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Recommended Items
Runes: Standard
+8 Ability Haste
+10-180 Bonus Health
+10-180 Bonus Health
Ability Order Standard
Break the Mold (PASSIVE)
Rell Passive Ability
Champion Build Guide
Why Rell Jungle
The thesis statement for this guide is this:
Rell is not that good of a jungler, but she does fill the niche of being a tank support that can clear. This means she's not just a gimmick champion who does something other junglers can do but worse.
Also she's very fun which is reason enough to pick her.
Todo list
[] - Header images
[] - combo gifs
"Rell is fun and there's no other tank support jungler"
Rell is not that good of a jungler, but she does fill the niche of being a tank support that can clear. This means she's not just a gimmick champion who does something other junglers can do but worse.
Also she's very fun which is reason enough to pick her.
Todo list
[] - Header images
[] - combo gifs
Jungling Tips
Stay unhorsed for as long as possible
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Unless you're following one of these paths, a longer path, or you're going to gank, stay unhorsed Red to krugs? Stay unhorsed, Krugs to chickens?, mount up and immediately unmount when available The increased attack speed when unmounted almost doubles your total auto attack damage Once you get some ability haste, around 30, and a couple points into ![]() |
Abuse your
Shattering Strike damage as much as possible when Kiting Away
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Rell Q does a lot of damage especially when fully maxed, this means that you can start walking away from a camp much earlier than you'd expect. The farther you can get without losing aggro the better. Also the damage from your ![]()
After a while these numbers should stick to your head so you don't exactly have to memorize it |
Item Talk
Updated for S14
Here are some thoughts on items, if I don't mention them, they either have no specific synergy with Rell (ie they're kind of boring) or I forgot. Feel free to comment a request for an item and I'll put em here
Trailblazer and Dead Mans plate
Ionian Boots of Lucidity
Winter's Approach
Jak'Sho the Protean
Unending Despair
Anathema's Chains
Sunfire Cape and Hollow Radiance
Abyssal Mask
Rune Talk
There are very few runes that Rell jungle actually likes, here are some of the ones that are actually interesting. Runes like Aftershock won't be discussed here since it's so clearly better, but it's better in a very boring way.
Unsealed Spellbook
Predator and Ingenious Hunter
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These are the only reasons you would ever want to go domination. Predator is a severely underated rune for Rell specifically. It let's you guarantee ganks and respond to counter ganks way easier. And while yes it did get nerfed, but it's for mostly the damage and cooldown which we don't care about. It's a nice rune and fun to play with, but it's not the real star of the show. The real magic of the domination tree comes from ![]() Get ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Don't over-prioritize, if you need a frozen heart or sunfire, get a frozen heart or sunfire But having locket up every minute instead of every 90, and having unending despair tik a few more times in a fight really does make a difference. (also get ghost poro because eyeball isn't that useful and zombie ward means you gotta clear wards which is a pain with your attack speed) |
Shield Bash
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Garbage bait rune, just get ![]() The main issue is you don't max W and you don't actually care about damage. If you don't max W, you don't have a big shield, if you don't have a big shield, you don't do damage with it. Font of life is also too good not to get |
Hextech Flashtraption
Ask for any rune and I'll put it here
All of these combos are the minimum possible abilities used. Just slot in your other abilites and spells at the start or end
[insert clip here]
Did you know you can do this? Try to flash as late as possible in your
Shattering Strike animation to surprise the enemy

Your bread and butter combo, It's not as long ranged as your other combos but it's almost impossible to react to
If you're going to follow up with
Ferromancy - Crash Down, try and use around 1/2 of the range to keep them in
Magnet Storm range

Your second bread and butter combo. A bit easier to dodge, but also much longer range
You can also add a flash for even more range

Your longest cc chain. Best for locking down one or two targets you know don't have mobility up. You can also delay your ult until after the stun wears off to pull them back
Q + Flash
[insert clip here]
Did you know you can do this? Try to flash as late as possible in your

Magnet Storm +

Your bread and butter combo, It's not as long ranged as your other combos but it's almost impossible to react to
If you're going to follow up with

W + R

Your second bread and butter combo. A bit easier to dodge, but also much longer range
You can also add a flash for even more range
W + Q + R

Your longest cc chain. Best for locking down one or two targets you know don't have mobility up. You can also delay your ult until after the stun wears off to pull them back
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