Hey everyone! My name is Luxeøn, or Drew. I am a Diamond mid/support main on the NA server and my specialty is Lux! I played mid lane in collegiate at my Univerity for 2 years being the starter for Varsity, played on casual teams as mid, support, and now ADC. I've been playing this game since S2, picked Lux up at around S3, and have fallen in love with her and have mained her since then (I have 1.6m mastery on her so im pretty dedicated hahaha)!
See below both my mid guide (or APC if you wish, I love playing her bot lane but not in the support role), and a little Lux montage I made a bit ago :)
To start off with this guide, I want to share that this guide is just a guidance! I discuss the runes/information that I feel is BEST for Lux and what I personally prefer/take/buy and I try to include various runes and build choices that deem viable. However, I know people do have preferences, so feel free to tweak some of the stuff (for example, you can take a different secondary tree than what I recommend if you feel like it!). If you want to discuss if any runes/items/anything that isn't on my guide, feel free to DM me on here, comment on this guide, or even add me on League if you're on the NA server! I'm glad to help you decide what runes to take or even a bit more information on specific matchups or anything like that if you want! Feel free to give it a + if it helped you in anyway or you liked it as well ^.^
With this being said, let's get started!!
Easy to learn
E can take farm/push when you want to freeze
Lots of Utility
Fully skillshot oriented with easily dodgeable abilities
Great Teamfighter
Easy Counterplay:, , , , , etc)
E & R gives vision
Long Cooldowns
Can shield the WHOLE team
Squishy with no mobility
Can play both a supportive role or be able to dish out a lot of damage
Mana Issues
♢ Arcane Comet is preferred here just because lux is really good at poking out, but Aery is a great alternative if you are going more shield based builds and want an extra shield on top of it!
♢ Manaflow Band rewards you by poking in a way by giving you a bit of mana! Once you reach 250, you get some good mana regen that will really help, especially in extended fights!! I personally don't see any reason to even tap into the other two options, unless you're vs a FULL AP team/bot and really want the magic shield.
♢ Absolute Focus is the go-to when you either are going full AP, and/or you go a hybrid build. I consider going this when I go helia + mandate bc comet + scorch + cheap shot + the bit of extra AP from this rune makes her a lot more pokey and dominant. Transcendence is still very good if you just want the cdr/scaling/youre going super shieldy and want all the CDR you can get!
♢ Scorch is the first choice here just because Lux will be poking with comet and this adds some extra oomph to your poke! HOWEVER, there will be many times where you can't constantly poke and proc scorch (ex: you have a vayne and they have a sivir and they'll just keep pushing you to your tower - which i would usually just tap into guardian instead unless im going AP support Lux)- take Gathering Storm! Gathering storm scales MUCH better the farther the lane goes on, scorch is only to create small advantages and more poke early on, but if you can't do that, swap! Basically, scorch for early game poking, GS for mid-late.
♢ I always say these are dependent on the team comp! The usual scenario is AH/AP + AP + Armor/MR. However, into harder matchups, you can also go AP + Armor/MR + Health! Remember to take armor or magic resist depending on the matchup! If there are two AP bot, you NEED to take the magic resist!
♢ Ultimate Hunter is pretty self explanatory, as Lux's ultimate is a lot of her kit and having it up more often is amazing! It also is pretty easy to get all 5 stacks early on, as all you have to do is shield your allies in order for the takedown to occur. People do make a valid argument that her ult is already low enough so feel free to take Eyeball Collection if you prefer, but I like having this rune since I use my ultimate very frequently and having it be 5-10 seconds shorter means more snipes/bursts/drag or baron steals! ♢ Cheap Shot is a great choice since you're a poking support. This rune + comet/aery + scorch is actually such a nasty combo, plus this rune does true damage! ♢ Ingenious Hunter is actually another really great rune more so for AP than support. For support, it does make your items a short cooldown, but unless youre buying redemption or mikaels, its not necessarily useful. However, for AP, if you buy crown of the shattered queen + zhonyas/banshees, it makes both of these cooldowns also MUCH shorter. Remember to only take this rune if you're buying those items and think it would be beneficial in the game, otherwise just skip it altogether.
♢ Magical Footwear This rune is really good on supports in general because 300g is a lot for a support!! Usually a supportive Lux doesn't upgrade her boots early, so getting them for free plus 10 extra movement speed is nice since Lux is pretty slow. ♢ Cosmic Insight is another overall great support rune because it makes your items and summoner spells have a lower cooldown. This + Ionian and your flash and ignite/exhaust/heal will be on a MUCH lower cooldown!! ♢ Biscuit Delivery This is a cosmic insight replacement if you dont really care about/need the summoner cooldown and want sustain in lane to win lane a bit harder instead.
When is this a good rune to take? This combo caaaaan be great because supports don't get as much gold income in general, and Lux can sometimes fall really far behind in terms of damage when going AP based because farming minions isn't an option. You get free money (and extra damage) from poking/bursting with First Strike. You don't have to pay 300 gold bc you get free boots, you can go in debt for items with futures market, and treasure hunter gives you up to 450 gold! It's insane how you get 1000+ free gold just from RUNES! There are cons to this over comet though: comet is more poke damage and the sorcery tree is very strong, you have a possibility of either not getting a lot of gold from FS or you get hit and your combo doesn't have that 9% because it's on cooldown, you have a possibility of not getting those treasure hunter stacks, and your poke won't be even close to what it is with comet + scorch + cheap shot in the standard build aka a bit weaker laning phase. You also could run into mana issues! However, you can possibly get faster power spikes and start snowballing, so it can definitely pay off! I would say use with caution and intent - if its a game where you think you can get a lot of procs, go for it!
When is this a good rune to take? This rune can actually be pretty good with both AP and supportive builds if your team lacks utility, as the glacial slow and damage reduction can be pretty massive. This can especially help very mobile champions be slowed down a bit. I have been more and more of a fan of this rune, but the big issue with it is that you have to land your Q or else there is no other way to proc it. Secondary runes are pretty optional tbh when it comes to this rune and depends on what your build is. I put revitalize + font of life because everyone who is both rooted AND hit by the glacial will have the font of life proc for your team, and revitalize pairs well with Lux's shield and support items, especially the proc of imperial mandate.
When is this a good rune to take? Guardian is a great defensive rune if you're either in a harder matchup and want survivability for you and your ADC, or if you're W maxing! This rune is especially good vs all in champs, since they will be looking to all in and this rune helps negate some of that. I don't put it as a main rune because I personally believe that Lux is great as an aggressive poking support, and this rune means you do lose out on a lot that lux offers and is really good at doing - and you become a full enchanter. Some will definitely argue and say Lux isn't an enchanter and any other enchanter does what she does better, and its a pretty valid argument, so thats why this rune isn't going to be nearly as good. HOWEVER, if you have success with and want to use her as an echanter/you think you need this rune to survive lane, pleeease do so! Also I put inspiration secondary because the other ones dont really make sense tbh but feel free to take sorcery for transcendence/manaflow if you would like. Cosmic makes it to where your summoner spells are up more often (Takes almost 50s on flash/30 on ignite/40 on exhaust JUST with cosmic, even MORE mixed with Lucidity Boots!) so it works very well with full support Lux.
YOU SHOULD TAKE THIS 100% OF THE TIME!! Flash gives you so many opportunities to either escape, catch up to a champion, dodge abilities, and more. There isn't any situation where you should not take flash
I take ignite in a lot of my games because Lux does pretty well at keeping pressure in lane, and using her zoning/damage/poke with ignite to score kills or knock out the enemy laners and get them behind is key. It also is extremely important because the ADC (or support sometimes) takes Heal, the ADC will have lifesteal, as well as a support like Nami having healing in their kit, and igniting the enemy means heal is 40% less effective. I take this in all matchups unless I need a situational summoner spell below!
Exhaust is a good summoner spell when dueling in lane with the other ADC or if their team has someone scary like a Rengar or Zed that can one shot your ADC. I only take this spell in cases where I don't think I can save my ADC and I need exhaust to save them.
You basically only take heal if your ADC isn't taking this spell and is taking like a cleanse/barrier/tp instead. I personally like heal since you buy shield power, which makes the heal even stronger. *Please remember that this rune is great but if your adc does take like a tp BUT they have a lot of healing on their team (raka), you still should take ignite).
First, let's look at what Lux's abilities do:
Illumination Your next auto attack against enemies hit by your abilities take extra magic damage.
Lux's offensive abilities mark all affected enemies with light energy for 6 seconds. Her basic attacks and Final Spark consume the mark, dealing 20-190 (based on level).
Light Binding Roots and damages two enemies.
ACTIVE: Lux releases a sphere of light in a line that deals magic damage to the first two enemies hit and roots them for 2 seconds.
Prismatic Barrier Shields yourself and your allies with Lux's wand on the way out and back.
ACTIVE: Lux shields herself and throws out her wand in a line, shielding allied champions in its path for 3 seconds. Lux's wand then returns to her, stacking the shield to all allied champions it passes through and herself.
Lucent Singularity Slows and damages enemies in an AOE bubble.
ACTIVE: Lux sends an anomaly of twisted light to the target area for up to 5 seconds, Slow icon slowing enemies inside and granting a 600 radius Sight icon vision around it. Lucent Singularity can be recast at no delay.
RECAST: Lux detonates Lucent Singularity early. If recast while in flight, the ability will detonate on arrival.
The slow lingers for 1 second after leaving the area. Enemies hit by Lucent Singularity are slowed for 1 second.
Final Spark Lux fires a laser that deals damage to anything in her path.
ACTIVE: After gathering energy for 0.5 seconds, Lux fires a giant laser in a line that deals magic damage to all enemies hit and briefly reveals them and the surrounding area. Final Spark triggers and refreshes Illumination if the enemy was damaged by Lux's other abilities.
Now, let's look closer into her abilities:
Illumination (Passive)
Level Up: Passive COST: 0 COOLDOWN: 0
Lux's damaging abilities mark an enemy for 6 seconds, and Lux can auto or use Final Spark to proc it for extra damage. Her ultimate procs AND resets the passive.
The goal here is to try to proc your passive after using your abilities by auto attacking the champion. You want to try to auto attack (if possible) in between your damaging abilities, that way you can get the full possible damage by procing her passive 2-3 times. Do NOT run at an enemy trying to proc it, it isn't worth it sometimes and can result in a really bad trade or even death. Remember that your ultimate does proc AND reset your passive, meaning unless you are sniping them from far away or something, if you're doing a combo, you should try to have your passive on them from your other spells before you ult, that way your ult procs the passive for more damage, and then reapplies it!!
You normally max this last as Lux support since you want to max the shield and the cooldown is decently short before maxing it, but max this second if you're going full AP for more damage
You can take Q at level 1 if there is any invading happening or if you feel you will need it. Otherwise, E is normally better. Always try to Q two enemies if possible! If enemies do see you don't have your Q up, they will try to engage on you since they know you're vulnerable without it, so when you use it and it's down, try to be a bit more passive until it's back up
I max this second but I do max it first in situations where I think I need it.
Depending on the game/my build, there's a lot of options for when to max this... sometimes I put 3 points in E first so I have poke and damage in lane before leveling W fully, or I max this first if I want to be a fully shield support (or max it last if you're going full AP carry Lux). Also feel free to take this at level 2 instead of 3 if you think they are going to all in and need the shield to soak damage up. Always shield allies when possible and don't just throw it out randomly, aim specifically for allies, even if you are the one getting hit!
Max this first since it gives AOE damage and good poke, as well as good zoning capabilities and vision!
I normally take this at level 1 but you can take another spell if you think it will be more beneficial. I really just love poking with E and then going for an all in at level 2, but that can't always happen. I max E first normally since Lux is good at poking the enemies out of lane, but sometimes that can't happen, so feel free to max W first if needed.
Final Spark (R)
Level Up: 6/11/16 COST: 100 COOLDOWN: 60/50/40
Always max this when you can, it greatly increases the damage and reduces the cooldown!!
I always get this at levels 6/11/16! The goal here for Lux support is to burst the enemy down to little, so your ADC can clean up, or using it to score a kill from someone who thought they escaped. It also can be used to try to steal dragons/barons! Also remember that this is a short cooldown ultimate so don't be afraid to use it!!
♢ This is a common harass technique used in lane, but is also going to be used out of lane as well. Notice how I throw my E and then instantly auto! Your auto takes a second to hit the enemy since the missile speed is decently slow, meaning you can then press E again for it to pop and your auto will hit right after, aka it will still proc your passive since the E did hit first! It's very quick and you're looking to poke with this (do be careful if you are in auto range though, vs certain matchups, you may only be able to throw an E and thats it!). This is also a good zoning technique. When you throw your E out and it hits them, they will be more cautious because they do not want you to auto them and proc the passive. Use this to your advantage- but know your bounds as well. Do not try to auto them if they are able to throw their spells back or else you lost the trade and this can even get you killed if they have CC as well.
The combo also works the same if you do: Light Binding➛ Lucent Singularity➛Auto➛POP Lucent Singularity➛Auto, as I did in the second part of this video. This is going to be another combo that will be used for trades, especially before level 6.PLEASE WATCH OUT WHO YOU USE THIS ON! You use this to trade but you don't want to aimlessly walk up to a Nautilus or else he can hook and CC you and you can die! Another cool trick to this combo in lane is to q a minion that is in front of the enemy adc or support (dont kill it unless you have to since you're the support and shouldn't be killing minions) and the q hits two people, so it should hit the enemy behind the minion too! This is a good way to catch someone off guard since they'll think the binding hit the minion, but then it will hit them too!
♢ This clearly shows the standard way of bursting an enemy down. When using this combo, I press QER and then press your E again as your ultimate is channeling (I usually press my E like 5 times just in case LOL)! I use this combo when I am far away and want to burst someone from far away and not get autos in because either I am too far away or I don't want to get close in case they retaliate!
♢ This combo is going to be used frequently- when you are close enough to an enemy to auto them. The idea here is to Q them and then auto them really fast to get the passive proc off, and then E>R instantly after. Pop your E as you're ulting so your ult will trigger the second passive proc, and then auto them after you're done ulting for the third proc! This is an extremely important combo since it maximizes your FULL damage potential (aka getting all 3 passive procs on your spells), but it also requires you to be in auto attack range of the enemy. You don't want to use this combo when you are far away or else you will have to walk up to them to auto them after Q'ing and then by the time you use your E and R, they will not be in the binding anymore and can dodge it. This is especially important if they have Mercury's Treads since they will get out of your binding early, so you need to throw your spells out before they do so!
♢ I used this combo on a scuttle since dummy's dont move, it looks a little awkward but hopefully you can still see the combo! This combo can be a bit tricky since it has its ups and downs. Some ups about this combo is that you get all 3 procs off and it maximizes your FULL damage AND utility! You can either pop your E immediately after ulting, or you can use your E as a slow to auto them a couple more times and for your ADC/allies to catch up to them if they aren’t dead already. If you do that, you still want to pop the E when they’re at the very edge of your E so your damage still goes through! I like this combo too because I usually slow them for a bit, and then they realize they're stuck in the slow, and they either have to waste their flash to flash away, or if they don't have flash, they have to completely walk out of the slow, giving my allies a chance to catch up and kill them. It's a great combo but you want to make sure to look at the situation. Will your E damage kill them and you NEED to pop it to kill them or else they can use an ability and escape? For example, you use your combo on a Malphite, but then you don’t pop your E and auto him to kill him, he can either then choose to ult/flash away, or he can even retaliate back on you (unless you have allies nearby, then he will probably just try to dash away/over a wall). Only use this when you think you can't kill them without the extra autos from your passive, you know they can't retaliate or escape, and/or you need your allies to catch up to them to kill them!
♢ The idea here is to throw your Q to bind them and then throw the E at the edge of their feet, like in the gif. This makes it to where Leona would have to walk through the whole circle to even get to me, and by then, I have escaped because she is constantly slowed. Notice how I popped my E right when she was about to run off of it. This made the spell 100% effective. Not only did I have the slow to escape, but I popped it right before she ran off of it so the damage went off as well. You can use this when you are getting chased/need to escape. Depending on where you are running from, if it's a choke point where they have to walk through to keep chasing you, you can always throw your E there too instead of at them directly.
♢ This combo is great if you want a really quick burst OR as you see in the second part of the gif, you can steal dragons or any objectives with it! Putting your E with your R late game actually out damages smite (if you're going full AP, your E>R might do more damage even mid game, depending on how much AP you have/the junglers level!), meaning more potential to steal the baron/dragons! I also use this combo when something like an Unstoppable Force from Malphite is used in teamfights because E>R is VERY quick and you will be able to follow up his knock up with a ton of AoE damage. The trick is to throw out your E very quickly and then use your ultimate immediately after, and pop your E in the middle of you ulting (I basically E>R and then spam my E key until I see it pop lol but you can just press it twice and it'll pop right when it lands). Not only will you do tons of AOE damage to multiple targets but remember that your ultimate procs your passive! Popping your E before the ultimate fully channels will give you your maximum damage since your ult procs and refreshes your passive!
♢ As you can see in this video, I showed you that if you're not in range for a Q and you see a good opportunity to bind two important carries in a teamfight or see some other type of opportunity, you are able to q>flash in order to get into range. The goal here is to see that pressing Q first and THEN flashing is more ideal because it is faster and it gives the enemy less time to react. You want to Q first because Lux takes a second before throwing out her Q, so you want to start up the animation and then flash. When you flash IMMEDIATELY after, the game will take the range indicator as where you FLASHED at, not where you were when you first pressed Q, and that is how I was able to get in range by using flash. Flashing and then pressing Q still works, but it gives your enemies more time to react (flash away, use a dash spell to dodge it, etc). Do note that you need to flash IMMEDIATELY after pressing Q- if you wait too long then it will not register your flash in time and the Q range will go from where you were when you pressed Q, not where your flashed position was. This is also a great combo to use for those important picks, but also do realize that you are flashing INTO two people who are ONLY binded, meaning they can still auto and use spells. You only want to look for this if youre AP and you know you can just QER and kill both of them without them retaliating, or if you are support and your team is right there with you. If you die, but your team kills BOTH carry's, its 250% worth it. I don't use this combo TOO often, but it is really helpful in teamfights or even in lane if the jungler/mid laner is coming to gank! I recommend practicing this in the practice tool in order to get familiar with how the combo works before using it in games, but it's an insanely FUN and useful combo!! The Q>flash double bind and then following up with E and R and getting a double kill feels reaaaaallly nice!!
PS: I love Bjergsen to death, he's my favourite pro player, but don't combo like him ;) RIP BJERG
Support Item
♢ Were going to look for Spellthief's in a lot of our games because Lux is fairly good at poking in lane and it rewards us for poking! I also really like that it gives mana regen, whereas, relic shield gives health regen.
♢ Relic is a little more of a defensive starting item. It'll give some health and health regen, and you can auto attack minions under 30% to kill them for your ally. I like to take this into lanes where I know I won't be able to poke a lot since we will be pushed under our tower all game or we just won't have ANY pressure early on where I can't get any gold from spellthiefs, and we can get our income much easier with this item. You normally want to try to auto attack cannons & melee minions since they give more gold, so you can stack your support item a lot faster!!
Sorcerer's Shoes > MAGIC PENETRATION
Magic Pen is important if you're going either more AP based or full AP Lux support! I also personally buy these if I am snowballing quite a bit and are going at least somewhat AP (maxing E). If I'm doing full shield support (W max), these aren't worth it and should look below.
Mercury's Treads > TENACITY/MR
I honestly get these quite a bit as a support since they're incredibly important if the enemies have a lot of CC. They're especially important in lanes like Leona & Ashe, where you NEED the tenacity to survive over anything else.
Ionian Boots of Lucidity > AH/SS
These boots I tend to buy the most tbh, as the ability haste and having your summoner spells up more often is just so strong! These can work in both super shieldy and the hybrid AP builds, as long as youre getting some support items. If you are going full AP, I suggest sorcs always bc 18MPEN adds SO much to your burst that youd be missing out on otherwise.
Plated Steelcaps > ARMOR
These are normally bought if they have high threats who use auto attacks as their main source of damage since the passive is so nice, and the armor helps since most auto attack champions do physical damage! I don't get these a lot since they're very situational, but they're also very important to get if needed!
Boots of Swiftness > Movement/Slow Resistance
These boots are great if you are against a team with a lot of slows (esp senna/ashe). I also personally prefer these boots over boots of mobility because it's more consistent. Mobility gives you 115MS out of combat, but the moment you get hit, your movement is SO slow (you'll go from 440MS to 350 vs having 390 constantly from swifties). Buying these boots ensures you will always have 60MS and it makes slows less effective, making it a better buy in my eyes.
Mythic Items
Support/Shielding Mythic Items
♢Echoes of Helia This item is absolutely going to be lux's main mythic and im so happy they brought it back (it was athenes before and works very similarly). You literally get to heal allies with your shield, on TOP of also it doing damage! You can easily buy this in both supportive/ap supportive/apish builds!
♢Moonstone Renewer With Helia nerfs, I still think Helia fits Lux support more! However.... this is still not a bad option tbh and there is a specific niche Lux build that uses moonstone>stacks>rabadons for big shields! You can read more about that build in the sample builds section.
Full AP Mythic Items
♢ Luden's Tempest: This is going to be the go-to mythic item for AP support, as it gives good stats all around the board. You get MPEN, some ability haste, AP, movement speed when you proc Ludens, burst- so much in one item!! Plus, you get more MPEN per legendary item from this item, so it's very good!!
♢ Crown of the Shattered Queen: This item is really good right now in general, but works very well in those games with pesky assassins or people who can jump on you. This item paired with Zhonya's/Banshee's means a lot of defensive resources, and you can even take it a step further by taking Ingenious Hunter so both of these items are able to be available more often.
♢ Liandry's Anguish: This is a good alternative mythic item if you're vs those tanky teams that you won't be able to burst down using Luden's with. It also gives ability haste per legendary item, which is great for Lux, but it also means you abilities are up faster, aka more burning from Liandry's!
Situational Items
Support/Shielding Situational Items
♢Imperial Mandate: This item is extremely good on Lux because you can easily proc it with your Q and E. This item is actually rushable over helia tbh if you really want to prioritize poke/damage earlier on over some damage/healing that helia gives. However, i recommend it in basically every lux support build if possible.
♢Staff of Flowing Water: This item also serves Lux REALLY well because when she shields, it gives her and allies AP and ability haste - which are the two most valuable Lux stats. They also just added movement speed to this item, which is really beneficial considering Lux is so slow.
♢Ardent Censer: Ardent Censer is going to be a great item to buy for your ADC and if your team has a lot of auto based champions (champions like Kayle, Yi, etc) and is especially powerful with hypercarries like vayne/jinx/kaisa.
♢Chemtech Putrifier: With the changes to this item, I actually really dont prefer it at all UNLESS you are specifically going super shielding support, which in that case, the mana regen and shield power is beneficial. If you do need healing reduction, just sit on oblivion orb unti late game, and then consider getting morellos or this item.
♢Redemption: This item will only specifically be bought if you are going full shield/heals and want a group heal every teamfight. You can even use it while youre dead! In general though, it doesnt give any AP and doesnt fit in the AP/AP enchantress style of buffing teammates, so make sure to only buy it when youre going full heal/shield mode.
♢Mikael's Crucible: This item isn't going to be bought a lot, but should still be considered. If you have an important carry that you NEED to protect (especially a scaling champion like Vayne/Kass) and the enemy team has a very important CC spell that you're able to cleanse, buy this item! It's a very defensive option, but it will not only clear them from CC, but give a heal as well! ADC's have the option to buy QSS and mages can buy a QSS/Mercs/Zhonya's so it's not used often, but should still be considered if needed!
Full AP Situational Items
♢Shadowflame: This item is going to be a really good item in general since it gives 100AP plus 10-20MPEN, depending on shields/their health state. Ludens + this item + sorc boots means a LOT of MPEN and a lot more damage to enemies!
♢Horizon Focus: This item works amazing on Lux since your combo usually requires you to hit a binding for a full combo, or Lux has great range to be able to proc this! I also love that it REVEALS them, aka this works great against champions like Twitch, Eve, Akali, etc. This item is a great first legendary item since it adds a lot of OOMPH to your burst, but also can be replaced if another important item is needed.
♢Rabadon's Deathcap: This item is great if you want a huge AP increase, as Lux's AP scalings are very high. Remember to only commit to this item if you don't need another item (healing reduction, magic pen, etc) since it's very costly and will take a bit to get unless you're really popping off and getting a lot of gold!
♢Morellonomicon: This item is going to be incredibly important if the enemies have a lot of healing. You can sit on oblivion orb and then just upgraded it at a later spot!
♢Zhonya's Hourglass:Zhonya's is a great defensive item if you need it when going AP since the active can save your life from just about anything, it can help eliminate an important spell like Death Mark in a teamfight, or it can buy time while your team is able to fight or reposition, plus the armor is nice to have!
♢Banshee's Veil: This is the opposite of Zhonyas- a defensive item but for magic resist]! It really helps when the enemies do a lot of high AP damage, and/or they have an important engaging spell like Enchanted Crystal Arrow or Rocket Grab.
♢Mejai's Soulstealer: Lux is one of the few people that can buy this item and get away with it. It is a very high risk high reward item, so don't buy it every game- if they have a lot of gap closers/people that can kill or assassinate you, your team is not doing well, or you aren't playing your best. You don't want to waste 1600G that can be geared toward other items. However, this item gives you the opportunity to snowball off of 1600 gold, which is INSANE, especially when you're a support who doesn't get as good of an income as other laners! I like to personally buy a dark seal early if I feel like stacks can work in a game, and then if I find myself having 8-10 stacks since my team is doing great, I'll upgrade it! If not, we bought a 350 gold item for a bit of boost that we can just sell for 140 gold!
Sample Builds
These are just sample solid builds that I frequently use, but PLEASE REALIZE THAT each game is based on WHAT YOU MAY NEED IN THAT MOMENT, so don't just copy a sample build and use it every game! Rearrange or switch out items as needed (or as you prefer)! If you need help deciding specific items, reread above!
Poke Enchanter
Pros: Helia makes your shields HEAL, good poke damage/burst damage in general for supp items, enchants your allies to do more damage with buffed stats Cons: Not enough damage to fully carry When do I use this build? This build is my ALL TIME favorite new build for Lux support, as Helia makes your shields HEAL when youre doing damage. I put imperial here after because it will increase you and your allies burst on targets, but buying staff/ardent to boost someone who may be really fed is totally fine. You may also buy helia + mandate and then just get like stacks or rabadons instead of another AP item. It's a good amount of damage, its cheap, it has enough CDR, and is so fun to play!
Damage + Shields
Pros: You get a mix of damage and big shields! Cons: Not enough damage to fully carry, expensive, not a very flexible builds When do I use this build? This is a very niche but really good build in a lot of situations! It is expensive and can be risky since you partly rely on stacks, but you still do a great amount of damage!! The point here is to buy moonstone so your shields are stronger, and then get raw AP to boost your shields!! You also take for runes: aery > manaflow > trans > gathering > cheap shot/zombie/eyeball > treasure hunter! The most important here are aery for even MORE shielding and treasure hunter to help since this build is expensive for a support! Also I put the vigilant wardstone as the last item... you might not even make it this far, but if you do - totally optional! You can go another item (void staff, zhonyas, etc) for whatever is needed in that game as the last item!
Items or
Full AP Glass Cannon
Pros: Full damage, can burst any squishy down, very very high damage and can be important if your team in general does mostly physical damage Cons: Very expensive for a support, no supportive capabiltiies, can be really bad if you fall behind, not much AH in build When do I use this build? This build is great in either those situations where your team is full AD and you need magical damage, or if you just want to be the carry and do damage as a support. You may choose between shadowflame or horizon either based on preference or on the speicif game, but if you need another item, swap it out (Morellos for high healing allies, Zhonyas/Banshees for a defensive item, etc).
When to Pick Lux?
1. Look who you are up against
Seeing who the enemies pick, as Lux struggles vs a lot of matchups with mobility or engaging tank supports, and especially with mobile ADC's who can dodge her spells, whereas, she does good vs squishy enchanters or immobile adc's/supports where she can poke them out and burst them.. Lux also has some good lockdown from her binding, good zoning tools, and some good poke in lane. If the enemy ADC doesn't have a strong laning phase or is immobile, make their laning phase worse by choosing Lux!
2. Look at what your teammates are choosing
If your teammates are choosing a lot of AD champions, Lux works well since she does have quite a bit of magic damage she can shell out. Lux also works well with teams that rely on attack speed (Kayle, Tryn, etc) because she can apply Ardent to the whole team. Lux does well vs poke comps as well since with Athene's, she can poke and heal people back up. She also works with wombo combo teams since she can provide AOE spells to assist in the combo. If your ADC is choosing someone Lux doesn't work well with, or your allies choose champions Lux doesn't fit into very well, consider if it's worth going Lux!
3. Your own capabilities
As you play Lux more and more, you will really get a feel for her. Once you start learning to master her, some of these counters won't be actual 'counters' to you anymore. That Leona who counters you hard won't be as hard of a counter as you learn how to position and carry as Lux. You will learn how to poke effectively or get away with autoing in lane without taking any damage in lane. Just keep practicing her! Normals are about testing your limits, figure out Lux's limits, capabilities, & positioning, and you'll become hopefully a better Lux than me ;)
ADC Synergy
Enchanted Crystal Lux
This lane is going to consist of applying a lot of pressure by poking and trading. When you guys are level 6, it's very easy to kill the ADC with her ultimate and your combo! On the flipside, you both are immobile and are easily prone to ganks. Thankfully, Ashe has a hawkshot to scout enemies and you should be fine as long as your warding properly!
Light Snap Trap
This lane is VERY lane dominant! Caitlyn can follow up your bind with her traps (or vice versa), which do a LOT of damage, and you guys have very good poking abilities because of her Q and natural auto range. You can even cheese at level 2 and Q>E the support/adc and have caitlyn put a trap down when you bind for an easy level 2 kill. Also, if you guys need to push a lane fast, E the back minions so she can Q them and kill them!
Aph and Lux aren't too bad together! Depending on the gun he has, he can follow up her root with his or vice versa, they have great burst/aoe potential, he can have long range with your long range, and he can heal himself from his red gun for sustain. Do remember that aphelios is weak early but becomes a MONSTER once he gets items, so help him get there!
League of Luuux... I mean
He does some pretty MASSIVE damage. You and him both have good "burst", as you can burst while he autos them to death, and you both have ultimates if they are able to flash/get away with low health. HOWEVER, communicate with your Draven at the beginning of the game because he can mess up your combo if he E's them- it'll knock them to the side and your laser will miss, so watch out and communicate that! Also, I know sometimes you have to take the kill or else you won't get the kill/he will die/etc, but this is a lane where it's even more important to let him get the kill since he gets extra gold from it, and a fed draven early on is a MILLION times more scary than a fed Lux, even if you're going full AP!
The Real Bot Lane Couple... I mean... Trueshot Barrage!
Sorry Xayah and Rakan... Or is Lux just the cover up for Taric? Haha, these two work really well together, even though Ezreal's early game isn't that good! When Lux uses her combo, Ezreal should ult and follow up with his spells as well. He is really good if they pick a Thresh/Blitz because you just stand behind him and have him use his E to get out of the pulls (or just dodge the pull altogether, but you know, **** happens). You also both have good poke, and you both have the potential for battle academia, so it all should work out!! Remember to help him push the wave and keep it managed since his waveclear sucks, especially early on.
Lux.. Two.. Three.. Four..
Maybe this matchup isn't exactly worth a 10/10, maybe 9/10, and I'm probably being a bit biased since it's one of my favorite lanes, but it is a very good lane! Your kit matches SO well with his! He can follow up your bind with his, or vice versa. He can poke with his Q. He should use his traps around the river area so if someone does try to gank, they'll have to run over his traps and you guys can get out safely (he or you can bind them from ganking since they're slowed from his traps). The only negative to this is that you both are immobile, but that's most ADC's! If you guys need to push, E the backwave. This allows him to use his Dancing Grenade to get all 3 minions! This works really well in lane too since the enemies stand near the backline, so a lot of times, his fourth dancing grenade actually hits the enemy! This is a lane where you won't need Ardent Censer, so unless the rest of the team can use it really efficiently, you can just skip it/replace it.
Super Mega Death Laser!!
Lux works really well with Jinx because they can both poke and have range, and she can follow up your bind with her chompers! Careful though, she's pretty squishy and has no mobility unless her passive triggers, so if she gets caught out, she might be dead! She also isn't the strongest early on, so trying to get her to 2 items should secure the bag.
Rendering Light
Kalista isn't the BEST with Lux because Kalista kinda requires someone to peel for her (she works best with tanky supports), and throwing a Lux into the enemy team is not the best idea lol. However, it still isn't bad!! Her ultimate does knock them up and then push you back a little bit from them, so it's really not terrible in those 2v2 fights, especially if you're not vs a CC support who could just jump on you. Plus, she can use her ultimate to help you escape if they do jump on you! Lux is able to proc her W passive really well and you guys can apply some good pressure together!
Bio-Arcane Barrier
This lane works well since Kog can get a ton of range from his W, his Q reduces their armor and mr aka you both do more damage, and he can poke with you with his ultimate!! He is immobile though and he works best with someone like Lulu, but Lux is still a good ally to have.
The Lightslingers
This lane should be another lane dominance because of how strong Lucian can be early on. He has mobility with his double auto between his spells, and your binding helps him set that up. You guys have tons of poke and your ultimates go fairly well together. He isn't the best scaler like some other adcs but you're looking to dominate lane and finish out the game fast!
Light Bullets
MF is actually really good with Lux because they both have really strong poking potential with Lux's E and her Q. When you guys get level 6, that's when the fun begins! If you and your MF have the same strategy, you can E the backwave (and the ADC hopefully), and then MF can use her Double Up at the same time to kill the minion and have the second bounce hit the ADC, which should bring the ADC down to at least half health. However, communicate this with your ADC, don't just throw E's out and push a wave for nothing. In teamfights, if she's getting ready to ult, throw out your E but DONT POP IT! You want to slow the enemies so when she ults, they will be stuck in your slow and more bullets from her ultimate will go through!
Light Rose
This pair is actually pretty decent since Samira can kinda protect Lux and vice versa vs all ins. Lux double bind/slow with Samira ult is also really really strong! The only issue with this lane really is that engagers can kinda abuse you guys, but Samira heals a LOT and you both are really strong. Help her scale and GG!!
Light Boomerang
I put this rating as really low because Sivir's ultimate does basically nothing for Lux. It can be used to help them get away since they are both immobile, but they don't really have much synergy besides Sivir being able to throw her boomerang when Lux gets a binding. Plus, Sivir can push the wave herself, so Lux doesn't really help with that either. However, sivir is great about pushing them into the tower and then you can poke and get free $$ while they try to last hit, so that's a plus!
Explosive Light
Tristana and Lux don't have any cool combos, but they're okay together! Tristana does naturally push and Lux can create a lot of pressure, and Tristana can bomb the tower or if you land your bind, she can follow up! She just does normally better with tank supports, but the Ardent does help her A LOT late game since she scales SO well! Peeling for her late game is key to winning!
Lux and Pray
Twitch is ok with Lux because if you bind one or two, they should be dead with his ultimate later on, but the issue is how TERRIBLE his laning is. He gets good range that matches with yours, but he gets DUMPSTERED in lane by any aggressive ADC and needs to somehow survive to mid-late before doing anything, so watch out.
Final Corruption
Varus works very well with Lux!! They both have poke range, and his ultimate with her combo is SO good. You guys also have a decent escape with your double bind and his ultimate, if 3 are chasing you. Varus also does percentage damage, which can be really helpful vs those early tank supports, and your poke together is pretty strong. He also has a anti-healing ability with his E that applies grevious wounds so you guys also do well vs healing comps. Overall it's a really strong lane! Also, watch what he is building! If he is going attack speed, then feel free to get ardent, but if he is only going lethality, you don't really need ardent, or at least not unless your other allies can really use it.
Light Hunter
Vayne doesn’t have a good lane in general, so Lux does help a bit because she can zone while Vayne farms. However, Lux and Vayne don’t have any fun combos they can do together and if the enemy team has an aggressive lane, it won't be a fun laning phase. Just peeling for Vayne so she can shred their team late game is key.
Light Feathers
Lux can set up the bind or Xayah or vice versa, making this a pretty good combo. Xayah also gets some range when she uses abilities, which if you get a bind, she can pull her feathers back to her and bind them yet again! Overall, it’s a pretty dang good matchup and it’s even better if there is an enemy Rakan support 😉
Void Light
Lux and Kai'sa are decent in the bot lane together. Lux can help Kai'sa push and they both have good burst potential. Lux can add a plasma stack when she binds, they can poke, and she can kite/peel for herself with her e and ult a bit, which is great!
A-K ADC Matchups
Ashe: The Frost Archer
♢ Watch what she builds! In lane, she might buy a vampiric scepter to build into blade of the ruined king first item, in order to have a lot of lifesteal to soak up the poke you're doing, or later on down the road, she might get a QSS. React accordingly!
♢ Tracking her ultimate cooldown is the most important part of this lane. She is going to try to use it to engage, but if you keep your distance, it can be easily sidestepped for flashed out of. Remember that if you are very close to her and she ults you, the stun isn't that long! The stun increases based on distance.
♢ Always make sure you and your ADC are hiding behind minions- her Volley can do some serious poking damage if you aren't careful.
♢ Remember that every auto of hers slows, so she will use those slows to kite.
♢ It's common that higher elo adc's take cleanse in this matchup so if they do, feel free to take heal if you want/don't need ignite depending on their support.
Caitlyn: The Sheriff of Piltover
♢ Caits are always looking to put her traps in bushes so watch out, those traps do A LOT of damage when she gets even just a BF sword.
♢ She will look to try to poke with her Q and try to auto you every seventh auto! Either back off a bit so she's forced to use her seventh shot on a minion instead, or if she is trying to get extra aggressive, observe the situation. Can you possibly use your shield to soak up some damage from her headshot, Q her so she takes minion damage on top of the damage you and your ADC can put out, and win the trade? Or will the support CC you and you may die? Press your advantages and punish her for making mistakes like that, if possible!
♢ Remember that you or an ally can block the caitlyn ult if needed!!
♢ Remember that she can use her net in order to dodge skillshots or to get away, so keep this in mind when fighting her!
Corki: The Daring Bombardier
♢ Remember that Corki does MOSTLY magic damage (his autos do 80% magical and his spells are all magic damage), so if he is becoming an issue, you and your team should be building magic resist against him, not armor!
♢ Also remember that he has the same auto attack range as you, but his R will be the only reason he can poke or out damage you unless you do get close!
♢ His W can unfortunately be used to either dodge your spells or buffer your Q, so watch closely! If you do hit him with a binding, make sure he didn't buffer it before trying to combo him, or else your spells will miss since his W moved him to a different location! Also make sure to watch this when fighting him too. He can easily use his W to dodge your binding, so be more careful when trying to bind him in this matchup!
♢ You and your allies will be able to hear when he has his package, but make sure to ping when he does! He may try to gank another lane or come to your lane and double kill you guys since the package can do a lot of damage! Also remember that the package dash DOESN'T count as his W dash, meaning he can use his W to dash again right after he uses his package dash!
Draven: The Glorious Executioner
♢ This matchup is a pretty dang hard matchup unless you're able to shut him down, and is even more scary if he has either an enchanter like Nami who can heal and buff his auto attacks, or a tank who can CC you to death while he autos you to death. In this matchup, not dying to him is EXTRA important since he can snowball very hard since his Q buffs his autos and his passive gives him gold for kills. Ask your jungler for an early gank if possible, that way you guys can shut him down early and then keep pressure so he can't snowball at all.
♢ When poking him, watch his movements. He is going to be moving to the location of where his axe is going to bounce, so throw your spells there! He will be forced to either take the damage to keep his axe, or dodge it and miss his axe. A lot of his damage comes from these axes so when it's down, that's when you guys have more leeway to fight him.
♢ His ultimate is global, but either he can command it to come back to him, or it will automatically do it after hitting a champion! Watch out, if it does hit you on the way going, try to dodge it on the way back!
♢ Remember that every time he catches an axe, he can use his Blood Rush, which gives him both movement speed and attack speed. This is his kiting ability- aka why having him not catch his axes is VERY important. Keep your distance, pressure him from afar, and punish him when he misses axes!
Ezreal: The Prodigal Explorer
♢ This matchup is all about pushing ezreal into the turret constantly and then poking him down under the tower. His early game is pretty weak, meaning keeping your lane pushed, punishing him for his early game, and then being able to get early dragons for free, tons of gold and plates, and closing the game out early if possible.
♢ Something else to note is on your first back, unless you killed them, keep the ezreal in lane AS long as possible! He will have to either choose to stay in the lane as long as you guys do, or he will back, to which you can then push the wave and back, and he will miss a whole minion wave. It's a win win since either you delay his tear as long as possible or he misses a whole wave. Of course this doesn't exactly work if he has teleport, but if he doesn't, its a very strong strat!
♢ When you go to throw a binding, watch out. He can use his Arcane Shift to dodge your spells, or he will still get hit by your binding, but he can buffer it so he dashes away! Either try to wait a small second when you hit your bind to do the rest of your combo, or try to bait it out before using your spells, if possible.
♢ If he ever does use his E to jump in, that's the time to try to bind and all in on him!!
Jhin, the Virtuoso
♢ Always stay back when he has his fourth shot from Whisper. He will try to get aggressive and auto you. Some Jhins do get cocky and will walk in front of minions to get that fourth shot. In that case, use your shield to shield yourself or your ADC from his fourth shot and bind him. When you bind him, he will take a lot of minion damage and you will win the trade, especially early on when his fourth shot doesn't do that much damage.
♢ Make sure to keep an eye out for his [Dancing Grenade]]! He will try to kill the minions with it and then bounce it to you or your ADC. If this does happen, make sure to shield the damage and watch out, he may use his Deadly Flourish as some follow up damage that will bind you!
♢ He is pretty immobile and the only movement he gets is from critical strikes, and his fourth shot, meaning early game he is especially slow. Bind and burst him down! ♢ If he does use his ultimate, look at the situation. Is a tank nearby that you guys can hide behind? Is your ADC low and you can block the shots? Are you alone and need to change the movement of your character so his shots miss? Analyze the situation and figure out whats best!
Jinx: The Loose Cannon
♢ Watch for when she uses her Switcheroo!. She will switch to her fishbones to poke due to the range and splash damage! Also watch out when you are around minions, she can auto them and if you are close, the splash damage can hit you as well.
♢ Make sure you side step her Zap!. It has a good AD scaling and can really hurt, plus it does slow, meaning she can weave in another auto or two for even more poke!
♢ Also remember to walk around her Flame Chompers!. Getting stuck on these during ganks and such can be troublesome (you can flash over them but be careful you don't flash on top of them). ♢ She is extremely immobile and only gets movement when she kills turrets/inhibs/epic monsters, meaning she is very easy to burst down! She does have a lot of range, but Lux's range can usually get to her!
Kai'sa: Daughter of the Void
♢ This matchup is actually pretty easy in lane since she takes a bit to scale and is useless if she doesn't scale, but is also a serious threat if she is able to get ahead/scale! Being extra aggressive and shutting her down early is key.
♢ The cool thing about Kai'sa is she can go AP attack speed or AD. Watch what she builds and build/adapt accordingly.
♢ Remember to dodge her W at all costs, especially if she's going AP! She does a lot of damage, it'll reduce the cooldown by 70% if she has enough AP, and she can dash to you from far away with her ultimate if this happens!
Kalista: The Spear of Vengeance
♢ First and foremost, I usually take glacial augment (read in the runes section for more info on what runes to go & what to buy) in this specific matchup, unless another rune is more needed. Kalista gets absolutely WRECKED by anything slowing her from her passive. Your E does slow but she can just hop out of it, so using glacial to auto her and then put your E down completely shuts her down. Remember, once you have her slowed for good, feel free to then keep your E on her for even more slows, and pop it when she's on the outer edge of it so it still does damage.
♢ Watch out for when Kalista has her spears on minions, as she can then auto you or you ADC and use her Rend- and if she kills the minion with rend (as well as doing damage to you), the cooldown will be reset and the mana cost will be refunded! Or, she might put all of her stacks on a minion, and then if she q's the minion and KILLS it, all of those stacks will go onto the next enemy in range. Don't be behind those minions because she can transfer those stacks to you, rend you, and it will do a TON of damage!
♢ If you think she is the main damage dealer or they have a scary assasin with her team, feel free to take exhaust instead of ignite. Exhaust is a bit overkill but it slows her EVEN more in lane, and then you can use exhaust to save your ADC from that rengar jungle or zed mid later on. However, ignite is still #1 and is very important especially since she does build lifesteal and is even more important if she has a healing support.
Kog'Maw: The Mouth of the Abyss
♢ This matchup is either not bad at all, or literally the worst matchup ever, but it depends on one thing- if they have a lulu. Lulu can shield kog, save him from your burst with his ultimate, & give him a TON of attack speed, and your shield isn't strong enough. The only way you really win this lane is with a very aggressive early game like Lucian and a lot of jungle pressure. However, without her, he's not nearly as scary because he's immobile and decently squishy!
♢ If possible, try to dodge his Caustic Spittle. It reduces your magic resist and armor for a brief period, making you more vulnerable.
♢ Also watch for when he uses his Bio-Arcane Barrage. When it's off cooldown, that's the time to initiate since it will be on cooldown and that makes up most of his damage. He gets range from it so be careful as he will use this to try to poke you or your ally with autos. If this happens, try to soak up the damage for your ally or yourself with your shield and then try to poke back when you aren't in range of his auto anymore.
L-Z ADC Matchups
Lucian: The Purifier
♢ This matchup isn't too bad if you also have a strong ADC, but if you have a very weak ADC early on, Lucian can abuse that and completely dominate the lane. In these instances, you just need to be passive and help your ADC farm to get to mid game where your ADC will then outscale him!
♢ Usually you want to wait until Lucian makes the first move before throwing your binding out, as he can dash and dodge your binding!
♢ Besides his ultimate later on, he doesn't scale nearly close as well as other champions, so try to kill his early game by either being able to create pressure, or just by not giving him a chance to snowball so he won't be fully effective all game.
Miss Fortune: The Bounty Hunter
♢ This matchup is ALL about not standing near minions she can Q bounce onto. Unfortunately, if your ADC doesn't pay attention to this, the most you can do is try to shield some of the damage, but you should always be aware of it!
♢ This matchup is a little bit harder as well since her W passive makes it to where she is very fast, meaning it's very hard to hit your spells on her unless it's down.
♢ Making sure to get out of her ult as fast as you can is key. Unfortunately, Lux doesn't have any hard CC to stop her ultimate but she does stand still when she ults, making her vulnerable (making her an easy combo if you aren't in her ultimate or you know you have the health to take some damage and the power to kill her with your spells for you AP Lux support players). Locket of the Iron Solari is actually really good against her if you are going full support, redemption to heal your team back up (make sure to redemption a bit out of the ultimate so your team will be able to run away into the heal), and your shield can help soak up someof the damage. Make sure to tell a teammate to hold off a CC spell for when she ults!
Senna: The Redeemer
♢ This matchup depends on if she is going fasting senna (senna is the support on purpose while a nontraditional "adc" aka not an adc like maokai, tahm kench, syndra, morgana, lux, cassio, etc farm) or if she is actually ad!
♢ Her biggest weakness in either role is that she is squishy and immobile, so engagers usually work best against her. Even though Lux isn't an engager, depending on your ADC, you have the utility to hold her down while you guys burst her (especially at level 6!). She is most likely going to heal up a lot of your poke with her Q unfortunately, but if shes AD, just push her into the tower and poke there so she's forced to farm under tower and use her Q for minions. If she is support, fish for binds when she tries to walk up to punish her for trying to get souls! Just remember, she probably has barrier and she has a heal, root, and her e can make her/the adc invisible (you can still see them but you can't click on them- spells STILL work on them, though), so she has a lot to peel herself or her adc back with!
♢ Her ultimate does have a long cooldown, ESPECIALLY early game, so always take advantage of that. If she ults top/mid to try to support in a kill and you and your adc have ults, you guys have a good window of opportunity to engage.
Sivir: The Battle Mistress
♢ This matchup can be a bit tricky since she can use her spellshield to block your poke and she can push you and your adc into the tower if your adc doesn't have good waveclear. You really want to poke her when her spellshield is down and look to engage on her when she doesn't have it. It's even better if your adc can get the spellshield, so you can use your full rotation on her. Just remember to try to get her spellshield before binding her if at all possible!
♢ Unless you can somehow can poke the support down, this is usually a relic shield game, especially if your adc isnt able to farm under tower. Sivir pushes you guys into the tower and you can't really poke her out, meaning your gold income needs to come from somewhere, and relic makes this happen.
♢ Always be careful if they have a really engaging team, as sivir makes this 10x worse. Her ultimate is very strong and with champions like Kled, you guys might be in trouble.
Tristana: The Yordle Gunner
♢ Be careful when standing next to low health allied minions so you won't take the damage from her Explosive Charge passive!
♢ Watch out when you use your Light Binding, as Tristana can use her Rocket Jump to jump away. She is similar to Ezreal with his dash- She might get hit with your binding but if she casts it before the binding hits, she will still jump, which could mess you up if you use your combo on her. I always just wait a second after landing my binding to use my other spells to ensure she is rooted (she can't jump once she is rooted until after the root affect goes away).
♢ Do remember that if she puts her bomb on you, disengage until it blows up. It does more damage the more autos she puts on it, up to four, meaning you don't want her to auto you while its on you! She can also use it on turrets and it blows up, so watch out if you're near a turret!
Twitch: The Plague Rat
♢ Pressure him as much as possible early on! His early game is trash but he scales really well, so you want to keep him shut down!
♢ Remember that he can't be seen through control wards when stealthed but he can be seen if he is too close to you! Always try to watch where he is on the map, especially when teamfights roll around! The red trinket will also reveal his shadow, but you mostly just have to wait for him to unstealth.
♢ Despite him being able to dish a lot of damage in teamfights, he's VERY immobile, so binding him and your team jumping and bursting him is key since he's so easy to kill!
Varus: The Arrow of Retribution
♢ Varus has good range with his abilities, but not his auto attacks. His abilities also have relatively high cooldowns early on so punish him for his cooldowns.
♢ Try not to stand or have your ADC stand in his Hail of Arrows. It puts grevious wounds on the target, which makes healing reduced by 40%. Same goes with when you have Athene's Unholy Grail- unless your teammate needs your shield or they will die or will take too much damage, try to wait until the grevious wounds is off to heal them.
♢ Feel free to have your ADC take Cleanse in this matchup and you take heal/stay ignite if you feel you guys will need it!
Vayne: The Night Hunter
♢ Vayne is going to be another matchup you want to punish her HARD early on. Unfortunately, she can roll out of your spells with her Q but if you push her under tower, she will be forced to use her q to kill minions so you can poke her then!
♢ Remember to not be near walls! She can condemn you, which will push you into a wall and you will get stunned!
♢ Vayne's usually try to farm sidewaves so you want to try to force the 4v5 and keep pressure all game so vayne isn't able to scale up!
Xayah: The Rebel
♢ Watch where Xayah's feathers are. As long as she can't pull them back with her Bladecaller she cant do much poking damage in lane.
♢ Watch out when using your combo, as Xayah can use her Featherstorm WHILE being binded, meaning she can completely dodge your E and ultimate. Especially later on in the game, not using your R when you know she has R can be great because if you Q>E, she might ult out of caution, meaning you can kill her after!
♢ Later on, if Xayah gets to you, she will be able to kill you very fast. Just always try to keep her binded and use your E slow as a CC tool for her and have your team jump on her or bait out her ultimate so she is left with no mobility or escapes (besides the usual flash).
A-K Support Matchups
Alistar: The Minotaur
♢ This is a matchup where you can decide if using a situational rune is needed. Alistar requires being in range to go in, so using comet to poke from afar is usually the best option. HOWEVER, that doesn't always work out since it also depends on if your ADC is strong early or if they need that extra protection early so they can scale. If the enemy adc very strong early ADC like Caitlyn/Lucian or an adc with sustain, you might need to swap if your ADC is immobile or weak early. Does your ADC have great escape like Ezreal? Take aftershock since Ali knows he can't combo Ez so he will be looking at you and you need to survive. Do you have an immobile ADC they're looking to CC and burst? Guardian works great here.
♢ With this matchup, you HAVE to get level 2 before or at the same time as them. A lot of Ali's will look to flash> Pulverize to knock you or the ADC up, and then throw one of you towards the enemy minions/turret with his Headbutt, where the adc and him can finish you off with their damage and ignite. Don't let this happen! Or if it does and you have a really strong ADC like Lucoan, you guys are level 2, fight back!
♢ When Ali is using his Trample, try not to stand around him, as he needs to be near an enemy to gain stacks and WILL stun you when he has it up.
♢ The main strategy here is to look at the situation. Did Alistar try to go in but the ADC is pretty far away? Damage the Ali as much as you can with your ADC and punish him hard for going in! Otherwise, in actual fights, you usually 'ignore' him. His job is to CC the target and be a meat shield while his ADC is able to dish out all of the damage. He can delay a lot of damage and CC from the damage reduction from his ultimate. The goal here is for you and your ADC to turn onto the enemy ADC and combo/burst them!
♢ If he is becoming an issue for your ADC, remind them to maybe buy a QSS. That item cleanses all effects, including knock ups, and with your peel and that item, your ADC has a better chance of surviving. Do remember that if you do choose to buy a Mikaels, it will NOT cleanse the knock up- only the stun.
Bard: The Wandering Caretaker
♢ This is going to be a lane where you just want to keep the constant pressure and poke. Bard's usually going to either take electrocute so he can Q>auto you to proc it, or he will take guardian, which is great since poke counters guardian!
♢ He is usually looking to do the same thing we can do with our binding, q a minion and hit the enemy behind it. Watch out for this, as this plus his auto damage after does a lot! Also try not to be right behind your ADC either, as it's very easy for him to q and stun both of you!
♢ He can have some pretty crazy engage or disengage with his ultimate, so make sure to not stay super grouped up and try to get him to panic ult!
♢ Also the other general rule of thumb is normally DONT chase him through his portals. Unless he just used his Q, he is going to Q you right when you go through the portal and he will be able to get away. You are able to bind him before he gets into it or you can hit him through it too if you have good aim ;)
♢ He usually looks to walk around the map to get his chimes so make sure to call mia when needed in case he roams mid, and use when he isn't in lane like that to your advantage! Just be careful, he can always portal him and his allies in through a wall!
Blitzcrank: The Great Steam Golem
♢ In this matchup, I prefer comet, just because his engage isn't nearly as strong as the other tank supports and you're able to poke them out pretty easy, plus his hook is a very long cooldown if he misses, so this is the perfect time to be able to apply a lot of pressure. Plus, you really want to look to poke from afar because if you or your ADC get hooked, it could be trouble. If you poke out the enemy adc, even if blitz gets a hook, the adc probably can't follow up on it if they're low/missing a lot of health.
♢ ALWAYS group at level 1 because most teams use Blitzcrank's Rocket Grab to try to get first blood. Group up to stop this and get your first blood with your team since Lux's Q is a great level 1 cheese! OR the Blitz will try to steal the buff/mess it up from the jungler, so pull the blue out from it's original position before helping the jungler attack it.
♢ If Blitz is able to run up to you and use his Power Fist BEFORE even using his grab, you are TOO close. If he does try to run at you guys, you can bind him and make sure to sidestep it last second!
♢ As a normally general rule vs tank supports in general, if you or your ADC do get hooked, you're still just looking to burst the ADC down. Blitzcrank will have his aftershock plus his passive, meaning it will take quite a while to kill him! Kill the ADC first and kill him right after! ♢ If you are going AP, depending on their team, Banshee's Veil is a great item vs him since he is looking to engage and look for a pick with his grab in teamfights!
Brand: The Burning Vengeance
♢ This is a comet lane 100%- you need to keep up in poke and pressure him back. He does a lottttt of damage, but you have the range and he is pretty squishy!
♢ The main poke from him is just his Pillar of Flame. You and your ADC dodging this is KEY to winning this lane. If it is going to hit, make sure you shield to soak up some of the damage!
♢ Remember that his ultimate needs to bounce off of something, so you want to stay away from your ADC when he ults and make sure to use your shield to soak up the damage, especially from the afterburn from his passive.
♢ Locket of the Iron Solari is a pretty good item vs this guy if you guys need it- as I state above, I prefer the tank to get it but feel free to get it like last item if needed.
Braum: The Heart of the Freljord
♢ Comet is the norm for this lane but feel free to take guardian if they're doing something like Lucian/Braum and you feel you need to help your ADC survive.
♢ Careful for his Unbreakable- it can completely block a spell, INCLUDING Final Spark. I try to wait until he uses this spell to fully engage on the ADC at level 6+.
♢ Try to poke him out when he gets too close or is out of position, and try to dodge his Winter's Bite, since that is his only form of poke.
♢ The biggest thing in this lane is to A. always aim for the ADC while making sure you only use your spells when you are able and Braum can't block it, and B. not allowing braum and his ADC to get the stacks for a stun. Your job is to peel for the ADC and make sure their ADC can't get in because Braum relies on his ADC to do anything.
Janna: The Storm's Fury
♢ Comet is great here since this is a poke vs poke lane and that's what you're looking to do!
♢ This lane is really all about who can poke/trade better. You should be using your shield to soak up any W damage she tries to inflict, as she will shield your E damage as well. If she is walking up, feel free to Q her and try to burst her!
♢ Do remember that you can't stop Janna ult yourself, so hopefully either someone on your team can, or you guys can just burst janna/whoever before Janna can save them with her ultimate.
♢ Something else to keep aware of is what she is maxing. If she's maxing W with comet, her shield is a really long cooldown early game and with no levels in it, meaning you're able to apply a lot more pressure. You want to look for q's and be able to q>auto>e>auto with your ADC because her shield won't soak up any of the damage, and even if she's maxing W, your shield negates a lot of it and you win trades. If she is maxing E, that's fine too, you just poke to get spellthiefs gold if you took it and peel for your ADC!
Karma: The Enlightened One
♢ This is going to be another poking lane where comet fits best.
♢ She is looking to just R>Q poke every time it's up. When you know her R is on cooldown, this should be your chance to engage.
♢ If you guys are engaging when she has R, watch what she uses. If you are trying to all in on her,she can Mantra/ Focused Resolve, which heals her for both instances of her W cast. If you're looking to burst her, make sure to ignite her so this heal will be diminished! You can even walk out of the second portion of it if possible so she doesn't get the second heal.
♢ Remember that her E does give movement speed and her ultimate E is VERY strong in teamfights, so always looking to all in or engage when she doesn't have her ultimate is key.
L-S Support Matchups
Leona: The Radiant Dawn
♢ This matchup is naturally a hard matchup because Lux does very bad vs tanky engagers, but I personally don't mind the matchup, as long as you respect the fact that Leona will ALWAYS be able to pick you/your adc out. Poke the adc out that way even if Leona does go in, you and your ADC can just turn on the ADC if they try to follow up the engage, or punish Leona really really hard for going in! ♢ Good Leona's usually don't look to engage until level 3 unless they see a huge opportunity, so you have free space to poke. Plus, you'll get W by level 3, so if she does engage, you and your adc will be able to skirmish back. Do remember her E goes through minions, so hiding behind minions wont save you- keeping your distance will.
♢ Her W does give her damage reduction on top of mr/armor, so that on top of aftershock means shes VERY tanky VERY early on.
Just wait until it's gone, and she's super easy to catch out and burst.
Lulu: The Fae Sorceress
♢ Lulu can be a really hard counter to Lux just because she has SO much disengage. Lulu can shield every time you poke, her ultimate is a great way to stop your burst, and her polymorph is annoying for everyone. You're usually looking to either if you see her standing next to the adc, E both of them so she has to choose between shielding herself or the adc, or you need to fish for Q's. Lulu can only shield about as much as your E does, so when you Q and E with autos and your ADC follows up, you either chunk her/the adc, or you guys can kill!
♢ It's even more important to see how she trades. Is she using her E offensively? Engage on her or use your poke when her E is down, so it's guaranteed damage that she can't block!
♢ Later on, your team really wants to look to burst an important target down HARD or have someone zone lulu out while you kill, because she can peel very very hard. Her ultimate is great against engagers, her polymorph is very strong vs assassins, and she gives a lot of utility to the adc/carry.
Morgana: The Fallen
♢ Morgana really isn't a bad matchup at all, just annoying at times with her black shield! This is another lane where you want to POKE, as morgana's only poke is throwing her Q out randomly, or using her W, which does very minimal damage since she won't be putting any points in it.
♢ She is annoying just because if you're fishing for Q's, she can easily spellshield whoever so they don't get binded. However, black shield has over a 20+ CD early on, and even with full CDR and all levels, it's still a 10 second cd, meaning you will have plenty of windows of opportunities to look for picks/burst! Sometimes it's even better to just poke with E and then if she spellshields to soak up some of your poke damage, look for a Q after that!
♢ If she is able to get close or she flashes to ult you and your adc, look at the situation. Does she have stopwatch? Can you and your ADC burst her before she gets the second part of her ultimate off? If so, do it! If not, make sure to try to walk in the opposite direction of your ADC. This makes Morgana have to choose between if she wants to keep her chain on you or your ADC. If she picks you, your ADC can then keep dishing out a lot of damage. If it's your ADC, you should look to burst the ADC or even her, depending on the situation. Feel free to flash if it's on you, but remember that she does get movement speed when ulting and the range is decently far, so if she is pretty close to you, don't waste your flash only to still be in her chain!
Nami: The Tidecaller
♢ Nami can offer some really good peel and utility, but she can easily be picked out/poked out! Her W is a really high mana cost and she's usually trying to use it to both heal AND do damage, so punishing her for that is key! If she walks up to try to W, you can easily fish for a Q to catch her out!
♢ Watch out for her utility from her Q and E- her E SLOWS and it does work on spells too! Her Q is very easy to dodge if you aren't slowed/CC'd as well!
♢ If you do need to dodge her wave but keep fighting, her wave IS flashable! She's usually going to look to ult and then Q while you're knocked up by the wave, so watch out for that!
Nautilus: The Titan of the Depths
♢ This is unfortunately a really hard counter for Lux, as most engagers are, but can still be winnable by poking!!!
♢ The biggest part about this lane is making sure you don't get hooked, as every hook lane goes. He hits the first enemy hit, meaning you can hide behind minions to save you! Just watch out, his auto attack can bind you, meaning he can still get to you even if he doesn't hook you!
♢ Make sure to watch the situation- don't flash away if he ults you if he has his hook (unless you can flash over a wall/into the team/safety)! He will just wait until you're knocked up and then hook you right after! Wait until after that to flash, if needed.
Pyke: The Bloodharbor Ripper
♢ In most cases, this matchup is usually really about just trying to poke the adc out. Pyke with his passive will heal up mostly all the poke you throw out.
♢ Pyke relies on using his Q to hook you before E'ing you for a stun, so make sure to stand behind minions since it hits the first enemy. If there are no minions, he usually will look to charge it up all the way, so just walk straight, and then right when hes about to throw it, make sure to sidestep! Make sure you don't sidestep early (as hes about to charge it), or else it'll be easy for him to predict your sidestep. His only other form of engage is an E>flash to get the stun off, so sidestepping is important there too. Feel free to get early boots vs this matchup if you're worried about dodging!
♢ Unfortunately, your shield doesn't save the ADC from his ult threshhold, so make sure to shield the damage when they're bursting! His ult is also an X, so it's pretty dodgeable (kinda hard to do!) and definitely flashable! In teamfights, sometimes flashing his ultimate is VERY good because if he doesn't get the reset, he can't run over a teamfight. For AP users, Zhonya's also works wonders for dodging his ultimate!!
Rakan: The Charmer
♢ This matchup usually depends more on the ADC, as a Xayah Rakan or an early aggressive/burst champ with Rakan can be deadly! However, Lux can catch Rakan out if he tries to go in and make Rakan play more defensively!
♢ Always always look to poke AND dodge his Q!! He will look to try to Q you and then heal his ADC with it, meaning it's important so your poke is more effective. This will force him to use his E if he wants to shield your poke, meaning he really can't W in or else you can punish him hard for it (since he will look to W in for the knock up and then E back to his ally).
♢ Do remember that level 6, he has a charm AND a knock up, meaning you and your ADC are prone to ganks/all ins! His charm is only 1 second at level 6, meaning if NEEDED, you can always flash away before he knocks you up with his W so you can reposition! As any engager works, if he tries to all in with the ADC, just turn on the ADC and burst them!
Sona: Maven of the Strings
♢ This matchup isn't hard at all since Sona is really weak early and you can punish her HARD! Watch what she is maxing and play accordingly! If she is maxing Q, just play the poke game and poke her out since her W will be weak and make sure to ALWAYS Q her or punish her somehow for walking up to try to poke with her Q! If she maxes W, it kinda counters your poke a bit, so you're looking for more big trades, that way if she wants to heal her or the adc up, she has to use a lot of mana for her W's!
♢ This is a matchup where you can most likely look to all in on her at level 2/3. She is VERY squishy early on and a combo with ignite can usually do the trick.
♢ She is squishy and an easy matchup, but still WATCH OUT!! Her flash ultimate can be a VERY good tool in fights, her utility later on is actually very strong since she can shield and heal the whole team with her W and give MS. Make sure to always watch what spell she's using with her passive too! Her Q just does more damage with her auto, her W gives that enemy damage reduction (a good sona will know to put it on you when you're combo'ing or the damage dealer), and her E SLOWS, meaning she can catch out pretty easy!
Soraka: The Starchild
♢ This matchup consists of POKE POKE POKE and making sure you and your ADC dodge her Q! Dodging her Q is EXTREMELY important!!! It heals her up, meaning she can heal up the poke you do, or if she heals the adc while she has her Q heal on, it'll put the dot heal on the adc too (on top of her W costing less health!). DODGING. RAKAS. Q. IS. SO. IMPORTANT!!!!!
♢ This is also a matchup where you need healing reduction. Hope and pray you ADC gets an executioners at some point, but if they don't, feel free to get Morellos! It's actually great since you have AOE spells, so applying the healing reduction on everyone is super nice.
♢ Always remember to use your range and all in when possible. Watch out though, raka will have ult and probably barrier too, so careful not to get baited into that!
Swain: The Noxian Grand General
♢ This matchup is all about poking and dodging!! When he hits a champion with spells, he gets souls, and those souls turn into healing, so making sure he doesn't land his spells is key! Use your range and poke poke poke! His form of poke is his E or his Q! His E is a skillshot that can easily be dodgeable, and his Q is a pretty short range.
♢ Do remember that if you're looking to burst him, once he has his ultimate, he gets health/healing instantly, so always make sure to keep that in mind. In teamfights, you want to make sure you and your team aren't sitting in his ultimate, as it heals him on TOP of adding more damage to the explosion part of his ultimate. If needed, peel back and reengage when his ultimate is down. Do remember that his ult still heals/goes off if hes in zhonyas!
♢ if he starts to get out of hand/his team is also very heal-y, feel free to pick up a morellonomicon for you AP users or sometimes I'll even go supportive and still get a morellos if it's absolutely necessary.
T-Z Support Matchups
Tahm Kench: The River King
♢ This matchup can be kinda tricky since Tahm is a huge disengager. You should still aim for the ADC since killing Tahm will take a LOT longer with his shield, but also be very patient in this lane. If you try to combo the ADC, he is going to eat the ADC so avoid your burst damage, so baiting out his eat is key to winning this lane.
♢ He has a lot of healing and shielding, so make sure to aim for higher priority targets first, or if he is trying to jump on a carry, bind and slow him since he doesn't have any gapclosers so he requires slowing the target and then moving into auto attack range.
♢ As above, his only form of "engage" is getting a lick off to slow you, and then autoing you until he gets 3 stacks and can eat you. Lux has the necessary tools to peel him off- just make sure to not pop your E immediately so he will walk on the full slow duration of your E.
Taric: The Shield of Valoran
♢ Poke poke poke. Taric can heal and shield a bit but he uses mana frequently and having to heal him and his ADC a lot can make him really mana hungry.
♢ His only form of engage is stunning you, which he can flash in order for it to hit, so watch out! As long as you're out of range and poke from afar, you should be fine.
♢ When he uses his ultimate in teamfights, make sure to put your E down to slow the enemies and disengage, and then when it's done, your team should reengage. In lane, you want to look to burst before the ult goes off, since it takes 2.5 seconds in order for the invulnerability to come.
Thresh: The Chain Warden
♢ This is going to be a lane where you want to keep your distance and poke from afar! Make thresh use his full ranged hook, it's much easier to dodge!
♢ Watch out if he misses you or your ally but hooks a minion nearby, he can still go to that minion and then flay one or both of you!
♢ If possible, always try to track the jungler and ward, as thresh can throw his lantern out behind him/over walls to bring the jungler into the lane for an easy gank!
♢ If you think you're going to get hit by the hook, please just FLASH!!!! before you get hit!! Especially later on in the game, when the team has more damage and follow up. Too many people greed their flash, and then get hooked into flayed into slowed by the box, and then try to flash out but can't get out because they're CC'd for so long! Thresh is known for catches with his hook, so always watch out! If an ally gets hooked, the most you can do is just shield them and try to throw your spells at any enemies near him, so they can't
assist in helping his pick!
Vel'Koz: The Eye of the Void
♢ This lane will be about who can poke poke poke and burst better! He unfortunately can poke quite a bit more since he has lower cooldowns and much lower mana costs, but his spells are pretty easy to dodge!
♢ The biggest thing is to watch for his Q poke and shield it up if possible, and then not get his by his Tectonic Disruption, as he can burst/full spell rotate you or your ADC and kill. He himself is also squishy so you can always fish for Q's and burst him back!
♢ He can do massive amounts of damage, especially at safe locations like Lux can, so watch out! However, like Lux, he is very vulnerable to CC/gapclosers! He also has no defensive capabilities, whereas, Lux does have a shield to protect her team!
Xerath: The Magus Ascendent
♢ Like Vel, this is going to be another lane of who can poke out/burst who!! His Q is on a higher mana cooldown like Lux's E is, but his passive helps him recover some of that. If possible, try not to let him auto you, as he gets more mana if he autos champions vs minions!
♢ His abiltiies are very staightforward, but his Q can be sometimes annoying to dodge. Soaking up some of that poke and poking back is key.
♢ Always remember to dodge his Shocking Orb, as he can follow him on his other abilities and chunk you, then ult as you or your ADC tries to run away! His ultimate is not too hard to dodge but can definitely be hard if you're getting chased.
♢ He is squishy and Lux can definitely burst him easy, especially AP Lux. He stands still during his ultimate so if you can get close enough or throw you spells through a wall to hit him, go for it! Either you can kill it, or he will cancel his ultimate!
Yuumi: The Magical Cat
♢ This cat can be really annoying with her Q poke mixed with all of the heals she can give, and she scales REALLY hard on the healing portion. Always make sure your team has healing reduction and feel free to go AP/get morellos if needed!
♢ the biggest part about this lane is making sure she doesn't get out of her ally and auto you or your ADC. She gets a TON of mana back, and her mana early on is kinda dog, so poking them out and making sure she can't heal it up is key! If she does get out to try to auto, remember your binding (or any CC) means she can't get back in someone for 5 seconds, so you're able to chunk or burst her completely for doing so!
♢ You're really looking to push the wave and poke if possible. Every Yuumi basically takes spellthiefs, but requires her autos and Q to poke, meaning not giving her that opportunity puts her behind. Any advantages count since this cat can get out of hand, especially if she gets on a Vladimir or other high prio/healing target later on in the game.
♢ Also make sure to use your spells to disengage when yuumi ults. Her ult needs to hit someone 3 times for the stun, but a scary engage like Yuumi/Kennen can be devastating!
Zilean: The Chronokeeper
♢ When Zilean throws a bomb on you or you ally, make sure to shield the damage! You should throw your wand immediately, so that way both of your shields are stacked on the person with the bomb!
♢ He is like, INSANELY squishy early on, so you can definitely look to level 2 or 3 him easily. He doesn't get scary until he's level 6, when he can save himself or an ally, making it harder to 2v2. If possible, try to rush level 6 first and then full combo before they have a chance to level.
♢ Zilean is squishy but can be VERY annoying, as his double bombs create HUGE zoning tools/huge stuns in teamfights and can do a good amount of damage, on top of him being able to either speed up a scary target like Kennen, or slow your carry by a LOT, making it easy for his team to catch up and kill that target.
♢ You can always bait his ultimate or wait it out! If the target is low and running away, just wait until the ultimate runs out and then ult them! Or, just Q and E the target if he has ult, wait until you bait out the ultimate, and then aim for another target!
Zyra: Rise of the Thorns
♢ Zyra is going to look to mainly try to poke with her Q and bringing her plants to life with her abilities. If the plants are in the way, a simple auto from you and you ADC destroys it.
♢ Her combo is similar to Lux's, as she looks for a root and then can use the rest of her spells to follow up. Watch out, as her E DOES go through minions!
♢ Her spells are easily flashable and she is very squishy. She can dish out quite a bit of burst damage, but can only take so much burst damage. Use this to your advantage!
♢ Always use your shield to soak up her poke/burst damage and watch out for her 'disengage' with her E/R in teamfights, as it can be scary in teamfights!
♢Early Game:
First and foremost, make sure to leash your jungler if they need it, and then head to lane. When walking to lane, you need to watch out for two things right off the bat!! One, see if the bot lane shows early. If they didn't leash their jungler, they will be able to push the wave and get level 2 before you guys do, and you need to be careful when this happens because they can try to all in on you level 2! Second, if they don't show immediately, still watch out! They could possibly still not need to leash their jungler (Shaco, Ivern, etc) and could cheese in the bush you guys have to walk through to get. It might be a good idea in these certain instances to take the "longer way" (blue side is wrap around and pass the golems, red side is walk through the tri and past your turret to get there) unless you think you and your ADC have a stronger level 1. Now that you've made it to lane, you're looking to push to level 2 at the same time or even before them so you have the advantage (level 2 will be all of the first wave and then the first three melee minions). WATCH OUT if their support is someone like Thresh who will take relic shield to push faster and then can get level 2 and try to all in on you and the ADC! You should try to push the wave level 1 by hitting your E by poking, but also hitting the minions (and autoing the minions if needed). Once you're safe from that, look to poke with E, auto when you can, and skirmish/all in when you can by landing Q's!
First drake spawns at 5 minutes into the game. If you and your ADC have the advantage, you guys want to either push the wave and head over there with your jungler in order to secure the first dragon. If you and/or your ADC need to buy or get health/mana before the dragon, back about 45 seconds before you guys are ready for the dragon and then come back and push the wave. This applies to all dragons, not just the first one! If you guys don't have the advantage and your jungler is on the other side of the map, see if you can maybe just ward it, or even try to ward it a bit before! They might still get the dragon (unless the jungler doesn't have smite and maybe you can steal it!), but this gives your jungler the vision to see where the other jungler is, meaning your jungler can then either invade his jungle and take XP/farm from him, or they can do the rift herald in exchange for the dragon! As far as roaming goes, Lux isn't the BEST roamer compared to other engager roamer supports, but she can still make a difference. If your laner isn't in lane and something is happening mid, or you know you can kill the mid laner with your own mid laner, feel free to do so! Or you can even just run through the jungle, throw your ultimate real fast to help, and then run back to lane!
♢Mid/Late Game:
Mid-late game, your main job as a support and as Lux is a couple things: Shield all allies in fights if possible, use your utility to bind and slow enemies in fights (keep your E down for the slow if they're running away/towards your team), use your ultimate for good AOE damage, and be able to ward/clear out wards, especially near objectives. With wards, you want to look and see where your team is going to be. Is a dragon coming up? Ward botside and try to ward into their jungle, if possible. You might need to ask your jungler/anyone else to go with you so you guys can sweep and set up vision. Is a dragon not up but a baron is about to be? Use all your vision topside and then either 5 man topside, or your top laner will probably be botside keeping pressure while you guys keep pressure top. If they all go towards your top laner, you guys are able to either push and get turrets/inhibitors, or even do baron (inhib>baron in basically all cases). If they try to all in on you guys, either your top laner will tp and you guys can 5v5 it out, or you guys may die but you should stall as long as you can so your top laner can get the turret/inhibitor! With all of this, warding is EXTREMELY important to know where the enemies are and what their gameplan is, and you using your utility and AOE damage to help and turn teamfights is incredibly important!
Teamfights normally depend on what your team comp looks like vs theirs. Do they have a crazy wombo combo? You guys probably don't want to group as 5 and want to create pressure elsewhere instead. Does your team have a crazy wombo? Prepare to use your ultimate when they wombo and shield them as you guys fight. Is your team a pick comp? Stay behind the tanks but always look for a Q or if your team CC's a target, you can follow that up with your bind! If you are going full AP, watch their carry's and combo them when you have a chance! You normally want to stay near your ADC and try to kite for them, but sometimes you might have to stay further behind or a bit farther ahead. Use your active items like redemption, poke with E so you can shield allies in order to heal them with Athene's, and destroy those teamfights so you can get good objectives or even win the game!
Thank you soooo much for reading my guide and I hope it helped!! Go out there and show everyone how Lux support should be played and I wish you luck <3
✧ I would like to thank my trusty friend I like doggos for reading my guide and listening to me talk about my guides constantly for what looks/is best!
✧ I would also like to thank JhoiJhoi for both recommending me to make a seperate Lux support guide so I can put more information on it, as well as her amazing guide over making guides. Without that guide, I wouldn't have half the guides I do!
boring text
[*]5/4/2018: Published Guide
[*]5/8/2018: Made a lot of edits, including color scheme, runes, fixed errors and cheat sheet.
[*]11/20/2018: Updated a lot of things! Will continue to update for tomorrows patch
[*]11/25/2018: Updated to current patch with MOSTLY everything, just need to add dark harvest in there!
[*]02/25/2018: Updated to current patch :)
[*]3/28/2020: SOOO many beautiful visual updates with a lot of other updates as well ! Looks so much better and v proud, it only took like 20+ hours LOL
[*]8/9/2020: updated a lot of stuff, including guardian, getting rid of aftershock, and making sure the guide is fully updated to patch, on top of finishing the matchups design section!
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