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Recommended Items
Runes: Standard
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order Farm Focused Lane
Void Shift (PASSIVE)
Malzahar Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
High range, decently low CD's for poke, deadly burst...... poke champs are always annoying since they can keep your passive down so easy. And since xerath has the potential to whittle you down and kill you without ever needing to come into your range, a good xerath player is a serious threat.
Nasus's willingness to run into the frontline and take attention off of you is amazing. You two cause so much mayhem between the two of you that it'll scatter entire teams. His Q chunks, your E eats away at people, and then just to make it worse for them you lock them down while nasus goes to town on them. It's pretty gross.
Nasus's willingness to run into the frontline and take attention off of you is amazing. You two cause so much mayhem between the two of you that it'll scatter entire teams. His Q chunks, your E eats away at people, and then just to make it worse for them you lock them down while nasus goes to town on them. It's pretty gross.
Champion Build Guide
this guide is more focused at people new to Malzahar rather then experience malz players, but I hope experienced players find it interesting and clear none the less as well. This guide is probably gonna be long, so I apologize for all that in advance. I'm just trying to fit in everything I can about the champ in the hope's that it's helpful. This guide will be updated, at the very least, every patch. If you have any opinion's, advice, or question's of any sort, feel free to leave a comment, i'm here to learn same as anyone else.
NOTE: UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE, THIS GUIDE IS CONSIDERED "OUT OF DATE". with the mass item changes and the introduction to a new item type (Mythic's), im planning on updating and redoing a LARGE portion of this guide, but it'll take time for the dust to settle and new items to be messed around. as long as this message is on the guide, consider it old. not necessarily all irrelevant, just old. it will be updated ASAP.

+A safe pick in most matchups
+Able to do a lot of damage while hanging back
+A game changing ultimate
+Able to clear and push lane's extremely quickly all on his own
+A free shield on a cooldown, granting immunity to CC
+Easy to pick up and learn

-Very squishy when your passive is down
-No movement abilities
-More DOT then burst, so it take's some adjusting to get use to
-Very little hard CC, making it hard to hold off enemy engages
-Using your ultimate makes you very vulnerable to other enemy champs
Why play Malzahar?

Maybe Malzahar chooses you.

Void Shift (Passive)
If enemy champions haven't recently damaged Malzahar, he uses the void to summon a shield around him, which will drastically reduce the next source of damage that hits him from an enemy champion or tower. Additionally, the shield make's him invulnerable to enemy CC as well.


Call of the Void
Malzahar tears open two portals to the void opposite each other. After a brief delay, both portals fire energy between them, damaging and silencing any enemies caught in between them.


Void Swarm
Malzahar summons small but deadly creature's from the void, who will seek out and attack nearby enemy units. Malzahar summons one additional voidling for every ability used before Void Swarm, up to a cap of 3.


Malefic Visions
Malzahar curses a target with cruel and deadly visions of their impending demise, dealing damage to them over time for 4 seconds. If Malzahar hit's the target with his R or his Q before the visions are finished, it'll restart the visions, refreshing the timer.
If the enemy unit dies while infected with Malefic Visions, the visions will jump to the next closest enemy unit instead of ending. The will spread from target to target endlessly as long as the infected target always dies before the timer ends. Also, every time an enemy unit dies while infected, Malzahar regains 2% of his max mana.


Nether Grasp
Malzahar Channels a massive amount of energy from the void, locking an enemy champ in a pool of negative energy and completely nullifying their ability to move, attack, use abilities, or summoner spells for 2.5 seconds. While only the selected enemy champion will be suppressed, anyone who walks into the pool of negative energy on the ground will also take damage from it.

Safe Poke Combo
DOT Poke Combo
Full basic abilities Combo
E, W, Q, R
Max Damage
the issue here is that this combo needs to be done VERY quickly, as your lack of CC and the fact that they're still pretty free to retaliate means they can interrupt this if they're quick enough. It's extremely deadly when you can get it off, but should be used when you know you have a window to do so, not in a panic.
Q, E, W, R
E, W, R
Quick Use
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![]() The only major issue here is stacking it early. Into ranged matchups, like let's say, ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() - |
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In the end, Runes are meant to be experimented with, so if you find something totally out of Meta, but it works and you life it, try it out.
Early game
Mana Item Options
After your mana item
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