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This. This lane is hell. If you've encountered Pantheon, request for lane swap immediately. Because Smart Panth > Smart GP. ALWAYS. If you, however, encounter street jimmy, you should just quit the game. There will be no hope.
-The defense system is ********. Crits fluctuate from dealing 25% of an enemy's HP to nothing at all.
-Your barrels only ignore 40% armour. That's a low blow there riot.
-Also, TriForce no longer crits, another low blow.
-You'd be beefy as well as painful. You won't be one shotted by a yasuo anymore.
Now if you're some platinum or above rank guy, and you step on to this guide, you can look at this as a fun build for GP. If you're a gold or below, let me tell you. THIS IS THE BEST BUILD FOR GP RIGHT NOW.
As you can see, this guide isn't as fancy or as detailed as the others. It makes guides complicated and long-winded. And that's REALLY unnecessary.
Do not, and I mean, DO NOT go crit GP. The Triforce tweak is a HUGE blow to GP's capabality as a melee carry-ish offtank. Thanks to Riot's stupidity, I have tested this build over several games and found that this one has the best results.
The Cull:
What the cull does is let you have a bit of sustain, damage, and gold earnings. The more cash you get, the more items you get. Every little bit of gold helps, especially when you're against an annoying ranged top harasser. You can sell this later.
This right here, is the key to off-tank GP. The amount of **** you can do with the tear and 40% CDR will really make the enemy team cry. Endless heals, Qs, did I say heals? Build this first as you first core item.
Your main damage source for the mid game. Health + Mana + Attack speed + Damage + On hit burst, what more do you want? You can trade this for a gauntlet if you suck at farming and harassing and you get hit often.
Black Cleaver:
Gives you HP, armour shredding plus some damage. This translates to creaming the enemy AD Carry pretty quickly while still living. Your oranges heal you for a percentage of your missing health, you'd be spamming it away with the cooldown.
Boots of Lucidity:
This boot is GODSEND on GP. More cooldowns, more W and Q spamming. Plus movement speed. Also, barrel recharge cooldowns.
Mortal Reminder:
This item lets you slip through that annoying armour on a tank, lets you damage that annoying carry. Plus your Q is sure to deal ALOT more damage than it's allowed to. If the enemy team is quite the tanky ***** they are, build for the Dominik's regard instead.
What a blessing this item is. Because you'd be melting ad carries along with your armour pen, cooldowns and that sheen proc. Plus bonus AD, mana and extra damage with singletarget spells.
Titanic Hydra:
Beefy + Damage and an active on-hit basic attack resetter. Plus AD. Also helps you to clear waves when you want to save your barrels. By the time you build this, the enemy's assasin (if they have one) won't want to aim you already. You can trade this for a Ravenous Hydra for the lifesteal plus AoE on-hit. But only do that if your heals aren't enough.
The Cull:
What the cull does is let you have a bit of sustain, damage, and gold earnings. The more cash you get, the more items you get. Every little bit of gold helps, especially when you're against an annoying ranged top harasser. You can sell this later.
This right here, is the key to off-tank GP. The amount of **** you can do with the tear and 40% CDR will really make the enemy team cry. Endless heals, Qs, did I say heals? Build this first as you first core item.
Your main damage source for the mid game. Health + Mana + Attack speed + Damage + On hit burst, what more do you want? You can trade this for a gauntlet if you suck at farming and harassing and you get hit often.
Black Cleaver:
Gives you HP, armour shredding plus some damage. This translates to creaming the enemy AD Carry pretty quickly while still living. Your oranges heal you for a percentage of your missing health, you'd be spamming it away with the cooldown.
Boots of Lucidity:
This boot is GODSEND on GP. More cooldowns, more W and Q spamming. Plus movement speed. Also, barrel recharge cooldowns.
Mortal Reminder:
This item lets you slip through that annoying armour on a tank, lets you damage that annoying carry. Plus your Q is sure to deal ALOT more damage than it's allowed to. If the enemy team is quite the tanky ***** they are, build for the Dominik's regard instead.
What a blessing this item is. Because you'd be melting ad carries along with your armour pen, cooldowns and that sheen proc. Plus bonus AD, mana and extra damage with singletarget spells.
Titanic Hydra:
Beefy + Damage and an active on-hit basic attack resetter. Plus AD. Also helps you to clear waves when you want to save your barrels. By the time you build this, the enemy's assasin (if they have one) won't want to aim you already. You can trade this for a Ravenous Hydra for the lifesteal plus AoE on-hit. But only do that if your heals aren't enough.
Early Game:
This is simple enough. Q minions, barrel yourself, and heal from harass/CC. If you're up against an annoying ranged laner, call for jungler help. Also, remember: Potions is the MASTER KEY to staying in lane. When your enemy finds out that you're back to full HP they'll be annoyed as **** at the fact that they couldn't stop you from farming. At this point you should call a jungler because the enemy really wants to harass you, which in turn is as easy kill. In higher ranks, enemies are simply annoyed, but not dumb. Just buy as much pots as you can and survive.
At this point, you should avoid trying to fight your enemies. Just keep stacking your tear and farming up. If your tower still isn't destroyed, then congratulations, you have officially entered mega-farm mode for GP. But don't forget to throw in your ultimate whenever your team is fighting on the other side of the map. More $$$$, more items.
At this stage the enemy will fear you. You're Beefy, you're actually very painful, and you have 40% CDR. You're going to be healing every 9 seconds and barrels are endless. Not only that, your cannon upgrades will make it harder for the enemy to fight.
Cannon Upgrades:
-Make it rain x 100 (Fire at will).
-Take that you ****ing beefy tank (Death's Daughter).
-**** you sivir, I'm more useful than you (Raise Morale).
This is simple enough. Q minions, barrel yourself, and heal from harass/CC. If you're up against an annoying ranged laner, call for jungler help. Also, remember: Potions is the MASTER KEY to staying in lane. When your enemy finds out that you're back to full HP they'll be annoyed as **** at the fact that they couldn't stop you from farming. At this point you should call a jungler because the enemy really wants to harass you, which in turn is as easy kill. In higher ranks, enemies are simply annoyed, but not dumb. Just buy as much pots as you can and survive.
At this point, you should avoid trying to fight your enemies. Just keep stacking your tear and farming up. If your tower still isn't destroyed, then congratulations, you have officially entered mega-farm mode for GP. But don't forget to throw in your ultimate whenever your team is fighting on the other side of the map. More $$$$, more items.
At this stage the enemy will fear you. You're Beefy, you're actually very painful, and you have 40% CDR. You're going to be healing every 9 seconds and barrels are endless. Not only that, your cannon upgrades will make it harder for the enemy to fight.
Cannon Upgrades:
-Make it rain x 100 (Fire at will).
-Take that you ****ing beefy tank (Death's Daughter).
-**** you sivir, I'm more useful than you (Raise Morale).
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