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Recommended Items
Runes: typical mid build
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10% Tenacity/Slow Resist
Ability Order e into q into w, always priorize R when posisble.
Void Shift (PASSIVE)
Malzahar Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
very hard but unpopular lane, if you get velkoz mid, just dodge. There is one velkoz mid every years. realistically, you need to match his clear and W when he has used his W and E which wont be easy because its low cooldown. try to R or Q his ult. try to focus on farming.
I am a Malzahar and Rumble main since S7, I have hit masters promos 3 times and failled all three while playing Malz and Rumble mainly.
I am JN, I was paralyzed from neck down on the 8th of july of this year so I am currently streaming for fun while working back to full health on my twitch channel
I stream daily on weekdays. Come join and ask questions!
I play Malzahar, Rumble, Tryndamere, Trundle and Garen.
I currently am away from work until I get better.
He is a very good pick as a main for your second class or just for free elo as a middle lane main. He is also a good pick if you want to learn playing middle lane and understand other champions as he has very little hard counters.
So enjoy your free elo!
Teleport really is the best way to go for me. I used to only play with ghost as it would help me get out of ganks and roam but I think teleport is the best because it allows you to farm a lot more. It allows you to shove your lane into their tower, go back and buy lost chapter or roam which is existential for me.
Some people love to go ignite into high mobility champions to get the final blow when you ult them but I think it is not as good since these fights will usually imply a lot of your health and you will have to back anyways. Teleport will allow you to fight him, back and then teleport in lane and push wave and deny him a lot of experience and money.
Your Q: Your Q is called Call of the void. It is a skillshot that does damage to the ennemies and minions between the two orbs perpendicular to where you are facing. Also, if you have put your E on a minion or an ennemy and you hit a Q on them, the timer of the E will reset. Another important thing about your Q is that it silences the people between the Q for 1/1.25/1.5/1.75/2 seconds. You usually max this attack in second as it does damage but not as much as your E.
Your W: Your W is called Void swam. It has an active and a passive. Its active is that it summons a voidling next to Malzahar and it will attack the nearest target or it will attack the target that has your E on them. It does more damage if they are affected by your E. Its passive is that everytimes you use an ability you gain stacks of voidlings up to 2 stacks. When you use your W after you have the maximum of stacks, you will summon more voidlings. In the past your voidlings use to have a lot of health but with the recent nerfs and reworks to Malzahar, they are one shot by any abilities of a champions but will last longer against minions. Because of that, you no longer max your W in second instead you finish with this ability.
Your E: Your E is called Malefic visions. It is a point and click ability and it does damage over time (DoT). It does damage every .5 seconds on the target you choose. When you kill the target and your E is still on them, the ability will spread to the nearest target. If you use Q or R on a target with your E on them, the timer of 4 seconds will reset and it will keep doing DoT. You usually max this attack in first since it is your bread and butter. It does a huge amount of damage is used as a poke early.
Your R: Your R is called Nether grasp. It is a point and click ability and it supresses the target for 2.5 seconds dealing a certain amount of damage. A supress means that the ennemy champion will not be able to move for the whole duration of the ability.
It also means that Cleanse will not stop the supress but Quicksilver sash will. When you use your R, you also refresh the duration of your E.
Your R can also be used to peel your carries. In lower elos, Malzahar mains will use their ultimate to save themselves when it is usually too late or will use it to flash ult. If you want to become a better player, you have to choose the best opportunity to use your ultimate as you become insanely vulnerable when you use it as you supress an ennemy but it also means that you are not moving for this period of time. For example, if the blitzcrank on your team hooks an ashe player, using your ultimate at this point is usually a waste of ult since you know that ashe has basically no escape and she is dead.
Another important use for your ultimate is that you can use it to peel your carries. As a Malzahar main you have to understand that you will not always be the carry and that at some point in the game, past the 30 minutes mark, the AD carries will take over the game. Even if you are fed as hell before that, there is a point where the AD carries deal a lot of damage and peeling them from the tanks or the ennemies high priority targets is a really good idea.
I hope you liked my guide and leave me any feedbacks or ask questions if something was not clear enough or not metionned, feel free to join the stream to ask questions.
Thanks for your support and I hope you enjoy playing Malzahar as much as I do.
First of all, this coaching video by Neace really helped me to understand what mistakes Malzahar mains usually do. I became really aware of the importance of my first tower being up at all time and also the importance of never losing any farm.
Second of all, this video by Evul games really helped me understand the basics of Malzahar when I was beginning. It pointed out some things that I was not aware and helped me grow. The majority of the things he said should be present in this guide in more details but it is a really good summary.
Finally, this video highlighting the strength of the best Malzahar in the world as he recently won the Worlds. It is a good review by Midbeast who also plays quite a lot of Malzahar in the middle lane.
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