This ***** can just kite you and you can never catch her if you don't have you're summoner spells up.
Ahh yes. This champion is HELL for new Darius players. not going to mention how she is designed to counter DARIUS in lane, just spam your jungler for some help. JUST FIND A WAY TO STAY SAFE & TRY TO PUNISH HER FOR THE WRONG ACTIONS.
Just like Quinn, this ***** is extremely dangerous if you are new to Darius. JUST FIND A WAY TO STAY SAFE & TRY TO PUNISH HER FOR THE WRONG ACTIONS.
Another cringe ranged Top laner.
This dog can literally avoid your passive by right clicking to minions. Make sure you fasten your Q's on him while trading that's how you win this lane.
This is pretty much a skill matchup which favors Darius. If Darius knows how to play, then Darius can just smash him into the ground.
This kinda favors trundle because of his ulti, but Darius can beat him If he stands back when he wastes his ult.
Idk if you have ever encountered a zed top laner before but I did. This kinda favors him because how he can just run after trading.
This is a skill matchup. If renekton knows how to play well, you are in trouble. He is going to take PTA trade and go back. To stop that make sure you predict his E-W-Q Combo and press on E and you win.
His E ability can dodge your ULT and your DAMAGE. But overall you can just beat him if you play around his E.
If Ornn knows how to perform against darius this can be a major threat. But If he doesn't, this is minor as ****. His W doesn't allow you to use your E and your W's slow so be careful about that.
This guy can outscale you. Just dont let that happen and you win. Rush bramble vest.
AP Volibear can be a big threat for you. Just avoid his E damage and you win.
This matchup favors Darius after kled nerfs. Never use your ULT when he is riding Skaarl.
This ***** can trade, stun and go back. Just do all ins and beat the **** out of her.
PERMA BAN THIS *****. Not because It is a extreme threat or something, you win vs her in lane. BUT she literally outscales & damages you like a goddess or some ****.
This matchup is too damn easy. You even beat mega gnar in early stages of the game so It's not a threat. But take dorans shield, please.
You beat the **** out of her after level 3.
So easy matchup for Darius. It's really easy to bully him on lane. Just make sure to walk on him while he is trying to Q you. Try to avoid Q3 Because It can be a big threat for you.
So darn easy to bully him. Just make sure to kite him when he uses his Ulti.
Tahm Kench
You can easily bully tahm kench, just be careful about him using his ult to bring you to the enemy turret.
Easy to bully early. On late, he is going to split push while you help your teammates and win the game. Virgin champion.
You beat the **** out of him, just make sure to never miss you're Q's.
This matchup favors Darius in all words. All Sett can do is to RKO you to his turret. Just avoid that.
Bully him in the early & mid stages in the game. Avoid his barrel damage.
This matchup is so damn winnable. Wait for her to use W and use your ult after. Rush bramble.
All this monkey can do is try to fool you with his clone. You can understand the difference between real and fake by your passive effect.
Just like Wukong but this can hurt a little bit.
Just like any tanks, Shen gets stomped by Darius. Warn your teammates when he is using his ult and that is just it.
Master Yi
Yi top gets STOMPED by Darius in all stages of the game.
Akali top is cringe. Don't fight when she uses her W.
Dr. Mundo
Mundo is so cringe and yet gets beaten by Darius. Avoid his Q damage and rush bramble.
E his Q and you win. Be careful about the monke ult.
This matchup is so free that even if you don't know how to play league of legends and pick Darius against sion you will 90% win.
You bully Nasus so hard that he can't do anything. Just don't let him farm.
Just like Nasus never let him farm and you win the game.
Like Sion, you don't need the knowledge to beat this creature.
So ez matchup you counter him in all words. His proxy is a little bit annoying.
THE IDEAL SUPPORT FOR ANYONE. This guy gives you bonus movement speed and doesn't let you die.
This kitten makes you survive longer.
Anything that CC's pretty hard synergies really well with Darius.
Anything that CC's pretty hard synergies really well with Darius.
Nunu & Willump
Anything that CC's pretty hard synergies really well with Darius.
Anything that CC's pretty hard synergies really well with Darius.
THE IDEAL SUPPORT FOR ANYONE. This guy gives you bonus movement speed and doesn't let you die.
This kitten makes you survive longer.
Anything that CC's pretty hard synergies really well with Darius.
Anything that CC's pretty hard synergies really well with Darius.
Nunu & Willump
Anything that CC's pretty hard synergies really well with Darius.
Anything that CC's pretty hard synergies really well with Darius.
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