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Recommended Items
Runes: Keef KILLA
+10% Attack Speed
+6 Armor
+65 Base Health
Ability Order this is it
Fury of the North (PASSIVE)
Sejuani Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
he is not a threat at ALL early game, but after he gets his red form you are essentially a free health pack for him.
Miss Fortune
your ult + her ult?
Miss Fortune
your ult + her ult?
Champion Build Guide
Ayyy is me
Howdy gamers, I'm boc and I was a Coach with Cloud9 for 2 years. Now, I'm the Coaching Manager for C9's performance partner, FITGMR! Sejuani has everything you could ever want in a champion: TONS of CC, TONS of Damage :^), Terrain Scaling (Q), and late-game pick potential. Sej is a really strong pick in the current meta and she fits into almost any comp and provides great engagement as well as a solid frontline. She has a very simple kit/playstyle which also makes her easy to master! :D |
The setup
Many people misunderstand and think Sejuani is simply a tank. In reality, Sejuani is a bursty DPS ASSASSIN MAGE tank capable of 100-0'ing any squishy target on the enemy team with her suite of CC and high damage (thanks Riot for the dmg buffs). While you may struggle against some of the best picks in meta or champs that simply outrange/kite you, maybe bruisers that normally would bully a tank laner will lose in a straight-up 1v1 against you, and you can use this to your advantage to snowball leads and win games.
Taking grasp, combined with Sej's passive allows you to remain almost completely unkillable for the first part of every fight, allowing you to dive backline or just provide a solid frontline for your team. Font of life lets you heal your team whenever you apply CC to an enemy (which is always), bone plating is more tankiness against any burst, but most of the time conditioning is the better pick as it scaled EXTREMELY well with your kit, and overgrowth allows you to scale into lategame and still remain unkillable.
I take Inspiration secondary with bisctuis + cosmic to sustain through her poor lvl 1-5 and allow me to start 1v1ing and looking for fights at lvl 6. Sometimes I like Domination for the extra damage and ultimate cooldown reduction
For runes i like Attack speed (for reasons stated above), Armor to survive early, and HP to be a more effective frontliner/duelist.
Taking grasp, combined with Sej's passive allows you to remain almost completely unkillable for the first part of every fight, allowing you to dive backline or just provide a solid frontline for your team. Font of life lets you heal your team whenever you apply CC to an enemy (which is always), bone plating is more tankiness against any burst, but most of the time conditioning is the better pick as it scaled EXTREMELY well with your kit, and overgrowth allows you to scale into lategame and still remain unkillable.
I take Inspiration secondary with bisctuis + cosmic to sustain through her poor lvl 1-5 and allow me to start 1v1ing and looking for fights at lvl 6. Sometimes I like Domination for the extra damage and ultimate cooldown reduction
For runes i like Attack speed (for reasons stated above), Armor to survive early, and HP to be a more effective frontliner/duelist.
Pro(fessionals) and Con(men)
+ Constant Threat to enemy backline + HYPER tanky + Does well into AD or AP team + Lots of CC/peel AND damage + High synergy with melee champs on her team Sej's itemization makes her extremely flexible no matter what comp she's against, and her damage is high enough to kill most squishy champs outright in teamfights. Even after ult and E nerfs, her kit allows you to win games as long as your team follows up! |
- Easily abused by True damage dealers - Squishy before her first item is complete - Long Q cdr can make you easy to catch - Ult is skillshot that can be hard to hit from range - Not able to solo carry if entire team is behind The only scary part of the game is if you get camped early be a lee, xin, jarvan..ETC. If you make it through early game with smart warding, you will be a midgame MONSTER. Only real lategame threat to watch out for is Vayne/Camille. |
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GAMER time
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Pick into comps with heavy AD or hyper carry ADC's. |
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Take into comps with lots of CC threats or heavy AP. |
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This item was tailor-made for sej. Everything a growing boar needs. |
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Gives all your abilities a slight bump in dmg and provides more CDR as well as resists against any AP threats |
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Great into any team with AD threats. |
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THE PREMIERE CASSIOPIA COUNTER. Also takes champs like Teemo, Singed, and Kai'sa out of the game. *Build only in certain situations* |
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More HP to increase the effectiveness of your passive! Also gives the ability to recover after disengaging a poor fight. CDR is nice too |
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Cheap, effective, and a solid buy if you need to help keep a hyper carry on your team alive. |
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Good situational buy into teams with high attack speed or crit |
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Dmg scales based on HP, so build last if you need a little more "oomf" in your burst. |
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Keep your team alive! This is mostly just built on Jungle Sej as a 2nd item after Sunfire. You give up damage at the cost of your own survivability. |
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Sacrificing HP for more utility. The mana it gives is nice, but not necessary, consider building into heavy AD teams that AA a lot. (Jax, Trynd, AD mids) |
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Great 1st item when you need early MR and/or can't utilize Iceborn fully due to the lane matchup. |
How 2 be a cool gamer
The end of the world
Even as a coach, I am still a student of the game, so all feedback is welcome! If you like it and would like to see more, let me know what champs I should do next!
Also, make sure to check out my Twitch where I stream from time to time OR on Metafy where I do coaching!
Thank you and have a blessed day/night <3
Also, make sure to check out my Twitch where I stream from time to time OR on Metafy where I do coaching!
Thank you and have a blessed day/night <3
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