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Runes: Standard Rhaast
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order
The Darkin Scythe (PASSIVE)
Kayn Passive Ability
Champion Build Guide
Welcome to the Rhaast Guide by a Kayn main.
Welcome to my Rhaast guide!
Gameplay Tips
* Always try to stack on your
to get that true damage and extra healing.
* Use your
to slow down enemies and escape.
* Avoid using your
while killing scuttle, it has large cooldown on low levels and you'll probably die once enemy jungler comes.
* Don't be afraid to use your
in your jungle, it can insanely speed up your clear.
* While ganking, try to get behind the enemy, USE
FIRST! Wait for the enemy to dash or flash.
* Avoid fighting alone when without the form.

* Use your

* Avoid using your

* Don't be afraid to use your

* While ganking, try to get behind the enemy, USE

* Avoid fighting alone when without the form.
Pros And Cons
+ Can gank from places that most junglers can't
+ Has a ult that makes him untargetable
+ W is good for laning harass
+ Very good clear in jungle
+ Becomes very tanky and sustained when the darkin
+ Q can also be used to dash over some walls
- Isn't that great early game in terms of damage
- Requires transformation to become truly strong
- Has no CC to kill scuttle faster
- Awkward to play if you can't get the transformation near ~10 minute mark
- Pretty low range
- Once you choose a form you can't change
+ Can gank from places that most junglers can't
+ Has a ult that makes him untargetable
+ W is good for laning harass
+ Very good clear in jungle
+ Becomes very tanky and sustained when the darkin
+ Q can also be used to dash over some walls
- Isn't that great early game in terms of damage
- Requires transformation to become truly strong
- Has no CC to kill scuttle faster
- Awkward to play if you can't get the transformation near ~10 minute mark
- Pretty low range
- Once you choose a form you can't change
Clear Route
Standard clear route:
Try to get scuttle and some ganks between that.
Also, if you want to focus bottlane, just start from the blue buff and gank bot with a red buff.
1. Red Buff
2. Raptors
3. Crugs
4. Wolfs
5. Blue buff
6. Gromp
Try to get scuttle and some ganks between that.
Also, if you want to focus bottlane, just start from the blue buff and gank bot with a red buff.
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