Punish until level 6, after that SURVIVE until u get Hydra + Hexdrinker , you can 1v1 her afterwards.
Wave 1-4:
Cheater recall on wave 3, attempt to freeze on the bounceback, or call for a jungler gank.
Abuse her early game before she gets a lot of points into Q, otherwise she will just run you down when level 7-9 (4 to 5 points in Q), especially with buffs her powerspike has become even MORE OP.
Try to all in her in the early levels, parrying her passive auto is helpful but if she uses E always parry when she dashes back as its a guaranteed parry.
Hexdrinker can help you survive her all ins level 6 as she basically runs you down once she has points in Q, this is the only way you can fight her back, try not to let her poke you down with shroud, run away and look for poke.
You can Q her while she is invisible so look to do that.
Note that red trinket helps when she uses shroud for your Q's.
Goal in lane:
Poke him down, survive until trinity, and beat him once you get your trinity powerspike.
This is a hard matchup, play similar to most range matchups, you only want to hit on front vitals, but in this particular matchup, his level 1 is very strong.
Don't forget to play for bushes to not get poked down too much while farming.
You want to run Dshield + Second wind, play safe until level 2 and wait for your parry to block his PTA or double auto/Q.
Care for his poke and short trades, he can do a lot of dmg in a short amount of time, and hitting parry is very hard due to his mobility so wait until he is locked in an animation.
Hide between turrets or minions to block his R, or you can parry it as well.
He is very gankable so ask for jungle ganks!
You hard out scale him, so play for that!
Goal in lane:
Punish her, get a lead, DO NOT DIE, she can snowball very well.
Wave 1-4:
Get a cheater recall, Camille has very bad waveclear.
Spacing and kiting is really important in this MU!
Constantly look for poke and parry her E when possible (they will try to bait it, but you can usually react), you can also use parry when she gets her AD shield (as parry does AP DMG) even better if you can block something at the same time.
Her main threat is her poke, ignite and her gank follow-up with ultimate.
Try to abuse her as much as possible in lane, look for poke, Q in her W, look to extend trades as much as possible as short trades benefit her.
There is a little trick you can do when she uses E to run away, you can use QW to block it and stun her.
Runes: PTA
Goal in lane:
Outfarm him until Hydra, you can kill him then 100%, before that it's difficult, especially if he rushes armor boots.
Wave 1-4:
Cheater recall, and try to get a freeze.
Take Ignite
Care for his empowered auto, wait for him to use it on a minion.
Try to parry his Q when he has no E or predict where he uses E if he often does it in the same way, otherwise you can parry his W and look to dodge his Q's with your movespeed and your own Q.
Getting executioner is very helpful in this matchup if you don't have ignite.
Try to pull in the waves so you can look for an all in and run him down with conqueror stacked, try to poke him to make him use E or Q and then when his spells are on cooldown look for a big all in.
(Some take bramble + grasp, very, very rare but in the off chance they do try to freeze and get the biggest lead you can in lane as they are trying to survive lane to teamfight later
Runes: PTA
Goal in lane:
Wave 1-4:
Cheater recall, comeback and FORCE a freeze, if u need to TP to get back in time to freeze, DO IT.
Really easy matchup you win most type of trades, he has very easy to parry abilities, though you need a good bit of tenacity to parry silence into knockup, you win them anyway.
Pull in waves, look to freeze and run him down, he lacks so much mobility and is an HP Tank, basically a dream come true for Fiora.
Just be wary of getting kited with his slow on spikes, he can kite vitals and be a menace if he gets a lead into bramble vest due to being too tanky.
Dr. Mundo
Goal in lane:
Deny him as much resources as possible, while getting as much as possible, as killing him isn't very possible.
Wave 1-4:
Cheater recall > Freeze
The new Mundo is more of a pain than the old Mundo.
Poke him down on vitals front or back and dodge his Q's, in melee you can also parry his Q if you count the cooldowns properly, as they will use it as soon as they get it.
You win all ins but you might lose if you play for too much short trades and get hit by too many Q's.
Typically they will stay away and spam Q for cs, its hard to block them after the rework as it does too much damage now.
Once he hits level 6 (ignite or executioner is a big plus) you can just run him down, if he has tabis he can just run away, but if he has bramble you will have a bit of a harder time, but still good as long as you dont get poked too much and parry his Q slow so he cant kite you out.
Hard to stomp, but free scaling lane, it all depends on who can have more impact in the mid/late game.
Don't let him have too much impact later on in teamfights, try to force him on side with splitpush and ping when he moves.
You saw my guide, so you better be the better Fiora player!
You will know the combos, the optimal summs runes and items, so if you lose you are just a big noob.
Parry her Parry and ITS GG WP FF@15.
But in the off chance you are 1v1'ing your friend for a skin, and it's Fiora vs Fiora, hold your parry for their parry time it slightly after they shoot it, that way they dont block it.
You both know how vitals will appear, so it's a bit awkward but try to kite vitals while trying to hit yours.
If you are playing ARAM, take snowball as it can proc vitals from a far (helps for ult proc as well).
Be quicker with combos and GG you win it.
Goal in lane:
Punish him as hard as possible on freezes, you win this matchup.
Wave 1-4:
Cheater recall then Freeze
Easy matchup, any type of trades favors you really as long as you don't let him freely use his whole W.
Try to parry his Q pull onto him, a lot of kleds like to E into you to dodge it so try to read the players habits (holding parry is also fine).
Look to parry his ultimate to stop him from engaging in fights and going onto your team.
If he is unmounted, parry cripple is really strong as he will really struggle to re-mount with the AS slow.
Try to fight when the wave is pulled in so you can run him down.
Goal in lane:
Freeze and deny her as much resources as possible, to be more useful in the mid/lategame
Wave 1-4:
Cheater > Freeze
Easy matchup for Fiora.
If she has Dark harvest go D Shield because she will look to poke you a lot.
If she has Conq, PTA or something similar, take D Blade and just outrade her straight up.
This is a pretty straight forward matchup where u want to look to poke her down bit by bit with small trades, second wind is obviously really nice to have due to her E poke without mana, otherwise, you can just parry her Q if she is AD, or E if she is AP, both lead to winning trades, she isn't much of a threat if played properly.
You can just run her down easily, level 6 you win any sort of all in, you just need to care for her short trades and don't let her get small trades in.
(If she has PTA parry the PTA proc and she has no damage).
Look to keep the wave pulled in so you can run her down, freezing is usually best here, getting a cheater early on can help a lot as she doesn't have the best waveclear in early game.
Goal in lane:
Freeze and punish him, as you win most all ins as long as you poke him down a bit before hand (60-80% hp is all in window)
Wave 1-4:
Cheater > Freeze.
This matchup isn't difficult as long as you respect him, be wary of long trades especially once he gets bramble vest and a conqueror stacked, he can kite you out and tank so much while having insane healing and DPS.
You can parry his Q or E, typically parrying his E is better for the stun, although it is harder to hit as they can move while using E, often parrying Q, and dodging E with Q is a better option.
Once he hits level 6 you want to parry his ultimate if possible (it requires you to have lower ping, but if you do, it is very reactable).
As long as you don't trade carelessly, and you win early, you should win this matchup.
Goal in lane:
Freeze and beat him up.
Wave 1-4:
Cheater > Freeze
Rare matchup but really easy, you win any form of trade as long as he doesn't get his empowered E with bush on you.
Both his Q & W are reactable and parryable very easily, same for his ultimate.
Abuse him in lane, look to freeze and deny him xp and cs as he cannot commit as you win if you fight while the wave is pulled in towards you as you can chase him down.
Goal in lane:
Punish with short trades, and all in once he is in a kill window (60-80% hp)
Wave 1-4:
It's hard to get prio in this matchup, if you can try to get a cheater recall, otherwise just let him push in and go for short trades.
Take ignite.
Not that difficult of matchup as long as you play it RIGHT!
Parry his Q and only play for short trades, you can techincally parry his pillar and stun him, but its so hard and basically impossible to consistently do.
Trade everytime you get your parry, they usually insta Q or, Auto into Q.
Get anti healing, once he has 6 try to poke him down and kill him in an all in.
Goal in lane:
Freeze and punish him with short trades.
Wave 1-4:
Cheater recall > Freeze
In this matchup, discipline is really important, you need to be patient!
As long as you play for poke and don't all in without parry you are fine, you can sort of kite him if he engages you with your move speed, if he dares to E in your minion wave to fight you, you will destroy him, just care not to fight when he has the wave pulled in as that is how he wants to fight to run you down with ghost.
In this matchup exhaust or ignite can help compensate for the ghost, although I still think going TP is better.
Leashing is not good in this matchup as he can stack up rage and get lucky crits on you.
Goal in lane:
Bully him on level 3 and onwards.
Wave 1-4:
Play passive, look for Q poke, its usually hard to get prio in this matchup before level 3.
Very similar to the yone matchup, look for poke, proc his shield and then look for an all in while dodging his Q's you don't want to be too pushed in, as he can get short trades and u cant run him down.
Look to parry his Q with a QW through the windwall if possible as they will often block your Q.
Care not to carelessly spam your Q as he can use the dash to dodge your Q and make you miss vitals.
Use the movespeed from vitals and ultimate to dodge his Q's.
Hold your Q to follow him when dashing as if you Q too early he can just kite you out too easily.
You win with short trades, Q AA E1 E2.
Pull in waves and look to all in him, tabis are a really good buy here.
Goal in lane:
Bully him on level 3 and onwards.
Wave 1-4:
Play passive, look for Q poke, its usually hard to get prio in this matchup before level 3.
This matchup really depends on the skill of the Yone player (i've played vs dzukill, its rough).
It can go from being really easy, to a struggle in lane.
Essentially what you want to do is poke him down with Q's look for short trades, he is also very gankable so calling for ganks can help as well, he struggles in the long lane as he is very easy to rundown.
Look to dodge his Q's while trading with the movespeed, if you can parry his Q or R, often times you need to parry behind you if he is too close or if you parry ultimate.
Care as some players will dodge after using Q or use E to dodge your parry.
Don't push as it benefits him too much, care when he has berserk boots as the lane because 10x harder.
Tabis are a huge buy here after your Hydra
Goal in lane:
Punish at any point in the lane, preferrably when freezing.
Wave 1-4:
Punish her on front vitals, it's unplayable for her.
You can go Dblade, but Dshield + Second wind makes you heal sooo much in this MU.
Really easy to handle, she lacks too much DMG to counteract your healing and damage, as long as you stay inside her during her Q and parry her W she can't really do much DMG.
As long as you don't hard misplay it, you should win this matchup easily, her R is very parryable as well.
In lane, try to just poke on vitals, wear her down while she tries to get damage on you while you heal it all up with dshield and second wind while she expends her whole mana pool.
Care for level 1 trades as she can do a lot of DMG and kite you out, try not to chase for too long as she can deny you a lot of damage and dodge your parry quite easily.
Very gankable, and very easy to handle, should be a free MU.
Goal in lane:
DO NOT LET HIM PROXY WHEN POSSIBLE, only way for him to win, is to proxy, if he does, kill him as much as possible without losing CS, not losing CS IS WAY MORE IMPORTANT.
Wave 1-4:
Push wave 3 to get a bounceback, DO NOT RECALL, else he will try to force a proxy after, just wait the bounceback, ward for jungle, and beat him in trades.
Pretty easy matchup, early boots are really good here to not get kited too much.
With d shield and second wind you have an insane amount of sustain (you can walk into his poison for 1 tick to proc the healing and refresh dshield + second wind it's really free healing).
You can parry his E as it is usual pretty obvious, if they hold on for too long they lose anyway, if you manage to parry his E onto him just once, he will get hard punished so look for that.
As long as you don't chase you win it.
Runes: PTA
Goal in lane:
Punish him as much as possible, freeze and deny him as MUCH AS POSSIBLE, he beats you after sheen and armor boots if u haven't punished him
Wave 1-4:
Just poke or all in, you win everything in early trades, if you parry his W he will either need to burn flash, get him out of lane or you kill him.
You want to freeze and pull waves in to be able to run him down with parry and deny him cs/stacks.
Once he hits level 6 you need to be a bit careful especially if he has sheen/bramble he is very strong.
As long as you deny him stacks you won't lose this MU.
Goal in lane:
Punish him, this is a winning matchup for Fiora, just becareful when he has boots and 6.
Wave 1-4:
Cheater recall, and TP back to lane if he has ignite, so he cant crash it, keep that freeze as long as possible.
Look for poke constantly to reset his passive, don't let him heal up.
Parry his Q in the early game as you can react to the animation and it isn't cancelable.
It's not the best idea to look for an all in when he has W, but you can bait it out and hold in the meantime then use your abilities when his W is over.
If he has ignite, use tp to your advantage it's huge.
Care when he has level 6, he can Q and then Ultimate so you can't parry it due to the silence.
Otherwise you can react to his ultimate and get a free kill.
Goal in lane:
Deny him as many resources as you can, and force plates when possible, as he has low damage.
Wave 1-4:
Cheater recall > Freeze.
Pretty easy matchup, look to again pull in waves and play for all ins, he can win if you only play for poke as he shines in short trades.
There are 3 things you can parry Pre-6, his E knockup, his W auto (although it is cancelable so care), or his Q pillar, if you go where the pillar will erupt, you can parry as the displace counts as a CC so you can parry it onto him. (will do a ytb video showcasing it).
After level 6 you need to try and parry his ultimate as it renders him basically useless.
Set up the waves so you can chase him down in trades and look for all ins and you win this GG.
Goal in lane:
Parry his W2 and you win 100% of the times, especially with ignite in this matchup
Wave 1-4:
Get prio if possible, try to cheater recall, if you cannot, wait until level 3 to fight him, as you win 100%, do not extend trades too long.
In this matchup, you want to poke down Voli to then look for an all in, he lacks a lot of range, so front vitals are free damage, and he can't chase u due to the movespeed.
You want to look to parry his Q (Even better, they often Q into E), or his EMPOWERED W, his 1st W doesn't do much damage but puts a mark on you, that disappears after a few seconds and then the 2nd W if you are marked will deal HIGH DAMAGE.
Though if you parry the 2nd one, the whole spell resets, and he becomes very vulnerable, you can usually trick them into using it if you go in when the W mark is going to disappear as they want to make use of it.
Care for turret dives when he reaches level 6 as if the enemy jungle comes it's hard to survive the 1v2 without turret dealing damage.
As long as you kite him out and poke him down you win.
Goal in lane:
Punish her as much as possible, Fiora wins this matchup, but can lose after she gets frozen gauntlet if not ahead.
Wave 1-4:
Cheater > Freeze
Take ignite.
This matchup is basically a ping gap, if you have around 30 ping you can react to her E comfortably, but otherwise it's very hard.
Use spells to dodge her abilites and tentacle smashes, but hold parry for E and kite her out when she uses Ultimate as she is unkillable.
Ignite works well in this matchup due to her healing and the extra damage.
Kiting is essential in this matchup, getting early boots is very helpful you stomp once you get Hydra
Goal in lane:
Punish as much as possible.
Wave 1-4:
Cheater > Freeze.
This is a slightly favored MU for Fiora, in this matchup you want to trade in a particular way.
Look for poke and only commit if he retaliates.
You can parry a lot of stuff in this MU, if you parry his E2 you can land a free stun and basically win the trade.
You can also parry his W, denying him the healing, making him completely lose the trade.
As long as you don't trade until his cooldowns comeback, you will win this MU without a problem.
If level 6 is a problem, you can react to his R from afar and parry it, making him unable to steal your ult.
You completely destroy him on Hydra, he doesn't stand a chance.
If you really need to, ignite can help a lot, especially if you are midlane.
Tahm Kench
Goal in lane:
Deny him as much resources as possible, as he is really hard to kill.
Wave 1-4:
Try to get prio and get a cheater recall off, but it can be tough as tahm kench isn't weak in the early levels, if not wait for level 3 and trade him, stop trading when parry is on cd.
You want to poke him out don't look to go for all ins in the early levels as he is very strong, try to poke him down while trading in minions to not get hit by Q, you completely outrange and have way more mobility than he does.
There are a ton of spells you can parry from his kit, his Q if he has 3 stacks, his devour if you can predict, and the easiest well, his old ultimate that is now his W so the abyssal dive, upon reappearing he knocks up everyone, so you get a free stun if he uses it on you.
Goal in lane:
Punish him as much as possible, deny resources, get plates.
Wave 1-4:
Be careful not to take too much poke as you might not be able to crash the wave, push as much as is safe, you want to eventually get a freeze versus Sion.
You want to all in with pulled in waves, look to parry his Q if possible as he will get severly punished.
Q out of his Q or use Parry to not get damaged too much in lane.
Usually parrying towards the ends is better as they often hold, and even if they let go early, you kept your parry and it did less dmg, but if you parry and they hold you are DOOMED.
Care when he buys bramble as he can sort of kite you.
When looking to trade him, back off when his cooldowns are coming back off.
As long as you are disciplined and respect this should be a win.
PTA or Conq
Goal in lane:
Punish her as much as possible, you should be able to win this matchup if you play it properly.
Wave 1-4:
Poke her down with Q for every cs she tries to get.
If you can eventually get a cheater recall it's nice, but try to get a freeze eventually.
Take exhaust and flash.
This matchup is all about powerspikes.
Fight whenever you get items.
What is important to realize is that in this matchup, the one who engages hard will lose 100%.
As you need the mobility spells used to engage to kite out and hit vitals, same for riven, she needs to kite your vitals with Q and E.
Look for poke to frustrate her, Q on front vitals and they will want to engage.
You can look to engage if they use spells on the wave or you have conq stacked or if they are a bit lower on hp or overextended.
You want to back off while doing long trades when her cooldowns will come back, as she can be very scary with full stacked Conq followed by a full combo.
It's hard to react and use E as Riven to a short Q, often times they will fail their E.
Care for her roaming and level 6 powerspike, she can 100-0 you if you arent cautious and use your powerspike carelessly.
Try to parry her Q3 but often times they will look to W into Q3 but with double tenacity you can parry despite the W stun if they try to get an auto off.
With all this you should be able to win the matchup as long as you respect her and stay disciplined.
Take exhaust to make the matchup easier, especially if they have ignite.
Goal in lane:
Try to get some solo kills by poking him down, and getting a freeze, forcing him to choose either to recall, or lose resources.
Wave 1-4:
Go for small poke, either Q with grasp, or Q + PTA procs for the early damage, do not contest prio too hard.
Take ignite.
This matchup can go both ways, early Fiora wins, then Vlad wins once he gets early cdr and movespeed as he is not easy to rundown with low cdr on Fiora.
Although, once you get 2+ items you 1v1 him pretty comfortably as long as he isnt overfed due to having high AD and him being an hp oriented champion, you simply run him down on the sidelane.
You can go PTA/Conq + Celerity/Nimbus Cloak followed with ignite due to his healing.
Very cheesy but works really well vs Vlad.
Try to parry his empowered Q or his ultimate explosion, his ulti is easier to parry though.
Similar to most matchups you want the wave to be pulled in to run him down, he likes to be under turret and perma healing and poking with Q while running.
Goal in lane:
Go even and outscale him, do NOT GO BEHIND ELSE HE CAN SPAM DIVE YOU.
Wave 1-4:
Use your early advantage to get prio, you need to beat him as much as possible in the early game, he beats u when he gets level 6, so then u will need to wait until you get 2 items.
This matchup requires good itemization and runes, especially considering how buffed he is atm.
Going bone plating is amazing here
Once he gets level 6 with bramble vest/steelcaps he becomes a big menace due to his sheer overwhelming stat diff, it literally becomes a Statcheck.
You just need to scale and wait for Hydra or 2 items and you destroy him
Contrarily to many misconceptions, you can completely dominate a Renekton in early game leading to a huge lead later on, just don't underestimate his powerspikes.
Look to parry his Q or W if you can especially if empowered.
Leashing is very bad as he gets free fury.
Goal in lane:
Poke him down, until you can all in and kill him. (50-70% hp)
Wave 1-4:
Poke with Q, do not do extended trades, he will win until you get level 3, let him get prio if he really tries to contest it, his W is too strong early.
This is not an easy matchup, though definitely winnable.
You want to look to kite him down and tether him, look for poke and all in when he doesnt have cooldowns, if you can parry his E or W you win it.
Often times Sett players will use E followed into W so you can't parry it, but if you take double tenacity in runes you can parry it as you will be out of the stun just in time to parry it (you need 25% tenacity for Sett EW to not work).
Stack conq with Q's to loook for an all in.
Care when he gets bramble vest as he already has insane base dmg so with the tankyness from bramble he becomes really unkillable.
In that case you wait till you Hydra and just play the same game as before, looking for poke into all in.
Parrying his ult is also insane but you need to parry behind you if you want him to be stunned as he will still go through you.
Look to poke and pull in waves while removing minion aggro by moving in bushes, you can also play for bushes to deny him auto attacks or get an extra auto attack during trades.
Tabis are a good buy in this matchup after 1st item.
Goal in lane:
To beat him in fights, get a freeze and deny him resources.
Wave 1-4:
Poke down with Q in front vitals, try to bait his E before Q'ing in, or do Q's that aren't reactable, he will most likely get prio, so win on level 3 and onwards.
In the early laning with front vitals you can look to do short Q's, he cannot react to them and similarly to the riven matchup they might use E too early and whiff it without you needing to do anything, you just need to bluff the Q.
Before level 6 you can look to parry his E if he always does it in the same way, although parrying his jump or W is really fine, often times holding parry for after his E is a really good tactic as well!
Kite and poke him down if possible, then look to all in.
When he is level 6 you can look to parry his jump for the as slow and bait his E to then you can respond by using Q out.
Note that you can use tiamat to proc vitals despite his E, use this for movespeed and ultimate procs.
If he gets early armor boots, play sort of passive until you get Hydra, you'll beat him then.
Goal in lane:
Beat him in the 1v1, get freezes and deny him resources.
Wave 1-4:
Poke with Q on front vitals when he tries to farm, you can't get prio in this matchup, wait to be level 3 and then you can start winning trades.
There are two ways of playing this matchup
Either you go D Shield + Second wind and you hard play for scaling and short trades (works really well with his passive as you constantly refresh it and have insane healing).
One option in this lane is to go sorcery with celerity and nimbus cloak, you also take ignite and look to cheese him with an all in and run him down with ignite.
Avoid parrying his Q due to it still healing him, if you can parry AA + W you basically insta won.
Care when using Q as he can grab you mid Q to make it go on a long cooldown.
Level 6 you can use parry on his ultimate to completely block his execute, though they can use E into R making it impossible to parry due to the CC.
In early levels you want to look for poke and small trades with parry, parrying his W is insane and makes him lose so much damage and basically wins the trade for you.
Call jungler for help as Darius has terrible mobility and options to survive a gank.
If you respect him, you can outscale him and even kill him with the cheese build.
Goal in lane:
Get a freeze, and try to punish him as much as possible, deny him resources.
Wave 1-4:
Poke on front vitals, be careful of his E, you usually can't get priority in this matchup.
In this matchup you want to go D Shield + Second wind for his poke, look to poke him down on front vitals (preferrably where he doesnt have an empowered auto due to passive).
Avoid getting hit by Q by using your Q, as otherwise his W will focus and prioritize you.
Going for back vitals is very dangerous as he can run you down sort of and he will have empowered autos.
In this MU you really want to wither him down and then look for an all in, you can flash in front of his E and parry it if needed.
His R1 is easier to react to so parrying that could be the most viable option, his R2 (when the chains come towards you to pull you in) is way harder to react to due to the sheer speed of the spell, but if you succeed he gets stunned, so high risk and high reward!
Goal in lane:
Punish him as much as possible before he gets level 6, as it is much harder when he has maiden.
Wave 1-4:
Cheater > Freeze.
Trade him a lot early game, you completely destroy him in the early trades, try to parry his Q or E in early trades (parry E if he has ghouls that can attack you as the dmg is really high).
After level 6 he can perma push and sort of outrade you due to the damage he gets, but you can farm it up poke him down while dodging E, and then look for an all in, especially if you have a nice pickaxe and some longswords, once you get Hydra you can kill him in the all in.
One trick you can do his parry his cage as it displaces you when you are on the wall, so you can then parry that onto him and get a sick combo off.
Care for when he get bramble vest and sheen as he can be a bit of a problem with those items!
Goal in lane:
PUNISH AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE, FREEZE, CALL FOR JUNGLER HELP, this matchup is hard after level 6, but unplayable for Kayle before level 6.
Wave 1-4:
Get Prio, Cheater recall > Freeze, and hold that freeze as long as you can.
If you can punish her early, you hard win it, constantly deny her cs and poke her for each cs she wants to take.
Parry his Q slow or PTA proc for damage, and you should be really fine.
Play for cheesy plays as Kayle is really punishable, call jungler for help as you can really easily dive him.
Once she gets level 6 with berserk boots it becomes significantly harder as she can kite you and out-maneuver you.
Try to deny her the max amount of gold and exp and you are in a good spot.
It's a race against the clock, punish her or lose. GL
Goal in lane:
Outplay her, punish her on freezes and deny her resources.
Wave 1-4:
Poke with Q, don't trade for too long, proc your PTA and back off, you can match prio, but you can't push that hard either.
Dorans Shield + Second Wind.
In this matchup you need to have good knowledge of Cassio cooldowns to dodge her Q.
Early boots work wonders in this matchup as she cant buy boots as well so the movespeed diff is hiuge.
Hit vitals and try to kite her out dodge her Q, if she uses miasma for slow to guarantee a Q in that case you have to parry it.
This will give you time to get out of the miasma and dodge the upcoming Q, as long as she doesn't hit too many Q's she will lose too much hp and mana making it really easy to win.
If she does manage to hit a Q, use bushes to remove vision and similarly to a lot of matchups, your jung will get free ganks if she wards bush.
Thankfully due to the nature of her poison dot, Dshield + Second Wind is very effective as you can heal up hard.
You want to pull in waves and stay near minion while dodging her Q so she pushes in while trying to poke.
With a pulled in wave you can sort of run her down while dodging her abilities and kiting her, it requires practice as you have to balance dodging and damaging her at the same time with movespeed.
Once you hit level 6 you need to either parry Q if you will take a lot of poke then move back to dodge her R, or you simply wait for her to R and parry it, you can run her down with ultimate , you completely outdamage and outheal her.
If you don't have low ping, I'd recommend trying to juke her R by going behind her or predicting it.
This matchup is very skill based and can go both ways.
If you have good mechanics and mastery with Fiora you win it! GL HF
Goal in lane:
Stomp him in lane, deny resources.
Wave 1-4:
Cheater > Freeze.
D Shield + Second wind is amazing versus his poke.
His Q spam is really annoying due to the damage and conqueor stacking, try to dodge as much Q's as possible, but with correct items and runes you will heal up the poke back.
Parry his double auto or his W if you can, very reactable, same for his ultimate.
If you can stay disciplined you win hard after 1st or 2nd recall, but really hard after Hydra.
Care for bramble vest as he becomes really tanky.
Level 6 look for short trades with parry and he loses them, especially due to his sustain being nerfed on minions.
This matchup is a bit rough, but with properly discipline and good parries you win it!
Aha The old classic Fiora counter, even worse now that his Q has gotten buffed,
Take Second wind for his Q poke.
Look to poke him down and bait out his Q's, often times they will use Q on minions so you want to Q him when he doesnt have empowered Q.
If possible parry his W (reactable from far away but not form close, so you need to predict).
You can run him down going for extended trades is nice, as long as he cant get his W or another empowered Q off on you.
Once you get Hydra the matchup is way easier as you can run him down, especially with level 6 as his ultimate is useless in lane.
Often times when you Q they like to insta W so try and see if they have this habit so you can parry and hard punish them.
Don't int early as you will win on 6 with pulled in waves.
Goal in lane:
Punish her as much as possible, deny her resources.
Wave 1-4:
Poke her down, don't extend trades too much, you don't have to give prio, you can sort of match it, but don't let her push too much.
Take ignite.
In this matchup you need to be VERY CAREFUL level 1, as she has can punish you very hard early especially with lethal tempo, but as long as you kite and don't fight her with too many auto attacks, you should win.
Starting from level 2 and 3 you win short trades, look to poke on front vitals and possibly bait ou their Q. (If you try to hit a back vital, often times Gwen will E back during your Q to make you miss it and get some free poke, especially dangerous if she is level 6).
In early you can look to parry her empowered Q, but you can also parry and E auto attack if your Q is coming up to dodge her Q, the as slow really makes her suffer.
Try to parry her 3rd R when she gets level 6 it really denies her hard, especially if you can dodge the 2nd R with Q.
Be patient and u win it, if she has ignite it is harder, but still favorable!
Goal in lane:
Punish as hard as you can.
Wave 1-4:
Push wave 3 and wait for wave to bounceback, impossible to cheater recall versus Irelia, she has too much waveclear.
Take ignite.
In this matchup it's all about who controls the lane, try to play super aggro early, and DO NOT PULL IN THIS MATCHUP!
If she is able to start stacking her Q you are in a very dangerous position, her base damage is really high, although it is not as strong as before due to her changes, she is still a menace when fully stacked.
Now even more than before, you can abuse her early, so try to take a lot of trades as long as she isn't fully stacked while starting the trade.
Try to parry her E onto her if possible, level 6 you can parry her R as well.
Hold your Q if she has minions she can dash on as she can dash on them making you miss your Q, very dangerous, so try to hold or do very short Q's.
Don't use your burst on her W she won't take much DMG, especially later on, though proccing vitals is fine as it's true damage.
Don't fight if she has a big minion wave, and respect her POWER SPIKES, just as she must respect yours.
Lee Sin
Goal in lane:
Get a freeze in lane, and punish him HARD, u win most trades, try to parry his E or Q depending on what he is maxing, u can see based on dmg.
Wave 1-4:
Look to get a cheater recall, but it can be hard as lee isn't the weakest champion earlygame with his E start.
Play either aggro or really only for poke and short trades, depending on what runes/starters you took.
I prefer going Dblade with bone plating and looking to all in him.
Though you can also go Dshield + Secondwind due to his E spam in lane it helps counteract the dmg with the healing and you can survive the lane.
You win all ins as long as you don't keep on fighting when his cooldowns are coming back.
His sustain gives him too much of a huge lead, so you need to constantly look to be damaging him.
Pre-6 look to parry his E or Q, both do a lot of dmg, the E will not let him slow you which helps a lot, and the Q will negate a lot of his damage.
Often times lee sin players like to ward in lane to have the option to ward dash away, so if you notice this, think to yourself, my jungler has free ganks right? Yep, so just spam him to gank you when he is topside.
If you can parry his R you are really in a good spot. (A little psychological trick to use on people who hold these crucial spells you can parry is, When you ultimate, as soon as you proc the 3rd vital, they will psychologically be like "Oh I don't want him to pop ultimate ****, I must use push away ability, aka Syndra E Jayce E Lee R etc...")
So you can comfortably abuse this trick against unaware players.
Goal in lane:
Sort of survive, get your 1st and 2nd item, then you can beat him, before that his healing is too strong, Trinity rush is not bad here.
Wave 1-4:
Don't contest prio too hard, Rengar has a strong early, if he gives it up sure, otherwise just back off.
This matchup changes depending on the Rengar's runes.
If he has grasp and ignite, you want to play for scaling as he is too powerful in lane, give up cs wait for whip and level 6 and u can all in him.
Look to parry his EMP Q or E for the stun.
Care when he is near bushes with stacked fury as he can get a lot of dmg off.
Tabis are amazing in this MU after your first item.
You want to play the lane pretty passively, just poke and farm, he has WAY too much sustain now.
PTA or Conq
Goal in lane:
Stomp him, this is a winning matchup, just wait for level 3, and after a few recalls this matchup becomes pretty good for Fiora.
Wave 1-4:
Don't fight him in all ins, especially if he has lethal tempo, he beats you level 1, you mainly wanna go for poke, and u can start beating him on level 3, let him get prio, as you can't contest it easily.
Try to dodge his poke and hit Q's, level 3 you can look for engages if he tries to shield your W, you can either E to pop the shield if they use it early and then W, or you can QW hoping they fail and miss-time it, although if you fail the QW it is really dangerous.(In High Elo I recommend just tanking the fear, unless you see them actively using it early, they typically can react better, just use parry on his next Q or an AA, a trick I like doing is moving into the bush to use parry as they won't be able to react and block it.).
You really want to fight once you get level 6, and well his ultimate isn't the best for 1v1 so abuse that and wards in lane are helpful for his roams to keep info.
Care not to let him sustain 24/7 with minions, (thankfully it got nerfed), and respect the ignite and ask for jungler help if they do have ignite as it's free ganks.
Goal in lane:
Deny him as many resources as possible, killing shaco isn't that doable as he has too many means to stall and escape.
Wave 1-4:
Get a cheater recall into a freeze, you have complete prio early.
Get red trinket and control wards.
Shaco is an interesting matchup, first and foremost take control wards and a red trinket to use in lane against his boxes.
You can already parry his E or his QW into boxes to parry the fear and land a stun if he doesnt Q out.
Going Dshield + second wind against his E and box poke helps SO MUCH.
When he has his ultimate, care when you all in as he can get a TON OF DPS off, especially with backstabs and fears, going tabis if he is AD is a big help.
YOU CAN EASILY identify the clone by seeing which one has the same vital as before, as the clone needs time for his vital to appear
Overall an easy matchup you want to freeze and deny him the most cs possible, really hard to get a kill off as he has too many tools to run away, just don't fall into his traps and respect him and you are chilling.
Grasp or PTA, MAYBE Fleet is the best, really hard to say.
Goal in lane:
SURVIVE, until you get trinity, then u can sorta run her down.
Wave 1-4:
JUST STAND FAR AWAY, maybe last hit with Q, she is too strong in lane, can punish you super hard.
Similar to most range matchups, where you want to play for bushes, maximize your cs and be as efficient as possible, obviously Dshield and second wind.
You want to go for short trades with her while getting your QW off, if you manage to hit it and she is slow to react you can all in her and retreat towards bushes when needed.
Kalista jump speed and lenght depends on her movespeed (boots upgrade) and her attack speed, but if you land your parry, she suffers as you reduce both of those lol.
Ask your jungler for help, stridebreaker is pretty good in this MU, getting tabis helps a ton as well to negate her damage, if she goes hail of blades you can just QW into her and win every trade.
She is super vulnerable to ganks and CC.
Level 6 with whip or tabis you can all in her, she doesn't have much resistances so you can probably kill her if you land your QW but care if you miss and she has berserk boots you will die.
Grasp is best, but in elos below master, conq and pta also work well.
Goal in lane:
Scale and get 1-2 items then you can sorta beat him, killing him is impossible, he has AoE on every ability, infinite Sustain, has absurd CC.
Wave 1-4:
Stack your grasp, or if u don't have it, look for small trades and poke, u can contest prio, but can't really get a push going, he has too much AoE
This is a skilled matchup, but slightly gragas favored, early game you win trades pretty hard, as long as you don't take too much poke and you manage your vitals you can win it, if you parry one E he pays a lot for it,.
Look to poke him hard and look for semi all in, back vitals are fine as well as he can't E to run away so u can parry for slow.
If you both use all spells in a trade you won that trade, problem is he typically runs away with phaserush, even without phaserush he can E you and slow with Q.
You can Q and bait out his E to gain some distance and parry it, hard to explain but basically often times Gragas players will E as soon as you Q so you can move back with movespeed and parry it.
The problem with this matchup is that once he gets 2nd recall he has a ton of cdr and basically pokes you down to death with small trades and Q spam.
The good thing is as long as you don't int early, once you get hydra you win as his R is a free parry, parry either his E or R both make you have a free win, although if you parry E you get a good trade but not the kill as he can R you out.
With proper tethering and kiting you win this MU.
Pull in waves and look for all ins you win them as long as his cooldowns don't comeback up again
Goal in lane:
Win this lane, dominate it, Fiora should win this matchup if played properly.
Wave 1-4:
Poke him down with Q's outside of his Q range, especially when he tries to last hit you.
Take dblade in this matchup, you want to look to poke him down with front vitals Q's, to then look for an all in, try to look for Q's when he is cs'ing, so he can't walk up and Q you back.
Trade him until he is 50% hp, and then you need to ALL in with ignite, as he only heals off auto attacks if he is below 50% health, so trading anymore then that, without the intention of killing him, is usually bad.
You want to parry his E if possible, if not his Q is also very nice to parry as it's his main source of damage and healing.
He can win early if you are impatient but as long as you wait until 6 (executioners or ignite is also good to have before but not necessary) then you will win this matchup.
Don't underestimate them especially if they have barrier, when they are low hp they can steal dish out a lot of DMG especially if you are in W HP range.
Parry his ultimate for a free win if you have the mind game down, otherwise tanking it is fine, it is reactable from far though.
So tether and kite vitals, look for an all in, and you win it, if they have barrier, and you have TP abuse the advantage you have, you can just recall and TP for better items, every bit of extra damage is really helpful in this matchup, so go coup de grace.
Goal in lane:
Poke her down, deny her resources, IF POSSIBLE a solokill, but usually pretty hard.
Wave 1-4:
Get a cheater recall, you have complete prio in the early levels.
This is a very particular matchup, whether it be in mid or toplane, a bit easier in toplane as you can run her down for longer.
In this matchup you win any sort of long trade or all in, but they will look to poke you down, so going Dshield + Secondwind helps more than you think.
Any good Qiyana will consistently take the grass form, making you unable to hit her while she gets free damage off, so avoid trading for too long, red trinket helps a ton!
Parry her Q, EQ or whatever might proc electrocute, and you should end up winning.
Her R is really hard to parry, usually you need to predict as parrying it is almost impossible based on reaction alone.
Getting lifesteal to survive or armor boots helps a lot in this sort of matchup.
If you are midlane, going ignite versus less skilled players can be an optimal strategy as if they do 1 miss step they lose.
Goal in lane:
Poke him down if grasp, and get a small lead.
If conq and pta, you want to snowball, ask your jungler for help, and play to trade him especially when u have a freeze.
Wave 1-4:
Try to avoid getting prio, as often times u will have to get poked way too much to achieve prio.
Play for trades, and conserve hp.
Ignite is decent in this matchup.
This is a difficult matchup, due to him not having any abilites that you can stun onto him, and even then he can just use his W to remove the cripple of your parry.
Now with the rework, he is a bit easier as his poke is weaker than before so you have a way better chance at surviving than before and you can even retaliate and make him suffer in lane
You want to go Dshield + Second wind, look for short trades with parry, either you parry a grasp Q, His passive proc (very nice as it guarantees that you hit it) Or his barrel explosion, but you can sometimes proc his barrels with an AA or AA E to make sure you destroy the barrel.
If he has 1 hp barrels you can look for Q AA on the barrel as its hard for him to react and instantly pop the barrel unless he is close to it.
Very advanced trick really difficult to execute but, if he places 2 barrels and explodes the 1st one so the 2nd one hits you, you can Q INBETWEEN BOTH OF THE BARRELS. In that way neither barrels will hit you as you went on the 1st one right as the explosion finished, and avoided the 2nd one as you Q'd out.
Otherwise, wait till you get a freeze to all in him, if he gets sheen, just play it slow and poke him down with QW and try to AA E the barrels when he doesn't have his passive up.
GP is very gankable though, so ask jungler for help as it's pretty easy to kill him in a gank.
You want to pull in the waves and let him push, as the wave state is more favorable for your all ins.
Goal in lane:
Deny him resources, get a small lead, kill him in mega form if he does a mistake, otherwise he isn't really killable.
Wave 1-4:
Get a cheater recall if you can, otherwise you can let him get push, just maximize your farm.
Look for poke on front vitals, taking DShield + Second Wind is a must in this matchup.
Parry his W pop, or his Q, if you can do both at the same time that's perfect.
Really try to avoid skirmishing with him while he has mega as he has insanely low cooldowns and high base stats. You can parry his W but care as they often jump out.
Here is a trick to parry Gnar R, wait until his mega is gonna disappear and he goes back to mini, in the last few seconds ENGAGE, and I guarantee he will use ultimate as he wants to use it anyways cause his ult is low cooldown and mega is gonna go away.
Works like a charm.
Otherwise just poke front vitals and try to chip him down while looking for an all in, if they ever jump in you hard win all ins.
Although I said you shouldn't, often times bad Gnar players will overestimate themselves with mega so u can look for a kill as when in mini form they just play turbo safe.
PTA or Grasp
Goal in lane:
You can often look to get solokills in this matchup, as it is EXTREMELY volatile, ask for jungle help, Jayce is extremely gankable, punish him, and win the game.
Wave 1-4:
Look for poke, and try to match the wave push, if not possible just drop it and let him crash, otherwise play to not lose too much help, even if u need to drop some minions, as having enough health to trade is really important in this matchup.
Hard matchup, only look for poke when you have a front vital, then reset the back vital and look for a front vital again.
Dshield + Second wind is crucial in this matchup due to the sheer amount of overwhelming poke and options Jayce has, try to parry his empowered EQ in cannon form or his Lunge Q in hammer mode, as if you react quickly its a free parry, though if you are slow they can dodge it afterwards.
If you can SOMEHOW parry his hammer E then you can hard abuse them, typically jayce players will either do it instantly or hold it so you can bait them out and use it when you start having a kill threat on them.
Otherwise use bushes to your advantage to remove aggro and not let him poke you down, it helps for cs'ing minions, and if they ward the bushes you can call jungler for a gank.
Goal in lane:
Get a cs lead, and possibly some plates, as getting a kill in this matchup, is impossible unless the kennen is boosted.
Wave 1-4:
You can look for prio, but essentially you don't want to lose too much health, poke him down a bit, don't lose too much health for cs.
Similar lane to Jayce in terms of when you want to poke, only with front vitals, and use bushes to your advantage for aggro and to remove his poke.
If you can successfully poke him down and parry one of his stuns you get a guaranteed flash or Kill in this matchup.
When he uses ult you basically have a free parry but you just need land it, due to him having a lot of movespeed it's difficult but if you do he gets severely punished for it.
Parry any of his abilities pre6 as long as they proc the stun, often times they will E into you for the stun, if you can parry it onto them they are DOOMED with no escape.
So you can poke him down and look for a dive, with jungler as well, thankfully this lane is somewhat survivable so as long as you are patient and poke him down you can win it.
PTA or Grasp
Goal in lane:
Survive, and have more resources if possible, I recommend grasp but in lower elos PTA could be better.
Once you get trinity you win fights, otherwise you basically have to poke her and trade hp for farm.
Wave 1-4:
Drop prio, look for poke on front vitals, you can't do much at this state of the game.
Similar to Jayce & Kennen, poke with front vitals, look to move into bushes to remove vision (though she has W it has a very high cooldown), as long as you keep trading with front vitals you can most likely stay equal in terms of hp.
In this matchup though instead of only poking with Q you can go for a Q AA E and maybe a parry or you hold it to block the double AA as her E is very hard to predict/react to especially in melee range.
You can also look to parry electrocute or PTA proc.
If you somehow parry E look to all in her, she is basically doomed, often times they take ignite so looking to recall for a cloth armor and refillable, or just to buy some items is very nice.
PRAY FOR JUNGLE GANKS, you have really good follow up with QW.
PTA or Grasp
Goal in lane:
Survive lane, try to get more farm and plates, although it is difficult, it's not possible, you can also kill him with a good prediction, ask for jungler help as Ryze is easy to gank.
Wave 1-4:
You can play pretty aggressive at this level, as he can't really punish you too hard, unless u chase too much, just proc Grasp or PTA and back off.
Go Dshield + Second wind
This is one of Fiora's worst matchups, you have to look to kill him and punish him before his first recall, if he gets recall with boots + mana he is unkillable due to phase rush and permanently pokes you down.
You want to play it safe maybe even get vamp scepter with merc boots just to survive, PRAY your jungler gives you attention as in this matchup he can kill you even under turret due to the sheer amount of poke and range he has, with an infinite mana pool.
Level 6 if he uses phase rush and engages you, you can look to all in him with R and look for a kill possibly, but often times they go Tabis.
I would either see if my jungler can do early ganks, or dodge the game, as the matchup is unplayable though thankfully he is very gankable.
You can win once you get Hydra & Mercs
PTA or Grasp
Goal in lane:
Play for resources, you can also solo kill him with a good QW if he gets careless, ask for jungler ganks.
Wave 1-4:
Look for poke, but not too much, u can hit front vitals but nothing more than that, it's important that you wait for level 3 to hard win trades as long as you land parry.
This is a classic ranged matchup, you can win this matchup if you play it properly, take DShield + Second wind and look for poke on front vitals while then moving towards bushes to remove aggro.
Use QW when his E is down, usually they will back off though, if you have a front vital you can surprise them with a QW even if they have E, only works in lower elos though.
Rushing tabis makes the game so much harder for Lucian as he can't run as easily and deals way less damage.
Resetting vitals is very important in this matchup.
You win on Hydra
Goal in lane:
Survive, have more resources, call for jungle ganks to punish her, very tough lane now that they go fleet Vayne top.
Wave 1-4:
Just play for poke, wait your level 3 and look for trades with parry, if you hit parry you win, if u dont, you lose, as simple as that.
Similar to Lucian, parry her W pop, look to poke with front vitals, if you can react to her E and parry it on to her she gets hard punished for it, otherwise try to parry her auto's but wait for her to Q or else she can dodge it too easily.
You need to play for Bushes or else you get completely poked down.
Care when she has berserk boots as she can run you down and 100-0 you.
Tabis are also HUGE in this matchup.
When you are level 6 you want to becareful as she can kite you really hard, so wait to hit a QW to use R.
Otherwise she is very vulnerable to ganks, you can even kill her pre6 if she isn't careful with a solid engage and if u parry her E just once.
Goal in lane:
SURVIVE, matchup is not playable in early game, you need to scale a bit, get 2-3 items.
Wave 1-4:
You can poke him a bit here, priotize his turrets as a simple Q + auto kills his turrets in early game, do not contest prio too much.
This matchup is unplayable, you can only kill them level 1 if you all in and ignore turret damage, you can also Q + AA turrets destroying them in early.
Even level 1 with turrets he completely melts you, although you can soak damage and destroy them, they have such low cost for him that it is possibly not even worth it.
He has too much damage and poke that it makes it not survivable, even under turret he places his turrets on the limit of turret range and pokes you down so hard you cannot farm mages.
Go Dshield + Second Wind to somehow survive.
Even if you parry his E you don't guarantee a kill as he can dodge it so easily with turret movespeed and even then he can just DPS you to death, despite the stun.
The main problem is that he can run away while damaging you, so you cannot get an easy vital proc as he just keeps kiting you.
If he uses E poorly, you can look to all in while trying to parry his W and try to kill him, still very hard, but possibly manageable.
Beg for jungler ganks and pray that you have a jungler that can gank Heimer otherwise just dodge it. DOOMED MATCHUP.
Build hexdrinker for a bit of survivability.
Goal in lane:
Beat him up, get a freeze and punish him, early lead is very important here, so ask your jungler for a gank.
Wave 1-4:
Play for poke, don't trade too much, if u do, do it near your minions so you can out damage him, you don't get prio early, so wait till you get level 3 to start contesting waves and whatnot.
Ah the monke king himself.
There are 2 ways you can play this matchup, either you take DShield + Second Wind and wait for your mythic + tabis and just scale and play for short trades.
Otherwise, what I prefer is taking Dblade with Boneplating and looking to all in him.
You can parry his E while he is flying towards you, but the best thing to parry pre6 is the double Q with his clone, hard to parry but if u manage to it's amazing.
I typically like to hold my parry as using it towards the end for his next Q or E for the AS nerf as going for a greedy parry isn't that worth it as if you fail it you are doomed.
Level 6 if you don't have a lead, he will run you down, typically with sheen + bramble or executioners, so play very safe!
If you can parry his ultimate (typically used after Q for armor shred), then you can hard win it, otherwise you will struggle, so I suggest scaling and waiting until you get goredrinker!
With 2+ items you outscale him on side as long as he doesn't have a huge lead.
Goal in lane:
Survive, get more resources and plates, ask for jungler help, you can solo kill especially with PTA if they are bad.
Wave 1-4:
Look for quick poke, nothing too much, Lulu level 1 is suprisingly storng.
This is basically an unplayable matchup.
You can win all-ins level 3+ but she can just poke you to death and polymorph you, you can parry it but then she just uses E and Q.
She has too many options, movespeed, poke, cc etc...
Even with right runes and Items she melts you down.
She also then has more utility than you in Teamfights, so it's a terrible matchup, although you can parry her Ult and kill her, and if she oversteps you can kill her.
Call for ganks and pray that you get help, if you can get a lead it becomes wayy easier to stomp her.
Goal in lane:
Survive and get resources, punish her if she misplays and you are able to get a stun off, ask for jungle help.
Wave 1-4:
Look for small poke, but don't commit too hard as you will lose if the trades go on for too long.
This is a hard matchup, play like usual ranged top champions, use bushes to your advantage, hit frontvitals etc..,
Parry Mantra Q or W and if u can predict where she dodges when she uses W then you easily win it.
Although a very hard matchup due to her poke, if you play it properly you can win it by outscaling and she has the desadvantage that if you manage to hit just 1 parry she gets hard punished for it. (You can QW to have an easier time hitting it, but it's risky as if u fail u get hard poked)
Otherwise also call for jungler ganks as she is very gankable, ping when she roams (ward lane maybe.)
She has more utility than u as her items are cheaper so she gets quicker powerspikes but if u manage to get your mythic or 2 items you can largely outpressure her on side.
You win on Hydra here, using the E slow to get an easier chance at hitting the W when she roots you is a good strat as well.
Goal in lane:
SURVIVE and get more farm and plates, matchup is tough, she has way too much range to be able to catch her, so unless you hit a wild parry or jungler helps, you won't be killing her.
Wave 1-4:
Look for small poke, don't commit too hard onto her, let her push in.
In this matchup take Dshield + Second wind, double tenacity is also nice especially if their team has a lot of CC.
It's a very rough matchup as she has so much range and movespeed, so try to play for bushes to hit front vitals, react to her E and parry it (QW works like wonders here).
Thankfully her 6 is pretty bad vs Fiora, basically a free parry, and if u don't have parry you can usually Q out of it.
So try to survive and call for ganks as she has little options to survive ganks, u can QW into front vitals if u want to go for a short skirmish.
Thankfully you only need to succeed 1 parry for her to get really punished, so look for that in this matchup.
You win on Hydra
Goal in lane:
Punish him, bully him, beat him up, get more resources, he should not win this matchup.
Wave 1-4:
Get a cheater recall into a freeze, Shen has one of the worst waveclears in the entire game.
Taking demolish in this matchup is very helpful for early plates, especially when they take IGN as if they roam/use R you basically are guaranteed 1 plate if not more.
Try to poke him down with Q's especially when his Q is on cooldown, also when he has no shield is nice as well.
With front vitals you can bait him to use Q by faking that you will Q the front vital but holding it and waiting for later until he no longer has Q/Shield from passive.
React to his E when used from far away, often times they will walk behind you and E towards turret, so look for these habits and punish him. by parrying where he will dash.
The downside is if you fail you will get punished horribly.
Don't forget to sometimes parry behind you when he E's as he can go through you.
When he uses W you typically want to run but you can still proc vitals for True Damage and Healing, although the auto wont do damage. (W also works when he W's duh).
You can win this matchup pre-bramble, but after he gets it, it becomes very hard as he can just play for short trades and never commit so you will never have the option to look to proc ultimate.
Care if his Spirit Blade is behind you as it'll make it 10x harder to survive.
When he gets level 6 you want to spam ping your team.
The problem here is against Shen you would rather freeze and look for all ins.
But due to his ultimate he would rather you freeze than you get plates when he is away.
So what I would recommend is freezing when his R is on cooldown and building up a slowpush when his R is up as you can crash it and take tons of plates if he uses ultimate.
Sometimes they take ignite so punish with jungler or just recall and TP. if they use R take hella plates.
Care when skirmishing, you want to back off a bit before his Q will come back as he will win if you trade in his cooldown windows.
Goal in lane:
Punish her as much as possible as you win early, but lose hard after a few recalls.
Wave 1-4:
Look to get a lead in the early levels as she will beat you up later.
Rough matchup, poke her down with Q's, try to bait her Q out before looking for Q's or do very short Q's and look to dodge her Q afterwards.
Obviously avoid going near walls unless you want to bait her E, hard to react to but very possible. (Depends on how far away she is)
Now comes the mindgame in this matchup, if she uses W before you engage just QW into her and stun her for free, care as they might try to dodge so shoot it accordingly.
If they try to react to you Q and press W mid Q, you have to either go for very short not reactable Q's or QW with a predict and then get a juicy stun.
If they hold their W then u need to care as they will bait you out.
Typically Poppy mains will bounce between these 3 things and try to juke you out, so its all about who can get the upperhand in the mind game.
Once she gets points into Q and bramble vest her base damage and tankyness is too high, with tabis she has so much movespeed you can't really all in her with R so try and play for scaling.
An ap jungler helps a ton vs these high tankyness high base damage bramble vest abuser champs.
You can also parry her R by reaction which is beneficial but overall this matchup is pretty bad, I'd try to avoid it.
Goal in lane:
Get more resources than him, get plates, get a gold lead, you win on Trinity.
Wave 1-4:
Don't contest the wave too hard, try to match his push, get some poke in when possible, but you can beat him up on level 2-3
Matchup similar to many ranged toplaners.
Go for sustain runes and starter. Poke him on front vitals and typically look to parry his Q, you can poke him down with small trades (Q AA E E2 W).
Leading to a dive with your jungler or just a solo kill if he isn't careful when your parry comes back up again.
He can't hard outrade you if you play it intelligently.
Again boots early are really helpful.
Pull in waves for all ins, use bushes to avoid poke and try to setup ganks with QW.
Hydra rush is awesome here.
Goal in lane:
Need to punish him early as much as possible!
Wave 1-4:
PLAY SAFE, he can do 200 damage which is more than 25% of your health, level 1 with just 1 Q.
DShield + Secondwind.
Poke him down and do small all ins where you basically use your spells and bail, repeat when you have parry, avoid getting poked too hard by his E by staying behind minions and care for his Q poke.
Good thing is his kit forces him to push so you get free ganks from your jungler if he has above room temperature IQ.
You can also use bushes to not let him get free E's as well as poke with Q as he has to be more careful.
Typically a rough matchup if the Rumble is good, Dblade is also a good option vs him if you want to play more aggressively as he lacks a lot of tankyness.
With level 6 and hexdrinker, you can sort of all in, but it's hard.
Early boots are always helpful here as he can kite your vitals with his movespeed due to W and E slow.
Goal in lane:
Get more resources and farm, in lower elo you can often solo kill Teemo's by parrying a blind, but they won't blind you as much in high elo.
Wave 1-4:
Play a bit safe, last hit minions when you can, don't trade too much hp, wait for your level 3 to start getting significant trades off on him.
This is a hard matchup
You need to take the sustain build (Dshield + Second Wind).
Only look for trades when u have W up, if you manage to parry his Q then you absolutely win it.
Don't forget to buy red trinket + control wards for his shrooms.
Unless he has tabis with grasp + ignite you can run him down level 6.
Note you can QW into shrooms if one is inbetween you and Teemo as you won't get affected by it and will block the shroom simultaenously.
Mercs after Hydra helps a lot in this matchup
Teemo is also another champ who is very gankable
Goal in lane:
Stomp him in lane, beat him up, all in him with QW and repeat that until he is dead, I like to go ignite as it gives you more kill pressure, he has so much free armor thanks to his passive, so it helps.
Wave 1-4:
Look for small poke with Q, don't trade that much, you cannot contest prio versus graves, his push is too strong, wait for level 3 and you just start winning with QW engages.
This is a unique, and quite rough matchup for Fiora if the Graves knows how to play, try to poke him a bit and parry his burst (Q or AA).
It is very similar to classic range top champions, you want Dshield + Second Wind, and you also want to play around bushes to take less damage while farming up.
He has too much wave clear for you to be able to contest him once he has 3 points in Q, they will usually just perma shove and maximize cs, when u get level 3 he is definitely killable if he oversteps, try to parry his auto as it will make it very hard for him to move.
Once you get level 6 , it becomes very volatile as you both do a lot of DMG to each other, you can win an all in especially if you manage to proc all 4 vitals, usually not too easy considering his mobility.
You want to typically call for jungle help or look to freeze waves in front of your turret, forcing him to walk up, and making him more vulnerable.
You need to be very careful when dying in this MU as he can snowball extremely hard, the same goes for Fiora if she can get a lead it becomes very hard for Graves.
Just try to go for trades where you can use all your abilities and repeat that until you can all in to kill him.
You win on Hydra very easily.
Goal in lane:
Either play for resources, or gamble for kills, a lot of Malphites pick it as a counter pick, but do not know how to play versus Fiora, so you can PUNISH THEM.
Wave 1-4:
Play aggressively, parry his W auto, or his E slam, usually they are really predictable abilities
The classic Fiora counter, or so people think.
One benefit of this matchup, is that most people who pick Malphite into Fiora have no idea how to play the matchup so they will do a lot of mistakes due to them thinking "Oh Malphite = free matchup I can do what I want".
You want to look to abuse him as MUCH as possible before he gets bramble vest + tabi's, if you can't gain a lead before he does that you will suffer terribly.
Pre6 use Q to dodge comet from his Q, constantly look to poke and kill him, you can QW into a front vital if he uses Q as u counteract the slow and slow him.
Otherwise, when engaging try to predict his E smash as it will cripple you, so parry it, and you will do so much more damage onto him in the early levels, try to freeze, deny him cs and make the biggest gap in the early that you possibly can, if they aren't that good you can guarantee a kill.
After 6 + bramble you can still win , you really need to parry his E, but if SOMEHOW you parry his ultimate he is doomed, often times they will never ult from far away as it is easy to react to, although in melee range it's impossible.
Having an AP jungler helps a lot as he can't stack as much armor, you can also look to dive him early if you have a Taliyah, Elise etc... and just completely abuse him for picking Malphite.
Care when he hits 6 as the jungle will constantly look to be top for dives or engages.
Goal in lane:
Win lane, this lane is a fight to the death, you need to be able to beat him in that fight, take ignite.
Wave 1-4:
Play for Q poke, but be very mindful of his all ins with Q level 1, if u get hit, go near your minion wave, as you should win fights with ur minion wave and ignite level 1.
This matchup is favorable for Fiora, although you need to play it in a specific way.
Olaf is somewhat similar to Darius in the way that he can chase you down really hard so you need to becareful when trading him.
Olaf has pretty short range so you can abuse front vitals and go for Q poke, you should constantly look to reset back vitals.
You want to poke him down until he is low enough to where you can win an all in.
Ignite is very helpful in this matchup, try to kite him out don't go for auto attack fights, Q vitals kite around and go for the next vital.
After level 6, you wanna go with the same plan, but you don't need to poke as much as your R damage + healing is enough to compensate for his strong dueling.
BUT NEVER FIGHT HIM STRAIGHT UP, olaf is scary in a fist fight.
Goal in lane:
Try to get more resources, or kill him and get plates
Wave 1-4:
Play for Q poke, you can also parry his normal Q's to deny him a TON of damage, and guarantee hitting the parry which is very valuable, you can get prio in this matchup.
You wanna take DBlade
Constantly be spacing (sideways) to anticipate and dodge his Q's, he can just spam them and poke you down, which is the main threat he has.
I like to keep parry for his 3rd Q, and sometimes his W if he charges it up and its an obvious parry, although if he's in melee range and releases it early, it's extremely hard to react to,
Try to keep in mind that he can kite you vitals pretty well with his abilities, (W & E), and bait out his abilities before going for risky vitals.
As for his ultimate, try to be really mindful of where you are positioned as he can easily bring you towards his jungler and kill you
Goal in lane:
Depending on how he plays, you can look for kills if he plays aggressive, if passive, look to get more resources than him.
Wave 1-4:
Look for poke, but don't fight too much, as you win level 3 really hard.
Very bad matchup
Udyr is too strong in the moment
His Phoenix form makes it so easy for him to kite vitals
Turtle form helps him tank so much damage and sustain
So you can never really beat him early game, he bullies you super hard, denies u access to vitals and much more.
You wanna try to play as aggressive as possible early to not let him bully you too hard
Once you get Hydra the matchup is easier, boots of swiftness aren't bad in this matchup!
Goal in lane:
Survive and get more resources, care for her damage once she starts getting more points in W.
Wave 1-4:
Look for Q poke, stack your grasp, or get your PTA procs off, you can't beat her too hard before level 3, so try to match her push, no need to play overly aggressive as she has really good gank follow up.
This matchup is not an easy one, if both players are good, it can arguably be Seju Favored.
She has way too much poke, and the ability to do damage while moving with her spells.
Meaning she can really easily kite your vitals, go for poke on front vitals, with the sustain from your passive + grasp and dshield, you can beat her if u dont take too much free poke.
Once you get Hydra it becomes way easier, so play until that powerspike.
She has INSANE burst potential level 6 with ignite, be careful.
Quite intuitive, Fiora does a ton of autos (her Q included), so sejuani can get so many stuns off, not only that but with her ult you can get a free ult proc!
Ask your junglers to play Sejuani, it's one of the best junglers to have on your team.
Not only that, but he is basically a enchanter, has cc, just enables you a ton and allows you to TURBO 1v9
Same as all enchanters, movspeed shield + dmg buff on autos is amazing for Fiora.
Same as all the other enchanters, essentially is a shield + heal bot, that can CC allowing you to proc your vitals really well.
CC's, heals, ms buff, dmg buff, overall a really good support to have on your team.
Revive, cc and a movespeed buff, what more to ask when playing Fiora!
Very strong synergy with his passive, allowing you to get a free stun and proc your vitals easily.
Heals, CC's and Slows, classic support stuff, very helpful in teamfights.
Shields, movespeed buff, and cc's very helpful, but not as much as others.
Classic enchanter, buffs you, debuffs the enemy.
Renata Glasc
With Renata you can go a full dmg build, oneshot a carry and then get revived by renata, really amazing to play with.
Surprisingly a good match with Fiora because he can match your engages and follow up really well with his E & R and W
Allows you to do very risky engages while being safe thanks to this lantern, overall a very good support to have on your team.
Go for risky plays, a risky steal, or place a deep ward and just get yourself pulled back to the thresh.
Good support when you are every autofilled and wanna play Fiora adc.
Just putting Elise here as an example, Fiora loves to be strongsided, so junglers that can gank her, and force dives are best.
BUFFS FIORA, who doesnt like movespeed, healing, auto attack amplifiers and an ult that removes CC!
Quite intuitive, Fiora does a ton of autos (her Q included), so sejuani can get so many stuns off, not only that but with her ult you can get a free ult proc!
Ask your junglers to play Sejuani, it's one of the best junglers to have on your team.
Not only that, but he is basically a enchanter, has cc, just enables you a ton and allows you to TURBO 1v9
Same as all enchanters, movspeed shield + dmg buff on autos is amazing for Fiora.
Same as all the other enchanters, essentially is a shield + heal bot, that can CC allowing you to proc your vitals really well.
CC's, heals, ms buff, dmg buff, overall a really good support to have on your team.
Revive, cc and a movespeed buff, what more to ask when playing Fiora!
Very strong synergy with his passive, allowing you to get a free stun and proc your vitals easily.
Heals, CC's and Slows, classic support stuff, very helpful in teamfights.
Shields, movespeed buff, and cc's very helpful, but not as much as others.
Classic enchanter, buffs you, debuffs the enemy.
Renata Glasc
With Renata you can go a full dmg build, oneshot a carry and then get revived by renata, really amazing to play with.
Surprisingly a good match with Fiora because he can match your engages and follow up really well with his E & R and W
Allows you to do very risky engages while being safe thanks to this lantern, overall a very good support to have on your team.
Go for risky plays, a risky steal, or place a deep ward and just get yourself pulled back to the thresh.
Good support when you are every autofilled and wanna play Fiora adc.
Just putting Elise here as an example, Fiora loves to be strongsided, so junglers that can gank her, and force dives are best.
BUFFS FIORA, who doesnt like movespeed, healing, auto attack amplifiers and an ult that removes CC!
xIntroduction & Credentials xWhy should I play Fiora? xOverview of Fiora's Abilities
xPros / Cons xTrading in Lane xMECHANICS
About Me
I'm Potent, a Challenger Fiora Onetrick from Algeria, I'm currently 21 years old and a full time streamer!!
I first started playing league in season 3 when I was little, and have been a Fiora main since season 7.
Ever since leaving Algeria (better ping + better pc), I've been consistently Challenger, peaking rank 1 of the ladder, and a peak of 1877LP in EUW, I'm regularly around top 10 on EUW as of now.
A lot of people consider me to be one of the best Fiora players in the world, alongside JJKing or 14Fiora.
I have approximately 5,000,000 Points on Fiora on all of my acounts, and I stream on twitch! (@Potent213 on twitch) Anyways, I really hope you enjoy the guide and let's get to it!
Why should I play Fiora?
Fiora, The Grand Duelist Fiora is one of the most fun champions in the game with also one of the highest skill ceilings possibly achievable, many players for example Drututt or VeigarV2 has said that Fiora is the hardest toplaner in the game to master, this makes it so satisfying and rewarding to learn.
Fiora is also insanely strong in the meta and overall is just a really fun champion and super strong in 1v1's, definitely a champ you won't regret picking up if you like intense 1v1 situations or even pushing the limits of the champion you play to the max! PRECISION AND GRACE
Overview of Fiora's Abilities
P - Duelist's Dance
This is Fiora's bread and butter, mastering the use of her passive and knowing how they will respawn to hit them more effectively is important to becoming a better Fiora player. This ability makes the difference between a good and GREAT Fiora player! Q - Lunge
Fiora lunges and hits a nearby target based on a list of priority (list mentioned later in guide), it's important to use this ability as a tool for mobility, spacing, damage, and especially proccing vitals effectively! This ability requires a lot of precision and spacing! W - Riposte
This is probably the hardest spell to use on Fiora, it can either be used to block a game changing cc, or you can whiff it and it does nothing while needing 24 seconds to come back.
Unfortunately ping comes into play a ton, bad ping makes it nearly impossible to get good Riposte's, especially for spells that are hard to react to.(ie... Garen's R Demacian Justice, Darius's R Noxian Guillotine, Cassiopeia's R Petrifying Gaze etc..).
Knowing when to use and when to hold your Riposte is key and will improve your level of play on Fiora. E - Bladework Fiora's E is a simple damage buff, nothing much to it, it acts as an auto reset, although you do have slightly higher range (+25) when using it, it can help you reach targets who are JUST SLIGHTLY out of range, using this ability during combos is key to maximizing your speed and damage! R - Grand Challenge Fiora's ultimate is your main fighting tool, being able to quickly proc all four vitals is very important, hence why I repeat that practicing is so important on this champion.
If you can proc your ultimate quickly you can maximize your damage and healing, and then be able to hit your next vitals sooner, speed and precision is really important.
+ Insane Duelist
+ One of the Highest Skillcaps
+ Strong Splitpusher
+ Hyper mobile
+ Strong in early/mid/late game
+ Extremely Fun
+ Very Flexible
Fiora is honestly one of the champions with which you can have the most fun, she is hyper mobile, has so much outplay potential in every single situation, literally every single one.
With Fiora there is no limit to how far you can push your skill, there is always a higher level of play you can obtain because of how complicated the champion is fundamentally, the more you know Fiora, the more things you know you don't know about Fiora.
The game is so boring when I play other champions tbh.
- Matchup dependant
- Useless when behind
- No CC/Utility
- Hard in Teamfights
- Very hard to Learn
- Lacks waveclear
The issue with Fiora is that she is extremely matchup dependant, and comp dependant, if the enemy team picks champions that have a lot of range (ie. Jayce, Kindred, Ahri, Karma, Jinx, etc..), it becomes really hard to play the game, not only that but she is really weak when jungler weaksides or picks a scaling jungler and she has terrible waveclear!
So sometimes its hard to decide between splitpush and teamfight.
Conqueror is currently the second best rune page for Fiora (PTA IS SLIGHTLY BETTER ATM)!
There are a few combinations for this rune page, if the enemy team has:
- Demolish is VERY OP, Tier 2 Turrets in top and bot now give 700g, and inhibitor turrets give 350g. ABUSE IT in lower ranks and when you are duoQ with jungle/have a jungle that will camp top)
- You can also take Revitalize in harder lanes, it's EXTREMELY broken right now, especially with Ravenous Hydra, Eclipse, Death Dance and Maw of Malmortius (all items that have healing and shields). Press the Attack
Press the Attack is THE BEST RUNE IN THE GAME CURRENTLY! Super strong as they removed armor shards from the game!
STRONG VS SQUISHIES and when you can only do SHORT TRADES
You have tons of burst and damage, you can cheese level 1.
You must play for short trades otherwise you will lose, it's super strong, look to play super aggressive constantly, invading level 1, chessing and just playing to solokill your enemies.
You can legit oneshot people instantly when ahead, it's so strong when u get 2 items.
Just because you are going aggressive doesn't mean you can't go Dshield into poke matchups, like Jayce for instance. Grasp of the Undying
Grasp of the Undying is a good option in lanes where you can't damage a lot with vitals or auto's, typically against matchups that have invisibility or that move a lot and can kite your vitals really easily ( Phase Rush matchups for example, Ryze, Quinn, Gragas etc... more info in the matchup section, or champions who just move around a ton and u can only hit them with Lunge.), but otherwise i wouldn't recommend only going Grasp of the Undying because it doesn't teach you as much about Fiora as Conqueror or Press the Attack do.
Overall the best item on Fiora, offers everything she wants, waveclear, cooldown reduction, AD and lifesteal!
You will most likely be going this item first in every single game, as there aren't really many items that are as good as Ravenous Hydra in the early game!
It also has an insane build path which just makes it even better.
You will typically buy Tiamat last as you usually want to freeze until you get Ravenous Hydra and then play for plates after you get it
But sometimes getting Tiamat early and proxying to avoid some harder lanes is a viable strat!
Eclipse is very strong when you are already ahead and don't need resistances, super cheap item costing only 2800, giving a whole 70 AD, while also having a nice shield and decent damage.
Being able to plan out your Eclipse procs is very important, as the shields can make or break a fight and sometimes it all comes down to whether or not you were able to get the Eclipse proc shield to save you from some damage.
You will only build Eclipse second if you do not need resistances, but if you do, for example enemy team has a lot of lethality and magic penetration, consider taking Death's Dance or Maw of Malmortius as Fiora struggles to build Health in the current meta!
I could put this in the armor section, but this item is SO GOOD right now, that it needs it's own section, if the enemy team has a lot of AD Burst, or Lethality Assasssins, you really wanna build Death's Dance, it helps you survive the burst and sustain!
It also has a really good build path with 3 longswords
Not to mention that it has healing on takedowns meaning it also works well with Revitalize!
Maw of Malmortius is a strong item when enemies have a lot of AP DMG, especially AP BURST as the item doesn't offer the most resistances, but offers really good AD & MR with a big AP shield for a really good price!
So versus AP Assassins like Akali, this is your go-to item!
When the shield procs, you also get bonus lifesteal, so it works well with Revitalize!
Decent item, unfortunately not as much of a priority as it used to be, but can still be built after the S-tier items or in games where you REALLY want to split-push!
I like to pair it with Hullbreaker as well, that will make you really hard to deal with, even more so if you have the Voidbrugs effect!
The item offers decent AD, decent attack speed, and even HP and a spell-blade, but Fiora doesn't use the stats to the full potential she would want to, hence why I'm not the biggest fan of the item atm.
Hullbreaker is an AMAZING option ATM as now in patch 14.4 Q WORKS ON HULLBREAKER, ESPECIALLY when you are versus champions that struggle to clear the super minion, it allows you to just ram down the turret or dive the enemy really easily if you are ahead
Not to mention the Turret damage and champion damage buff on the 5th hit being really massive it also gives 65 AD.
I really like this item, the build path as well makes it overall a solid Fiora item especially when you wanna splitpush!
In my opinion, a very UNDERRATED item, sure Fiora struggles to stack Spear of Shojin, but because you can stack it on minions and turrets, I think it's a very good option, the cooldown reduction is amazing, the extra damage works on Fiora's passive Duelist's Dance increasing her true DMG!
Probably best to take against tanks, though it can work in other situations, I also think it's very good when you are playing to sidelane!
Decent item, the main appeal is the FAT SHIELD, and the awesome Tenacity, really nice to run this into comps where you can teamfight and when they have a lot of CC, for example against a Leona, Lissandra, etc...
Besides that I wouldn't recommend the item, as I belive other items are just better than it in the current state of the game!
The new Stridebreaker now has a tiamat effect, very interesting into some ranged matchups where you can rush Tiamat avoid the hard laning and then run them down with the Stridebreaker
Blade of the Ruined King is not that good of an item unfortunately, it's very good for cheesing, and has a lot of burst and movespeed
But is very expensive, and considering Fiora doesn't utilize the attack speed that well, nor is the active that good on her, she would much rather build other items.
Overall just lacks a lot of AD, doesn't have good built path, but I can still see it being decent into range matchups or matchups where that extra movespeed can help you stick onto the enemy!
I thought Experimental Hexplate had potential for Fiora, but similar to a lot of items in this list, it just has a lot of stats that Fiora doesn't need that much, first it has a lot of attack speed, then when you ult, it gives you MORE attackspeed and MORE movespeed, which Fiora already has enough of.
You'd much rather get useful stats from items, similarly to Blade of the Ruined King you could build it into ranged matchups to help chase, but I still think even then it's not ideal.
Guardian Angel is an alright item, it's more of a one-use, the "final" teamfight or most important teamfight type of item.
That one item you might buy before a big Elder Dragon fight, or a Baron Nashor fight
The stats are decent for Fiora especially when you can utilize those extra resistances, but besides that it's really not interesting as Fiora doesn't want to teamfight much.
It can be useful if you have a fed carry and you want to stall for them with your Guardian Angel and frontline a bit, but besides that, don't see much reason to buy Guardian Angel.
I think it has potential in a Grasp of the Undying build, but with the current meta Press the Attack and a bit of Conqueror builds, I don't think it has a nice spot as Fiora struggles to buy items that have ONLY defensive stats.
Muramana could potentially be a good item in lower ranks where the games are longer, but I'm really not that convinced, the item just takes too long to scale and lacks resistances.
Sure you could argue it lets you take Triumph but you should be running Presence of Mind anyways, but regardless I feel like there aren't really many slots where you can delay your early game spikes to get a Tear of the Goddess as early game has become too important in the current state of League of Legends.
Offers a LOT of AD (95 at level 18) and a good bit of lifesteal, but the crit is useless for Fiora and it takes a lot of time to scale, so I don't think it's that crazy, but if you feel like you are missing damage on your 5th or 6th item and the enemy team doesn't have heal reduction, you can definitely consider buying Bloodthirster
A lot of people thought Sundered Sky would be an INSANE item on Fiora, unfortunately it doesn't have enough AD and too much HP to justify buying it
Not to mention it doesn't work on Fiora's Lunge and is also bugged on her Bladework auto attacks
Making it very hard to viably build this item, champions like Darius or Aatrox have auto attack amplifiers that get multiplied with Sundered Sky making it a much more viable item
But unfortunately for Fiora, unless enemy team has 5 tanks, I don't think it's that good!
I don't think Black Cleaver is that good on Fiora, but I think there are definitely a few situations where it CAN be built, especially if you are running a full AD team and they have HEAVY armor stackers
In those situations you can get it to help your team deal more damage, especially if you have a fed carry, lowering the enemies armor can increase their DPS by a LOT
If you have Ignite it isn't MANDATORY, but it's still not that bad
You don't need to finish the item as Executioner's Sword does give you the anti-healing effect as sometimes you need to invest that gold into resistances or more AD!
These are the defensive items you can go on Fiora, don't rush them as you need atleast a base amount of AD to not be useless.
Thornmail: Terrible item, other options are better, don't get baited.
Randuin's Omen: If enemy team has a lot of critical strike damage
Frozen Heart: If enemy team have a lot of DPS/Attack Speed, it's also very cheap now, so it's not that bad!
âĶ Force of Nature
These are the defensive items against AP Damage
Force of Nature: Go Force of Nature if they have a lot of AP DPS and you need to go on their back line or move a lot with the movespeed, not recommended vs burst
Spirit Visage: Good if enemy team doesn't have anti-healing or if you have enchanter supports, Lulu, Karma, Janna etc.. also works very well with Revitalize and the S-tier items as they give a lot of healing and shielding
Maw of Malmortius: Really good into AP BURST because the shield increases based on the amount of AD you currently have, really insane item RN, so cheap as well!
Plated Steelcaps: Go these boots when enemy team are AA heavy, you can also build them early vs AA heavy toplaners especially if enemy jungle is also AD.
Mercury's Treads: Build these when enemy team has a lot of CCs and AP Damage, very high value versus CC.
The classic starter versus most melee matchups where you can do a lot of skirmishes and extended fights, provides the most damage and healing but not very good versus poke.
Also quick little tip DO NOT SELL DORANS BLADE EVER, it's never worth it unless you're selling it for your 3rd or 4th, BEFORE THAT DO NOT SELL IT. IT has too much value.
You get 180 gold for selling, when the stats are worth around 800g
With the dorans buffs, you should never go longsword start anymore
Trading Patterns
Trading with Fiora is very unique due to the vitals that no other champion has, so its important to properly understand how to trade with Fiora speficially.
First of all its important to understand how vitals spawn, the simple way of explaining is, if its front next will be back, and vice versa, but realistically the way it works is f it is SOUTH or WEST, then the next one will be NORTH or EAST of the champion and vice versa.
So against a lot of champions when they have a front vital (typically if they are melee) then you want to auto attack the front vital and then Lunge for the back and and as you are running away hit the one that will appear, so Front > Back > Front. We call this a triple vital proc!
If its a back vital you can Lunge it, drop an auto if u want and then AA the vital as you're running away. Back > Front.
But to properly master this, it's important to fundamentally understand that vital spawning has a certain range, meaning if you get a back vital you can get out of the range and reset it so it becomes a front vital, essentially one that is easier to proc for you.
So manipulating vitals in your favor and running back to reset a vital is key IN EVERY GAME you play on Fiora.
With this information, it's important to have proper pathing when hitting vitals, you want to after hitting a vital, to then move to the closest path leading to the vital, either clockwise, or counter clockwise, it's pretty intuitive if you think about it, here is a video showcasing how you do it, see how the vitals always appear in front of me.
For example a tip I could give to a lot of current Fiora players, when you Grand Challenge someone running away, always proc the vitals that are on the side of the direction they are running away to that way when you back off or when they are running you can hit the front ones afterwards, it makes proccing all 4 vitals way easier.
Proccing vitals efficiently:
LEVEL 1: You want to poke with your Lunge and potentially look for all in, but you usually lose the mid trades, either an in and out, or a long trade.
Level 2: Here you typically level up Riposte and want to block an important spell or an auto from the enemy, you can also combine Lunge + Riposte for an engage, in some situations especially with Press the Attack you can level up Bladework for high burst damage and getting a surprise kill, it has surprisingly tons of damage.
Level 3: You usually wanna go for short trades poke and then all in with a hard engage when they are around 60% health, a bit more if you have Ignite.
Level 6: Here it's basically the same thing but with your Grand Challenge, just look for poking them down slowly wittle them down and go for a hard engage with your ult.
Versus ranged champs, you can almost never proc back vitals, but often you can proc front vitals, when they are trying to farm minions.
Now for specifically range matchups but overall as well, Fiora loves playing in bushes, she loves going in bushes and going for a quick Lunge proc and moving back into the bush, also helps removing aggro from minions, but because of the nature of Fiora's spells, she is very good at hitting and running, and bushes just help you do that a lot as you can use vision to your advantage for jukes.
Otherwise you want to use the classic combos I mentioned in the 'Mechanics' section, you can find out how and when to use them in the description of each of the combos.
Fiora loves to fight while having a frozen wave for the most part, on Fiora, either you freeze or you crash to setup a dive, Fiora is exceptionally well at hard engaging versus most champions so you almost always want to freeze or crash to be able to chase them as much as possible!
That's why performing a cheater recall is INSANELY important on Fiora, you crash the 1st 3 waves, if you farm well you get a Long Sword + a Refillable Potion and then come back to a frozen wave, but if their enemy toplaner has a lot of waveclear you might need to TP back to maintain the freeze, for example an Irelia or a Graves.
The good thing is, after a cheater recall you don't need to recall, you can go for a roam, possibly kill the enemy jungler while he is doing a buff, or even roam mid, they always expect a recall so they never see it coming!
Here is a video that explains how to do a cheater recall:
Combos + Mechanics
To no one's surprise Fiora is a very mechanical champion, she is one of the most complexe champions mechanically with so many possibilities, so here is a list of some of the tricks you can do on Fiora.
Though the most important thing: PRACTICE IS KEY, I REPEAT PRACTICE IS KEY!
You need to grind it out hard in PRACTICE TOOL and perfect your mechanics and combos, it's especially important on Fiora because it requires both muscle memory and precision.
You go for a Lunge on vital (doesn't have to be on a vital but typically its preferred) and then an AA, the auto following Lunge goes off really quick, so you can look for openings to land this. Lunge + AA + Ravenous Hydra:
The classic slideparry, there are so many options to when you can use this.
When your jungler is ganking the enemy, you can use the slideparry to chase the enemy down and land a Riposte especially when the enemy is playing safer.
In general, the benefit of using the slideparry is being able to use parrying during Lunge, so you dont feel the downtime from the Riposte as much.
You can auto during the slideparry, honestly im not exactly sure how this works, even other Fiora players have no clue, it seems like a bug and that even with a macro you can't get it consistently. Lunge + AA + Bladework(1) + Bladework(2) Riposte + AA:
This is the classic short trade Fiora wants to do, the Riposte is optional based on champ, but typically this has the most damage in shortest amount of time. AA Flash:
This is a little trick you can use to proc vitals on opposite sides.
Note you should Lunge on the corner of the 3rd vital so the auto on the fourth one comes out as fast as possible.
Fast version:
Grand Challenge proc without Flash:
This combo is efficient to proc a vital during ur slideparry (QW) which normally isnt doable, good vs ranged champs usually or if enemies have low mobility, if u manage to AS WELL get the auto off during the slideparry (QW) (which makes it even harder) then u can maximize your dmg output and get TONS of dmg. How to proc a vital on a wall:
Here is a trick to proc vitals next to a wall, basically, usually when someone is staying close to the wall there is always 1 vital you cannot proc, although with this trick you can proc it.
Essentially what you do is hit all 3 vitals that aren't next to the wall, and then for the fourth one, typically the enemy is attacking you while staying next to the wall, and that exactly is what you want to look to abuse.
So because the enemy is attacking you, it means they are right-clicking you, so if you WALK AWAY, they will FOLLOW YOU, because they are right-clicking so the champion automatically follows.
So you need to abuse that, they will follow you for around half a second until the player reacts and goes back to the wall, leaving a small window for you to either Lunge in, or Flash in for the auto.
Note this only works against melee champs not ranged champions as they don't have to move while staying next to the wall (Although ranged champions usually can't stay melee to a Fiora, or they just lose anyway).
You can't properly explain spacing in a guide, you need to see it, and then be explained it, it's all about movement, moving back and forth, staying at an exact safe distance to perfectly space in Lunge's while being safe, I cannot go over how INSANELY important this is for Fiora.
For example people with good spacing I would say are really high elo challenger players, but especially players like Dzukill or myself, I recommend going on youtube and looking for a matchup between me and Dzukill, Yone vs Fiora, you will understand what I mean by proper spacing, movement, tethering etc...
It is something you need to see to understand and will elevate you to a higher level on Fiora and in the game in general.
Requires very precise clicks, near your character, understanding side-to-side spacing, compared to front-to-back spacing is VERY IMPORTANT!
Will make a chapter on that!
Good macro is key on Fiora, it's hard to explain roam timing in a guide right, but I'll explain some main concepts that are important on Fiora, obviously you need to have decent knowledge of decent wave management, as poor wave management on Fiora can make you lose the game, because of how weak Fiora's waveclear is, she struggles a ton to fix her wave states or crash waves in time.
Same to understanding rotation timings, min maxing taking minions and camps, knowing when to splitpush and when to teamfight, setting up waves before recalling, setting up waves for objectives etc...
Even jungle timings are important as a toplaner, knowing when they finish their clear, what type of jungler they are etc..
There are tier lists that explain what type of junglers like to do what, but it's pretty obvious if u have decent game knowledge.
Making a gameplan, most players have no idea what this even is about, because they go into each game autopiloting without thinking.
So I'm here to help you avoid dying to free ganks, to avoid being lost in the midgame, to have a PLAN going into your games, this is what helped me go from Masters 90 LP to Challenger 1200 LP in 1 season.
Essentially make a plan for the 3 states of the game, Early, Mid and Late.
In your plan the early section is important to put the most into as you have time to think for the midgame and lategame during recall timings, deaths etc..
You need to plan out how you will ward, what you want to do with the 1st 3 waves (if you want to cheater recall, let it crash in etc..), this all depends on whether you are weaksided, if the enemy jungler is a ganking jungler etc.. etc..
I plan on making a video on this to go more indepth, but essentially if you can get a cheater recall off usually thats the best situation as it avoids most ganks, but u need to ward incase enemy jungler skips a camp, but take into account if they have a ganking jungler, maybe you don't want to push, or if you have a jungler who can dive early, set up a dive on wave 3-4?
If you are weaksided and they can dive you, maybe dont use ur parry in trades and play it super slow so you don't lose HP, I see TOO MANY PLAYERS blaming their jungler when they just don't understand how the jungle role works, it's really sad to see.
I recommend ALWAYS asking your jungler to STRONGSIDE you and not only that but to play topside and get you a lead early game, Fiora is a TERRIBLE champion when behind, but AMAZING when ahead, so use that to your advantage.
Mid/Late Game:
Here, you want to focus on having a lot of presence and impact, essentially brining a lot of pressure on yourside to make the game harder for the enemies, and easier for your team!
Essentially you want to think about whether you want to be splitpushing or teamfighting, or even both sometimes, you can alternate, it's important to think of all the details about it though so you don't have to spend time thinking about it during the game and can focus on your gameplay and spontaenous things.
I talk about this more in the next section!
Overall I wanted to add this section as a part I will work on more as I update the guide as it's hard to explain how to make a thorough gameplan, a lot of it comes from experience and intuition.
But in general your gameplan will be:
Minute 1-10: FREEZE
Minute 10-14: PLATES
Team Fighting & Splitpushing
Do I Teamfight or Splitpush?
This section is very important, Teamfighting with Fiora crazy right?
There is a big misconception with Fiora players in low elo, the amount of times I've heard, don't teamfight, Fiora cannot teamfight just go perma split and win on side, if your team doesnt respect your split GG.
If that happens, that is almost always your fault, you can't change your allies actions that much, but you can change your own.
Essentially, you need to be able to identify what is the best decision, to teamfight or to split?
The questions you need to ask are, can i team or split and which would give me more benefits, obviously with Fiora usually split pushing does a better job than teamfighting, because of the nature of the champion, she is extremely strong in 1v1's and 1v2.
So lets give some example situations to better understand when to decide, essentially you need to evaluate if your team can win a 4v4, or a 4v3 if you can 1v2 right.
So ask yourself these questions, can I splitpush, if so can I take the turret or dive the enemy laner, and then would it be better than teamfighting?
-Situation 1: Teamfight Bad/Splitpush Good
Well let's say their comp has tons of range, meaning its hard to teamfight, but their toplaner is a champion you can poke/dive or take the turret from, for example a Cho'Gath who is behind in the game, well in this case the answer is obvious, you SPLITPUSH.
-Situation 2: Teamfight Good/Splitpush Bad
But now lets say they have a comp that isn't as hard to teamfight against, they have 3 melee champs, you can easily proc ultimate or get on their backline, but their sidelaner is Jayce, who is really hard to dive because he just pokes you down and melts the wave in seconds.
The answer is obvious, you want to teamfight as you won't achieve much on side, unless you are really ahead of the enemy sidelaner
-Situation 3: Good Teamfighting/Good Splitpushing
In this situation, you can both splitpush and teamfight properly, now it's too situational to make a general rule, but usually you would want to splitpush just because Fiora is better at that, but if your team cannot 4v4, or you cannot punish their laner even if ahead, than you want to teamfight, but vice versa, if your team can 4v4 and you can casually 1v2 or dive their top, then you can definitely splitpush, but here you need experience, and logical thinking.
-Situation 4: Bad Teamfight/Bad Splitpush
Similar to situation 3, you need to act based on your own experience and judge the game for what would seem the most logical, if their toplaner is grouping and being a menace because you fed him, maybe you can force him to go side against you and play super safe by splitpushing that way you can limit his impact, like wise if he can dive you, maybe try forcing fights when he isn't there.
Overall, it's up to you to communicate with your team what you want to do, when I'm smurfing 90% of the time they will listen to my "get away and play safe pings", and if they don't I will group, so it's also important to identify whether or not your team is listening to your pings, if they do listen and respect your split, continue if they don't then you need to adapt, don't always expect YOUR TEAM to ADAPT TO YOU, it's soloQ you need to be flexible!
Team Fighting
Now we get into how to play teamfights, fights can mainly be broken into 3 sort of situations, either you need to:
1-Kill a high priority target on enemy team.
2-Protect a high prioity target on your team.
3-Get a quick ult proc.
In situation 1, usually that means they have a really fed carry that can carry teamfights, meaning you want to kill him during or before the teamfight, for example a fed adc, a fed midlaner that can hard carry teamfights, if you are even or ahead with Fiora you can definitely do a lot of damage and probably kill them if the situation allows it.
In situation 2 you have a fed Jinx, but now they have someone who is in situation 1, for example a Talon, who wants to kill the Jinx, or a Hecarim who wants to all in on your fed ADC, what you need to do is to avoid that to happen, think about the threats that bother you adc, and how you can do something about it, you can do it by parrying an important ability, killing or putting pressure on that important target.
In situation 3, usually you are playing front to back, or you can kill one of their engage champions, for example, a Xin Zhao, a Rell, or a Rek'Sai after he engages, to ensure a quick ult proc and healing for your team so you can win the fight.
Logically if you can't do one situaton, then look to be able to do one of the others!
But then again, teamfights are very chaotic, you need to be able to make decisions with experience and intuition, sometimes playing for a flank is strong, or staying near your adc.
Knowing enemy summoner spells cooldowns, ultimate cooldowns, are very important.
Try to make a list in your head before hand of things you need to Riposte, and a plan for how to go about playing teamfights, it's typically best to use Riposte defensively in teamfights, unless the fight is already won, then you can use it aggressively.
Split Pushing
Now we get to splitpushing, thankfully if you are splitpushing, it means you should be able to typically 1v1 the enemy sidelaner, possibly even 1v2, whats important is that you need to first decide on which side to splitpush, typically if you have Teleport you want to go to the opposite side of the current objective that is gonna be contested, that way you can bring pressure and Teleport when they need help, making the opposing sidelaner lose XP if they come and they will most likely be late to come or lose turrets if he goes straight to the objective.
So understanding which side to splitpush its definitely key, now you need to understand vision, vision lines are INCREDIBLY important to splitpushing and understanding the concept is very key, there are tons of videos that can explain that, but essentially you need a vision line that covers the points of entrance in the jungle, it can be your support or yourself who places it, typically you want a Farsight Alteration or a Stealth Ward, you can take Sweeping Lens for flanks after crashing waves on side if your support wards for you.
Now when splitpushing you want to maximize your gold, you need to take as much farm as possible, take enemy camps, get turrets, attempt to dive the enemy if possible, flank for teamfights, get pressure for your team so they can do objectives, etc..
What's important is to maximize your gain, WITHOUT DYING, I REPEAT WITHOUT DYING, IF YOU CAN GAIN 25 SECONDS BY DYING ITS NOT WORTH IT, ACTUAL GOOD DEATHS are rare, patience is key when splitpushing, the average death in the midgame removes your pressure from the map for around 60-70 seconds, don't forget that!
Especially now with how snowbally games are in the current meta!
One key aspect about splitpushing to make it even more valuable is TEMPO, having good recalls timings and matching your recall timings with your allies is important, that means being able to match waves when they crash is important so that they cant move inbetween turrets to defend, not only that, but focus the lanes usually that have the least turrets taken, as its usually harder for enemy team to move between t1 turrets, than t2 turrets, and t2 turrets than t3 turrets, etc.. etc.. because of the shape of the map.
Turrets also give a TON of GOLD now, inner turrets giving 700g when taken alone, and inhibitor turrets giving 350g when taken as a team!
Good map awareness and understanding the position of the enemy champions is important to not make mistake, so you cannot autopilot, get good vision!
Warding, one of the most essential things to avoid getting ganked and losing your game, whether you are preparing and objective, teamfighting, or even in lane.
It's important to not just randomly place wards when u have them, or just because you have no vision, placing good vision requires extensive thinking of which lanes are most gankable, if you are weaksided or strongsided, what angles you can get ganked from, where is the jungler on the current side.
Don't ward the bush because u saw him bot 5 seconds ago but now he is gone, obviously he can't just come top in that time, you need to wait a certain amount of time until it is possible for him to gank, or if its pushing in and you can't get dove, don't place a ward as it'll probably be useless, etc.. etc.. so you need to have good thinking when placing wards instead of just lazingly placing a ward, it's INSANELY important
When you are freezing its important to play a Control Ward in the middle bush of the lane, or just in general honestly, ive seen a lot of pros do it, as it allows you to see if the enemy roams or if they stay after shoving, you can see if they try to cheese, even if the jungler tries to lane gank you and get a cheese kill making you lose tons of minions and plates.
How to read minds
How to read your opponent's mind
The Riposte, probably one of the hardest abilities to use in the game.
But you need to be able to understand how your enemy thinks, essentially force your enemy to think in a certain way, but first you need to understand what mindset the person is, is he scared? confident? aggressive? playing calmly? does he panic?
Noticing habits is key as it'll help you identify which mindset the player is in.
For example, Lee Sin players tend use their ultimate Dragon's Rage on you, after you ult them and proc 2-3 vitals as they do not want you to proc all 4!
Same for example if you will kill a target, people tend to use their CC to save their friend instantly, and so you can predict it that way, that's an example of panic.
Some people are super confident so they tend to not make mistakes due to fear, so you can tend to predict that they might use their CC early.
Of course you can still see their habits, in low elo, when im coaching friends, 8/10 times I predict parries because they always do the same thing, Garen's always instantly use Decisive Strike, Darius's always do an auto into Crippling Strike, Pantheon uses Shield Vault instantly etc.. etc...
Another example would be while escaping, people who hold their CC's until you parry, for example if you are gonna reach your turret, right before you reach it, they will use their cc, or possibly if you poked them under turret, they don't want you to leave turret range, so they will use it right before leave turret if they haven't used it yet.
Again for example your ally is low and you know that the enemy Bard might use Cosmic Binding, you can go in front and tank it and possibly stun with your Riposte etc...
So it's important to understand how the enemy is thinking, see their habits, and force them into situations where they need to make a decision or else they will get punished, think how you would feel if you were in his place.
What would you do if you were in the enemies place?
Just be careful, as using this spell poorly, can ruin your lane and possibly the game.
It's hard to give a clear answer when asked what to ban, as it often depends on elo, and each persons individual skill, the issue is that most players are below plat, so they struggle with different matchups, personally I struggle a lot with Karma in the moment, Kennen, and sometimes Akshan, but in lower elos people don't play those champions as well, I know of a lot of people who ban Nasus or Darius, which are some difficult matchups, or even Sett which are winning matchups for me in higher elo.
All in all, it's up to you, find out what champions bother you the most, and use my champion list as a reference to know if you are playing the matchup poorly or if its just not a winnable matchup.
Enemy champion affected by Grand Challenge.
Vitals facing Fiora.
Champions who would die to the strike.
The nearest champion.
Enemies that would die to the strike.
The closest enemy.
If enemy hits the blast cone while you are on it and you press Riposte, your Riposte becomes a stun.
But, if an ally presses the blast cone it does not become a stun.
You can identify clones based on the vital, if it doesnt change compared to the actual target ( Shaco, LeBlanc, Neeko etc...) then you know who is the real and false champion based on the vitals.
All items that deal damage (not DOT/ damage) can proc vitals, same for summoner spells, Smite and the snowball throw of Mark/Dash.
Also, Ivern's E Triggerseed, his shield, upon explosion counts as damage from Fiora, hence also proccing vitals, I've heard that Lulu Pix damage might work as well, but I have yet to confirm it.
Sundered Sky doesn't work on Lunge, but also doesn't work on Bladework first and second auto (though it will consume the Sundered Sky charge despite not doing the additional damage)
Spear of Shojin's additional damage works on vitals, but isn't stacked with Blade Work or Duelist's Dance making it really hard to stack it.
- Getting knocked up by Rek'Sai during W
- Stunned during Riposte if you spam Riposte and get stunned exactly as you Teleport.
- Double vital, sometimes even 3 vitals (there is only 1 actual vital)
- No vital sometimes even
If you are interested in getting coaching from me, I charge 60 euros for 1h30-2h of coaching, any role, any elo, then join my discord server and open a ticket in the "coaching" section, or add me and DM me on discord, my discord is: Potent213
You really won't find a better price in the market, 60 euros for around 1h30-2h from a player that has achieved Rank 1 and is considered the BEST FIORA IN THE WORLD by many.
Overall to conclude, it has been quite difficult and fun to make this guide, I originally wanted to make a guide to share the knowledge I have with all my games on Fiora especially considering im Rank 1 EUW on Fiora tons of people have asked me to share some information.
But then I also realized that most Fiora guides in the moment are either severely outdated, just show completely wrong info, or are completely unreliable and biased. (2 years later and its still true LOL)
I genuinely believe there isn't a guide that has as much info and detail on Fiora as this one does, I think the guide turned out pretty well.
So im hoping with this guide I can help all you new, and old Fiora players to improve and reach your goals!
Thank you for reading until the end.
I really do appreciate it.
Here is a little section for my socials, it would help and mean a ton to me if you could check out my social media.
Thank you.
But most importantly, check out the discord please, we have an amazing community and do events regularly, thank you so much.
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