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Lux Build Guide by RemFan

Middle [9.17] {MID} Lux Is Broken! (WIP)

Middle [9.17] {MID} Lux Is Broken! (WIP)

Updated on September 4, 2019
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League of Legends Build Guide Author RemFan Build Guide By RemFan 43 2 89,929 Views 9 Comments
43 2 89,929 Views 9 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author RemFan Lux Build Guide By RemFan Updated on September 4, 2019
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Runes: Highest Pickrate Runes

1 2 3
Arcane Comet
Manaflow Band
Gathering Storm

Presence of Mind
Coup de Grace

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health


1 2
Summoner Spells
LoL Summoner Spell: Barrier


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

[9.17] {MID} Lux Is Broken! (WIP)

By RemFan
My Lux Guide :D
Hello and Welcome To My Guide! I am RemFan and i am level 93 and a Pyke mid lane main. i started playing from nearly the end of season 8. at season 9 i started from bronze 3 and somewhere in the start of june I finnaly got into Gold for the first time. I like to make guides and to help people. My guide isn't finished yet but i will update it as soon as i have time too.
Here some of my games with Lux with this build :)____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
+Low Cooldowns
+Long Range abilities
+Good CC abilities
+High AP Damage
+Easy To Play
-Very Squishy
-Only Skill Shots
-Assassins Counter You
-No Way To Escape(No Dashes,No Invisible)
you take most of the time on every champion in the game but its especilly useful for Lux because she doesn't have any dash or escape abilities.

has proven to be the best summoner spell for Lux in MidLane. It improves your survivability when you get attacked face by face from an enemy champion.

helps you or your allies to finish off an enemy. Sometimes it's useful but this spell isn't the best for Lux because You shouldn't be close to enemy champions due to her being very squishy.So i suggest to use instead in most situations.


Arcane Comet
is one of the best runes to take on Lux.It hurls a comet towards the enemy when you hit them with an ability. since all of her basic abilities are skill shots this rune is realy good on her.

Manaflow Band
is a very handy rune for Lux. her abilities have high mana costs. taking Manaflow Band gives you 25 mana every time you hit an enemy champion with an ability. This rune is very good in your early game.

grants you 10% cooldown reduction at level 10, which means that you Will have a lower cooldown on your abilities this rune is useless in early game but helps very much in the mid game and late game because of team fights.

Gathering Storm
is also useless at the start of the game but pays off at the mid game and late game which gives you bonus Ap every 10 minutes.


Presence of mind
allows Lux to always have mana during team fights and also decreases the cooldown of her ult. It's also Ties up all of your rune build together.

Coup de Grace
Coup de Grave gives you free damage to finish low Hp enemies. and Because Lux most of the time with her ultimate this bonus damage is very useful in any part of the game.


Magical FootWear
gives you bonus movement speed and helps you catch up with enemies running away from you or the opposite however you wouldn't be able to buy boots until later in the game which isn't a problem because you build before buying boots so enough time will already pass to buy upgraded boots

Cosmic insight
gives you bonus CDR and personally i like to get it because I like to poke with Lux and if she has even less cooldowns you can poke a lot harder. It makes a big difference

Core Items

Doran's Ring
gives you extra mana,HP and AP. What else did you ask for?

Luden's Echo
Very Good Core Item which gives you a lot of cooldown reduction,More AP and makes it a lot easier to CS.

Sorcerer's Shoes
Very good to deal extra damage to enemy champions due to the magic resistance reduction.

Rabadon's Deathcap
Gives you a massive increase in Ability power which increases every time you get more ability power. cost a lot of gold but surely worth it.

Zhonya's Hourglass
Zhonya's Hourglass is good for reducing damage taken and a life saving passive which can deny ultimates like or .

gives you 300 bonus health but the 70 AP and the 15 Magic Penetration it gives you is the reason it's important to buy this Item

void staff
Gives you a huge amount of magic penetration and a good last Item to buy.

Situational Items

Banshee's veil
build this against Heavy AP Champions like . and when you play against teams with a lot of ability power champions.

Mejai's soulstealer
good if you are far ahead but if you die a lot it's not worth it.

Liandry's torment
build this only when you are against a team with a lot of tanks and high health bars.

Twin Shadows
gives you a good amount of AP movement speed and cooldown reduction but buy this item only when you see that your team has bad vision in late game. and also to check if there are any enemies who are solo so your team can ambush them.

Gives you Huge amounts of this item if you feel like you don't have enough damage because the enemies are to tanky or you just don't have much damage.

Rylai's crystal scepter
you don't usually see this is item on Lux because there are better similar options for her like but because of it having a lower gold cost it also can be good sometimes.

Lich bane
Gives a good damage bonus for your basic attacks and works well with your passive. buy this when your team has a lot of CC so it will be easier for you to hit basics.

Illumination is Lux's Passive ability which marks the enemy with light for 6 seconds. Your next basic attack deals extra magic damage every time you hit an enemy with an ability: Light Binding, Lucent Singularity or Final Spark

Light binding
Light Binding roots up to two targets at once for 2 seconds and deals a good amount of magic damage to enemies hit. It's Lux's main CC ability.

prismatic barrier
Prismatic Barrier is Lux's shield ability.It travels as a boomerang and when used Lux throws her wand and shields her self and any other ally it meets, after Lux's wand starts to return it shield double the amount to any ally it interactes with.

Lucent singularity
Lucent Singularity is Lux's main Poke ability. When used: it leaves a field which slows any enemy within the field. If cast again it detonates the field and deals magic damage to enemies.

Final Spark
Final Spark is Lux's Ultimate ability. Final Spark is a high range and a low cooldown ultimate which makes Lux to charge haft a second a massive beem of light and deal huge amounts of damage to any enemies hit.
Lucent Singularity+Auto Attack
Very simple combo. Good for poking your enemies from afar
Light Binding+Auto Attack+ Lucent Singularity+Auto Attack
use this combo when your enemy is easy to hit with your Q. If you succeed hitting your Q follow up with the rest of the combo to deal high amounts of the damage.

    11/5/2019-This Guide Was Created :)
    12/5/2019-Added The Introduction Chapter
    12/5/2019-Added The Pros And Cons Chapter
    13/5/2019-Added The Summoner Spells Chapter
    14/5/2019-Updated To Patch 9.10
    15/5/2019-Updated Some Grammar And Punctuation Mistakes
    17/5/2019-Started The Runes Chapter
    29/5/2019-Updated To Patch 9.11
    1/6/2019-Finished The Runes Chapter
    7/6/2019-Added The Core Items Chapter
    10/6/2019-Added The Situational Items Chapter
    11/6/2019-Added The Abilities Chapter
    11/6/2019-My Guide Got 5000 Views Yay!
    12/6/2019-Updated To Patch 9.12
    12/6/2019-Created The Update Log
    12/6/2019-I Took All Chapters Of My Guide And Put It Into One So It's Easier To Read.
    14/6/2019-We Got 10K Views!
    26/6/2019-Updated To Patch 9.13
    29/6/2019-Added more details to the Introduction Chapter
    17/7/2019-Updated To Patch 9.14
    1/8/2019-Updated To Patch 9.15
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League of Legends Build Guide Author RemFan
RemFan Lux Guide
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