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His E can block Kled's W if timed well.
Try to bait it out by E Q-ing on him and no basic attacking. Jax players usually use it instantly after an E Q combo from Kled. After that your W doesn't go to waste
Fiora's W can have a free stun if Kled stays close while the Q is attached to her. Try to bait it out then fight her.
Poppy's extreme CC and toughness can make Kled's work a bit hard.
Try fighting and getting the lead early.
Poppy usually outscales Kled.
Winning the lane depends on how hard u punish him early.
He wewill outscale you eventually.
By buying a little magic resist early, Akali should be an easy matchup for Kled since you can see her moveing if you hit Q.
If you are able to avoid using W while your attack speed is reduced, then Malphite shouldnt have enought DMG to kill you.
(Wit's End Recommended)
Since Kled has grievous wound on Q
Darius is a really easy matchup.
Try fighting him close so he wont heal from his Q
Just E on him and Aatrox wont be able to do much.
You can win early game by fighting without letting Morde stack his passive.
Late game depends on how fed you are.
Just don't let GP poke you hard.
Gets hard against him if he hits 6, but if you bait his ult out, then he is pretty much dead.
Apply grievous wound first with Q.
Kled has more burst Dmg if you are 1v1 against Illaoi.
Just engage on her hard early because you have too much hp for Illaoi.
Too much poke early.
Try to farm and stack magic resist.
Fight him only if you have Ult.
Just don't let him heal back.
Fight him continuously, but care if you are the villain.
If you bait his enhanted W out then you have a high burst Dmg to kill him.
If there is Kai'sa in enemy then you should end the game as fast as possible otherwise she outscales you hard.
Might be a big problem if she can poke you.
Try to hit E and she should be dead.
Tahm Kench
Too much CC and %HP DMG.
Try to avoid fighting him at all.
Easy early game but huge outscale from her in late game if you don't bully her.
Hard to kill late game.
Try to get some early game lead.
Don't fight him if he hits lvl5 W.
Possible easiest matchup for Kled.
Just hit E Q and he is pretty much dead.
Don't get caught by his tornados.
Don't get poked.
Try to hard engage on him.
Easy early game, hard late game if he is scaled.
Try to bully him until you can.
Easy lane until you don't get into a 2v1 fight, trapped in her Ult.
Dr. Mundo
Don't get hit by his Qs cause they can hurt.
Easy lane if you hit Q tho.
Just stay close to her, and try to dodge her E.
Not the hardest lane.
Skill based matchup.
Try to cancel her 3rd Q by casting your Ult.
Don't fight her while you are dismounted.
Don't fight him while he has the block zone.
Try to poke him with Q and E away if needed.
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