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Recommended Items
Runes: VS Melee
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order
Mortal Will (PASSIVE)
Pantheon Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
You have to kill him lvl 2. Don't die to him. Even with 1item, if he goes bramble vest + steelplate it's really hard to win.
Champion Build Guide
The build is basically trading

You loose a little in TF, but you become insanely good at threatening the map, and particularly sidelanes.
Everything revolves around the

The AS let you have constant DPS, stacking very fastly conqueror on champ and stacking your passive on minions wave, for massive waveclear and great dmg on turrets and inhibs.

- Early game is the same as the Eclipse build : don't die, take the EZ kill if you can, focus on your gold income to rush your
- Once you have your
, the lane is yours in 90% matchups if you didn't fed the ennemy. Only threats will be Nasus ult, Renek Ult and other OP things like that. Care for ganks, and for
At this point, your goal is to take the most gold you can from turret plates. - When the ennemy tower is down, push safely and take all you can take from the ennemy jungle (you are very fast to steal camps), gank, take herald, all you can, but keep an eye on your wave and always catch it before it crash on your turret.
TF is not where you shine right now, you should avoid it if you can. If you are really ahead though, go spread your lead onto other lanes. - Late game, apply the standards of split pushing. You are a bit weaker in TF than the Eclipse build, but you have tons of options to still be good in TF (see below)

So, there is overall 4 types of champ you will be facing top : ranged, abilities based melee, AA based melee, and tanks.
Apply your fundamentals here : your goal is to get to lvl 3 with the most HP possible, even if you have to miss minions. At lvl 3, wait for your wave to bounce back, and all in.
If you don't feel confident about it ... well, you need to train this ! but you can also just wait for your jgler, or wait for your

Don't forget your

Melee: AA based
Tough matchups ! Champs like

...but mana is gonna be the issue, I often go for

Melee : Ability based
These HAVE to be your favorites with Pantheon. There are a lot of these champs that you can easily kill just by taking lane prio and lvl2 first. But there are some tough one, that have just more base dmg and more sustain that you (typically

As said before, you have an insane sustained DPS with your 1st item, just with AA and empowered Q. So the goal here, is to use the rest of your kit to negate most of their dmg ! Once their big CD are gone, you juste can blindly run them down : you will either kill them, or push them out of lane, in both case the punition is hard : fast push + turret plates.
Quick example with the forever top lane threat

Your E can also block his ult. If you have your

Melee: Tanks
Erk. They are the worst.

You still have an opened window early lvl, try to get lane prio, hit lvl 2 and trade them out of lane, you can even get a kill like that. But otherwise, just wait for your steroid, rush it, like really rush it : keep your TP, and as soon as you have the gold, recall, tp back in lane, and try to get the kill or force them out of lane, punishing them by hard pushing and steal plates. If you get a lead, you'll be fine. Your 2nd item

Eclipse build is better at TF
As said earlier, the lack of the

TF with this build
I think the "new" Pantheon is really good ad TF : with the standard Eclipse build and a lead, you can be unkillable with all the shields and relife from runes and items you can get, while being able to deal tons of damage. Your TF can often be juste a massive ult in the right spot at te right time, followed by 1 or 2 executions, then back off, get back your CD and go in again.
With this build... you will be more easy to shutdown in TF, so your plan will change a bit.
Your main asset in TF : DMG to stay alive
This build has ton of healing. I particulary like the burst of healing you get from the

In the ideal situation where you can rush a squishy target, combo him and take him down, you will :
- Physical vamp from
on all your combo
- Omnivamp from
- Burst of healing through
sheen proc
- Burst of healing on execution
- Cleanse all DOT from your
So the main key here is TEMPO. You just can't go VS 5 people by ulting in if they have CC. But you still can shutdown targets, and manage to stay alive. You have to be patient, to go in for the moove, safely go out most of the time full life if you secured the kill, and go back in when you can.
Your real goal
Be the assassin ! You can litteraly 1V1 90% of the champs that have no really good escapes like

You can also really fast kill offtanks toplaners and beaffy supports.
You have to perform outside of TF, by catching people alone on the map, or through bad rotations to an upcoming objective.
I've found

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