[12.22] Essence Reaver Nasus, not even trolling (Updating for Preseason)

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Recommended Items
Runes: Standard
+8 Ability Haste
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Threats & Synergies
Against any kind of lane bully/early game champs, chances are your early game is not gonna be too fun. Darius is obviously one of the most oppressive matchups for Nasus, so watch out for him. Ban him if you feel like it.
Any junglers/supports that have cc for you to follow up is a good synergy. Volibear acts as a placeholder, but he is specifically strong when diving and paired with your slow/ultimate.
Any junglers/supports that have cc for you to follow up is a good synergy. Volibear acts as a placeholder, but he is specifically strong when diving and paired with your slow/ultimate.
Champion Build Guide

Also, check out my main off-meta build -

Let's get into the guide, shall we?

Now, obviously, the

To create a panacea for his mana issues,

Combined with the short cooldowns of both

Obviously, the mana issues stills persists before you can buy


Why not

My brother in Christ, this is obvious. The item got gutted a bunch of patches ago. It's time to move on. The armor pen passive is unnecesaary since your E -

On the other hand, you got the holy combo

I mean, there are certain limitations. The most notable one being the burn passive, which can severely **** up your CSing and stacking. But keep in mind 2 things:

2. In the long run,



That being said,

Ah yes, the starting items.
If you are against a chill matchup, then it's easy. Farm your lane, get

If you are against a lane bully/ranged toplaner, then you are going to need all the sustain you got.

- Take

- First of all, buy

- Let the wave push in. You don't need the gold - you can farm that back under turret and later on in the game. What you want is the exp. Stay in range to earn exp and not get punished for overextending.
- On your first back, don't buy

- Always rush boots/an extra

- Next, if things get rough, buy items/components that is specifically designed to counter your enemy laner. For example,

- Your ultimate goal is to reach level 6 - when you have your

- After this, instead of joining in

- That being said, it is still better that you regroup with your teammates whenever an important objective is being contested, namely the

And there you have it! You survived depression! Good job:D
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