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Recommended Items
Runes: Late game rune
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Threats & Synergies
As Senna is very vulnerable to CC, she's very vulnerable to Leona, your AA range is the range for her to all in you. I recommend banning either Leona or Nautilus.
Champion Build Guide

Hello ! Welcome to my guide to

My Name is Solène, and so is my nickname, SoIène, I'm a Plat 2 player from EUW that started playing around 2~ 3 years ago. I fell in love with Senna just when she go announced, I loved her personality, her voice, her look and her abilities. Also her appearance in Giants is also pretty cool! I started spamming her once she got released and right now I have her to Mastery 7 with 40k points

and right now I stand with around a ~ 65 % winrate (in ranked) on her while playing her mostly Midlane and Support !

If I'm doing this guide, it is to share my knowledge to the champions, to make people enjoy her, and learn to play the amazing champion that she is !!

So, this guide is a guide for Senna, focusing more on her on the Support Role, as I think she won't be as strong in other roles after her nerf to come, even though I will still cover her in the midlane, even though it won't be as in depth as her support guide.
I will try to cover everything I can the most in depth as possible, but if you're tired to read every single thing of the development, after every part, I will try to make a sum up of what I said !

I guess this should stay in the introduction.
Senna is a champion that is quite strong right now, being a support that adapt into a carry or a peeling champ. She is also a champion that poke if you like poke champs, that heals if you like healer, a late game carry if you like that kind of champions ! Senna is a champion that has many playstyles that are strong, to please everyone. She is a strong champions in all elos and she has a lot of carry potential as a support, being designed to be a carry; so; if you want to solo carry games, Senna is a good champion!She is a champ that can be played to learn to play support and ADC as the same time, as her R gives you map awareness, your Q is a supportish ability and her whole kit will make you learn to kite. Also, she has a very smooth playstyle and she feels so satisfying to play, especially with True Damage!
So, why not give her a try ? :)

Pros and Cons
Summoner's spells and runes
Abilities and use
Item build
Playing in game

Pros and Cons
1. Pros - Decent early - Good trades midgame -Good scaling -High damage -Huge range -CC -Disengage -Big utility -Easy to escape ganks -Impact on the map with R -Can adapt to all situations -Satisfying to play -Easy to take visions with Umbral Glaive
2. Cons - Squishy - Get easily outpoked early -Vulnerable to cc -Low attack Speed -Forces enemies to buy armor if full ad comp -Banned a lot so impossible to OTP -Can't do much against CC tanks -Will probably getting more nerfs -Vulnerable to ganks if you have no wards
- - - Overall, I think ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |


Overall, I think you should either go


Dark Harvest:

Dark Harvest is probably what I like more as it allows you to get the two substains tree. While playing Dark Harvest, you should take in principal tree:

You can also go Resolve secondary if you like it more with

Dark Harvest is what you should play when you're looking for some late impact, and if you're really looking for damage, or if you just want lot of substain. I think it's pretty cool on Senna because it procs easily on her R and on her Q, and it will allow you to finish your targets with Q or R.

Press the attack:

PTA is also what can gives you the two substain trees. I personally use it most of the time as ADC or in solo lane, as it is easy to proc with Q + Auto + Auto and you can proc it early for more damage. It just lacks late damage compared to Dark Harvest.
In primary Tree, you want to take

In secondary, you should take Domination with

You can also go resolve with the runes I wrote in Dark Harvest but I don't really like it as when you go PTA, you're most likely to be a carry and not a support.

Fleet Footwork

Fleet is what I take to substain more in lane against poking champions such as

In primary Tree, you want to take

In secondary, you should take Domination with

You can also go resolve with the runes I wrote in Dark Harvest, as it will still gives you some more substain.

Summon Aery

Summon Aery is what you should go to poke as a support, and, well, be more supportish, as it will gives shield to your ADC when you heal him. In primary tree, you should go

In secondary, you should either go for Domination with

Glacial Augment:

Glacial Augment is a rune you can take if you want to chase as a support, to have more utility and if you struggle to hit your W, but if you don't need any of those reasons; don't take it.
In primary tree, you should go

You can also go for Domination second with


Out of the various runes Senna can use, I think you can go

Passive: Absolution

Senna's Relic Cannon is slow to fire, but deals bonus damage. She can power up its range, Attack Damage, and Crit chance over time by absorbing Mist from enemy champions she's attacking or from wraiths that spawn from dead enemies.
In depth:
Senna's passive is probably what gives her most of her damage, her scaling, or anything. It drops after two autos (Q count as auto) or when a creep dies. The droprate is higher on creep you don't kill. Each soul gives 1 of attack damage and every 20 souls, your crit chance will rise from 15% and your attack range by 25 (i think).
To use it correctly, you should try to AA + Q lots of time, and try to take trades once you get 20 souls. You can try to 1v1 the ADC when you have around 80 souls if you're AD. Also, try to get as much as there is on the ground, just right click on them, but be careful, you are vulnerable for around ~1second if you pick up a soul.

Q/A: Piercing Darkness

Senna fires a bolt that heals her allies, and damages her foes. Senna can keep attacking to decrease Piercing Darkness’ cooldown.
In Depth:
So, as I said earlier, Senna's Q is considered as an Auto Attack, so you can use it to proc your passive. You can cast it allied and enemy's minion, wards, turrets, jungle camps, souls and champions.
It will deal damage in a straight line of what you cast it on, healing your allies and damaging your enemies.
You should use your Q to damage, proc your passive as said before, and to heal your enemies. When you know you're safe, you can use it on your ally to heal him out of combat. You can also use it to damage and mostly to poke in lane.
In teamfights, as you will have a bit of CDR, use it to damage, and to heal your teammates.

W/Z:Last Embrace

Senna commands the Mist onto the first target hit, damaging them and then rooting that target and surrounding enemies after a brief delay.
In Depth:
Senna's W has quite a long range, but it's hitbox isn't "unfair" like Nautilus Q for example. It is the hitbox showed in the range indicator. In lane, try to hit it to take trades or use it to disengage: use your W and cast E, the time for you to cast E, they will be rooted and you will be able to escape.
Senna's W can engage fight: if you hit it on multiple champions, it will give a free engage to your team.
Try not to use it randomly as the frame where you don't have W can be a free engage on you.

E:Curse of the Black Mist

Senna dissolves into a cloud of mist, gaining movement speed and camouflaging her and her nearby allies. Teammates who emerge from the mist appear as unclickable wraiths to enemies until they either attack or get close.
In depth
Senna's E is something I talked about before.
You can use it to engage in teamfights: E and let your engage in it, and he will engage without the enemys having informations.
You can also use it to escape ganks, like I said with her W.
You can also use it to go to lane faster, but when you get to mid/late game try to keep it and don't use it randomly as it could give your opponent time to engage.

R: Dawning Shadow

Senna fires a global beam. Allies in the beam are shielded and enemies caught in the center of it take damage.
In depth
Senna's R is a global R, and I think it really helps you to have some map awareness.
If you see there is a fight happening in the toplane or midlane that will be close, R to shield your ally and try to target your opponent so the fight will be a win for your as you will have an advantage. In late, the shield and the damage can be really important, if a fight starts in the midlane, R so you shield your whole team. You can also R to try and kill a low hp enemy, but be sure from where he is because it has a really long CD so don't use it randomly.

To master Senna, you will need to know how to use the proportions of her passive with the every 20 souls and know when to take trades when you have enough souls. You shall use your Q to poke or to heal, use your W to CC/Disengage, your E to engage/Disengage and your R to look over the map and secure some of your teammates fights.

Starting items as support are always:

Starting items as a laner are either

You can also go for

Supportive build:
Senna's supportive build is to take when you have an hypercarry to peel (for example

When playing with the supportive build, here are the items you should build:

It is what you should buy first as it empowers your heal, gives you CDR and gives you some healing on your R too. It is a basic support item.
You can also build it even when you're not playing with a supportive build because it's still a good item who synergize well with Senna.

Ardent censer is what you should build when you really have an hypercarry to peel as it will give them more damage and that could be significient in teamfights.
It will also gives you more healing. You can also build it out of the support build when you really need to peel for someone, else you don't really need it.

This time, you really shouldn't build it out of the supportive build as it isn't the best item for Senna.

Carry / AD build
Senna's carry build is what you should go for as a Solo laner, ADC, or in support.
As a support, it is what you should build if you like to play as a carry, if you don't like supporting, or if you lacks AD or carry, like if you have an

With it, you will do lots of damage and scale really hard.
When playing with the AD build, you should always build:

Umbral glaive is really interesting on Senna, and really important: it gives you damage early and, most important, as Senna's auto are really slow, it helps you get vision and mostly to one shot wards instead of taking 5 seconds to take one down.
You should back with your

It doesn't cost much so it's a good item to go on early. You can also go for it in the supportive build as it really is a good item on Senna.
2: Duskblade of Drakhtarr or Youmuu's Ghostblade. Draktharr passive goes well with Senna's E and Youmuu's can be good if you want to go fast. You can go for either of those two items as you like. They are good as they give you damage plus CDR, and letha that can be good on your Spells.
Either of those items or an


This synergize very very well with Senna and is a must have in late. As Senna's passive gives her critical strike by itself, IE will give you more damage on those, and will give you more lifesteal in late as when you exceet 100% critical strike you get lifesteal.
You should always build infinity edge !

Situationnal items:

To conclude, if you wanna play Senna, you can always adapt, adapt your build either to your playstyle or to the game, you can always go for whatever you like, a supportish build, a carry build, or a mix of the two!

In laning phase, you should just poke with Q + Auto to get as much souls as you can but don't try to take trades too early, as you won't have that much damage in early, and most of the champion will outdamage you. (In the midlane, you can take trades early because you are most likely to win them tho, it's only as a support that you won't win the trades that much). You should back with Serrated Dirk when you have around ~ 20 souls and when you go back to lane, you can start to take trades. To take trades; hit your W and then attack like your ADC. Most of the time, you will outrange anyone once you get 20 souls so it will become easier to trades.
The only time where you should avoid taking trades is against strong early lanes like

Teamfighting as Senna can be quite hard when you're used to some hard dps carry like

You should either let your team engage, or engage with your W

Then, you should stay behind your frontline and Auto; keep your Q to heal as much as you can as you're more dependent of your Autos rather than your Q.
If both of the teams are low, R in the middle to shield your allies and be decisive on the fight.
In teamfights, overall, you should just
Try to take the fights as much as you can in LANE rather than in jungle, even though it differs of your team.
If you can't teamfight, try to take as much vision as you can and try to make some catches if you hit your W.
If you don't feel like fighting, try to stay with your ADC and take as much souls as possible, once you get around ~100 souls, you will be VERY VERY efficient.

Overall, you should play safe in early, but still take trades around ~10 minutes of the game, and, in teamfight, you should either stay back and heal, or stay back and auto like a carry.

Thanks for reading !
I hope you enjoyed this guide and if you have tip or review about it, I'd like if you could tell me !
If you like it, feel free to upvote it and obviously feel free to try out Senna in game !
Also, feel free to check out my

I hope you will have a good day !
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