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Recommended Items
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10 Adaptive (6 AD or 10 AP)
+15-90 HP (lvls 1-18)
Ability Order
Surging Tides (PASSIVE)
Nami Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Brand turns Nami players into well cooked sushi. He can deny a Nami's poke and sustain by simply bursting you down. He also has better range which makes your Ebb and Flow harder to pull off.
A very deadly bot lane. Their long range and good sustain make them a formidable lane.
A very deadly bot lane. Their long range and good sustain make them a formidable lane.

Hi everyone, i'm Drlazerbeam.I'm a support main and secondary ADC, who has peaked at Diamond. I've been playing league of legends since season 3, and really got into Nami by season 6. During season 7 I played Nami for a total of 192 ranked games with a win rate of 57%. She is one of, if not my favorite champion in league and I fell in love with her ever since

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Anyway onto

+ Great peel
+ Overall decent CC
+ Decent poke
+ Amazing heals!
+ Strong early game
+ Adorable!
Nami's greatest strength is her amazing early game/lane phase. She has one of the best level 1 heals in the game, her poke is very good, and her kit is loaded with enabling tools for her team. She is strong on the offensive and good on the defense, making her a flexible support.
- Easily made into sushi ( squishy )
- Terrible if behind
- High skill cap
- Lacks escape
- Mana hungry
- Doesn't get much stronger
Nami's greatest weakness is her vulnerability and volatility. While she has amazing potitnal to get hear team ahead, its just as easy to fall behind. A few key mistakes by a Nami player or a well timed gank from the enemy jungler, makes her greatest strength obsolete. Her high mana cost and skill cap make it hard to master Nami and requires a great control mindset from a Nami player. Nami, while she does not fall off, does not scale amazingly into the late game like her counter parts such as

Summon Aery
It is almost as if this keystone was MADE for Nami! It gives a shield to your heals and gives you some additional poke, since poking and healing is the bread and butter of your lane, this makes your keystone choice a no brainier!

Manaflow Band
One of Nami's biggest struggles early game is the huge mana cost for

Maxing your CDR is always your goal as Nami. This allows you to get some CDR sooner and allows your extra CDR past your cap to convert to AP. Helps a lot when you hit level 10 and is a nice bonus when you reach your cap.

This ability allows you to deal extra damage every 20 seconds. This works very well on poke-lane oriented supports, which Nami fits the bill for.

This ability makes your heals and shields stronger! Heals are already in your kit and if you follow this guide, you will be building

Font of Life
This one allows you to heal your ADC without using

Alternative Primary Runes

Celerity works best on champions that both have a ability that can speed themselves up and are able to build

This rune is great for a more roam oriented Nami player. While I do believe that Nami should stay in the lane most of the time and just try to stomp the enemy bot lane; there are times that roaming is necessary. You might need to ward river/junlge, gank the enemy mid laner, or just help the jungler invade. In any case you will want to take this rune when you believe mobility is a bigger priority than raw trading in lane. This also has insane synergy with

Alternative Secondary Runes
While I would recommend sorcery as your primary tree every game, your secondary rune tree has a bit more room to work with. Here are the runes I think you could substitute out if you wish.

Cosmic Insight
This rune gives you a bunch of small bonus stats. It grants 5% CD, increases your CD cap to 45%, as well as reduces the cool down of both active items and summoner spells by 5%. Nami tends to have overbuild on CD with her builds, so the extra 5% CD cap is certianly welcome, as it will allow you to spam

Future's Market
This rune allows you to go into debt in order to purchase items faster! This rune is great for Nami since she is all about the early game. Being able to obtain core support items such as

Biscuit Delivery
This rune gives Nami a

Biscuit Delivery
A solid rune that can make a

Magical Footwear
This gives you free boots at 10 minutes! For each take down ( kills or assists ) you obtain, the boots are given to 30 seconds sooner. This means the better you do in lane, the faster you will get free boots! This will allow you to delay getting upgraded boots for a bit, in order to save gold for other items such as

Surging Tides
A nice touch to Nami's kit. It gives Nami or her targeted ally a slight boosted in movement speed, so it helps Nami or her target kite well it is also useful for getting Nami or her ADC back to lane faster. Think of this ability as a nice cherry on top of Nami's kit!

Aqua Prison
The hardest part of Nami's kit to master, but also the most rewarding. Aqua Prison allows Nami to peel for her carries during all stages of the game. For the small fish, Nami can lock down a single target, but a more seasoned Nami players can consistently land a Aqua Prison that locks down 2 or 3 players at the same time. Its low cool down and nice payoff will attract the more flashy support players, but be warned: the animation is fairly slow, so during non chaotic situations, it may prove to be hard to get a amazing bubble off.

Ebb and Flow
In my opinion, this is the bread and butter of Nami's kit. Despite a slightly heavy mana cost, Ebb and Flow is one of the most efficient heals in the game. It is an amazing poke, counter, and healing tool for Nami, which is the primary reason why Nami is picked for a strong lane phases. To get the most out of it, it is highly advised that you try to always bounce at least once when using Ebb and Flow. The more you bounce, the more you get for your mana cost!

Tidecaller's Blessing
An ok ability on its own, but is made really good by its combination with

Tidal Wave
Like the rest of Nami's kit, Tidal wave is a great offense tool and a decent defensive tool. It can be used to engage, escape, and disrupt any situation. Its great range and wide area of effect, makes it a fairly easy ability to pull off; but a slightly difficulty ability to use to its maximum potential. Its low cool down and huge area of effect, makes this ability a fairly easy one to pull off, even for novice Nami players!

Ancient Coin
A general starting item for Nami players. It gives Nami a nice bit of mana sustain, which will help with the high mana cost of

Spellthief's Edge
A more aggressive start, for the more edgy Nami players. It does not generate as much mana or reliable gold income as

Boots of Mobility
I would suggest getting these boots a majority of the time. The reason for this is simple: almost all other boots are not good on Nami. You do not need

Ionian Boots Of Lucidity
I get these boots once in a while. These boots are useful for reaching 45% CDR as soon as possible or for those situations in which you need your summoner spells up as much as possible, such as when facing a

Once you get some boots, you should immediately seek to build your core items.

A staple item for any healing support. It can be used to heal up your team during a teamfight,heal another lane and if you are lucky, you can even kill enemies with it. When and how to use it varies from case to case, but the 10% increase in heal power, health, and mana regeneration are all very attractive stats for Nami players, which makes it a fantastic item for her.

Locket of the Iron Solari
This item has been a core item for many support champions for a long time. The shield from the active is crucial in the middle of a team fight and has good synergy with

SIDE NOTE: You can forgo

After all that is done you are now free to build the following items.

Ardent Censer
A nearly core item for Nami. Ardent Censer is fantastic for when you are supporting an ADC who wants as much attack speed as possible such as

Mikael's Crucible
This item is the opposite of

Athene's Unholy Grail
This gives you more 5 AP for each 25% base mana regen you have. This makes any of the support healing increase items such as

Knight's Vow
Normally reserved for tanks, Knight's Vow could prove to be a useful item when facing a AD heavy team. It redirect damage taken by your ADC back to you as true damage, but grants you 60 armor and 15% increased movement speed when going towards your ADC ( Assuming that your ADC is bonded to you). It also heals you for damage that your ADC does as well. This is normally reserved for tanks and has a 50% efficiency reduction as such. Still its a good item, if you feel that your AD needs the extra intimidate protection.

Frozen Heart
This item is for dealing with those pesky heavy AD teams with high DPS. Basically Frozen heart reduces nearby enemies attack speed by 15%, essentially making them play in slow motion. It also grants you massive armor, tons of mana, and 20% cooldown. The stats on this item are insane and give you longevity during the entire game, without having to do much besides buy the item and be near your carries.

Twin Shadow
This is a very spooky item that brings light CC and some aggressive stats into Nami's kit.
This item should be built when you find yourself in the enemy jungle often or feel that a champion on the enemy team may try to flank your team in order to win team fights. Think of this item as a tool help keep track of enemy champions. It also provides movement speed and cool down which is a nice cherry on top!

There are very few champions that can get away without taking flash. Nami is not one of those for the same reason: she lacks escape. Flash gives her an escape, therefore should be taken every game. It also allows you to secure a kill with

Most of the time ill take Exhaust in combination with

Ignite is a great spell for Nami players who really want to abuse Nami's fantastic lane phase. This gives Nami a lot of kill pressure and should be taken by Nami players who wish to win the game as fast as possible. It is also a good idea to bring against heal reliant champions such as

I only go heal if the ADC wishes not to take heal. This is a great idea if the enemy team is CC heavy. Instead of being forced to buy QSS, the ADC can simply get

" Speed me up Nami! "

A simple, yet efficient way to get you or your allies around the map. Simply target an ally or self cast with

" Nami... is kind of a bully! "

This combo is simple: just get a enemy caught

" NANI!?!? "

A wise man once said " The unused CC is the deadliest ". This remains true for Nami, but no worries: you still can get the job done without

" She Made Me Experience High Tide! "

This combo involves Nami using everything to ensure she or her teammates get a kill. You start off by getting a enemy caught in

When the curtains are drawn, it's your time to shine baby! As I said earlier, Nami's stregth lies within the early game, therefore you will want to be as aggressive as possible. Use

Mid Game
How you play out mid game all depends on how well or not so well your early game went.
If behind...
Sushi boy opened up in town and you were on the menu! Maybe it was a gank or perhaps the enemy support was stronger. In any case you are behind! What do you do now?! A behind Nami is terrible, but you can salvage your way back into the game. Play backline and focus on empowering your teammates with

If ahead...
Ring-a-ding-ding baby, you did it! Those chumps out there didn't stand a chance! The lights were on you and you delivered

If even...
Well you did not do your job, but you did not int either. Kind of boring, but whatever. In this case you should have a balance between the you are feeding sushi scenario and you're a star scenario. You will want to play with the flow of the game, switching between an aggressive nami and defensive nami, depending on the number of champions present in your location as well as how well or not so well your team has been doing. Get some deep vison if possible, but if not just keep wards near baron/dragon.
Late Game
It's the late game now. This means everyone is near full build and what ever happened in the early game is no longer relevant. What wins the game from here on out is pure skill and game sense.Your job as Nami should no longer be aggressive; from here on out your job is to peel, enable, and empower your teammates, especially your ADC.In team fights you will want to stay in the backline, next to your ADC. If your ADC understands how to properly teamfight, they should be aiming for the closest enemy to them and so should you.

- New Nami players grossly underestimate how great

- It is very easy to miss

- Always keep an eye where you are! Do not accidentally go in the frontline!
- You are the best in the early game, but also the most vulnerable. Keep a eye on that minimap ( I try to look at the minimap every 2-3 seconds, minimum for reference)
- Type hat in shop as Nami. You will be pleasantly surprised :)
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