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Choose Champion Build:
Master yi mid - true experimen
vs AD mid
Recommended Items
Ability Order
Double Strike (PASSIVE)
Master Yi Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
dodge his E with Q, hard dmg.
If you don't blindly activate wuju style, you can force his e, alpha to dodge it and then turn on your wuju style to kill him, if he has thornmail, he can be difficult to fight, but generally he can out duel you at most portions of the game, and you have to outplay him by meditating his damage whilst his stun is up, and then alpha striking to avoid it.
Since Master Yi has been removed from the AP wizard category, his position as a mid laner has largely been laughed at - even after playing him for hundreds of games in ranked I still get my teammates saying "mid yi, wtf?" in champion select. This does not mean Yi is not a viable mid laner! His kit is simple but well designed to prevent the nasty AP carries of mid lane from killing you. Use this to your advantage!
Master Yi rly broken carry champ. He good in early and beast in late. Let's started.
+ High AOE damage with thanks to

+ Very difficult to catch and chase due to having highest base movement speed in the game, as well as mobility with

+ One of the few champions who deals true damage consistently
+ Untargetable with

+ Resets make him dangerous if a person dies in a team fight.
+ Red smite is really strong on him
+ Can be a bit harder to itemize due to his true damage
+ Deceptively tanky thanks to Meditate and can tank high damage abilities whilst taking so little damage due to it.
+ One of the best champions in the game for cleaning up
- Need rly hard music to play him on mid;
- Weak to targeted crowd control;
- If abilities used incorrectly, can be left vulnerable;
- Really difficult to play at high levels;
- Has no built in cc;
- Needs something to

- Naturally Squishy;
- Will always be focused down;
- Everybody knows what his abilities do;
- Your jungle can say: "You troll! WTF?!" and ignore you all game (ps: he just not see my garen mid xD);
- You may be flamed by enemy team for playing a "Non skill champion".

A process I use almost every game is as follows.
Kill the 3 melee minions in the first wave and then use

Then continue to hit creeps until your

Hit minions until you have Double Strike ready, then turn on

*One factor that separates good Yi's from bad Yi's is the use of

*In the early game laning phase, there are many things you can do to harass your opponent. One of the best ways to ensure your

*Using your


*Whilst in the early game, avoid using

*If your health is critically low, retreat to a safe distance before using

*Gank bottom lane wherever possible; when your lane is pushed, run down river and

*Farm jungle camp whenever possible - easy clear time with

*Focus on building DAMAGE rather than TANKINESS - it will help you more in the long run.
*Make sure to SMART CAST your

*Push like you're giving birth! Towers are no match for Yi's damage - feel free -

*If you are fed, BUY Pink WARDS! Your damage will be great regardless and you can never have too much vision! This is especially useful if your top lane or jungle aren't doing so well - placing wards down can help them greatly.
*Don't hesitate to use


*Although it may seem tempting to channel

*Before you enter a team fight, look at the champions present on an enemy team and judge which crowd control abilities are most damaging to your [Meditate. For example, if there is a

*Whenever you have a ward available (especially after you upgrade your trinket) place a ward inside the enemy jungle camp - and kill the jungler, if he low.
Against ap champions:

Against ad chamions:

Why no Attack speed ? :
Attack speed is pretty good on yi, of course.
But, the most efficient way to take good trades with

When should I run Armor penetration instead of attack damage ?
Armor penetration will make you hurt lategame but, your early will be a bit weaker.
Attack damage runes are pretty good on Yi, because they scale well with your Q & E.
18 Points in Ferocity:






12 Points in Cunning:
You have to put points in that column only for the





I take


Use this if you want to play it safe. Being able to escape bad situations or secure kills. Also enables late game,

If you want to snowball or you want to play aggresive take

Indeed, not only as

level up your

You level up your

Why leveling up

You have to deal damage as a midlaner, leveling up your E will grant you additional Ad and Pure damage.
leveling up your Wmeditate.png is useless since you usually use it as "an auto reseter" (look for the Meditate auto reset trick section if you don't get what it is), it will only give you more tankiness while under "meditation", and reduce the cooldown of it.

vs AD if you dominate:

vs AP:
if you dominate

if enemy team have burst dmg or more cc -

vs Tanks (if the enemy team has more then 1 tank)

ps: Boots
Go for

Go for

Go for

Dmg items:
Go for

If enemy team don't have

So push 2-3 waves and go warding enemy buff blue/red and take him. Be careful its very risky, but this give very very good buff for early game.
In every season i go up to platina and stop play.
My profile on
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