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Choose Champion Build:
AD Offtank (Kiting made easy)
Recommended Items
Ability Order
Headshot (PASSIVE)
Caitlyn Passive Ability
For masteries, I recommend the given 18/12/0 page, using Fervor of Battle. I prefer this page due to the 7% armor penetration (needed in the top lane, versus tanks), alongside the bonus damage of Fervor.
12/18/0: Poke (versus squishies)
Against a more squishy top-laner (not as tanky), the given 12/18/0 page using Precision and Thunderlord's Decree is nice; Precision gives some armor penetration, while Thunderlord's Decree helps immensely with poke.
Teleport is a standard top lane spell. Used to get to lane quicker, split-pushing, roaming and more. Recommended for Caitlyn to miss out on as little farm as possible (especially versus lane bullies), and to split-push late game.
A common recommended spell. Helpful for engaging, disengaging, chasing and kiting; recommended overall, always take.
Helpful for chase and kite with the additional speed boost. Take only if you know you can out-sustain your opponent and/or win lane (else you will lack Teleport's utility) and want some extra kite and chase potential.
Similar usage to Ghost, gives a small speed boost alongside a heal to help with kiting and some chase. Again, take only if you can out-sustain or win lane, and want the kite and chase for plays.
Teleport is a standard top lane spell. Used to get to lane quicker, split-pushing, roaming and more. Recommended for Caitlyn to miss out on as little farm as possible (especially versus lane bullies), and to split-push late game.
A common recommended spell. Helpful for engaging, disengaging, chasing and kiting; recommended overall, always take.
Helpful for chase and kite with the additional speed boost. Take only if you know you can out-sustain your opponent and/or win lane (else you will lack Teleport's utility) and want some extra kite and chase potential.
Similar usage to Ghost, gives a small speed boost alongside a heal to help with kiting and some chase. Again, take only if you can out-sustain or win lane, and want the kite and chase for plays.
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