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Viktor Build Guide by Shewapa Dapa

Middle [13.10] JungDapa's Viktor Guide [Full Matchups]

Middle [13.10] JungDapa's Viktor Guide [Full Matchups]

Updated on May 20, 2023
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Shewapa Dapa Build Guide By Shewapa Dapa 23 3 60,298 Views 2 Comments
23 3 60,298 Views 2 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Shewapa Dapa Viktor Build Guide By Shewapa Dapa Updated on May 20, 2023
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Runes: First Strike [TAKE THIS]

1 2 3 4 5
First Strike
Magical Footwear
Future's Market
Cosmic Insight

Gathering Storm

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10% Tenacity/Slow Resist


1 2 3 4 5 6 7
LoL Summoner Spell: Barrier


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None
+ Strong waveclear
+ Insane lategame scaling
+ High AOE output
+ Strong zoning
+ Point & click channel interruption

Viktor is a very strong late game champion when mastered by the right player. Being able to play around his powerspikes and scalings are essential to snowballing. Even in an unfavourable matchup, the hexcore upgrades allow you to safely farm and match. When played correctly, Viktor becomes one of the strongest teamfighting champions in the game. Viktor is a champion that flies under the radar, having a 0.1% ban rate & a 0.1% pick rate → you won't have to ever worry about having him taken from you.
- Immobile
- Weak early game
- Squishy
- Very high skill cap
- Scaling pick
- Waveclear locked behind upgrades

Viktor's recent passive rework with hex fragments has turned him into a snowballing machine. Getting a pick or two early, can allow you to already have an upgrade. However, the same goes the other way; your passive can be locked through only csing. Viktor is very squishy and immobile, as a result, positioning is a very large aspect when playing Viktor.
Glorious Evolution (Passive): INNATE: Viktor can augment his basic abilities after gaining 100 Hex Fragments, he obtains them by killing enemy units:

Minions and monsters grant 1 Hex Fragment.
Large minions & epic monsters grant 5 Hex Fragments.
Champion takedowns grant 25 Hex Fragments.
Arcane Storm becomes augmented once all of Viktor's basic abilities have been augmented.
Siphon Power (Q): Viktor sends out a projectile, dealing magic damage and gaining a shield for 2.5 seconds; empowering his next basic attack with magic damage for 3.5 seconds → this attack is treated as a non-projectile, meaning it can go through ability blocking walls such as Yasuo's Wind Wall.

Augment: Turbocharge (Upgrade): Viktor gains 30% movement speed for 2.5 seconds and increases shield value by 60% after casting.
Gravity Field (W): Viktor deploys a heavy gravitational field that slows enemies in its radius. Enemies who stay within the device for too long are stunned for 1.5 seconds.

-Remains active, even when Viktor dies.

Augment: Magnetize (Upgrade): Viktor's other abilities, excluding Arcane Storm, slows enemies by 20% for 1 second.
Death Ray (E): Viktor uses his robotic arm to fire a beam that cuts across in a line, dealing damage to all enemies in its path.

-Grants a moderate area of sight where the beam strikes the ground

Augment: Aftershock (Upgrade): An explosion follows the path after 1 second, dealing additional damage
Chaos Storm (R): Viktor conjures a singularity on the field which deals magic damage and interrupts enemy channels. The singularity then periodically does magic damage to all nearby enemies. Viktor can redirect the singularity.

-Chaos Storm is not obstructed by terrain.
-Chaos Storm will follow its target even if they are not visible.
-Chaos Storm remains active even if Viktor dies.

Augment: Perfect Storm (Upgrade): Chaos Storms moves 25% faster



















Hextech Ray is maxed first. This is Viktor's main source of damage. With just the first cast of Hextech Ray, you're able to half health their squishies mid-late game. This ability is the one you want to play around. Always upgrade first.

Siphon Power is maxed second. I always like to start the game with a point in Siphon Power because it grants me that shield + enhanced AA, meaning you'll be able to trade very well. Once upgraded, you recieve a movement speed bonus which is very essential due to having no movement abilities. Always upgrade second.

Arcane Storm is maxed third. This is Viktor's ultimate, and is a great AOE channel-silencer. This is his main teamfighting ability as it can deal damage to multiple targets at once, and can follow the target around - even if they aren't visible. Automatically upgrades when Hextech Ray Siphon Power Gravity Field are upgraded.

Gravity Field is maxed last. Viktor's AOE stun & slow. A well placed Gravity Field can determine the whole teamfight. Upgrade last.

Doran's Ring is my goto on Viktor, I've tried Corrupting Potion, Doran's Shield, and I've tried Dark Seal, and none of them have really suited me as a starter item for Viktor. The new mana regen and the extra AA damage on minions make this the most suitable starter item for Viktor.

Stealth Ward will be the only trinket you will be taking at level 1, and will be the main choice of trinket for most of your games. Viktor is immobile and squishy, so he needs to be able to have wards to spot to the enemy jungler so he can farm safely.

Sorcerer's Shoes are your main boots of choice. Viktor outputs a large amount of damage, coupled with Sorc's, to is extended. If you purchase Luden's Tempest with Sorcerer's Shoes you will gain a large amount of magic pen, allowing you to do true damage to those with no magic resist.

Plated Steelcaps Is the standard buy into AD heavy teams. It offers armor and 12% damage reduction on auto attacks(Also counts for magic damage from AA).

Mercury's Treads Offers magic resist and 30% tenacity. If you are playing against any combination of mid & jungle that has some form of hard CC, these boots are a must-buy. Viktor is very vulnerable to ganks in lane, so these boots will give him that extra bit of safety.

Ionian Boots of Lucidity are a viable pick if you're looking for that extra CDR.

Luden's Tempest The go-to mythic item if you're playing against a squishy team. The mobility and poke is also useful as it allows you to reposition more easily and whittle down people with long range Hextech Ray's. When people start itemizing defensive items, it becomes less useful so you never want this item against bruiser and tank comps who naturally builds a lot of resistances.

Liandry's Torment This item is designed to ruin bruisers and tanks with the maximum health burn and bonus damage passive. It's more effective in extended fights because of the stacking passive. A Must pick against tanky comps.

Lich Bane is personally a must pick. I generally get this item after mythic and boots, unless situationally I need to pick up either Zhonya's Hourglass or Banshee's Veil. Having this item can allow you to half health squishies with your empowered AA from your Siphon Power.

Void Staff should be built almost every game alongside Lich Bane. It is an incredibly item against magic resistance stacking champions.

Demonic Embrace is very strong vs. a tanky team, especially combined with Liandry's Anguish to have double percent max health damage, and it also allows you to be tankier if you get all-inned. Each tick of Chaos Storm would refresh this.

Rabadon's Deathcap This is the ultimate late game scaling item for mages. The passive gives a massive increase in AP.

Archangel's Staff converts 5% of your maximum mana into additional AP and also grants you additional mana based on the AP you have. This item is only bought for the complete late game focused build.

Morellonomicon MUST BUY against healing opponents.

Zhonya's Hourglass is an amazing defensive item. You don't have to only build this vs. AD threats, it is a great counter to many AP mid laners.

Banshee's Veil is a great defensive item against heavy AP comps, or against champions with heavy burst.

Rylai's Crystal Scepter is an underpicked item on Viktor. Many argue against it due to having Gravity Field's augmentation, granting a 20% slow for 1 second on his other abilities. However, Rylai's Crystal Scepter grants a 30% slow when you deal ability damage; coupling these together grants a 50% slow for 1 second, which is a massive slow.

Cosmic Drive is a great situational pick on Viktor due to his immobility. Hitting all of his abilites + AA's will grant him a much needed movement speed buff in the middle of a skrimish or teamfight.

Check Matchups
FLASH: Always take this.
BARRIER: This spell is the best selfish choice to keep yourself safe. It's a whole MINUTE shorter cooldown than Heal, it protects you against more damage, and it is better vs. Ignite. Must pick against most assassins.
TELEPORT: Taken for a more secure laning phase. Generally picked when against tanky mid laners, such as Galio.
IGNITE: Surprisingly, Viktor can be a very strong lane bully. Taking Ignite gives him the little push to dominate the lane even more and snowball. Many champions now have built in healing or build healing, having Ignite can really counter that.
GHOST: While taking Ghost on Viktor is not a good idea, it unlocks a lot of potential for outplaying. Strongly recommended only for experienced Viktor players.
HEAL: Heals you and a teammate, very useful if you plan to have your jungler come into your lane a lot.
CLEANSE: Strongly recommended when against CC heavy matchups, including junglers. Benefit of having cleanse means you won't have to waste an item slot on Quicksilver Sash.
EXHAUST: Very useful against high mobility champions. Also allows you to have insane splitpushing potential.

Phase Rush is a great keystone for Viktor due to his lack of mobility. Can be used against any matchup, safest option.
Manaflow Band Once fully stacked, it grants 250 bonus mana and passively restores 1% of missing mana per 5 seconds. Must grab with Viktor, as early game you will be poking a lot and you'll run out of mana quickly.

Transcendence Having lower cooldowns allow Viktor to throw more of his abilities out.

Gathering Storm Doesn't do too much in the early game, however late game is where it shines. Once 20 minutes rolls around, you'll begin to see the difference that this rune can make.

Magical Footwear As Viktor you do not want to be wasting any gold on items other than your damage items. This partially takes a load off of that.

Future's Market This rune is very nice to have, allowing you to pick up those items a little earlier than expected.

Arcane Comet Primarily picked against casters who stand still.
Manaflow Band Once fully stacked, it grants 250 bonus mana and passively restores 1% of missing mana per 5 seconds. Must grab with Viktor, as early game you will be poking a lot and you'll run out of mana quickly.

Transcendence Having lower cooldowns allow Viktor to throw more of his abilities out.

Gathering Storm Doesn't do too much in the early game, however late game is where it shines. Once 20 minutes rolls around, you'll begin to see the difference that this rune can make.

Magical Footwear As Viktor you do not want to be wasting any gold on items other than your damage items. This partially takes a load off of that.

Future's Market This rune is very nice to have, allowing you to pick up those items a little earlier than expected.

Summon Aery Very strong against melee matchups where you're looking to deal heavy poke. Decent against ranged laners.
Manaflow Band Once fully stacked, it grants 250 bonus mana and passively restores 1% of missing mana per 5 seconds. Must grab with Viktor, as early game you will be poking a lot and you'll run out of mana quickly.

Transcendence Having lower cooldowns allow Viktor to throw more of his abilities out.

Gathering Storm Doesn't do too much in the early game, however late game is where it shines. Once 20 minutes rolls around, you'll begin to see the difference that this rune can make.

Magical Footwear As Viktor you do not want to be wasting any gold on items other than your damage items. This partially takes a load off of that.

Future's Market This rune is very nice to have, allowing you to pick up those items a little earlier than expected.

Electrocute Pick if you're confident enough with csing and poke that you don't need futures. Mainly picked against melee matchups.
Taste of Blood Standard choice going this route, grants in lane sustain.

Eyeball Collection As Viktor you need to be able to get takedowns, it snowballs your entire kit. Eyeball Collection is a great pairing with it.

Ravenous Hunter Having another source of sustain is always good.

Manaflow Band Once fully stacked, it grants 250 bonus mana and passively restores 1% of missing mana per 5 seconds. Must grab with Viktor, as early game you will be poking a lot and you'll run out of mana quickly.

Gathering Storm Doesn't do too much in the early game, however late game is where it shines. Once 20 minutes rolls around, you'll begin to see the difference that this rune can make.























As Viktor, you are one of the strongest midlaners level 1 with Siphon Power. You are able to dish out damage and take little to no damage in return. During this part, you should play very aggressive, constantly looking to trade. A little later on you should start to play a little more passively, as your goal will now be to farm up your hex fragments Glorious Evolution. You are trying to get all 3 augments as quickly as possible. I generally heavily ward one side of the river and play on that side, that way I always know whats going on one side, so I can quickly run away if the jungler decides to come anywhere near mid lane.
Generally, if you don't get any kill during laning phase, you should be getting your first augment around 10 minutes. Once this occurs, you can focus on shoving waves with your augmented Hextech Ray and maintain priority. Your goal now is to farm for your item powerspikes, as that point is where you'll really impact the game.

Continue using your augmented Hextech Ray to clear the waves and forcing your laner to stay. Viktor is a very weak roamer, he has no mobility in his kit other than his augmented Siphon Power however, you're still able to pull some good roams off as you are able to burst once you've got items. Make sure that if you get a kill, to always make use of it; get an objective or invade, anything to set them farther behind and you getting a bigger lead.
If you end up falling behind or your team is slowing losing, try to maintain your composure and focus on farming. Viktor outscales many midlaners lategame. Focus on farming with Hextech Ray until you are strong enough to carry.

Viktor in the late game has 2 focuses, objectives and teamfights. You want to constantly be with the rest of your team, as you'll be able to shine with the rest of them. You can push sidelines as you'll be able to 1v1 anyone late game, but its better to leave it to teammates with high mobility or Teleport.
Like many other mage champions in teamfights, Viktor wants to stay in the backline and dish out damage. You are very squishy, but you can tear the enemy apart. Your primary use for Gravity Field is to CC the frontline, follow it up with your Arcane Storm ONLY IF THEY HAVE NO ABILITY CHANNELS (i.e. Katarina). As always, if you're able to catch out their carries without putting yourself in risk, take the opportunity.
Warding Mid Lane - Blue Side

Warding Mid Lane - Red Side


Freezing is an essential technique that allows you to deny your enemy laner xp and cs, while having the wave on your side of the lane. Freezing means that you kite/tank the enemy minions instead of letting the tower aggro and kill them. The key is to let the enemy minions always beat yours. Once your wave has been killed, you want to leave 2-3 of the enemy minions live and kite them till your next wave arrives.
Hextech Ray has no input buffering. What that means is that you can cast this ability while moving. Making it harder for enemies to predict when you'll cast it.

Arcane Storm only interrupts enemy channeling abilities on cast.

→ Place Gravity Field where the enemy is going, and not just on top of them. Know your enemy and if they have gap closers or not. Very effective for zoning or for protecting yourself.
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