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Poppy Build Guide by Kcmichalson

Support [14.23] Supporting the Hero! A Poppy Support guide.

Support [14.23] Supporting the Hero! A Poppy Support guide.

Updated on November 29, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Kcmichalson Build Guide By Kcmichalson 61 7 137,082 Views 4 Comments
61 7 137,082 Views 4 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Kcmichalson Poppy Build Guide By Kcmichalson Updated on November 29, 2024
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Tauricus2017 (120) | February 22, 2024 5:09am
Hello there, Kc!
Here is the guide review you applied for yesterday. But first of all, let me congratulate you on your very first MFN guide! Sometimes, the waiting queues for review applications can be quite long, but since your guide combines off-meta and support themes (my jam), I wanted to review it as soon as humanly possible <3

I split this review into 3 parts:

---- BUILD/CHEATSHEET - This part is all about your cheat sheet - runes, items, builds, and all that stuff at the top of your guide!
---- PRESENTATION - The visual side of your guide!
---- CONTENT - The actual amount & quality of the content in your guide!

BEFORE YOU READ THE REVIEW: It may sometimes sound like the "tone" I wrote this review in might be slightly harsh - but trust me - I was writing this review in the nicest and most light-hearted tone imaginable, even though it's hard to tell from something so emotion-less as a wall of text. Also, nothing in this review is an order or something you must do. It's just a collection of recommendations from a rando on the internet that you can but totally don't have to follow. It's your guide after all <3


SUMMARY: While your guide isn't quite the sharpest tool in the shed, it undoubtedly shows potential. You are experimenting with different formatting techniques and while the execution isn't ideal - I believe you are going in the right direction. Considering this is your first guide here, I think you should certainly be proud of what you accomplished. I hope that you will keep up the good work and continue building this guide up, cause you sure are off to a great start <3

If you have any extra questions about anything, feel free to ask! :D
Have a ravishing rest of the day <3
Kcmichalson (1) | February 28, 2024 1:25pm
Thanks a bunch for the outstanding review, Tauricus. I've never had something of mine written so much about before so I thank you greatly of all the critique you've given me. I've spent the last few days refining the guide as per your notes and will continue to do so. Still working on the runes section since I'm trying to figure out how to do something special with the formatting and it's taking a while.

I created some image-based headings as you suggested (still working on some images for some more, will use them as I find them). Other than that, made the guide much more visually appealing overall (again, still working on the rune part). I know the items thing is a mess but that's the one part I'm sticking to, I spaced it out some more and fixed some of the symmetry issues you mentioned, but I believe all items should be equally represented in order to show off the situations in which they excel.

I added much more detailing to the builds, ability sets and am currently working on improving the positioning section. I am considering adding an ability section but I would figure people looking to guides this long would have a basic understanding of her abilities already. If it is true that many players look to these without prior experience then I suppose I could add a basic ability section, since I was hoping to expand on ability usage in the positioning section.

Would love to read what you think of how I've done with the changes. I doubt there's anything I've done in the wrong direction, but if there is it would be much appreciated to be notified of it.

Again, thanks a bunch for your great review, and I hope I'll be able to edit it up to your expectations in the future.
- Kc
Tauricus2017 (120) | March 1, 2024 12:49pm
Your improvements haven't gone unnoticed, the guide's better than ever already <3

I understand your concerns relating to the item section and I get why you want to keep it the way it is. I would still suggest using a different formatting style (surely there must be a way to present items in a way that's both systematic and pretty) - but if you want to keep it - that's by all means your full right :D It's your guide, you should only make changes you want to make <3

You're right about the ability section. Most people do indeed know what these abilities do by the time they read that. What matters more is that you tell them HOW and WHEN you use them as well as all the secret tricks. It depends on the champion, however. Sometimes there really isn't much to talk about. Other times the champions' kit is so versatile that you have to dedicate an entire full-screen of text to a single ability :D

If you think Poppy doesn't have that much to explain in the ability section, I totally agree with you to leave it out and instead, mention the ability usage in other relevant guide sections as needed.

Otherwise, I think you made some awesome improvements already. The headings are perfect, the orange aesthetic looks great (especially all the orange hyperlinks), and these new divider lines look a lot better too. The guide is already a lot better and I like every change you made so far <3
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