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Keep an eye on both of your mana pools early. If she's wasting her mana and you have plenty left, push in order to force her to take a bad recall or to take a good one yourself. Post-6, her kill threat on you is very minor if she's not super fed since you can shield her Charm. However, she is difficult to kill thanks to her R. Try to make her use at least one charge before you bind her.
Do your best to avoid trading with her early on unless she blows both her Q and E or if she is low on energy. She will out-damage you quite easily and she doesn't require mana to do so. Her E makes her annoying to kill, but its cooldown is pretty sizeable (16 seconds at Rank 1), so take advantage of that window.
In a perfect world, you hard counter this champion. Your Black Shield effectively negates her entire kit. Her mobility is limited to a decent movement speed boost, making it incredibly easy to kill her. However, her Flash combos still do enough damage to blow you up if you're not super ahead of her. Keep track of when she has Flash up and be wary of opportunities for her to use it and for you to force it out of her. A bad Annie is a free win, but a good Annie is a decent threat if your reaction speed isn't top-notch (mine isn't either, don't worry).
Aurelion Sol
For real, though, keep him at range and ping missing when he disappears. An actual chimpanzee with a keyboard and a Level 30 account could win a 1v1 with Aurelion Sol as Morgana, but just make sure he doesn't poke you out with his Passive.
Brand Mid is a thing again thanks to his recent buffs, but if you play smart you should be fine. His poke with W is exceptionally annoying, but once you get Lost Chapter, Morgana can actually farm from outside his W range with Tormented Shadow spam. Remember that his Q only stuns you if you're Ablaze (hit by another ability), but position around your minions accordingly. You win the all-in, but keep an eye on the enemy jungler before you go in for the kill. You'll want to use your E to block his Q stun, which leaves you open to CC from his jungler.
Cassiopeia is a very annoying matchup, and one of the only AP laners that can consistently beat you. Cling to your cooldowns as much as you can, because you'll need them the second she turns on you. Her sustained damage will kill you very fast and you don't have the mobility to deal with it. If you manage to get ahead of her, though, I recommend utilizing your advantage to spam shove wave and roam for kills and objectives, rather than dealing with her.
Very easy matchup, all things considered. Unfortunately, you don't have the poke early on to bully her out of farm, but it's very unlikely that she'll be able to kill you. Her R is pretty telegraphed, so be sure to shield it. Don't waste your Q if she has you marked with Moonlight, because she'll take the opportunity to all-in you. She is squishy and lacks a proper disengage tool, so she is very easy to kill as long as she doesn't one-shot you.
Ekko is very manageable so long as he doesn't snowball. Ping missing when he leaves lane to prevent this. His W is very strong, so be sure to shield it. Note that it still provides him with a shield, so you can't just ignore it like you can a lot of singular CC abilities. His ult makes him difficult to kill since it'll allow him to escape your ult a lot of the time. He doesn't have much kill pressure on you either, though, so your main focus against him should be lane priority rather than getting kills. Overall this lane is pretty non-interactive, but your waveclear is WAY better than his, so your roams will be more effective on average.
Extremely volatile matchup. Strangely, both of you kind of counter each other. Fizz can dodge your Q extremely easily with E and jump on you in one swift motion, while Morgana can significantly reduce the effectiveness of his R with her Black Shield while also limiting the effectiveness of his roams with her fast, safe waveclear. If he ever uses his E as an engage without using it as a reaction to your Q, punish it HARD with a binding into a kill. Overall, Fizz is very hard to catch, but you have tools to limit his impact on the game. You might want to think about purchasing an early Verdant Barrier if he's giving you too much trouble, but it depends on your playstyle.
One of Morgana's best matchups, which is good considering how oppressive Galio can be towards many mages and mid lane in general. Early, you basically durdle against each other. Make sure you're focusing more on dodging his Q than getting poke yourself since his poke is way more impactful early than yours is. Once you rack up a few levels, though, you really start to feel the sharp difference in power between you. Your Black Shield negates every attempt he'll make to do anything against you, and you can respond with a powerful Q+W combo that'll shred him pretty quickly. You can Q him during his relatively slow E animation, which makes his engage really weak against you. Outside of mid lane, you both want to push the wave and roam. This is something a good Galio will attempt to accomplish early. If he fails to get the ball rolling early, though, your waveclear is superior to his, so you'll be roaming faster and getting fed faster than he could ever dream of.
Shoutouts to the 3 people who play Gangplank mid. If you end up winning the lottery of bad matchups and come across him, I would honestly recommend begging your top laner to swap lanes with you. Sure, fighting Darius isn't fun either, but it's better than this. His poke with Q and E is oppressive and can't be negated by your Black Shield since it all deals physical damage. His oranges destroy any attempts to all-in him. If that wasn't enough, his R can impact the map anywhere he wants, which means his "roams" will always be faster than yours, although they will be less effective. I recommend playing as safe as possible, conceding farm early to preserve your health, and looking to get help from your jungler to deal with him so you can finally leave this hellish lane. Buy an early Seeker's Armguard. While extremely uncommon, this is easily Morgana's worst matchup.
Usually, you'll see Garen mid as a counterpick to melee champions like Zed and Yone, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't take him seriously. He's still strong enough to melt you if you waste your Q, especially after he gets some bonus attack speed. Luckily, Garen isn't terribly threatening as long as you keep your distance when your Q is on cooldown. Your full combo will usually one-shot him after some poke. His passive is pretty easily negatable in lane thanks to W. One tick of it and he has to wait the full 8 seconds. You're stronger in teamfights than he is, but do NOT 1v1 him if he is fed. At a certain point, his full combo will one-shot you if he's allowed to unleash it. If he's good or gets some kills, buying an early Seeker's Armguard is a good idea. Overall, not too challenging.
You win this matchup most of the time, but that doesn't mean it'll be fun. Heimerdinger is one of the few champions that can match your waveclear even after you get your Lost Chapter, which makes him interesting to lane against. Taking out turrets should be your biggest priority, because they will shred you if you ignore them. The most effective way of doing this is positioning your Tormented Shadow to hit as many of his turrets and minions as possible. Hitting him with it is optional, but helpful, especially if he's low. He becomes more and more vulnerable to all-ins the more turrets he loses, so try to catch him off guard at these points. His kill threat on you is minimal if you play smart. Most importantly, you are WAY stronger outside of laning phase than he is. Survive until then and keep your farm up for the best results.
This matchup entirely depends on your ability to dodge his Q. Thankfully, it doesn't deal too much damage early on, so surviving should be pretty simple. His Q is the only ability you have to worry about. Everything else he has is either effective outside of combat or at close range, which is your all-in range anyway. Remember that his passive exists and you should be fine.
This matchup became a LOT harder with the advent of Katarina's new on-hit AD build, which allows her to shred through you even easier than before. She is very difficult to pin down with your bindings due to her mobility. She plays a lot more like a standard AD assassin than before. An early Seeker's Armguard is an excellent idea. Be sure to spam ping if she disappears, lest she get a kill and invalidate any lead you managed to gain over her. She's a contender for a ban for me in most of my games due to both the matchup and her dominance in general.
Just like in the lore, Kayle is a thorn in Morgana's side. Kayle, unlike the majority of Morgana's bad matchups, cannot do much to her early. Rather, Kayle threatens the late game significantly, and you aren't well equipped to prevent her from reaching that state safely. Kayle's auto-attack-centric playstyle can whittle your health down fast once she reaches Level 6. Before this state, however, she is a weak fighter, so try to bully her out of farm as much as you can without completely running out of mana during this period. All is not lost, however. Her R blocks your damage, but not your CC, so you can win an all-in if she doesn't kill you before you complete your combo. Building against Kayle is also very difficult, as she deals mixed damage. Additionally, her weak early game lets you get lane priority early, a rare luxury for Morgana. Take advantage of this to help your jungle secure kills and objectives. Keep track of the enemy jungler, don't be afraid to get aggressive, and end the game ASAP.
One of the more favorable assassin matchups. Take advantage of her high cooldowns (especially her W) and smash her with your CC. Your waveclear is far better than hers is at all stages of the game, so take advantage of this to get constant lane priority. The biggest danger LeBlanc poses is her ability to roam and make your fellow laners miserable. Be sure to do your due diligence and follow her roams when possible. A LeBlanc with 4 kills from bot lane is an entirely different beast than a LeBlanc with no kills.
Pretty painful matchup, especially your first time around. His auto-attacks hurt a LOT and his E resets make him surprisingly mobile. Throwing long-ranged Qs is a non-option against him, as he'll just dodge with E and run you down with autos. I highly recommend purchasing boots early into this matchup, as movement speed is important in mitigating his ability to deal with you. Abuse his relatively short range and use W to farm when your mana pool allows it. If he's destroying you in lane, buy an early Seeker's Armguard. Hold your ground, as you will outscale him as the game goes on.
Pretty straightforward matchup. Her poke is annoying, but your sustain will pull you through it. She can't do anything about an all-in besides playing at long range, which prevents her from playing very aggressively. Note that her Q can catch two targets, so be wary of that fact while positioning against her. Her combo can't one-shot you unless she's super fed, but it still hurts. Shove and roam, you don't have to worry about her very much.
His passive shield can block both your Q and the first hit of your ult, but this can be easily negated with your W during laning phase. The main difficulty in this matchup is the fact that his R is unreactable, meaning it's impossible to E it unless you predict it. This is a serious kill threat, especially when the enemy jungler is involved, so be careful when he has it up. He's immobile, so killing him when his spell shield is down is pretty easy, but make sure his E doesn't travel to you too much. As a reminder, his E will spread to a nearby target if another target (usually a minion) dies while afflicted. Stay away from low-health infected minions and you should be fine. Thankfully, your W makes this task a piece of cake.
You shouldn't have any problems against this champion in 99% of games. Her CC is pretty telegraphed, allowing for easy shielding. Even if you don't react to her E in time, her R is extremely easy to shield (even if she's disguised, being honest) and it leaves her extremely vulnerable to all-in. Don't waste your bind on her clone and you'll be fine. There are a few players that are experimenting with a Kraken Slayer on-hit build, which is more difficult for Morgana to handle, albeit not by much. Nothing about Neeko's defensive qualities change, but her offense changes drastically. Think of this as a Vayne or another on-hit marksman rather than a CC-heavy mage. She's still very easy to kill, but her W-empowered auto-attacks can whittle you down if you underestimate her damage.
Nocturne Mid isn't that common anymore, but he is an incredibly serious threat, especially to Morgana. His W is a real spell shield. Unlike something like Malzahar passive, your W will not break it, meaning a predicted Q can turn into a free kill for him. His ability to collapse on you post-6 is disgusting and his raw damage will turn you into a pile of black feathers faster than you can say "DARKNESS".
She can be annoying early due to her passive-enhanced auto attacks, but overall she doesn't pose much of a threat to you. Your passive should sustain you through this lane well enough. She is also very vulnerable to ganks due to her immobility, so take advantage of this and don't hard shove the wave when your jungler is nearby. However, she poses an extreme threat in teamfights due to her ultimate, so keep track of where she's positioned and try to prevent your team from facechecking her ball when she has R up. Your Black Shield can only protect one person, so keep this in mind.
Unlike most AD assassins, Pyke relies pretty heavily on CC to get kills, which is perfect for you if you use your E wisely. However, he can take advantage of your E's cooldown if he baits it out of you, so make sure you don't waste it and try to dodge his abilities when possible. Like other assassins, make sure you ping missing when he disappears. His roams can be quite deadly due to his invisibility and CC. Even following him can be difficult since he gets extra movement speed with his W. Overall, he poses more of a threat to your allies than to you, so play around him accordingly.
She's honestly just a worse version of you in mid lane. Marginally better early laning phase, worse waveclear, WAY worse damage, and even arguably worse teamfight potential depending on the game since she deals so little damage. Shield your carries from her ultimate in teamfights and stomp her in lane. If she roots you, root her back and deal twice as much damage as she does because she is a bad mid laner.
Don't underestimate this champion. His snowball potential is insane if he starts picking up kills and he can singlehandedly carry teamfights if fed. Thankfully, you can very easily negate his E, his primary threatening ability in lane, with Black Shield, and he doesn't pose much of a threat to you personally. Do your best to deny him farm while keeping an eye on your mana pool. If he starts to become a problem, buy an early Oblivion Orb before he spirals out of control.
His healing is obnoxious and he can steal your ult, which he can use extremely well in teamfights. Don't let him dodge your Q with his dash if possible, as it allows him to follow up with his recast E and deal a lot of damage. His dash is usually too short to escape your R, though, so take advantage of that and kill him. Get an early Oblivion Orb if he's any good so he doesn't turn around fights with Kingslayer.
This matchup is pretty even, but it's still painful to play. She will do her best to get you to ragequit early with constant Q poke, so do your best to stay resilient and dodge. Her raw damage is enough to break your shield before she goes for her E, so make sure you're using it at smart times. She can one-shot you pretty easily once she gets R, so do your best to ensure that doesn't happen. She'll start falling off soon enough, though, so just survive and start scaling for the late game. This is one of the few matchups where I would genuinely consider picking up an early Verdant Barrier, especially if she has a few kills. The item can help you a lot in terms of surviving her burst. It's not something you should grab every time, but at least consider it if she's giving you trouble.
This champion is a massive pain to deal with if he knows what he's doing. Do NOT let him get his passive off early, as you'll lose a massive portion of your health. His roams are extremely threatening, even for an assassin, so keep your fingers on that alt key for whenever he goes missing. I highly recommend buying an early Seeker's Armguard to deal with his burst, as he is actually quite killable once you lock him down.
Twisted Fate
This matchup should not be an issue for you. Don't use your shield on his gold card unless you plan on rooting him back for it, which is a pretty easy task considering his lack of mobility or defensive options. Your Q will interrupt his R if he uses it in front of you. Killing him is very easy if you have E up.
This champion poses zero threat to you whatsoever. You can just walk through his cage with your E up and proceed to kill him with no remorse. Don't walk into too many Q's and you'll be fine. If you're low on health, his R will still kill you, though, so be wary of that.
You don't see this champion very often, but he is pretty difficult for you to deal with. Save your E for his E and do your best to survive his poke. However, he is extremely immobile and squishy. If you Flash onto him, he's basically dead unless he Flashes in response. Landing a Q, although difficult due to his range, is a death sentence once you put a few points into W. Try to get your jungler to help you kill him. Remember that his R is much more effective after you've been Researched, as it will deal true damage and therefore ignore your Black Shield, so don't let yourself eat too many skillshots for free. I might consider buying an early Verdant Barrier if he's giving you too much trouble.
This champion is obnoxious to deal with thanks to his W and lack of mana. Locking him down can be frustrating and he will start to seriously impact the game later on if he isn't put in check. Most champions can mitigate this somewhat by shutting him out of the game early, but Morgana's early laning phase isn't very threatening. Take advantage of his W's cooldown and play as aggressively as you can afford to. Buy an early Oblivion orb, as this will decrease his sustain in fights and allow you to kill him more easily.
A rare but pretty interesting and fun matchup. He will destroy you in the early levels with his dash and attack speed steroid, so respect his engage and play safe until you put some points into W. His clone amplifies his damage and can fool you pretty easily if you're not paying attention. A general rule of thumb is to avoid binding him if he's not moving. Chances are it's his clone and he's about to delete your health bar. Remember that your R works on unseen targets, so you can generally ult safely even if you suspect that he's used his W. You can use your E to shield the knock up from his ult, but it won't protect you from the damage and he can use it twice. Buy an early Seeker's Armguard if needed and lock him down.
This matchup is similar to Vel'Koz, but easier and more annoying due to his poke. His poke in the early levels is notable, although you really can't do much offensively about it. Once you gain a few levels, you can start to meaningfully trade with him. Predict his E with yours and kill him with a binding. He is very immobile and his Q slows him, so take advantage of this to assassinate him every chance you get.
This matchup is one of the big reasons why I recommend Morgana mid for low ELO players such as myself. He can't do ANYTHING against you once you get to Level 3, and it will remain that way for the rest of the game. His Q tornado is telegraphed, so E-ing it is not a challenge. He should never be able to ult you unless he has help from his jungle and somehow manages to catch you with your E down away from your tower. A single tick of your W completely wastes the shield he gets from Flow, which becomes especially easy to consistently do once you get Lost Chapter. His wind wall is a little annoying at first, but its cooldown is much longer than that of your Q, so you can take advantage of this window early. The one danger he poses is roaming, but since your waveclear is so much stronger than his, he shouldn't be able to do it often. Even skilled Yasuos will fall to this champion due to how uncommon she is, so take advantage of her and smash the samurai.
Unlike his brother, Yone is actually pretty difficult for Morgana to deal with. His ability to dash around and trade freely before returning to safety with his E recast is frustrating to deal with. He pumps out a lot of damage in sustained fights, so avoid 1v1ing him whenever possible. However, he is particularly vulnerable when his E is down, so take advantage of this window to root him and shred his health. Do your best to dodge his third Q and use your Q to disengage when he has his E up. He can't dash back to his original self when he's rooted, but he'll return to it the second he's free, so be mindful not to waste your ult if you can't cover both him and his clone with the ability.
Zed is particularly dangerous, especially considering how good he is in general at the moment. Your Black Shield doesn't protect you from anything besides his E slow, which he doesn't need to kill you since you're so immobile. I HIGHLY recommend buying an early Seeker's Armguard and running Perfect Timing to get Zhonya's after your Mythic. Remember that his ult leads him behind you, so if he uses it, root him the second he reappears (you have a 0.5-second window to do this if he tries to return to his shadow), back up, and unleash your combo. Do your best to dodge the shurikens afterward as well, as these will deal hefty damage and increase the danger Death Mark poses. Overall, this is a difficult but winnable matchup for you if you play safe and exploit him when he goes in.
Very non-threatening matchup. You can match his waveclear and heavily out-damage him in fights. His poke is obnoxious but all of it is dodgeable and doesn't do enough damage to force you out of lane unless you keep running into his bombs. His only escape is W, but this can mess your ult up if he has it up, so try to go in on him after he uses it if possible.
Her E should never put you to sleep. You have plenty of time to shield you or your allies while drowsy, so don't worry too much about that. Her damage is high enough without it to pose a threat, but she is extremely squishy, so take advantage of her predictable path while she uses her Q and blow her up.
Morgana benefits from tankier allies with a lot of CC, as it becomes easy to bind and kill opponents with her high damage while limiting their counterplay options.
The combination of Karthus and Morgana will often leave objectives open for the enemy team in the early game, as neither champion is particularly threatening during this stage of the game. It can work, but it requires your team to be on board in order to be effective.
Nunu & Willump
Morgana benefits from tankier allies with a lot of CC, as it becomes easy to bind and kill opponents with her high damage while limiting their counterplay options.
The combination of Karthus and Morgana will often leave objectives open for the enemy team in the early game, as neither champion is particularly threatening during this stage of the game. It can work, but it requires your team to be on board in order to be effective.
Hello! I am wildersovereign, a Bronze IV player (after Season 10 placements) with absolutely zero qualifications. I tend to play Normal games more than Ranked, although I will be climbing starting in Season 11. I dance around different champions over time, but the champion/role I can say I am the strongest with is Morgana in the mid lane.
Morgana is one of the strongest and most consistent supports in League of Legends, and has been for quite some time. She is typically known for having low damage, high utility and crowd control, engage denial with her Black Shield, and giving AFK warnings to players' accounts after they get hit by one too many Dark Bindings. While all of this is true, Morgana is far more versatile than what one might assume at first glance. When built with an emphasis on AP over all else, this champion transforms from a low-damage catcher to a highly lethal mage with insane damage, crowd control, and sustain.
Morgana is more than capable of holding her own in a solo lane, which is why I primarily play her in the mid lane. Her self-reliance and consistency make her a very potent pick in most of my games. After all, even when she's behind, she's still a Morgana, and she still has a 3-second root. She is a counter to many of the meta champions present in the lane. She is a powerful pick even when the meta is dominated by assassins, which other mages often struggle to do. Overall, Morgana is a consistent and effective champion that I sincerely recommend you consider adding to your champion pool.
→ Very safe blind pick, matchups tend to be favorable. → Incredibly difficult to gank thanks to hard CC and Black Shield. → Soul Siphon provides built-in sustain during lane and makes her a semi-drain tank in teamfights. → Very strong early powerspike in Lost Chapter. → Fast and safe waveclear with Tormented Shadow. → Insane catch potential; Dark Binding might as well be an insta-kill when fed. → Strong teamfighter, works well as a solo carry and amplifier to other carries. → Surprising amount of 1v2 potential with just a few kills. → Underestimated frequently due to her status as a "support". → Becomes strong the moment she reaches Level 5 and maintains this status for the rest of the game.
→ Weak early laning phase. → Limited hard carry potential. → Somewhat skillshot reliant, Dark Binding is your main threatening ability most of the time. → Low mobility and not very tanky, leading to problems if Q and E are down. → Early game farming is bad enough to bring you physical pain IRL. → High banrate, secondary or pocket pick recommended to compliment her.
Summoner Spells
FLASH: Flash is a no-brainer on the vast majority of champions, and Morgana is no exception. Flash significantly strengthens the threat Soul Shackles provides, especially when combined with Zhonya's Hourglass. Additionally, Flash allows Morgana to escape many situations that she simply could not without it. Forgoing Flash is something you should have a very good reason for doing. I recommend taking it in every single game.
IGNITE: Ignite is a powerful summoner spell that I recommend taking in most games. The kill pressure it provides cannot be understated, especially against champions with innate healing like Sylas. When in doubt, take Ignite. Remember to use it early in a fight you intend to finish, as Tormented Shadow deals increased damage the lower the opponent's health is.
TELEPORT: Teleport is an interesting option on Morgana that I recommend in certain matchups, specifically those that threaten your ability to farm early. While your kill pressure is more limited without Ignite, Teleport gives you a safety net when you have to take bad recalls, preventing you from losing too much farm. One of the worst things that can happen to Morgana is being forced to farm under tower (something she is extremely bad at doing), so if you think the opponent will make your life difficult early in the game, I recommend taking this. Note that Morgana can't utilize Teleport's late-game functionalities as well as other champions due to her limited splitpushing capabilities, so keep that in mind when selecting it.
Runes (Arcane Comet)
Arcane Comet is wonderful for Morgana and synergizes well with her kit. Since Dark Binding roots for so long, landing it makes Arcana Comet a guaranteed hit. The boost in damage compliments your goals in lane very well and makes you much more annoying to deal with, especially early. The keystone also counts as a spell for the purposes of Soul Siphon, which means more healing and faster Tormented Shadow resets. Summon Aery is an option to strengthen the power of Black Shield, but this is often less useful since you'll be using your shield sparingly anyway. Additionally, Morgana does not need the guaranteed damage the keystone provides, as Dark Binding makes Arcane Comet very easy to hit.
Manaflow Band gives Morgana the extra early mana she desperately needs. Activating it is no issue either thanks to Tormented Shadow, meaning you should be getting that sweet extra mana regen very early. Nullifying Orb is largely unnecessary in virtually every matchup, while Nimbus Cloak only marginally improves your escape and not much else. Chasing champions as Morgana is not difficult.
Transcendence received a rework in Season 11, making it more applicable at most stages of the game. Unsurprisingly, it remains Morgana's rune of choice in this slot. Ability haste is an amazing stat on Morgana, allowing her to use her deadly abilities more often. Its effect at Level 11, while not as useful on Morgana as it is on other champions, is still wonderful for catching fleeing champions with Dark Binding after they witness a "support" 100-0 their ally in 3 seconds. Absolute Focus is a niche option that enhances Morgana's burst potential. Depending on your playstyle, this could be a viable option, but I find Transcendence to be more consistent overall. Plus, Morgana tends to enjoy getting into the fray and taking some damage as a natural consequence of that, so you won't always get that extra AP.
Gathering Storm amplifies your scaling potential significantly. As your early laning phase is weak, Morgana benefits heavily from the extra AP this rune provides. Scorch is a very viable alternative if you prefer consistent poke over late-game scaling (which, admittedly, doesn't always turn in your favor). I recommend this rune in certain matchups where you can't afford to let the game go too late (looking at you, Kayle), but I personally prefer the disgusting damage Gathering Storm provides.
Magical Footwear is a nice rune to have. Since your farming is so safe and you can avoid ganks so easily, you can get away with delaying your boots until this rune kicks in. When it does, however, the added movement speed is great for teamfights, as well as landing your Dark Bindings. The effective free 300 gold is nice as well. However, if you're fighting an AD assassin, I instead recommend running Perfect Timing, as it can both help you survive their burst and prepare you to purchase Zhonya's Hourglass later on, which you will definitely be building into these matchups.
Cosmic Insight is yet another rune that was reworked for Season 11, and it still works very well on Morgana. Its reduction on Flash's cooldown especially is very helpful, since it is a valuable option for her at all stages of the game. Additionally, its reduction of item cooldowns (including Zhonya's Hourglass, an item you will build very often) is incredibly useful. Biscuit Delivery is a possible alternative if mana sustain is an issue, but Manaflow Band should cover your mana issues for the most part, as you won't be using your abilities early as often as you would be as a support.
Run either armor or magic resist depending on the primary damage type of the enemy laner.
Runes (Dark Harvest)
Dark Harvest is a very strong keystone on Morgana. She can proc it extremely easily with Tormented Shadow and the damage effect itself compliments her burst nicely, since her W deals damage based on missing health. Its reset on takedowns lends itself well to teamfights, which Morgana loves anyway. With enough stacks, one-shotting champions becomes second nature and you will begin to spiral out of control, especially when combined with Gathering Storm. When running this rune, however, it is important to note that Morgana's early game will be significantly weaker if you run this over Arcane Comet, since the rune provides no benefit when enemy champions are above half health. If your enemy laner can't do much to harm you early and your win condition isn't defined by your early levels, consider running this high-risk/high-reward rune.
Cheap Shot gives you free true damage whenever you hit a Q or R. Unsurprisingly, you'll be doing this a lot, so the extra damage is appreciated. Taste of Blood's lane sustain is unnecessary thanks to Soul Siphon and Sudden Impact doesn't help much for obvious reasons.
Eyeball Collection gives you damage, which is always a plus. The other two options tend to be more useful on champions that run around the map a lot, but if the utility they provide is to your liking, there's nothing wrong with going with them instead.
Ravenous Hunter gives a very useful tool in the form of omnivamp, which makes you even more of a drain tank in teamfights and lets you heal extremely easily. In my opinion, this is the best and most consistent option, but there are viable alternatives depending on your playstyle. Ingenious Hunter synergizes very well with Everfrost and Zhonya's Hourglass, so if you think you'll be building both (which won't be often), go for it. This also reduces the cooldown of Luden's Tempest and other items with passive cooldowns, although this has more situational utility. Additionally, Ultimate Hunter allows you to access your very important Soul Shackles more often. In my experience, this is unnecessary, as Morgana already builds some ability haste and her R is usually up when it matters, but it may suit your personal tastes.
You should run Manaflow Band for the exact reasons you run it with Arcane Comet. The mana it provides is very helpful considering how valuable your abilities are, and Morgana has no issue activating it thanks to Tormented Shadow.
This rune is even more important on Morgana when running Dark Harvest. Your primary objective is to get stacks and scale into the late game, and Gathering Storm makes your late-game potential that much scarier. I would personally stray away from Scorch when running this keystone, as your late-game strength is weakened without Gathering Storm.
Run either armor or magic resist depending on the primary damage type of the enemy laner.
Soul Siphon (Passive)
Morgana heals herself equal to 20% of ability damage dealt to champions, large minions, and large monsters.
This is a nice passive that both gives you some sustain in lane and makes you much harder to kill in teamfights.
Since it works on large monsters, Soul Siphon can be utilized on jungle camps in fringe situations where you need the healing.
Soul Siphon is primarily used when damaging champions, but it also works on siege minions. Dropping a Tormented Shadow on the cannon wave can heal you a bit when needed while also refreshing your W's cooldown.
Dark Binding (Q) RANGE: 1300 COST: 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70 mana COOLDOWN: 10
Morgana releases a sphere of dark magic that travels in the target direction, dealing 80 / 135 / 190 / 245 / 300 (+ 90% AP) magic damage to the first enemy hit and rooting them for 2 / 2.25 / 2.5 / 2.75 / 3 seconds.
The infamous binding, a spell so powerful that its in-game debuff description lists its root duration as "about 3 years". I can't say it doesn't feel like that sometimes. This is your main ability for making picks and generally stopping enemies in their tracks. It also does a TON of damage if you have a lot of AP.
Dark Binding is your most threatening ability and you should treat it as such. Play safe when it's on cooldown.
While powerful, this ability travels relatively slowly. If your opponent is good at dodging skillshots, don't give them a fair fight by firing one off at max range. Remember, a Q is still a Q, even when fired point-blank.
Don't underestimate this ability's damage in the mid-/late-game. 90% AP scaling is pretty powerful for a root that lasts 2-3 seconds.
If the enemy has the means to dodge/negate this ability ( Nocturne, Yasuo, any champion with a quick dash, etc), try baiting their ability out before going for a binding.
Morgana infects the target area for 5 seconds, causing enemies within to take 6 / 11 / 16 / 21 / 26 (+ 7% AP) magic damage every half second, increased by 0% − 170% (based on target's missing health). The first tick of damage is dealt instantly to enemies in the area at the time of cast. The total damage is increased by 50% against non-epic monsters.
Tormented Shadow's current cooldown is reduced by 5% of its maximum whenever Soul Siphon triggers. Simultaneous triggers from multiple targets will stack the cooldown reduction.
This ability seems like an annoyance on the surface, but it is actually the primary source of Morgana's damage. Since its damage scales off missing health, it is extremely lethal when opponents are low on health. Additionally, it grows significantly stronger with points put into it (something you won't see on support Morgana until very late levels), making it a potent source of damage through all stages of the game, barring the first few levels.
Tormented Shadow can one-shot ranged minions with 3 points put into it (usually Level 5). Use this knowledge to your advantage when pushing waves.
While this ability's damage grows significantly with skill ranks, its mana cost does as well. As tempting as it may be with its cooldown resets and low-risk usage, don't throw this ability out without a purpose during the early game, as you will quickly find yourself running out of mana.
Your ability to use Tormented Shadow grows significantly when you get Lost Chapter, so feel free to use it wildly (within reason) to shove waves and force your opponent under their tower.
This ability becomes extremely lethal when your opponent is rooted/stunned, as they have no means of escaping its damage. Q>W is your bread-and-butter combo in lane, as your opponent is likely to take at least 3 seconds of juicy W damage.
Black Shield (E) COST: 80 mana COOLDOWN: 26 / 24 / 22 / 20 / 18
Morgana shields the target allied champion or herself for up to 5 seconds, which absorbs 80 / 135 / 190 / 245 / 300 (+ 70% AP) magic damage and grants crowd control immunity while the shield holds.
Even as a solo laner, this ability is still vital to her playstyle. With it, Morgana can casually ignore crowd control as she either makes her escape or goes in for the kill. This ability is a major part of what makes her such a safe pick, as locking her down is very difficult and she can kind of just do what she wants a lot of the time.
Black Shield has a very high cooldown and a relatively high mana cost early on. Don't use this ability during the early game in situations where you don't need it, especially against teams with a lot of CC. Nothing feels worse than using your shield to block an Ahri Q and then dying to her Charm 10 seconds later.
With your shield equipped, you can basically ignore most gank attempts, specifically those reliant on crowd control. This is particularly effective against CC-heavy tank junglers ( Nunu & Willump, Zac, Amumu, etc). If you don't waste your E, none of these junglers pose a significant threat to you.
This ability has a duration of 5 seconds, but this can be reduced if the shield is broken by heavy magic damage. This can happen more often than you'd think if you're behind since the shield strength scales with AP. Pay attention to how much damage the enemy's burst deals to your shield and make your decisions accordingly.
While you'll usually be using this ability on yourself throughout the early game, it is often a good idea to use it on engaging team members (especially fighters and assassins, as these champions are often vulnerable to hard CC) during teamfights. Of course, remember to use it on yourself if you're the one engaging and the enemy team has hard CC left.
New players can have a tendency to feel overly safe with their Black Shield equipped during laning phase. While you are extremely safe in this state, the shield doesn't protect you from damage all that much (or at all in the case of physical damage). A Zed all-in will still kill you whether you have your shield up or not, so don't get overconfident and recognize the threats on the enemy team.
Morgana latches chains of energy onto nearby enemy champions over the cast time, dealing them 150 / 225 / 300 (+ 70% AP) magic damage and forming a tether between Morgana and each target for 3 seconds, during which the targets are revealed and slowed by 20%.
Morgana gains 5 / 30 / 55% bonus movement speed when moving towards enemies tethered to her.
If the tethers are not broken by the end of their duration, the tethered targets are dealt the same magic damage again and are revealed and stunned for 1.5 seconds.
This is your playmaker. This ability allows you to get solo kills in lane against unsuspecting opponents and singlehandedly carry teamfights if used properly. Morgana's ultimate ability combines the two biggest aspects of her playstyle perfectly: high damage and powerful crowd control.
Remember that Soul Shackles needs 3 seconds to apply any hard crowd control. If the enemy has a dash in their kit, be sure to expend it before attempting to lock them down with this ability. If they leave the range, they avoid the majority of its effect.
Combining this ability with Zhonya's Hourglass can result in team-wide stuns, as you are invulnerable during the majority of the ability's duration. Keep in mind that you can't chase enemies while under stasis, so make sure you have teammates to help you keep the enemies in range.
This ability does not require the opponent to be visible. While it's off cooldown, you can actually detect nearby unseen enemies, as the ability icon will light up. Use this to snag assassins hiding in bushes and pesky Teemos looking to hide from you.
Soul Shackles synergizes well with Flash, as the sudden change in position will often catch enemies off guard and allow for easy teamfighting. If you have the choice between catching a faraway enemy with Flash+Q or Flash+R, always go for R, as the activation is guaranteed. Don't look silly by wasting your Flash and missing your Q.
Doran's Ring
This item is Morgana's best starting option as far as items are concerned. The mana regeneration by last hitting is vital to allowing her to use her abilities more often during the early laning phase, both stats it provides are helpful, and the bonus damage to minions is useful for a champion with... limited options for gathering farm early on. I recommend this over Tear of the Goddess since the added AP and health are overall more useful than the mana increase, especially since you don't build enough mana for Archangel's Staff to be very useful.
Dark Seal Dark Seal is an important item to get early on Morgana. While it no longer provides mana, the snowball potential the item provides cannot be overstated. The AP you gain per takedown makes this item valuable throughout the entire game at just 350 gold. If you really get the ball rolling, you can also upgrade it to Mejai's Soulstealer. However, I DO NOT recommend buying Dark Seal as a starting item. As it provides no mana, it makes your early laning phase pretty miserable. You can wait on purchasing this item until your first back. If you're new to the champion or just not as confident in the matchup, it's okay to forgo this item in favor of reaching your powerspikes more quickly, but you should at least consider it in every game.
Lost Chapter
This is your early game powerspike item. Morganaloves every stat it provides, as they allow her to do what she does best more effectively and for longer. However, the best part of this item comes from its unique passive, which restores 20% of your max mana upon leveling up. Combined with the 300 flat mana increase this item comes with, this allows you to throw out Tormented Shadows like no tomorrow, so long as you play around the passive. You should rush this item after you grab your Dark Seal, but if you recall with around 1300 gold, buying it right off the bat is a great way to establish dominance over your lane opponent.
Refillable Potion
This is a purely optional item, but I find myself buying it a lot in my games. The extra sustain it provides makes tough situations seem much easier, at the cost of some gold. Consider buying this option in matchups where poke runs rampant and see if it fits your playstyle.
This is another important item you'll want to grab at some point in the early game. Extra movement speed makes landing and dodging skillshots a lot easier, so exactly when you buy them should depend on the matchup. Generally, if I have the gold to spare after a recall, I'll pick them up before my Mythic item. Of course, this only applies if you didn't pick Magical Footwear. If you did, you can ignore this section.
Oblivion Orb
With the advent of Season 11, Riot has blessed mages everywhere with the ability to buy Grevious Wounds early. If healers are giving you trouble, buy this item before you get your Mythic. If the healers on the enemy team aren't interacting with your lane, you can hold off on the item, but you should still buy this item later on (preferably BEFORE the enemy healers get fed). Examples of good champions to build this item against include Sylas, Swain, and Soraka.
Seeker's Armguard
This is your counterbuild option against AD champions, especially assassins. Conveniently, it builds into Zhonya's Hourglass, an item you're likely to build relatively early on anyway. This is a great option against champions like Zed, Nocturne, and Talon, among others. With patch 11.3, this item received a small increase to its gold cost. This doesn't change much about its viability, but remember that you'll have to hang around in lane a little longer to hit that item.
Verdant Barrier
A new item introduced in Season 11, Verdant Barrier functions as the magic resist equivalent to Seeker's Armguard. However, unlike the latter, this item does not build into one of Morgana's more common Legendary items, so make sure you only buy it if the enemy mage/AP assassin is REALLY giving you trouble. I could see this item being valuable against champions like Syndra, but I still don't recommend it in most games as an early pickup.
Luden's Tempest Morgana has a lot of flexibility when it comes to Mythic items, and the Mythic she purchases will usually depend on the enemy team composition. Luden's Tempest is very effective against squishy, high-damage team comps. The flat magic penetration helps cut through squishies quickly, while the movement speed bonus helps you dodge important abilities that could otherwise lead to your demise. This item also bolsters your waveclear even further, allowing you to cut through entire waves with a casual Tormented Shadow. Overall, I think this is Morgana's best option in most games, but the other Mythic items have their place in certain matchups.
Liandry's Anguish
This item was already a common second purchase on Morgana before Season 11, and it now comes with mana. This item's passive provides damage that scales based on maximum health and grows more effective the longer you're in combat thanks to its magic resist shred, making it ideal against tankier opponents. If the enemy team comp is such that you don't think you'll find the burst damage and bonus movement speed of Luden's Tempest very useful, consider this item.
This item is the effective replacement of the Hextech GLP-800 of old. This item can work on Morgana, but I usually find that the other two mana/AP Mythics work better on her. The range on the active is often too short and too narrow to be of much use for landing your Dark Binding. This item can be useful in specific matchups against mobile targets, but I usually prioritize the first two options.
Sorcerer's Shoes
This option gives you flat magic penetration, which is useful on any mage. You could opt into Plated Steelcaps or Mercury's Treads in very specific matchups, but you'll usually have better defensive item purchases for those.
Horizon Focus Horizon Focus synergizes extremely well with Morgana's kit. Your goals in terms of damage onto single targets usually consist of hitting a Q into W and then walking away until they die, and this item makes this even stronger. It also makes your Soul Shackles more threatening, as your Tormented Shadow will melt them even faster when it's complete. Although it doesn't provide ability haste or mana, these stats are covered well enough at this point by your Mythic item of choice, so the massive damage increase is very much appreciated. This item is not mandatory on Morgana Mid like a mana/AP Mythic is, however. I find myself building it almost every game, but if you feel like it wouldn't suit a particular game well or if it just doesn't suit your playstyle well, it is 100% skippable.
Zhonya's Hourglass Zhonya's Hourglass is an extremely potent item that synergizes fantastically with Soul Shackles. Get into the middle of the enemy team, proc Zhonya's and watch them panic as they try to escape your chains. The stats it provides are also very useful, especially against AD matchups. If you bought a Seeker's Armguard earlier, you should almost always upgrade it to this. If your win condition involves teamfighting at all, this is an item you should heavily consider.
Morellonomicon Morellonomicon is your go-to item against teams with healing. If you bought an Oblivion Orb early, you should usually purchase this at some point in the match. Notably, the item no longer provides magic penetration, so you should only really buy it if the enemy team has healing at their disposal.
Banshee's Veil
This is your most effective magic resist option in most games. You usually won't need to build this, but it's worth considering if an AP threat is running rampant, especially one with crowd control. Your Black Shield causes the spell shield this item provides to be somewhat redundant, but it can still be useful against heavy CC or abilities that are too fast to react to with your shield ( Nether Grasp is a good example). If you need it, buy it, but you'll usually be fine without it.
Spirit Visage
This is a very interesting item on Morgana for a few reasons. While it may seem strange to build an item designed for tanks on a relatively squishy mage, this item can be valuable in specific situations. If the enemy team has a lot of magic damage and your team has relatively poor engage, you can take up the mantle and become a sort of engage "tank" since the passive increases the healing Soul Siphon provides. This item's uses are extremely situational, especially after the nerf to its healing in Season 11, but it can be extremely important in certain games. Of course, don't rush this until you get your Mythic and at least one or two AP items under your belt.
Mejai's Soulstealer
This item is fairly simple. If you're doing super well and you have some Dark Seal stacks, upgrading to Mejai's Soulstealer is a great way to dominate the game even further. Something important to note, however, is how important it becomes to preserve your own life when you have this item purchased. The consequence of losing 50 AP upon death is quite severe, so remember to keep especially risky plays to a minimum and enjoy one-shotting enemies left and right.
Rabadon's Deathcap
The classic full AP item. In fact, this item provides nothing but AP. However, it provides a lot of it, and you want a lot of it. It's usually more efficient to buy this as at least your 4th or 5th item, as its effect grows more powerful with each point of AP you have. Keep in mind that this item is very expensive, so make sure you start building towards it after you have your core items and important counterbuild items.
Void Staff Void Staff is highly effective when the enemy team has a lot of magic resist. Since it penetrates a percentage of the enemy's MR rather than a flat amount, it is more effective against tankier opponents. Consider buying this item over or before Rabadon's Deathcap if the enemy team is building against you.
Early Game
Morgana's early laning phase is very weak, especially in comparison to her mid- and late-game performances. Depending on the enemy laner, her primary goals are to:
Survive until Level 5, where your Tormented Shadow can be upgraded to Rank 3 and you can one-shot caster minions with it.
Utilize this newfound waveclear to shove the wave into the enemy tower, usually via slow push, or building up a large wave of minions before crashing the wave.
Time your recall with enough gold to buy your first powerspike item (usually Lost Chapter, but can differ depending on the matchup).
Because Morgana's abilities are so important to her playstyle, her gameplay will change drastically during her early levels. I'll cover Levels 1-6 here:
Level 1: Morgana's Level 1 is weak in comparison to other champions. At this level, you have the choice of starting with either Dark Binding or Tormented Shadow. I usually find Dark Binding to be the better choice, but Tormented Shadow is an option if you want to shove the wave early and don't fear your lane opponent. If the enemy mid laner poses a threat to you at Level 1, you should always take Dark Binding to limit their options, as a Level 1 Morgana without it is basically a bad fighter. You should be going for as many last hits as you can afford to, but if your opponent can punish you heavily for doing so (e.g. Akali or Pyke), it's okay to give up some farm to preserve your health. Keep in mind that a pushing enemy will hit Level 2 before you, so keep your distance when the second wave arrives if this is the case.
Level 2: Once you hit Level 2, you will usually take whichever ability you did not take at Level 1. Under certain circumstances, however, you may want to consider taking Dark Binding into Black Shield if you believe the enemy jungler will gank you before Level 3. I do not recommend this in most games, but it ultimately comes down to experience. Generally, however, having both Dark Binding and Tormented Shadow is a safe bet. You can now start punishing your opponent more heavily for mispositioning by hitting them with Q>W, which will hurt more and more the lower they are. If you outrange the enemy and there aren't very many enemy minions nearby, throwing in a few auto-attacks while they are rooted will amplify your damage. Otherwise, walking away and ignoring them is acceptable. This combo leaves very little room for the opponent to trade back since it roots for 2 entire seconds, giving you plenty of time to position back into farming. Keep in mind that you are still weak in this state, though, so do your best to avoid extended trades.
Level 3: At this point, you should have all 3 of your basic abilities. This means you will now have Black Shield, making ganks against you extremely difficult to pull off. Conveniently, this is the point many junglers start looking for ganks. When you have time to ward, you should look for deep vision to help your team and to gather information rather than shallower, protective wards, as you really don't need these. On the flip side, your powerful CC and protective abilities make you an excellent assistant to your jungler's ganks and fights for objectives, despite your relative weakness in solo fights. Be sure to coordinate with your jungler to help them score objectives. Likewise, make sure you're paying attention if your jungler is looking to gank your lane so that you can follow up accordingly. If you land a Dark Binding and your jungler follows up, a Flash or a kill is almost guaranteed. At this point, you still want to avoid even, extended fights, as you will lose most of them. Also, keep in mind that Level 3 is the level at which many assassins gain the means to trade meaningfully with you ( Zed and Fizz are notable examples), so play around this powerspike to protect your health. Remember, your main goal is to survive. You don't need to make risky plays at this stage of the game. Also, your recalls are much more effective when you have gold to spend on them. Your first powerspike is Lost Chapter, which costs 1300 gold. Coast along, get all the farm you can get without taking too much damage, and help your jungler when needed.
Level 4: There isn't that much that changes at this level. Your goal is still to survive and await your upcoming powerspikes. Be sure to ping missing if your laner disappears, as even early roams can be dangerous for your team. You should put a point into Tormented Shadow to bring about your Level 5 powerspike.
Level 5: At this level and with three points in Tormented Shadow, this ability one-shots ranged minions from full health. This is incredibly important, as it speeds up your waveclear dramatically. However, it will also drain your mana pool extremely quickly if you spam it. Well, before you get Lost Chapter that is. Your goal at this point will usually be to look for an opportunity to shove the wave into the enemy tower using your newfound waveclear, recall, purchase the item, and come back to lane significantly stronger. Of course, this is the ideal situation and won't happen every game. Sometimes, your enemy laner has been smart with their mana, and therefore will be able to collect the wave and shove it into your tower while you recall, causing you to lose precious farm. Other times, the enemy laner will have bullied you out of farm to the point where you can't afford Lost Chapter. This is okay, as you can either recall early or stay to be able to afford the item, depending on your health and mana. Unsurprisingly, this is also the strongest you'll be before you get access to Soul Shackles. If the enemy laner wastes an important cooldown, you can punish with a riskier Dark Binding than before, as your damage will generally be more respectable and you'll be looking to recall soon anyway.
Level 6: At Level 6, you gain access to Soul Shackles, at which point your kill potential spikes dramatically. A slightly weakened and squishy opponent will often die from full health to all of your abilities, especially with Dark Harvest equipped. Remember to accommodate for your enemy's abilities that would allow them to escape your ultimate, as landing the second hit is essential in order to land most of your damage. This becomes especially lethal with help from your jungler, as there is no way to dodge Morgana's ultimate. You're pretty strong at this point, and will only get stronger as the game goes on.
Mid Game
During the mid-game, your influence over the game's outcome is arguably at its strongest. Your waveclear is very strong, your teamfight potential is deadly, and your sustain is quite impressive for a mage. Once you get your Mythic item of choice, you really start to take off as a dominant presence on the map. Don't underestimate your damage at this stage, especially if you have some kills. A simple Q>W will usually shave at least half of a squishy's HP with zero counterplay once the root lands. Remember not to risk your own safety too much, although you can get away with a lot as this champion. Your presence at important objectives is vital to your team's success in most games, especially if the rest of your team is behind. If you pick up Zhonya's Hourglass, using it in combination with Soul Shackles can instantly win you teamfights if your team follows up. Avoid 1-on-1 fights with most champions without Soul Shackles, as your threat level drops dramatically once you use your Dark Binding.
Late Game
Morgana does not lose much steam at all once she hits the late game, although her role shifts somewhat. Instead of being a damage-focused hypercarry like you were in the mid-game, your main role is to get picks and negate enemy CC with your Black Shield. This is because positioning grows massively more important the later the game goes on. Teams have enough damage to blow a vital target up if they're caught out, which Morgana excels at thanks to her Dark Binding. Conversely, using Soul Shackles in the middle of the enemy team becomes riskier, especially without Zhonya's Hourglass. Oftentimes, your sustain is not enough to allow you to survive damage from the enemy ADC. This means you must rely more on your team than you did during the mid-game. This is why I do not classify Morgana as a hypercarry, as she relies more and more on her team as the game goes on. This does not mean she is weak at this point, of course. It just means your playstyle will resemble that of a support Morgana, albeit with more damage, items, etc. Remember to play around the fed members of your team (and, if you're playing in solo queue, the intelligent ones) in order to finish games. Keep your focus on objectives and you should be fine. DO NOT COMMIT TO SPLIT PUSHING AS MORGANA, EVEN WHEN FED. Morgana does not function well as a split pusher despite her fast waveclear and ability to 1v2 with Soul Shackles due to her lack of mobility and low turret damage. You will find yourself getting collapsed on by multiple enemies often without the means to deal with all of them. It is usually better to be around your team and help them succeed.
Thank you for reading my Morgana Mid guide! This guide is not meant to be taken with any sort of authority, but rather as a piece of insight into the average player and their experience with an off-meta champion. With the advent of Season 11, Morgana Mid is picking up a lot of steam, especially in high ELO, so I am looking forward to seeing what can be discovered about the champion in the role. That is, of course, if Riot doesn't nerf her to the ground after her recent popularity boost :(. Anyways, thank you for reading, and feel free to leave a comment if you have any insight or feedback to provide. This is my first guide, after all, so I probably know less than you do about how this all works.
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