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Recommended Items
+8 Ability Haste
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Early-game oriented summoner spells
Crimson Pact (PASSIVE)
Vladimir Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Easier midlane compared to top, but still hard. Buy cdr early, block his W, and try to stay out of his Q range. If he buys mr you can't do anything, just scale.
Ⅰ The first thing you need to learn is farming and hitting 10 cs per minute. Having a high cs score is something you can achieve in 100% of your games.
Vladimir is a champion that needs to be played very selfishly. This is why most of the time the correct play would be staying on your lane and farming. You can only roam on a good wave (meaning either when the wave is fully crashed under the enemy tower or slow pushing into you), and when you know 100% that the play will work and will be more beneficial than staying midlane.
Ⅲ Mid game, the person with
Teleport has to be on the opposite side of the objective, so if
Rift Herald/
Baron spawns, he has to be bot and if
Drake spawns, he has to be top. This applies to you as well if you are running
Teleport, but most of the games
Vladimir won't have
Teleport so you need to be on the side of the map where the objective spawns and the ADC needs to be mid.
Ⅳ If the enemy team is stronger and you can't contest the objective, go on the opposite side of the map and try to make a trade there. You can push, get a tower, maybe even get a kill, and if your team doesn't listen to you and decides to contest, die and flame you afterwords (which will most likely happen a lot if you're playing in low elo), just mute them. It's never worth it to type back, get angry, and play bad as a result.
Ⅴ During the laning phase, you can use your summoners (your
Ghost in particular,and maybe
Ignite if you have it) to get a big trade on your opponent since there isn't anything else you can use them for that early into the game, so ghosting on your lane opponent to hit them with an empowered
Transfusion and auto attack them a couple of times is extremely worth. However, mid and late game it's the opposite. Since
Vladimir has no mobility and is pretty low range, he needs to have summoners in order to participate in a fight, so always check in how much time does the next objective spawns to know if you are allowed to use summoners or not. Using summoners before an objective is only worth if you use them to kill a fed member of their team or their jungler, but even then, there are situations where you would prefer to play 5v5 with your summoners up than to 4v5 with no summoners, so you will need experience in order to consistently make the best decision.

Ⅲ Mid game, the person with

Ⅳ If the enemy team is stronger and you can't contest the objective, go on the opposite side of the map and try to make a trade there. You can push, get a tower, maybe even get a kill, and if your team doesn't listen to you and decides to contest, die and flame you afterwords (which will most likely happen a lot if you're playing in low elo), just mute them. It's never worth it to type back, get angry, and play bad as a result.
Ⅴ During the laning phase, you can use your summoners (your

Single Target Combo:
Tides of Blood >
Flash > Release
Tides of Blood >
Hemoplague >
Transfusion (and
Ignite if you have it).
You release
Tides of Blood yourself before your
Hemoplague becuase it's alot faster and impossible to react to if done correctly.
Some people do: Hold
Tides of Blood >
Flash >
Hemoplague >
Tides of Blood >
Transfusion since pressing
Hemoplague automatically releases your
Tides of Blood, but the combo is really slow and easy to react to.
Team Fight Combo:
If you see the enemy team clumped up do:
Flash >
Hemoplague >
Transfusion >
Tides of Blood >
Sanguine Pool.
Transfusion if you have 50% Crimson Rush so you get empowered
Transfusion after you exit
Sanguine Pool.
This combo is even better if you are running
Phase Rush.
Zhonya's Hourglass Team Fight combo:
Start the combo with 0% Crimson Rush
Flash >
Hemoplague >
Transfusion >
Tides of Blood >
Sanguine Pool >
Transfusion >
Zhonya's Hourglass by that point you should've gotten some takedowns so your
Transcendence will reduce the cdr on your abilities and you will be able to use
Sanguine Pool again.
If you start the combo with 50% Crimson Rush do the exact same thing just don't use
Transfusion before
You are untargetable for 6.5 seconds while also doing insane amounts of damage to the enemies, and the combo is very useful even when you're behind. You won't see yourself doing this exact combo very often, it's hard to do it consistently and i don't think
Zhonya's Hourglass is that good this season due to its high price and lack of cdr, but still just keep it in mind.

You release

Some people do: Hold

Team Fight Combo:
If you see the enemy team clumped up do:

This combo is even better if you are running

Start the combo with 0% Crimson Rush

If you start the combo with 50% Crimson Rush do the exact same thing just don't use

You are untargetable for 6.5 seconds while also doing insane amounts of damage to the enemies, and the combo is very useful even when you're behind. You won't see yourself doing this exact combo very often, it's hard to do it consistently and i don't think

Welcome to my Season 14
Vladimir Guide!
Hello everyone! My name is Gray149, and I'm a Master Tier Vladimir One Trick. I reached Master in season 13 on EUW and then again in season 14 on both EUW and EUNE, playing mainly Vladimir.
I sincerely hope this guide helps you and leaves you with something new. It's my first time making a guide, and I'll try to update it when needed.
I also started streaming in recent months, so here is a link to my stream if you are interested: https://www.twitch.tv/gray_149
Feel free to join and ask anything League/Vlad-related. I will try my best to answer all of your questions as soon as I can.
With that being said, I want to say thank you to every single one of you who read the guide.

Hello everyone! My name is Gray149, and I'm a Master Tier Vladimir One Trick. I reached Master in season 13 on EUW and then again in season 14 on both EUW and EUNE, playing mainly Vladimir.
I sincerely hope this guide helps you and leaves you with something new. It's my first time making a guide, and I'll try to update it when needed.
I also started streaming in recent months, so here is a link to my stream if you are interested: https://www.twitch.tv/gray_149
Feel free to join and ask anything League/Vlad-related. I will try my best to answer all of your questions as soon as I can.
With that being said, I want to say thank you to every single one of you who read the guide.
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