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Ahri and Ekko usually counter each other. Ekko could easily dodge Ahri's E, but same for Ahri to dodge Ekko's Q and R. Ahri's passive is really good early game in trade. Let her push and wait for jungle before she hit lv 6. And snowball for that.
She is strong in early game. She has a long attack range that Ekko can do nothing of it. Try to avoid getting hit by her and Q her when she tries to farm. Once you land one or two stack of passive on her, E and walk out with the movement speed boost after the 3 stack landed. WATCH OUT WHEN SHE IS LV 6 and YOU AREN't!!! Also let her push and wait for gank. This doesn't mean you play passive.
Poke her whenever she trys to farm. She is easy to kill, no worries. Remember to ping after she is lv 6 and gone from mid.
Azir is hard to line against. Watch out his soldiers. I suggest roam after lv 6.
A good Anivia knows how to play her. Ekko would be poke pretty hard. Try to pop her passive in line and same thing. Let her push and tell jungle to gank.
Save you E for Brand's Q, watch his W. Once he used his Q or W, you could try to do a trade. Most Brand max E against Ekko. And Ekko's ult could dodge Brand's ult if needed.
Simply don't get poked too much. She is weak in early game. Easy kill. Remember to ward.
Cho Gath is one of the champion really really really hard to kill in line. I suggest just farm with him and roam. Try to dodge his E. Ap Cho Gath mid are mostly maxed E first, and play safe. Cho Gath can't land a shot on Ekko if you play safe. But Ekko would be poked hard whenever Ekko try to farm.
A good Diana could have 40-60(0 for Diana) chance of soloing Ekko. Trade in line with her after she used her W or Q.
You could always escape from Ezreal, but on the other hand, Ezreal poke pretty hard. Ekko would lost alot of farm. Simply let him push and farm under turrent.
Fizz is not hard to face at ALL! Save your E to dodge his E's damage. Wait for him to land and hit him. Also save your ult for his ult. Ekko could kill Fizz lv 3 if Fizz decide to fight Ekko.
Let him push. Wait for Lv 3. Throw your W on at least two of him towers. Your E would stun his tower and he would do no damage during this time period. He is easy to kill but Ekko would take alot of damage. Be careful of him tower, that all.
Easy to kill.
Kass would be hard to kill after lv 6. Trade him when he used his Q or E.
Easy against. Remember to get boost ASAP. She always start with boosts, that means Ekko might have a hard time to land his auto.
She doesn't do damage at early game. yet her ult at lv 6 can turn around the fight. She would have somewhat damage at lv 6 that might kill Ekko if Ekko doesn't have ult.
Ekko is one of few champion that isn't afraid of LeBlanc at lv 6. The key against LB would be used E to dodge her W, usually she would use her W after landed her Q. Burst her when she used her W to farm!
Her Q is annoying when Ekko try to farm in line. Let her push and wait for her Q CD. One way to play against her would be stay out of minions, this means if she want to poke Ekko, she will be in range of Ekko's Q.
Lux have really long range for her spell cast. It would be really hard for Ekko to not dodge her Q whenever Ekko used E to trade.
Watch out his E on minions. Stay out of your minions and let him push. He is easy to gank any time.
Stay behind minions, and use Ekko's E to dodge her Q. She would push pretty hard anyway. And anytime her Q is on CD, go in for a trade. She has nothing but shield to counter you before lv 6.
She pretty much just want to farm. Try to trade after she used her Q. And roam a lot. She would be kind of dangerous after lv 6. Use Ekko's ult wisely and you would be fine
Quinn would be really annoying in line. let her push and do not go for farm unless you feel you wouldn't get poked. Ping a lot. New Quinn is great at roam. Once she is gone from line and you are in pretty good condition, either push or go the opposite direction where Quinn is. Because Quinn is much faster than Ekko, even Ekko followed up, it would be too late when he arrived.
Use Ekko's E to dodge Swain's W and Q. After lv 6, wait for ignite's CD. Swain's ult is pretty strong in healing. Ignite would make sure Ekko kills Swain.
Can't really dodge Talon's W. But it doesn't mean you can't right talon. Usually he would use his W to farm the ranged minions. Wait for that moment and trade. You would win every time when Talon's W is in CD. Remember to ping when Talon is missing. And use Ekko's Q poke Talon when he is farming.
Try to dodge her Q, and not get stun by her W. She has slowdown and stun, which is pretty hard for Ekko to get near her. Use your ult whenever Syndra used her. This would hurt a lot for Syndra not do any damage with her ult.
Twisted Fate
One of the easy champion to face. Simply dodge his Q and wait for his W go on CD. Such as when he used him W to farm or whenever his W appeared to be a blue card or red card, Ekko can burst him every time. Ping a lot when TF is missing, and roam a lot.
Veigar would be hard to kill unless he misses his W. Fight him in line whenever his W or E is down. And watch out for his ult. Remember to rush Zhongya when going against him.
Vel'Koz isn't hard to kill. He has almost no escape. After your E landed on him, do not stand still, he usually would use his E this time. Use your W in teamfight whenever he used his ult.
Use Ekko's E to dodge Victor's E, that's the main sources of damage. Try not to get stunned by his W. Once he used his Q on minions or misses his W, Ekko would be able to trade with him.
Only way that Xerath could kill Ekko is Ekko being stupid and walked in to all his skill shots. Use E to dodge Xerath's W or E. Xerath doesn't have the burst Ekko has. Poke him with Q whenever he try to farm with auto.
The few champion Ekko have a hard time to go against. Since this patch(5.22) have the new masteries and the new item that kind of buffed Yasuo. His E could dodge Ekko's Q and his W could block Ekko's Q back and forth. He would try to trade with Ekko, get the 3 hit out and stay back. Called for Jungle would be the safest way to win. Yasuo's damage is based on crit, which means sometime
Poke him when he farm, and once his e or w was used for poke and missed, TRADE with him. Most of his damage is from E and the shadow. Save your ult for Zed's ult. Ping when Zed is missing in line.
Hi! This is my first guide every, and i will me updating more and more content to this guide to make it perfect. (* ̄ω ̄) Anyhow, if you enjoy this guide, share it to your friend, and if you find this guide interesting, leave a comment below!
"Ekko with GA as his third item? WTH?"As many of you might thought.
Ekko biggest cons would be afraid of CC, even you got Zhongya! More in depth discussion below.
Pros / Cons
Pros / Cons
Pro: Tons of aoe damage, a good stun for team fight, flexible, hardly been counter picked, always useful in team fight, LOVE his voice and game play!
Cons: AFRAID OF CC!Hard to start off, ult is really easy to miss, W also hard to use, melee,
4.5% movement speed is for early game combat. Ekko need movement speed to hit his third stack on enemy. 3% would be enough, but 4.5% for sure to hit even against champions started with boosts.
Glyphs using Ap is really aggressive. But compared to Magic Resist, Ap is better off for trades in early game.
Normal AP rune works for Ekko as well, but having movement speed is much, much better of laning and trading
Dark Seal has 25% extra healing for potion. This with Corrupting Potion would give Ekko enough sustain for lining and roam!
Why not Doran's Ring? Because it only has extra hp that doesn't really change anything for Ekko. And the mana regeneration isn't that good.
I suggest not to upgrade your Dark Seal unless you had Zhongya out and has a great KDA in game. Normally, Ekko would have enough damage for teamfight just with Zhongya and Morellonomicon.
Skill Sequence
Skill Sequence
Q,E,A,run=Land your Q on him, apply at least one stack.(Meaning land your Q at least once on them)E in, auto-attack, then run with your passive movement boost.
E,A-Q,run=Almost the same beside you start off with your E. This combo is meant for enemy being really passive, and make sure their jungle is somewhere else before you go in, without your E, you would have to flash if their jungle came. A-Q meaning land your auto and them use your Q to refresh your auto-attack animation.
W,E,A,Q=Remember W can be seen when you cast! This is for gank, use your W in side the bush or somewhere they cant see, walk in and get near enough then E in. If you cast your W, it would land about 2-3 second to land. Don't go in too early.
W,E,Zhongya,R=This is for a small team fight(3-2 enemies). Try not to use this combo in team fight, they can easily dodge your stun then kite you to death after use you ult.
E,Q,W,R,Zhongya=This is a much harder combo but for sure it maximized Ekko's damage. E in and act like your going for their carry(AP or AD), they would usually burn their escape spell. Throw out your Q and turn on their front line, and throw W back where you were. Wait for 1-2 second, press ult and Zhongya. You ult would land on the carry when they try to walk back in and land some damage. This is only for a 5v5 team fight and you have Zhongya and boost finished. This combo will pretty much kick their carries out of the team fight, and let your team finish off their front line.
Why GA?
Why GA?
When we look at Ekko's ult, the damage it deals is crazy if it hits at least 3 in one team fight. Using Ekko's ult saving himself isn't does do the most damage. Ekko is an assassin, but new meta, Ekko should focus more on killing their front line. Many adc (Cait, Corki, Graves etc) has some sort of disengagement, yet Ekko need to used his E to get near the Carry. This means either Ekko need to flash to keep chasing or simply turn around and finish off the front lines. Usually if you keep chasing, you would be kited by their support and adc. But if you turn on their front line, you could assist your teammate. And their adc would come back and try to do some damage. LOOK at your passive and ult back on their Carries! This is the best engagement because this time they have no way to escape and will take the damage from your ult which hurt a lot! With Zhongya and GA, you will survive for sure!
QSS is useful!
QSS is useful!
QSS is only for the team where they got a lot of CC that you cant dodge with your E.
For example : Malz's ult, Vi's ult, Sej's ult, Annie, etc.
When you are CC by enemy, you can't ult or Zhongya, which is painful and pretty much just disabled Ekko. A Ekko who can't ult is useless. His ult is his main source of damage in a team fight!
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