[Arcane Comet] Good candidate for banning in midlane.
Try to go even early, as Syndra needs to snowball to become a real threat. Place your turrets further behind minion waves to avoid her stunning or destroying multiple turrets at once. Be cautious when placing turrets, as she can easily pick them up with her Q and E to disrupt your setup. Only place them when you really need to, and aim for a combo with E + W if you're low on turrets.
Early boots are helpful for dodging her skillshot. Prioritize Ult, W, or E in fights, as Syndra can displace your Ult Q with her E. A Banshee's Veil later on can help block her burst.
[Arcane Comet] This is the most basic mid lane matchup possible. Place turrets outside of wave so she can't clear them and minions simultaneously. She can't really charm you if you're standing behind minions or turrets. If she tries to all-in you with her ultimate, run back and forth around turrets so she can't hit her charm, and save your [E] as she can easily dodge it. Other than that, you should easily outrange her with your [W] poke.
[Conqueror/Summon Aery] Instead of trying to go all-in, try to poke her as much as possible, as she is a melee champion. It's hard to get all-in on her as she's very mobile, and you have to be afraid of her smoke cloud as your turrets can't hit her here. While it's on cooldown, try to be more aggressive or go all-in. Also, you shouldn't have any problems with her until level 6, as she's a lot slower and has less kill pressure. Good matchup for taking Exhaust (and possibly Bone Plating).
[Arcane Comet]
[Arcane Comet] Position your turrets so Anivia can’t hit them and the wave at the same time. When she’s using her R on the wave, she won’t be able to trade well, so use that chance to pressure her. The goal is to make her back off to avoid her R’s range.
Consider building more Ability Haste and Mana to match Anivia's waveclear. This will help you stay consistent with your poke and turret pressure. Luden's Companion can also be a good option for that.
[Arcane Comet]
Aurelion Sol
[Arcane Comet/Conqueror] Heimerdinger has a strong advantage, as Aurelion Sol’s early game is weak, and he struggles to clear waves. Constantly shove the lane to deny him minion stacks, and punish his [Q] with your [E] when he tries to stack/poke. Be cautious of his [R], as it can set up ganks.
[Arcane Comet]
[Arcane Comet]
[Arcane Comet] Almost the same as Xerath, but with a shorter range. Dodge his skill shots and avoid the stun at all costs, as he can easily oneshot you in the mid game. Don't stand too close to your turrets while you're low on health, as his ult can bounce off of them right at you.
[Arcane Comet]
[Arcane Comet]
[Conqueror/Summon Aery] Never try to hit him with your [E] when his [E] is up, and try to keep an eye on his [Q] as he can also use it to dodge the stun. Be mindful of his ult because if he lands it you are almost always dead. Take Barrier/Exhaust (sometimes even Bone Plating) in this matchup, it might save your life. Keep a close eye on the enemy jungle, as Fizz can easily set up a gank with [R] and go all-in.
[Arcane Comet] Pretty much same matchup as Xerath or Ziggs. Don't place turrets in minion wave and close to each other, take Teleport and buy early boots to dodge skillshots. Be aware of his [E]>[E], as he can easily hit the entire combo after that. Becomes doable after getting Lost Chapter, as his wave clear early is very good.
[Conqueror] Play carefully around Irelia’s dashes—her mobility can easily close the gap on you. Position your turrets spaced out to prevent her from dashing between them easily. Poke her while she’s farming, but be ready to back off when she tries to engage. Be cautious about using E or Q, as she can dodge them with her Q. Zhonya's and Exhaust are great items to counter her damage.
You should shove and harass her when possible, but watch out for her passive and dash resets. Staying near your turrets will give you a safer zone to fight. In the early game, Irelia can outplay you with her mobility, so farm safely and keep distance.
Roam to objectives if you're in mid to avoid fighting her directly. You can play the map and farm well, as Irelia excels at CSing but can be punished for overextending.
[Conqueror] He is quite weak in the early game, but in late game he can easily be "Major".
Try to harass him as much as possible: don't let him CS freely, and punish him for any mistakes he makes. Don't push the waves too much, as you just give him thee free farm under the tower, that's what he wants. When he reaches level 6, you should be more careful when landing your E, but it's still easy to do. Keep in mind that he will probably roam a lot after he reaches level 6, so punish him for this by destroying turrets and counter-roaming using Teleport.
If he uses Crown of the Shattered Queen, you can easily put it on cooldown by using spreaded W or your turrets.
Keep in mind that you should try to finish the game as quickly as possible, because at the end of the game, he can kill you easily (not just you, but your entire team).
[Conqueror] Keep pushing her in and use your turrets to zone her, as she’ll struggle to farm under pressure.
If you are confident enough, when she tries to engage with her [E], counter it with [CH-2 Electron Storm Grenade]. If she uses her ult, use a Q>E>Q combo, and she is most likely dead.
[Arcane Comet]
[Arcane Comet] Same as Xerath and Brand, but more manageable. She can easily use [E]>[AA] to destroy your turrets, so place them far apart so she needs a lot of mana to destroy them. Also try to play defensively and place turrets behind the waves of minions so she can't reach them easily and farm CS while destroying the turrets. Remember that her [Q] can only attack two things, so try to stick to the turrets and minions. Barrier/Teleport and early boots are recommended, as well as Stopwatch and Nullifying Orb.
[Summon Aery/Electrocute] LeBlanc’s Q-W combo can poke you down, so avoid standing still where she can land her W and follow up with Q.
Electrocute is a solid option for quick trades, as her mobility makes it hard to land a full grenade combo. When she engages, use minions or turrets to block her E.
Use your turrets to push her out since Heimerdinger has strong waveclear. Don't hesitate to poke with W while she's farming.
When LeBlanc uses her clone, your turrets will prioritize the original champion since the Heimer mark stays on her, making it easier to identify and avoid wasting damage on her clone.
[Arcane Comet] This is a frustrating matchup against a good Malzahar. Firstly, you will definitely need a lot of sustain, so take Delivery Biscuits and Refillable Potion. Try to be as aggressive as possible before he reaches level 6 as his damage is very low, cooldown and mana cost are high. Don't overextend yourself or dive him because he can easily use his ult and kill you. Barrier saved me from his ult so many times that I would recommend picking it up (or taking Ignite if you want to be aggressive as much as possible). Beware of the jungle and do deep warding as he relies heavily on ganks. If his passive is active, always try to hit him with a wide [W] to stun him later.
[Arcane Comet] It's a pretty annoying matchup. She can easily stun you with her [E] as it can pass through minions and turrets. Keep in mind that if she lands it, this can cost you half your HP or even death. Also, space your turrets far apart because she can kill them with a single [Q]. If she tries to [R] you, try to stun her with a grenade and use a double beam combo.
[Arcane Comet] Orianna can be a tough matchup due to her ball and poke damage. Her Q-W combo can hit you at a range, and her ball outranges your turrets. Focus on poking her during the early game and try to harass with your turrets and E when she’s trying to farm.
Since Orianna doesn’t have strong kill pressure until later, you can poke her and try to shove the wave early on. But remember, once she completes Lost Chapter or Luden's, she’ll have more waveclear and burst, so be cautious.
Watch out for her ball as it can easily take down your turrets if you aren’t careful with their positioning. Try to maintain distance from her ball and poke her when it’s not near you. Orianna will typically outscale you, so focus on surviving early, denying her farm, and waiting for your power spikes.
[Arcane Comet]
[Conqueror/Arcane Comet] Swain is pretty easy as he is immobile and can get in CC pretty easily. His [Q] is at close range, and his [W] and [E] are easy to dodge. If he tries to [R] you under your turrets, just use [RQ], stun him, and let the turrets do their job.
[Conqueror] Sylas needs to get close to the enemy to deal some damage, so you're pretty good at countering him. Stay behind the minions so he can't [E] toward you, but if he does, use [RQ] and do any combo, then he's pretty much dead. Try to harass and poke him because he is a melee champion. Many players playing as Sylas don't know what Heimerdinger's ultimate does, so they can easily waste it for nothing.
[Arcane Comet]Taliyah can be a tough matchup due to her long-range poke and area control, especially with her [Q] and [E].
Make sure to spread your turrets out to avoid losing them easily. If Taliyah walks up to use her [E], you can [E] her first to stun her, then follow up with a [Q] > [W] poke. Be cautious of her [W], as it can deal a lot of damage and potentially chunk you down. Early boots and your passive will help with dodging her abilities and staying safe in lane.
[Conqueror/Arcane Comet]
Twisted Fate
[Arcane Comet]
[Arcane Comet] Try to harass him and don't let him CS easily. Don't let him [Q] your turrets as he will get free stacks. Place them behind minion waves closer to your tower. Also, place them far apart so he can't [W] them all. If he uses his cage against you to set up a gank, place all your turrets and your ultimate turret so that you are more safe. This is why you should be more aware of enemy ganks while facing him, and it's a good idea to take Barrier and buy Banshee's Veil in the mid-late game.
[Arcane Comet] Compared to other artillery mages like Xerath or Ziggs he is much easier to deal with. Don't place your turrets in minion wave and in straight line, as he can [W] them. You can block his [Q] using turrets or minions. Be aware of his [E]>[W]>[Q]>[R] combo, if he hits knockup, he can easily kill you in seconds.
[Arcane Comet]
[Arcane Comet] Try to be very aggressive before he upgrades any of his abilities, as he is weak early on. He can easily erase your turrets with his [E], especially if he upgraded it, so you must place them far apart or always keep a few turrets on hand in case you need them.
[Arcane Comet] He is really a pain to lane against, as he can infinitely [Q] your turrets to sustain and can safely farm under tower. The only way to beat him is to shove for prio and help the team in early skirmishes, as he can't match your push and early power. It's also a good idea to buy Oblivion Orb after you get Blackfire Torch or Liandry's, as burn from these items applies anti-heal.
[Arcane Comet] Xerath is really annoying to deal with. To counter his long range abilities, keep your turrets spread out and away from the minion wave so that he has to take them out one at a time, this will drain his mana really quick. Additionally, use Heimerdinger's passive and buy early boots to kite Xerath's abilities, by quickly moving your character around.
[Conqueror/Electrocute] Yasuo can be difficult to deal with due to his Windwall, which blocks all of your damage, but it has a long cooldown. Take advantage of this by poking him whenever his Windwall is down. Yasuo can be easily poked down, especially if you auto-attack him often to break his shield.
Set your turrets in a triangle shape, but keep them spaced out to prevent Yasuo from easily dashing between them. If he enters the triangle, use your E (just be mindful of his Windwall), then follow up with either a RQ or RW combo depending on where he is. Ignite is recommended to secure kills when his Windwall is on cooldown, or Exhaust to reduce his burst damage.
In late-game teamfights, your main focus is to avoid getting caught by Yasuo's Ultimate and to wait for his Windwall to go down before engaging, or you risk losing your abilities without dealing damage.
[Conqueror] Yone can be tricky, but he's easier than Yasuo. Avoid his Q dash and ult by sidestepping. Predict his dash to stun him when he tries to farm or trade. Keep your distance when his dash is charged, and try to poke him while he’s farming, as he struggles under turret.
Save your stun for his E (shadow), as good Yones will use it to trade and escape. If you waste your stun, he can easily win the trade.
Use Ignite for the extra damage, but Barrier or Exhaust are also solid choices for survival. The key to winning is poke and avoid letting him engage at full health.
In the late game, sidestep his ult and Q, as these are his primary threats. Once you avoid them, he becomes much easier to deal with.
[Arcane Comet/Summon Aery] It's pretty much easy, but a lot of people still struggle with him.
First, don't try too hard to win the lane (unless you see that your enemy is very stupid). Zed's power is only unleashed if he snowballs, so going even is very good. Secondly, don't overextend against him, otherwise he can one-shot you. Buy cloth armor and a stopwatch as soon as possible, as they greatly reduce his kill pressure. Zed Love roams around a lot, so punish him for this by taking over his turret (don't forget to ping every second when Zed is missing, otherwise your teammate will surely die from his roams). Also, I should mention that after he uses his [R], he will teleport behind you, so wait a bit and throw the stun right there. Take Barrier/Exhaust against him.
[Arcane Comet] Very similar to Xerath matchup. Getting kills on him will be difficult due to his range advantage, so your main objective is to try going even.
Place your turrets far away from the wave so that he can't hit them together.
Barrier/Teleport and early boots are recommended.
[Arcane Comet] She's fairly easy to deal with if you learn how to block skillshots with turrets. If she can't hit you with [E]>[Q], she's not a threat. If you've been hit by her [E], place the turret in front of yourself to make it harder for her to land [Q]. Her movements are predictable most of the time, especially when she uses [R] or tries to hit [Q]. Use this to make it easier to hit [E].
[Conqueror/Summon Aery] Instead of trying to go all-in, try to poke her as much as possible, as she is a melee champion. It's hard to get all-in on her as she's very mobile, and you have to be afraid of her smoke cloud as your turrets can't hit her here. While it's on cooldown, try to be more aggressive or go all-in. Also, you shouldn't have any problems with her until level 6, as she's a lot slower and has less kill pressure. Take Ignite/Exhaust and Armseeker's against her.
[Arcane Comet]
[Conqueror/First Strike]
[Arcane Comet]
Dr. Mundo
[Conqueror/First Strike]
[Conqueror/Arcane Comet/First Strike]
[Conqueror/First Strike]
[Conqueror/Arcane Comet]
[Conqueror] Play carefully around Irelia’s dashes—her mobility can easily close the gap on you. Position your turrets spaced out to prevent her from dashing between them easily. Poke her while she’s farming, but be ready to back off when she tries to engage. Be cautious about using E or Q, as she can dodge them with her Q. Zhonya's and Exhaust are great items to counter her damage.
You should shove and harass her when possible, but watch out for her passive and dash resets. Staying near your turrets will give you a safer zone to fight. In the early game, Irelia can outplay you with her mobility, so farm safely and keep distance.
If you’re top lane, be patient and focus on scaling; avoid all-ins unless you have a significant advantage.
[Conqueror/Arcane Comet] Jayce is almost manageable if you play around his cooldowns. In lower elos, he often misplays, making the matchup easier. If he engages with Q in hammer form, punish him with a quick E stun combo followed by a burst of damage.
Position your turrets carefully to avoid his ranged poke with Gun [Q] and keep your distance during his melee form. His cooldowns are long, so poke him after he uses abilities. Boots are highly recommended to help dodge his skill shots.
If he goes all-in, try to kite back while using your turrets and save your stun for when he closes the gap. Exhaust can be good for surviving his burst trades.
[Conqueror/First Strike] K'Sante is pretty challenging due to his tankiness and mobility, especially in longer trades.
K’Sante’s early poke with [Q] and his passive is weak and costly. Be aggressive early, punishing him whenever he steps up to farm.
Be mindful of his [W], which can disrupt your combos and shove you toward walls or his tower. Avoid engaging when it's up and bait it out before committing to trades. His [Q3] is slow and telegraphed—dodge it to prevent him from slowing and setting up follow-up abilities.
When K’Sante uses [R], he gains burst damage but sacrifices durability. In teamfights, focus him with CC to prevent him from reaching your backline.
When sidelaning against K’Sante, remember he is weaker in duels compared to other bruisers and lacks mobility to chase effectively without Ghost or Flash.
[Arcane Comet]
[Arcane Comet]
[Conqueror/First Strike]
[Conqueror/First Strike]
[Conqueror/First Strike]
[Arcane Comet]
[Arcane Comet]
[Conqueror/First Strike]
[Conqueror/First Strike]
[Conqueror] Sylas needs to get close to the enemy to deal some damage, so you're pretty good at countering him. Stay behind the minions so he can't [E] toward you, but if he does, use [RQ] and do any combo, then he's pretty much dead. Try to harass and poke him because he is a melee champion. Many players playing as Sylas don't know what Heimerdinger's ultimate does, so they can easily waste it for nothing.
Tahm Kench
[Conqueror/First Strike]
[Arcane Comet]
Twisted Fate
[Arcane Comet]
[Arcane Comet]
[Arcane Comet/Conqueror]
[Conqueror/Electrocute] Yasuo can be difficult to deal with due to his Windwall, which blocks all of your damage, but it has a long cooldown. Take advantage of this by poking him whenever his Windwall is down. Yasuo can be easily poked down, especially if you auto-attack him often to break his shield.
Set your turrets in a triangle shape, but keep them spaced out to prevent Yasuo from easily dashing between them. If he enters the triangle, use your E (just be mindful of his Windwall), then follow up with either a RQ or RW combo depending on where he is. Ignite is recommended to secure kills when his Windwall is on cooldown, or Exhaust to reduce his burst damage.
In late-game teamfights, your main focus is to avoid getting caught by Yasuo's Ultimate and to wait for his Windwall to go down before engaging, or you risk losing your abilities without dealing damage.
[Conqueror] Yone can be tricky, but he's easier than Yasuo. Avoid his Q dash and ult by sidestepping. Predict his dash to stun him when he tries to farm or trade. Keep your distance when his dash is charged, and try to poke him while he’s farming, as he struggles under turret.
Save your stun for his E (shadow), as good Yones will use it to trade and escape. If you waste your stun, he can easily win the trade.
Use Ignite for the extra damage, but Barrier or Exhaust are also solid choices for survival. The key to winning is poke and avoid letting him engage at full health.
In the late game, sidestep his ult and Q, as these are his primary threats. Once you avoid them, he becomes much easier to deal with.
[Conqueror/Arcane Comet] Yorick can be a challenging opponent, especially because his ghouls quickly destroy your turrets.
Early on, try to coordinate with your jungler, as Yorick doesn’t have much mobility without summoner spells. Even if you can’t secure a kill, make it a priority to eliminate Maiden when possible, as it significantly reduces his push and lane pressure until she respawns. If his Maiden is down, you can start to play more aggressively.
Be cautious about pushing the wave if you’re in an unfavorable position. His E can slow you, and without a turret nearby to help you escape, you could easily be in danger. If you need to push, arrange your turrets in a spread-out line so you can escape if his E hits.
Only place your turrets down if you already have another one ready to back it up. Yorick can destroy your turrets quickly with his Q and the help of his ghouls, so avoid placing them without protection.
Yorick excels as a duelist but struggles in teamfights. Focus on keeping the wave in check and rotate to assist your team when objectives are up. If you’re in a 5v4 situation, Yorick will likely fall behind, so use this to your advantage to control objectives and win skirmishes.
Rune choice mostly depends on enemy support, if they're playing something untouchable or high range like Ezreal, Caitlyn, Brand, Vel'Koz, etc., or ranged supports like mages or enchanters, Arcane Comet is better, if they're playing engage comp, then conqueror is perfect.
He is in a bad spot in the meta right now, and not so many people know how to play him properly. Be aware of his sniper rifle and flamethower, as he can easily clear your turrets using them. So you should keep your turrets far apart when he has a flamethrower and inside the minion waves when he has a sniper rifle. His flamethrower's [R] can easily clear all of your turrets, especially in the late game. Also, try to buy Morellonomicon, as his sustain is incredible because he has a red gun and can buy Bloodthirster and/or an Immortal Shieldbow.
He's pretty unkillable in the lane due to his [E] dash, but he can't kill you either. Engage supports are the most effective against him, as his chances of escaping you are greatly reduced. Try to place your turrets inside the minion wave so he can't clear them with [Q] that easily.
Miss Fortune
[Conqueror/Electrocute] Yasuo can be difficult to deal with due to his Windwall, which blocks all of your damage, but it has a long cooldown. Take advantage of this by poking him whenever his Windwall is down. Yasuo can be easily poked down, especially if you auto-attack him often to break his shield.
Set your turrets in a triangle shape, but keep them spaced out to prevent Yasuo from easily dashing between them. If he enters the triangle, use your E (just be mindful of his Windwall), then follow up with either a RQ or RW combo depending on where he is. Ignite is recommended to secure kills when his Windwall is on cooldown, or Exhaust to reduce his burst damage.
In late-game teamfights, your main focus is to avoid getting caught by Yasuo's Ultimate and to wait for his Windwall to go down before engaging, or you risk losing your abilities without dealing damage.
Getting kills on him will be difficult due to his range advantage, so your main objective is to try going even.
Place your turrets far away from the wave so that he can't Q them. If he shoves you in, he becomes more vulnerable to ganks.
Barrier/Teleport and early boots are recommended.
One of the strongest combos. AD supports work with Heimerdinger quite well. Senna, on the other hand, is also good for her poke, utility, and CC, replacing an ADC when you're playing as a mage bot lane.
One of the strongest combos. Pantheon has a lot of burst, so if he manages to [W]>[Q] an enemy, it's pretty much free kill, as you can use [E] after while enemy is low after Pantheon. He also has peel on his [E], making you and him unkillable while kiting in your own turrets.
One of the strongest combos. Pyke has great CC, allowing him to grab enemies right into your turrets or closer to you and stun them inside. If your enemies survive your burst, he can easily execute them. Also, he is an AD champion, making your teamcomp healthier with AP botlaner. The only downside is that he is difficult to play, I haven't seen many good Pykes.
Engagers are the best supports for Heimerdinger, because he needs CC very much to land his grenade and hooks to keep his enemies in turrets. Leona, in my opinion, is better than all of them. She can easily stun through minions, has CC on three abilities, and she is pretty tanky. It's especially effective in low elo when enemies don't know how to counter you.Â
He scales better into the late game than any other engage supports, can peel for you with his [W], making it nearly impossible to die in lane (even in 2v3s). His [Q] and [E] are great, making it easy to hit your stun. His [R] is also free kill if enemies are brave enough to dive you under your turrets.
Amumu is as great as Leona because he has tons of CC but needs a bit more skill to play. 6 level is a massive power spike for both of you, as he can easily stun two people and you can easily kill them using your ultimate with a double beam combo.
Blitzcrank is an amazing hook support. If he manages to grab an enemy in your turret nests, it's a free kill, so value that. His downside is that he's pretty bad at counter-engaging, unlike Leona, Thresh, etc.
Provides goods amount of CC, peel and sustain, but occasionally can [W] enemies out of turrets.
She has good utility. Only way to counter Soraka is diving her, while Heimerdinger makes it harder do for enemies. On the other hand, she has very little CC.
You can easily follow up her [Q] or [R], as their duration is pretty long.
She has [E] root with long duration and good follow up with [Q] and [R].
Tahm Kench
She is pretty much the same as Soraka, but at least he has a much stronger late game and good CC on her ultimate.
Renata Glasc
One of the strongest combos. AD supports work with Heimerdinger quite well. Senna, on the other hand, is also good for her poke, utility, and CC, replacing an ADC when you're playing as a mage bot lane.
One of the strongest combos. Pantheon has a lot of burst, so if he manages to [W]>[Q] an enemy, it's pretty much free kill, as you can use [E] after while enemy is low after Pantheon. He also has peel on his [E], making you and him unkillable while kiting in your own turrets.
One of the strongest combos. Pyke has great CC, allowing him to grab enemies right into your turrets or closer to you and stun them inside. If your enemies survive your burst, he can easily execute them. Also, he is an AD champion, making your teamcomp healthier with AP botlaner. The only downside is that he is difficult to play, I haven't seen many good Pykes.
Engagers are the best supports for Heimerdinger, because he needs CC very much to land his grenade and hooks to keep his enemies in turrets. Leona, in my opinion, is better than all of them. She can easily stun through minions, has CC on three abilities, and she is pretty tanky. It's especially effective in low elo when enemies don't know how to counter you.Â
He scales better into the late game than any other engage supports, can peel for you with his [W], making it nearly impossible to die in lane (even in 2v3s). His [Q] and [E] are great, making it easy to hit your stun. His [R] is also free kill if enemies are brave enough to dive you under your turrets.
Amumu is as great as Leona because he has tons of CC but needs a bit more skill to play. 6 level is a massive power spike for both of you, as he can easily stun two people and you can easily kill them using your ultimate with a double beam combo.
Blitzcrank is an amazing hook support. If he manages to grab an enemy in your turret nests, it's a free kill, so value that. His downside is that he's pretty bad at counter-engaging, unlike Leona, Thresh, etc.
Provides goods amount of CC, peel and sustain, but occasionally can [W] enemies out of turrets.
She has good utility. Only way to counter Soraka is diving her, while Heimerdinger makes it harder do for enemies. On the other hand, she has very little CC.
You can easily follow up her [Q] or [R], as their duration is pretty long.
She has [E] root with long duration and good follow up with [Q] and [R].
Tahm Kench
She is pretty much the same as Soraka, but at least he has a much stronger late game and good CC on her ultimate.
[Arcane Comet] Roam potential for him is fully doomed by your presence, especially if you're APC. His ultimate just makes it easier for you to stun him or if applied to you pretty much nothing.
[Conqueror/First Strike]
[Arcane Comet] Almost the same as Xerath, but with a shorter range. Dodge his skill shots and avoid the stun at all costs, as he can easily oneshot you in the mid game. Don't stand too close to your turrets while you're low on health, as his ult can bounce from them right at you.
[Conqueror/First Strike]
[Conqueror/First Strike]
[Arcane Comet]
[Arcane Comet]
[Arcane Comet]
[Conqueror/First Strike]
[Arcane Comet] Same as Xerath and Brand, but more manageable. She can easily use [E]>[AA] to destroy your turrets, place them far apart as she needs a lot of mana to destroy them one by one. Remember that her [Q] can only hit two targets, so try to stick to the turrets and minions. Early boots and some sustain are recommended, as well as Stopwatch and Nullifying Orb if you're struggling.
[Arcane Comet]
[Conqueror/First Strike]
[Arcane Comet]
[Arcane Comet]
[Arcane Comet]
[Conqueror/First Strike]
[Arcane Comet]
[Conqueror/First Strike]
[Conqueror/First Strike] One of the easiest matchups for Heimer, as he counters most hook supports pretty well. His Q is predictable, and you can place turret to block it if needed. Not to mention, but you're also control all the bushes, so he has less space to utilize his passive. The only thing you should be aware of is his R, as Heimerdinger stays low HP quiet often, in that case it's not that bad to buy Zhonya's Hourglass.
[Conqueror/First Strike]
[Conqueror/First Strike]
Renata Glasc
[Arcane Comet]
[Arcane Comet]
[Arcane Comet]
[Arcane Comet]
[Arcane Comet]
[Conqueror/First Strike/Arcane Comet]Swain is pretty easy as he is immobile and can get in CC pretty easily. His [Q] is at close range, and his [W] and [E] are easy to dodge. If he tries to [R] you under your turrets, just use [RQ], stun him, and let the turrets do their job.
[Conqueror/First Strike]
[Conqueror/First Strike]
[Arcane Comet]
[Arcane Comet] Xerath is a oppresive champion for Heimerdinger. To counter his long range abilities, keep your turrets spread out so that he has to take them out one at a time. This will drain his mana and make him less effective in fights. Additionally, use Heimerdinger's passive to kite Xerath's abilities, by quickly moving around. To further increase your chances of survival, it is recommended to buy early boots, this will help you to dodge his abilities.
[Arcane Comet]
[Arcane Comet]
[Arcane Comet]
Jhin is pretty good paired with mage supports like Xerath or Zyra, and Heimerdinger is not exception. You can easily damage opponents from far away with your [W] so he can root enemies with his [W], which allows you to land [E] pretty easily (also considering the fact he has slowing traps).
Good CC for [E] stun and you both have high amounts of burst damage.
Miss Fortune
Kog'Maw needs an enchanter supports who can stick with him and constantly help him, which is why mage supports have no synergy at all
Vayne needs an enchanter supports who can stick with her and constantly help her, which is why mage supports have no synergy at all
Jhin is pretty good paired with mage supports like Xerath or Zyra, and Heimerdinger is not exception. You can easily damage opponents from far away with your [W] so he can root enemies with his [W], which allows you to land [E] pretty easily (also considering the fact he has slowing traps).
Good CC for [E] stun and you both have high amounts of burst damage.
Miss Fortune
Kog'Maw needs an enchanter supports who can stick with him and constantly help him, which is why mage supports have no synergy at all
Vayne needs an enchanter supports who can stick with her and constantly help her, which is why mage supports have no synergy at all
→ Low Ban Rate & Pick Rate → Flexible pick (Top, Mid, Support, & Bot) → Low skill floor and high skill ceiling → Effective at controlling objectives (Baron, Dragon, Herald, Towers) → One of the best wave clears in the game → Capable of 1v2 (or even 1v3), can get free kills from enemy ganks → One of the highest DPS outputs of all champions → Can poke and zone enemies easily → High AoE and CC
→ Extremely squishy and immobile → Vulnerable to CC → Weak when behind → Wave clear is too strong, making it hard to freeze or slow-push → Difficult to carry 1v9 → Damage drops significantly without H-28G Evolution Turret, making him vulnerable to ranged champions
This passive is quite powerful, as the 20% bonus movement speed allows you to kite skillshots more easily, avoid all-ins or ganks, and chase down enemies.
H-28G Evolution Turret(Q): Heimerdinger can store and place up to three turrets.
This is his primary ability, which interacts with other abilities and is used for clearing minion waves, short and extended trades. If your turrets are down, your damage output and waveclear become significantly worse.
The stats of the H-28G Evolution Turret are determined at the time of deployment and do not change with items like Conqueror or ability level. Level turrets before placing them to maximize effectiveness. In patch 14.2, Heimerdinger's turrets now update every second to reflect level-ups, rank-ups, and AP purchases, making Conqueror a strong option.
When deploying a 4th turret, either the inactive or oldest active turret will be destroyed.
Enemies hit by CH-2 Electron Storm Grenade charge the turret for 100% per hit, and Hextech Micro-Rockets charge it for 20% per missile (100% total).
Once fully charged, the turret shoots an empowered attack that deals increased damage, has a larger AoE and range, and pierces through enemies. This attack counts as AoE for certain runes and effects, while regular turret attacks are single-target.
The H-28G Evolution Turret prioritizes enemies that you auto-attacked or hit with abilities, so be sure to auto-attack enemies in range.
Omnivamp is only 33% effective for H-28G Evolution Turret, so building a Riftmaker on Heimerdinger is wasteful. In Patch 14.1, Riftmaker's omnivamp now works 100% for pets and AoE damage, though it's reduced against minions. However, this still doesn't make Riftmaker a viable option on Heimerdinger.
Avoid deploying all your turrets immediately after they become available. It's often more beneficial to save them for combos with other abilities, especially if you're facing enemies who can easily destroy them. In difficult matchups, consider freezing the lane and keeping your turrets for potential jungle ganks instead of constantly pushing the lane.
Hextech Micro-Rockets(W): Heimerdinger launches 5 rockets that cross on the cursor and then spread out. First missile deals around 55% of the total damage, while next 4 missiles deal reduced damage.
It's used mostly for poking enemies and charging H-28G Evolution Turret for burst damage and is pretty spammable once you have enough mana.
Since the first missile deals the highest damage, it's usually more effective to spread out the missiles to increase the likelihood of hitting at least one rocket. It’s better to land one missile for full damage than to miss all and deal no damage.
If Heimerdinger kills a minion or champion with Hextech Micro-Rockets, the remaining missiles will continue to fly in their original trajectory. This can be used to effectively trade while farming.
Hextech Micro-Rockets can be an excellent tool for clearing large waves of minions, as you can last-hit multiple minions with a single use of the ability.
You can also use Hextech Micro-Rockets to check bushes. Spread the missiles out to cover a larger area for maximum visibility.
CH-2 Electron Storm Grenade(E): Heimerdinger throws a grenade that stuns enemies at the center of impact and slows those in the surrounding area. If you hit your target, the laser beams from your turrets will be fully charged.
This ability is really important, as missing it can leave you vulnerable to enemy all-ins. Use it strategically, and aim carefully. If you can land this ability in turret nest, you're almost guaranteed to win the fight. If it's on cooldown, be careful and play more safely against engage champions.
CH-2 Electron Storm Grenade can be challenging to land, especially on fast-moving targets. Having teammates with crowd control (CC) can significantly improve your chances of landing the hit. Additionally, the closer you are to the target, the less time the grenade takes to land, which can make it easier to stun enemies who are near you. Using it directly on yourself can result in an almost instant hit.
When the grenade lands, it briefly provides vision in the area where it impacts. This can be useful for checking important objectives (like dragons or baron). However, due to its long cooldown, it's not recommended to use it just for checking bushes.
UPGRADE!!!(R): Heimerdinger enhances the next usage of basic abilities.
The damage of your next basic ability increases with the level of UPGRADE!!!, not with the individual ability levels.
You can recast UPGRADE!!! after 3 seconds to cancel its effect and refund the cooldown.
H-28Q Apex Turret(RQ): Upgrades H-28G Evolution Turret to H-28Q Apex Turret. Its beams are better splash damage and it slows enemies, making it primarily a defensive AoE option.
H-28Q Apex Turret can be used to keep enemies from important objectives, dealing significant damage and slowing them if ignored.
If you are in danger of being crowd-controlled, placing an empowered turret can help. It deals damage and can provide opportunities to turn around the situation once the crowd control effect wears off.
This turret is much more durable than the H-28G Evolution Turret, making it ideal for solo objectives in the mid-late game. By placing it first, you can allow it to tank damage and secure objectives more efficiently.
H-28Q Apex Turret can be placed even when you don't have other turrets available, making it a useful tool when everything else is on cooldown.
Hextech Rocket Swarm(RW): Upgrades Hextech Micro-Rockets to Hextech Rocket Swarm. It fires four missile waves instead of one. This is a mostly single-target/aggressive option.
You can move while using Hextech Rocket Swarm, which allows you to reposition if you miss your target or want to cover more enemies.
CH-3X Lightning Grenade(RE): Upgrades CH-2 Electron Storm Grenade to CH-3X Lightning Grenade. It bounces three times and has a larger area of impact. This ability is effective in team fights or when used for picks.
CH-3X Lightning Grenade is great for shutting down mobile champions like Irelia and Akali. The multiple bounces make it harder for them to escape the stun.
In team fights, it can lock down the entire enemy team, allowing your allies to follow up with their abilities. However, if you need more control over an objective or want to prevent enemies from diving, consider using the H-28Q Apex Turret instead.
Arcane Comet is a great rune for poking enemies in the early game. Using Hextech Micro-Rockets lets you proc it repeatedly. Arcane Comet's cooldown is also reduced when you deal damage, meaning your H-28G Evolution Turret can significantly shorten its downtime. Best used against ranged matchups, especially midlane and botlane, where you can't stack Conqueror so you need to stick to poke playstyle.
Summon Aery is an alternative to Arcane Comet. It works better if you can reliably proc it (usually against melee champions) or in specific matchups (like against LeBlanc, who can easily dodge Arcane Comet). However, this rune is rarely useful, as Conqueror is often a better choice in these scenarios, but it still works.
Nimbus Cloak has a long cooldown and doesn’t synergize well with Heimerdinger’s abilities since he relies on setup rather than bursty escapes or chases.
Celerity is almost useless since Hextech Affinity combined with Boots already provides enough movement speed to dodge skill shots or escape enemies. The rune itself is pretty bad, with only a few exceptions among champions.
Cheap Shot offers a small damage boost and is a good primary rune (don't take it in secondary tree) if you don’t need the sustain provided by Taste of Blood.
Taste of Blood is a solid rune that helps prevent overextending. It’s especially effective against poke-heavy champions or in aggressive playstyles.
Sixth Sense is useful for revealing wards and setting up bush ambushes, but Oracle's Lens is usually sufficient for this purpose.
Deep Ward is an excellent rune for deep warding, extending ward duration significantly. It’s very effective in toplane for avoiding ganks (especially against champions like Nocturne, Zac, Shaco and etc.) and can also be situationally good in midlane, or the support role due to frequent warding.
Treasure Hunter is decent, granting up to 450 gold after killing five unique champions. It’s better suited for Heimerdinger support due to lower gold income and the ability to farm kills from three champions in botlane (Bot, Support, and Jungle).
Dark Harvest has no damage early and Domination scales worse than Sorcery tree. It could work as 4fun rune, but it's underperforming compared to other options.
This tree is mostly about getting more gold and gaining access to power spikes much earlier.
First Strike is really niche rune. It’s most effective against melee team comps, where you can easily proc it for extra gold. The ideal scenario is a top lane matchup against a tanky champion. It’s a solid option when you can’t kill an enemy early and want to scale. The Inspiration tree is decent, as Heimerdinger is an item-dependent champion.
This rune is also quite good on support, providing more gold generation.
However, it’s not great in the early game or against ranged champions, as they can easily hit you first.
Magical Footwear is a fantastic rune as it grants boots for free (300 gold) and provides a small movement speed boost, which helps with kiting enemies. The downside is that you can't buy boots for the first 12 minutes of the game unless you get takedowns.
Cash Back is a nice rune that helps you get items earlier, becoming better than Magical Footwear once you spend over 5000 gold (around 2 items).
Triple Tonic is a good rune for making last-hitting easier with the first tonic and provides small power spikes with the second and third tonics.
Biscuit Delivery can be useful in hard poke matchups, as it provides sustain and helps you outsustain your enemies.
Cosmic Insight is a somewhat underrated rune, providing cooldown reduction for Summoner Spells and items. It synergizes well with Barrier or Teleport, but it also works with other spells.
Jack of all Trades isn’t great. You’re primarily buying (1) Ability Power, (2) Movement Speed, (3) Mana, (4) Ability Haste, (5) Magic Penetration, with secondary stats like (6) HP (Liandry's), (7) Armor (Zhonya’s), (8) Base Health Regeneration, and (9) Base Mana Regeneration ( Zaz'Zak's Realmspike). Even then, it’s still not enough to fully stack the rune.
This tree is ideal for DPS and fighting tanky enemies.
Conqueror became one of the best runes for Heimerdinger after patch 14.2: "Heimerdinger's Q and R+Q turrets now update their stats every 1 second, reflecting level-ups, rank-ups, and AP purchases. They no longer snapshot their stats when summoned." It's very powerful against melee champions (though still good against some ranged champions), as you can easily stack it and deal absurd amounts of damage. It also makes you "immune" to ganks, as you stack it very quickly when the enemy jungler attempts to gank. It fits burst & battlemage playstyle really well.
Cut Down is personally more enjoyable than Coup de Grace. It allows you to poke enemies down faster and is useful with Shadowflame to make use of its passive sooner.
Last Stand is an alternative to Cut Down and Coup de Grace and is more of a personal preference. It's more conditional, but also grants more damage. I still prefer consistency of 2 other choices.
This tree is quite niche since Heimerdinger focuses on killing enemies faster than they can kill him, making other trees superior for most situations.
Demolish is effective, as Heimerdinger often pushes minion waves quickly and can easily farm Tower Plates.
Bone Plating is very strong against champions who rely on all-ins and lack poke, such as Fizz, Yone, Pyke, etc. This rune is the only reason you might consider taking the Resolve tree.
Choosing rune shards for Heimerdinger is straightforward. Always opt for either Ability Haste + Adaptive Force or two Adaptive Force runes. Double Adaptive Force provides a stronger early game, while Ability Haste becomes much more important later on, as fewer items grant it after Season 14. For the third shard, it's generally better to go with Health Scaling, as it provides more value after Level 6. However, flat Health may be considered for the early game if you need extra heatlh.
Into matchups where Arcane Comet can’t land consistently and Conqueror can't be stacked, you might consider swapping it with Summon Aery, but such matchups are rare.
This is also one of the best rune pages for Heimerdinger, most commonly used in the toplane. Conqueror can be stacked quickly against melee champions, making it great for both bursting enemies and extended fights. It also excels in 1v2s against the enemy jungler.
This rune page is really niche, as Electrocute (wouldn't really swap it with Dark Harvest as it's pure trash) and the Domination tree are generally bad. It works best in matchups where you can’t stack Conqueror quickly, can’t land Arcane Comet consistently, and don’t really like Summon Aery. For example, it can be useful against champions like LeBlanc, Akali, Yasuo, and others.
We take Taste of Blood for additional sustain in lane (I typically wouldn’t swap it with Cheap Shot as it's inconsistent). Deep Ward is the only good rune in that row (unless you’re playing support) since it provides valuable early-game information through deep warding. For example, placing a Faker ward can give you full insight into the enemy jungle's clear path. Ultimate Hunter is the best option to maximize your powerful UPGRADE!!! (while Treasure Hunter feels underwhelming, you can opt for it if you prefer).
Sorcery is the most powerful tree, so we take it here as well.
This is another really niche tree, as First Strike is a heavily nerfed rune. However, the Inspiration tree itself is decent. We take Magical Footwear for extra gold (you can swap it with Cash Back if that’s your preference). Triple Tonic is a nice addition for its extra waveclear, Ability Power, and additional skill point (though it can be swapped with Biscuit Delivery if you’re up against heavy poke). Cosmic Insight is a solid choice for faster summoner spell cooldowns and is the only good option in that row.
Sorcery is the most powerful tree, so we take it here as well.
Resolve as a secondary tree can be situationally taken against assassins like Fizz, Zed, Pantheon, Pyke, etc., mainly for Bone Plating (this rune is the only reason to pick Resolve as a secondary). For the second rune, you can choose Demolish to take turret plates faster and improve split-pushing, or Overgrowth for survivability.
While Domination is generally a weak tree, you can consider taking it for Deep Ward, which is useful if you often struggle with ganks and need better map awareness. Ultimate Hunter is also valuable for reducing the cooldown of UPGRADE!!!, allowing you to use it more frequently. Additionally, Taste of Blood can provide some sustain in the early game. If you're playing support, you can pick other vision-focused runes in the secondary tree, but Deep Ward remains best.
Flash is essential for Heimerdinger, as he is immobile and squishy, making him vulnerable to enemy champions. It provides a quick escape or repositioning tool to avoid danger.
Ignite is an aggressive summoner spell that provides kill pressure. It is great for securing early kills and acts as an anti-heal against enemies who rely on healing.
Teleport was nerfed in 2025, making combat summoner spells like Ignite or Exhaust more appealing. However, it's is still very useful for split-pushing, but you give up your early pressure for that.
Barrier can be a lifesaver, as it absorbs damage. It is especially effective for baiting enemies to overcommit to an all-in engagement. Additionally, it helps counter Ignite by preventing the burn damage.
Exhaust is a highly underrated summoner spell that is particularly useful against assassins or bruisers like Katarina, Yasuo, Irelia, Pantheon, or Aatrox. It reduces their damage output significantly and helps you peel them off your team. However, it's less effective against ranged champions, in which case Barrier or Teleport might be better alternatives.
Starter Items
Purchasing Health Potions is essential, as they allow you to stay in lane longer. With a health advantage, you can force enemies to overextend, which could cause them to lose minions, tower plates, Teleport, and more.
Refillable Potion is more effective against high-range poke champions compared to Health Potion. You can buy it after an early recall if you have gold to spare.
Doran's Ring is the best starting item in most games. It provides a solid amount of AP and HP, early mana sustain, and makes last-hitting easier.
Dark Seal is similar to Doran's Ring, but with slightly worse stats. However, it can be stacked for higher Ability Power and later built into Mejai's Soulstealer if you're able to stomp your lane and accumulate stacks. You can opt for Dark Seal in easier matchups or buy it after an early recall if you can't buy anything else since it's still gold-efficient even without stacks.
Sorcerer's Shoes are best choice for Heimerdinger as they grant Magic Penetration, amplifying your overall damage output. They become even more powerful when paired with items like Shadowflame or Void Staff, allowing you to burst down enemies quickly.
Spellslinger's Shoes are a great upgrade to Sorcerer's Shoes, offering a raw damage boost along with an 8% magic penetration bonus. However, keep in mind that the percentage-based penetration stacks multiplicatively with Void Staff (and other Penetration% items) rather than additively (For example, your total magic penetration would be around 45%, not 48%).
Blackfire Torch is a core mana item for Heimerdinger. It provides everything he needs: Mana, Ability Haste, the Burn passive, and an increase in Ability Power %. Its gonna be your first item most of the time, unless you're playing raw Ability Power build.
Luden's Companion is an another mana item that is an alternative to Blackfire Torch. It provides decent waveclear and poke damage. However, it scales less efficiently than its counterpart and is often wasted on minions with your H-28G Evolution Turret. It is typically better against high-range and waveclear team comps.
Rabadon's Deathcap is a second core item for Heimerdinger, as he has some of the highest Ability Power scalings in the game. It provides a massive damage boost and enhances your objective control, making it one of your most powerful spikes. Don't delay it to 4th item or futher.
Shadowflame is one of the best items for Heimerdinger. It offers solid stats (110 AP and 15 Magic Penetration) and a powerful passive. Combined with Rabadon's Deathcap, you'll gain high amounts of Ability Power and Magic Penetration early in the game. It's best into squishy teams and in burst builds.
Cryptbloom is a slightly weaker alternative to Void Staff. The trade-off for lower damage (less AP and penetration) is the utility (AoE healing), lower price, and Ability Haste. It's a great option for Heimerdinger support or against opponents with smaller amounts of Magic Resist.
Bloodletter's Curse is a situational third option against Magic Resistance. Unlike Void Staff or Cryptbloom, it relies on stacking resistance shred on enemies, making it more conditional. Overall, it's a niche choice, best suited for heavy AP damage team comps where no other teammate is able to purchase it.
Liandry's Torment is a situationally good item, but it's no longer a must-buy for Heimerdinger. You can opt for it when facing tanks & bruisers to melt them in extended fights (especially effective with Conqueror) or for poking enemies. It also pairs well with Blackfire Torch, making enemies burn twice per tick, and provides decent survivability.
Zhonya's Hourglass is a powerful defensive option, as Stasis allows you to avoid death and continue dealing damage with your H-28G Evolution Turret while in Stasis. You should buy it after your core items if you are vulnerable to being killed, mostly against assasins.
Banshee's Veil is a niche item compared to Zhonya's Hourglass. It provides a one-time shield that prevents all forms of CC and ability damage. However, the shield is disabled for 40 seconds after being triggered. This item is typically bought to counter deadly CC abilities like Crowstorm, Unstoppable Force, Hostile Takeover, etc.
Support Items
These items are primarily suitable for Heimerdinger when played as a support, though some can still be purchased in other roles.
Morellonomicon is a cheap yet effective AP item, really useful against opponents with healing. It pairs well with Liandry's Torment, as it extends the duration of its burn effect. This item is generally better suited for a support role.
Imperial Mandate is a somewhat questionable but cheap support item that works when paired with Rylai's Crystal Scepter. This combination enables you to apply AoE slow and deal significant damage through Mandate's passive. It also provides some base mana regeneration, reducing your overall mana needs.
Early Game
Level 1
At the start of the game, quickly go to lane and deploy all H-28G Evolution Turrets. This allows you to get turret stacks sooner, giving you a slight advantage. If you're playing in the top or bot lane, it's better to place them in bushes to control territory and gain vision.
Be careful not to put your turrets in front of cannon minions, as they can easily destroy them.
As Heimerdinger, your main goal is to farm as much as possible to become a threat later on, as you're quite gold-dependent. Your second goal is to prevent your enemies from getting minions and priority. You should be able to outpush your enemies, harassing them under tower while securing CS and tower plates, sometimes even getting early kills. Since you almost always have priority, you can help your jungler with river skirmishes fairly often, but be mindful of your H-28G Evolution Turret and UPGRADE!!! cooldowns.
Before the mid game, focus on getting CS and plates, avoiding any skillshots or all-ins, using the Movement Speed from Hextech Affinity to stay healthy.
Level 2
Prioritize CH-2 Electron Storm Grenade for its ability to punish enemies who get too close to your turrets. If you prefer a more farming-focused approach, go for Hextech Micro-Rockets to poke and clear minions quickly. Don’t overuse this ability before getting Lost Chapter to avoid running out of mana.
Level 3
By level 3, you’re ready to harass and farm efficiently. Use CH-2 Electron Storm Grenade to chunk down enemies. Be cautious of enemy ganks as they may start becoming frequent. Heimerdinger can often win 1v2s or escape using his CH-2 Electron Storm Grenade if ganked.
Level 6
At level 6, you gain your biggest power spike with the UPGRADE!!! ability. At this point, you can easily 1v2 (or 2v3 in bot lane) most champions and bait them into kills. Use this time to apply a lot of pressure on the map. Push as many waves as you can, and slowly take tower plates. Use UPGRADE!!!, Hextech Affinity, Barrier, Exhaust, Flash, and Seeker's Armguard if the enemy jungler ganks you to either kill them or escape. Keep farming until you have 1-2 items. You can also easily kill your enemy laner 1v1 if they're low using CH-2 Electron Storm Grenade into Hextech Rocket Swarm.
At this point, some champions will start roaming more frequently; don't even bother following them. Instead, push waves and take free tower plates. On the other hand, don't forget to help your jungler in early skirmishes, especially on neutral objectives.
Mid Game
As Heimerdinger, your main objective in the mid game is to gain an advantage over your opponents by securing free resources such as minions and jungle camps. This will help you become stronger and allow you to take important objectives like Towers, Baron, Dragon and Atakhan. To achieve this, Split pushing is a strong tactic. Push waves with your turrets, then look for opportunities to roam or pressure other lanes. You can often force the enemy team to respond, giving your team an advantage in other parts of the map.
Use your turrets to tank objectives like Dragon, Rift Herald, or even Baron with H-28Q Apex Turret (but sometimes you should save your ultimate for enemy threats). As you scale, you’ll become a major threat to objectives and can even secure Baron solo if you're ahead.
In teamfights, CH-3X Lightning Grenade is key to locking down multiple targets, especially those with high mobility or damage. Position your turrets to protect your team and zone out the enemy. Your H-28Q Apex Turret provides additional AoE damage and slows, helping you control the area.
Late Game
In the late game, focus on securing high-priority objectives like Baron and Dragon. Your turrets now deal massive damage, and with UPGRADE!!! up, you’ll be a threat for the enemy team. You can also split push to draw attention while your team secures other objectives.
In teamfights, just as usual use CH-3X Lightning Grenade to disable major threats, especially assassins or enemy carries. Keep positioning your turrets to protect your team and disrupt the enemy’s positioning. Use Teleport to join key fights quickly or to defend objectives.
In addition to focusing on objectives, you should also be aware of the enemy's movements and try to predict their next move. If they're pushing a lane, you can use your turrets to defend and hold them off. If they're trying to take an objective, you can use your abilities to disrupt them and make it more difficult for them to succeed.
Proper placement of H-28G Evolution Turret is very important for Heimerdinger. If you place them incorrectly, you will run into some issues: low damage, no coverage, being easy to kill or vulnerable to AoE attacks, and lacking help in farming and pushing, etc.
When pushing a lane, try to place the turrets in a triangle formation, with the first turret placed behind the minions. This will ensure that the minions are in range of all three turrets, maximizing their damage output. Additionally, try to place the turrets in such a way that they are protected by your minions, making them harder for the enemy to target and destroy.
When playing against poke champions, it can be beneficial to place your turrets closer to your tower to farm under its protection. This will make it harder for the enemy to destroy your turrets, allowing you to push the lane more effectively.
When playing against champions with linear skillshots, like Ezreal's Mystic Shot, try to place your turrets inside the minion waves to make it harder for the enemy to hit them.
Finally, be aware of the Cannon minions. These minions deal more damage and can easily destroy your turrets early on. Try to keep their aggro away from your turrets, using your abilities or by luring them away.
Normal Placement
In normal matches, I prefer this placement as it allows my turrets to overlap their ranges and deal more damage, making farming easier. However, it's important to note that this setup can be vulnerable to area-of-effect attacks and has a smaller coverage area compared to the next option.
Anti-AOE Placement
In situations where I am facing champions like Lux, Brand, or Xerath who can quickly take out multiple turrets with one ability, I opt for this placement. It also allows me to more effectively pressure enemies when they are low on health and mana. However, this setup has a larger coverage area but less overlap, resulting in less damage output. During difficult matchups, I often try to position my turrets closer to my own tower rather than the enemy's, as it makes it harder for them to destroy the turrets behind the minion wave.
Safer Placement
Actually, I use three different turret placements, but this one is less common. I choose this setup when I'm overextending and uncertain of the enemy jungler's location. It allows for easier escape using Hextech Affinity and provides coverage for most of the lane. This placement is most effective on the top or bot lane as these are longer and have bushes, but it can also be used in the mid lane.
When playing Heimerdinger as a support, it's important to avoid placing turrets solely in the minion waves, as this can disrupt your ADC's farming, especially if you don't want to push the lane. Instead, try to position them in bushes and as close as possible to walls, as shown in the image.
As a support Heimerdinger, you cannot farm, so your main focus should be on harassing the enemy and maintaining lane pressure by controlling the bushes. You can easily push minion waves, allowing you and your ADC to take tower plates fairly easily. You can prevent enemy ganks using H-28G Evolution Turret, especially when UPGRADE!!! is up. With it, you can easily fight 2v3. When playing as a Heimerdinger support or bot, don't be too afraid of the jungler and try to lure them into your turret nests.
In mid to late game, your objectives should be similar to other roles described in "GAME PLAN", but you should prioritize peeling for your teammates and providing vision more.
Beam Combo
This is one of the most important combos to learn as Heimerdinger. To execute it, first throw the CH-2 Electron Storm Grenade at the enemy, then place the H-28G Evolution Turret while the grenade is still mid-air. This will cause the turret to fire a laser beam at the enemy after the stun is landed, dealing high damage. This combo is the foundation for many other combos and can be modified in various ways.
Double Beam Combo
This combo is one of the most powerful combinations, dealing a total of four [Q] empowered attacks, [W], and [E] damage to the enemy. To make it more effective, wait for the turrets to fire their [E] beams before landing [W], otherwise, you risk wasting 2 beams. This combo can be modified by using [R][Q] (second turret), [R][W], or [R][E]. If you already have turrets placed or need to finish off enemies quickly, you can start the combo with [E], skipping [Q]. If you need more damage and are close enough to the enemy, finish the combo with [Q] instead of auto-attacking.
Anti-Dive (Double Apex Turret Beam Combo)
This combo is similar to the previous one and is great against all-ins or ganks. It's especially effective in 1v2 situations, as the H-28Q Apex Turret has high AoE damage. If you are confident in landing the grenade, use the ultimate turret first instead of the second, as it has better timing.
Double Beam Rocket Swarm Combo
This is an aggressive single-target variation of the Double Beam Combo. It has the highest 1v1 DPS of any combo, but you need to land the CH-2 Electron Storm Grenade to ensure all Hextech Rocket Swarm missiles hit.
Double Beam Bounce Grenade Combo
This combo is a bit weaker than others but has long range and AoE, allowing you to kill enemies from a distance and behind walls.
Flash Grenade
This is a strong yet simple-to-execute combo. With the CH-2 Electron Storm Grenade's travel time varying based on the distance to the target, you can cast [E] on your opponent and instantly Flash to catch them by surprise, resulting in a near-instant stun. You can also apply this to the CH-3X Lightning Grenade to ensure that you either hit your target or stun multiple enemies during teamfights.
This is a simple lane-harassing combination used mainly in the early game. If the turrets are close enough to the enemy, they will fire laser beams that deal extra damage. Wait for the turrets to fire their laser beams for the first time before landing [W] for maximum damage.
Bush Camp
I would call this a trick rather than a combo. It's a great way to catch an unsuspecting enemy off-guard. It involves placing a nest of turrets in a bush and waiting for an unsuspecting victim. Once the enemy is in range, hit them with [E] and finish off with [R][W] (if the turrets were not enough to kill the enemy). It's also a good idea to use the Oracle Lens to check for enemy wards, ensuring your trick isn't ruined by enemy vision.
You can use your turrets to effectively destroy enemy towers. Since the tower will focus on your turrets first, wait for a wave with a cannon minion, clear it, and then set up your turrets (while the cannon minion absorbs the damage). Afterward, just clear the incoming minions with Hextech Micro-Rockets. Additionally, if you need to destroy a low-health enemy tower with no minions nearby, you can use H-28G Evolution Turret to tank a few turret shots.
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