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Runes: COMET
+8 Ability Haste
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order
Tailwind (PASSIVE)
Janna Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Stay behind minions while his hook is up and don't try to go for trades/pokes while it's up.
Perfect duo on bot, his Axes give him bonus AD and you can follow that up with your Shield, while keeping him safe.
Perfect duo on bot, his Axes give him bonus AD and you can follow that up with your Shield, while keeping him safe.
Champion Build Guide
You have to make sure that you are playing the laning matchup correctly, what that means is that you know when you are looking for trades with the enemy AD-Carry and Support. You should know when enemies have their abbilities on cooldown and when they are up again especially if the enemy support has a champion with which he can hook you. So in conclusion you have to stay behind minions and poke your enemies from a safe distance and be ready to stop enemies going on your support with your Tornado (Q) or Ultimate (R). You can assure that you win the trade with shielding yourself as you go and look for a trade, but keep in mind that your Shield has Cooldown and if the jungler comes that you only have your Tornado and Ultimate left to get in a safe position again. That's why warding is beneficial in the early game, since you can track the enemy jungler with comfort and know where he's pathing and then play aggressively.
Positive Aspects of Janna:
+ She's a lane bully. With that said you can make sure to win the laning phase and with that eventually win the game.
+ She's always played in every elo so you can't go wrong with Janna first pick.
+ Janna is beginner friendly since her kit is pretty standard and easy to learn.
+ She counters champions that have engage with for example Rengar when he ults, you can use your Ultimate (R) or your Tornado (Q) to stop the engage, but keep in mind that you would need to train that first since that's the only hard skill that takes to play Janna.
+ The champion goes really well with almost any team comp since you can just stay behind the frontline and assure that your team wins the teamfight.
+ Janna has good roam potential which can lead to carrying all lanes.
- The Champion itself does not have a hard kit to master but that does not mean that it is easy to climb with her since she is not always a great pick in every team comp.
- She's a squishy champion so you might find it hard against champions with CC or burst.
- Needs to get up close to land her Zephyr.
- She relies on teammates since she doesn't do much damage since you are going support items and not full AP.
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