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Choose Champion Build:
- Sustain Build
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- toxic1 build
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League of Draven (PASSIVE)
Draven Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
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Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
+ Powerful Harass
+ Easy Farming with Spinning Axe
+ Global Ultimate
+ High Snowball Potential
+ Insane damage
+ One of the most fun champions to play
- Can be shut down early
- You WILL get camped
- Hard to learn, harder to master
- Your only mobility is a small speed boost
Great supports to pick Draven with
Nami + Draven is one of the most oppressive lane combos in the game. She brings everything Draven could ever want, Heals, Poke, Engage, Disengage, AD buff.
Provides great peel and engage. Lantern also saves you in moments that you go way too hard.
Similar to Thresh except she is tankier and has a little more hard CC.
Those powerful heals allow you to be extra agressive with less worry of taking too much damage
and dying. Late game she is going to be your best friend.
Shield, AD buff, AND best disengage in the game?
Her damage is so strong that it makes for easy kills. A good Zyra can even carry you.
Since you won't be getting any sustain items until your 4th or 5th item, Warlord's Bloodlust and Vampirism will help give much needed sustain to survive fights.
Take Bounty Hunter because you must be confident that you're going to get fed and dumpster their whole team.
Assassin instead of biscuits for 1v2s, 1v3s, and split pushing.
Take Greenfather's Gift if you have Ivern on your team.
It's difficult to give a step by step guide considering all of the variables. (Your support, and their botlane duo) but in a perfect world this could be your guideline.
Draven is best played agressive.
Level 1: Generally just want to start building your stacks. Poke when they misposition.
Level 2: Put a point in your w. If they misposition or your support makes a catch juggle 2 Spinning Axe and spam Blood Rush. This can be easy first blood.
Level 3: Now that you have your Stand Aside you can take the liberty of starting engages, or help start engages. This is also an easy first blood opportunity.
Level 6: Now that you have Whirling Death you have a lot of damage potential. Instead of using this as an execute, use it mid fight for a TON of burst.
At this point on the game you should be VERY strong
Position properly like any other AD carry and you should be okay.
Use your Stand Aside to peel for yourself or catch out squishies.
Use Whirling Death to chunk down multiple people in the middle of a big fight.
Position properly like any other AD carry and you should be okay.
Use your Stand Aside to peel for yourself or catch out squishies.
Use Whirling Death to chunk down multiple people in the middle of a big fight.
Draven is one of the most difficult champs to play when behind
Like any AD carry it is best to play safe, farm up and request that your jungler stop farming and help you out. *cough* *cough*
You can alter your build path to help smooth this out and there are multiple options.
A good option is to first item if you can't seem to get enough for a B.F. Sword. It gives you damage, sustain, and CDR.
Then follow it up with a for more survivability and DPS.
Another option is to first item for added mobility and damage.
Then follow it up with a and for added survivability and sustain.
Like any AD carry it is best to play safe, farm up and request that your jungler stop farming and help you out. *cough* *cough*
You can alter your build path to help smooth this out and there are multiple options.
A good option is to first item if you can't seem to get enough for a B.F. Sword. It gives you damage, sustain, and CDR.
Then follow it up with a for more survivability and DPS.
Another option is to first item for added mobility and damage.
Then follow it up with a and for added survivability and sustain.
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