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Don't get near bushes. Simply farm lane. Try to poke him and get him in the early. Take teleport in this case or ignite if you are sure about you gonna kill him during the early game.
Hardest match-up. This will be a hard sustain lane. Trade with your stun(W) then use your E for repositioning. Request some help from your jungle, but be careful, he can outplay both of you.
Try to poke as much as you can. You have chance before Nasus reaches level 6. After level 6 look for kills on other lanes, roam a lot, but don't let him to stack a lot. In this situation I recommend TP instead of ignite
You have to be careful. Irelia can outperform you due to her's scaling. Use your E to prevent yourself from getting a lot damage while you are stunned. Avoid fighting when her's passive proc and got 5 stack on Conqueror. If she get's behind you close your shield as fast as you can.
If you play against Illaoi play safe, you can do nothing against him. Look for opportunities on other lanes.
Force early fights, don't let him to refresh his passive. Start with Hexdrinker and Executioner's calling.
You can't really kill him after early game due to his amor scaling.
Sion is tanky but not so difficult to kill him. Mostly you can beat him during the early game. Poke him, use your stun(w) to cancel his Q. When he raises his axe start stunning him. You can even dive him just don't forget his passive. Stun it and press your E to reduce damage.
Dodge his spells. Buy Executioner's calling and Black cleaver to reduce his armor level. You will probably need some help from your jungler to kill him. Look for kills on other lanes. Roam a lot to be the carry. I highly recommend teleport.
Simply be careful and dodge. With Hexdrinker you can have good trades with Swain. Save and use your E for his ult.
Tahm Kench
You can really do nothing against a Tahm due to his sustain level. A poking farming lane. Roam a lot, pick TP for roaming.
Rumble will gave you a surprise if you are Squishy. Poke him a lot and get near when he is close to break down. Dodge his flame throwing(Q). If you follow this order you gonna have a big advantage during the laning phase.
Beat him during the early game 'cause you will be unable to beat him in late. End the game as fast as you can.
You can 1vs1 him during the early but watch for his mounting. In this case bring ignite to outperform him.
Just poke him and when he rush towards you with q or e, use your e to block the damage. With his new true damaging ult you should be careful if you are on low health. Other cases you will get the SWORD OF JUSTICE.
Get close to Cho, don't let him to knock you up. You can get close to him by pressing your e but you should be quick, 'cause he will spam the knock up and silence.
If you can dodge his spells he won't cause you big problem. Especially you should dodge his E. Stun him with mortal will but don't cancel the attacks after the stun it is the true power against Morde.
Avoid long fights, if you do a lot short trade you gonna win.
Don't waste your mortal willed W for his e. Just poke him don't let him to engage with his e. Beat him during the laning phase. You will be unable to kill him in late.
Get closer, freeze the lane. Prevent yourself from some awkward ganks. Dodge his Q. Don't dive him if you don't have w cause he gonna dash away with his E.
Freeze your lane, don't get near minions 'cause he gonna use the minions to poke you with his Q. If you have your mortal will ready (passive) then go and all in. Block as much you can with your E.
Do short trades. Don't take long duels with him. Dodges his Q. Freeze your lane. If he is on low and you have your motral will ready then use it and all in. Press you W or mortal willed W before he use his ult.
Don't get near walls, don't let him to stun you. Watch his shield(barrier). After these you can all in and kill him.
Poke with Q, take short duels, after he pressed his ult he will outperform you, run back and guard yourself with your shield. Wait for ganks.
Do all in before he get's his ult. He can't really do anything before 6. Don't let him to farm after 6. Don't waste your E 'cause it can save your life. Use E when he dashes towards you.
Do a full combo and repeat till you can kill him. Don't let him to reheal himself
Don't use your E until he dashes to you. Poke as much as you can. Do your W,Q combo then use E for repositioning.
Wait for ganks, you probably can't kill him due to his pasive but if you are performig well then he can't outplay you either.
Push your lane, If he ults try to stun him then start pushing again.Keep in mind that you can follow his ult with tp and help your team.
Not so hard lane but you need to be very careful. If he uses Q get to the inner ring, in inner ring He can't get hp back. Poke a lot with Q, Your biggest advatage is the empowered W against Darius. Start with that empowered W then Q, E for blocking his ult or his close Q or reposition with E.
Dr. Mundo
Dodge his Q. All in during the laning phase.
Watch out of his barrels. He probably want to be far away from you. You should clos this gap with your E then start an all in combo and finish him.
Stun her then go back, don't let her to cc you. Close your gap, do all in if you can kill her.
Not so hard but not that easy, you should watch out when she use ult, just go back with your E.
She can block your stun so that's not so easy. Try to be near turret wait until she engages then do a full combo then reposition with your E, Poke as much as you can.
All in to him and reposition with E. Use control ward or SWEEPING LENS!
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