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+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order
Rising Spell Force (PASSIVE)
Ezreal Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Your only true counter. A good Caitlyn will make your life hell. If you happen to die early I'd get a cull and do your best to farm it out. If your jungler ganks for you though, the kill should be pretty free. Do not get trapped, do not greed to auto minions. Farm with Q safely and prioritize your hp.
Champion Build Guide

1050 Gold: Get


<875: Components of


Enemy team has Excessive healing aka

Always buy a control ward on your backs given that you have the extra 75 gold. If you don't have lane pressure to keep it in your lane, then place the ward in the river or in an entrance to your botside jungle, or just keep it in your inventory until you do have lane pressure. Post lane phase if a key objective is spawning ill typically buy 2. Control wards are OP and should be bought whenever necessary
Explanation on Core Build:
Some players like to grab sheen on their first back if they think they're stomping lane. I've encountered diamond Ezreals that do this and have gotten my butt handed to me a few times. However, no matter how fed I am or how bad the enemy is I do not recommend delaying your tear purchase. You spike later than optimal as is by playing Ezreal, and delaying this spike even more is questionable. If I feel I'm above the enemy laners in terms of skill I'll grab cull and skip the components of gauntlet. Cull heightens ezreals Gold Generation strength and allows you to hit your core items faster.
After you have your

Is your

Is your

Heavy AP team or fed AP Assassin:

Tear not close to being stacked:

Did you not get an early executioners? Then

After you have your second tear stacking you will want to save up any gold for your

Your boot choice varies every game. Grab these boots based on the given situation:
Enemy team is Heavy AD or they have a fed AD Assassin:

You're the only source of consistent AP Damage on your team OR you need to hard carry:

Enemy team is Heavy AP:

Are you running

Honorable Mention:

I will be taking the base damage of his abilities assuming he is level 13 (Q + E Maxed) and assuming he has 150 AD and NO AP yet. I'm not sure his exact AD stat at level 13 with



Bonus points if you can land a

Meaning that if you land your only your W + E + Q combo (no autoattacks) you'll do a total of 355 + 280 + Sheen proc for a total of 635 + Sheen Proc. This is amplified heavily if you were able to build

Okay now lets get into the late game item explanations:

Just for the time being so you guys have an idea of the damage you'll do:
Practice Tool test:
A bit glitchy but again, these clips are to just give an example. I'll post some live game content within the coming weeks. Also, take into account that the tear items aren't stacked, and mana flow band isnt completed which all amplify the damage of your abilities.

I hope this guide helped you learn about

2. Add support champs to threats
3. Add Pros and Cons of Ezreal
4. Add Pros and Cons of this build compared to other endgame builds
5. Add Explanations of Rune choices
6. Formatting of sections
7. Live gameplay clips
Updates as of 1/03/2018
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