) for the rest is a normal botlane duo, the only problem with kai'sa because swain usually roots enemy in the minion wave kai'sa can miss her abilities to the minions.
if used well swain can use his passive to drag an enemy on a trap but that is kind of diffcult to pull of and it either needs to have a good comunication with the ADC, or the caitlyn to have really good reactive skills, for the rest the trap root can help swain to trigger his passive and farm passive stacks.
his slow can hel swain to hit W, his R can trigger swain's passsive.
has a sinergy only with the Gravitum, but for the rest there isnt much else.
can synergyze with her stun, but not much more.
swain passive synergizes with the tornado, but be really carefull because it can negate yasuo R.
her W can trigger Swain passive.
her R can be yuseful if put in combo with Swain R to get a good engage.
Swain dosent have much synergy exept helping him hit his abilities.
Swain dosent have much synergy exept helping him hit his abilities.
Swain dosent have much synergy exept helping him hit his abilities.
Miss Fortune
Swain dosent have much synergy exept helping him hit her abilities, but Her slow can help swain to hit his W.
Swain dosent have much synergy exept helping him hit his abilities.
dosent have any ability synergy and the low movement of swain makes him fall behind to the agressive and fast playstyle of Draven.
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