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Recommended Items
Runes: Meta[BEST]
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
League of Draven (PASSIVE)
Draven Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
She can all in you, her W blocks your autos and you will lose your axes, stay away from her as far as you can and Counter her dash with your E, difficult to time it otherwise you are dead
Perfect support, since he can all in enemy bot and you can play very aggressive
Perfect support, since he can all in enemy bot and you can play very aggressive
Champion Build Guide
Lethal Tempo- It gives extra range which is very useful since draven has a very short range for a bot lane champion.In addition the rest of the rpecision runes are necessary for him to suceed in lane( Presence of mind, Alacrity, Bloodline, Coup de Grace). These runes change depending the matchup but you should always opt for first or secondary runes to be precision.
Hail of Blades-This rune is very good in burst damage, since Draven relies on his auto's, once you hold 2 axes, with this rune the moment you throw your second axe you can press Q and get a third axe to deal huge damage.It is very good for trading in botlane. I don't personally use it because it does nto suit my playstyle.
Dark harvest-What better than execution on the champion that is named the executioner. Dark Harvest is my favorite rune, I run it into squishy comps and I go lethality. The damage on your ultimate is very good and the mobility too.It gives the possibility if combined with the lethality items to sell boots and go Rapid Firecannon. So In late game you have High Damage, High CD, Range and the mobility is not bad since Duskblade or Yoummus gives MS and you can Spam W due to low cooldowns, so go ahead and try it in a normal game.
Conqueror-That is a classic Draven rune from the old times, it is not bad since if you have extended teamfights it can stack and the Adaptivce damage really comes in handy, but Lethal tempo is optimal at the moment.
Infinity Edge- Due to preseason changes Infinity Edge has become a mythic Item which is viable to most draven games.It deals a lot of damage and goes well with lethal tempo I build this 70% of my games.
Triforce- If you are on the beggining of your journey as a Draven player, Trifirce helps you out it is a noob-friendly item since it gives a lot of stats(HP,AS,AD,CD),if you take this Mythic though I suggest going Presence of mind rune, since you will probably be going collector second.
Duskblade- This item I build the otherr 30% of my games.Duskblade's new passive lets you be untargetabble for a few seconds. You can make some really good picks and since Draven insta kills an enemy champion, you can reposition and go back to safety. Additionally the bonus CD and MS passive in late game gives you the oportunity to spam your abilities.If you time it correctly you can even have 2 axes all the time by just pressing Q.\
Yoummous-This item is very good fro snowballing, but risky since it cannot protect you it's just flat damage.I rarely go this Mythic since its coinflip.
Bloodthirster- Since the buffs that have been given to bloodthirster, the item is very good on Draven the extra damage comes in handy. The life steal it provides gives survivability and is very useful against poking lanes.Best lifesteal item for draven
Lord Dominik's- Usually build this as a 4th item.Since you have passed the early stages of the game and are heading mid to late game.Most champions have already bought their resistances or have more HP than you. That's when Lord Dominik's has the most value.Definetely a must item.
Collector- If you believe in your Snowballing capabilities, the collector is very efficient when ahead in early game, the execute damage works really well with your R execute. Although I recommend going for collector when you play with Dark Harvest since u maximize the assasination damage
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