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Choose Champion Build:
Standard Akali Build
AD Akali Build
Recommended Items
Ability Order
Assassin's Mark (PASSIVE)
Akali Passive Ability
Electrocute- I think it is one of the best choices for Akali- that rune is perfect for champions, who use abilities very often (for example for assassins).
Sudden Impact is a rune perfectly matching Akali- I am talking about her W- Twilight Shroud and her R- Shadow Dance.
Eyeball Collection can let You get adaptive damage.
Ravenous Hunter can help You to heal on Your line.
Nimbus Cloak is one of the newest runes and it seems to be a pretty good choice for Akali- when You chase someone, that rune can be very helpful.
Absolute Focus is good for champions with healing- Akali can heal with her Passive- Twin Disciplines and get bonus adaptive damage with that rune.
Sudden Impact is a rune perfectly matching Akali- I am talking about her W- Twilight Shroud and her R- Shadow Dance.
Eyeball Collection can let You get adaptive damage.
Ravenous Hunter can help You to heal on Your line.
Nimbus Cloak is one of the newest runes and it seems to be a pretty good choice for Akali- when You chase someone, that rune can be very helpful.
Absolute Focus is good for champions with healing- Akali can heal with her Passive- Twin Disciplines and get bonus adaptive damage with that rune.
Flash is one of the most popular spells. It can let You escape, help You during chasing or make You travel through the walls.
Ignite is perfecy for Akali- if someone is trying to escape from You with low HP, You can use this spell.
Some Akali players take Teleport instead of Ignite. When You want to quickly go bach from Your base to Your line, You can use your W- Twilight Shroud on the beggining- it will make You faster, and when You will be back on the line, Your Energy will be refilled and the cooldown will not last anymore.
Ignite is perfecy for Akali- if someone is trying to escape from You with low HP, You can use this spell.
Some Akali players take Teleport instead of Ignite. When You want to quickly go bach from Your base to Your line, You can use your W- Twilight Shroud on the beggining- it will make You faster, and when You will be back on the line, Your Energy will be refilled and the cooldown will not last anymore.
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