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When we start a battle with

The R is great to save people at top and bot and it's situational to save them at a teamfight.

I take 1 Quint of Health,1 Quint of Health Regen,1 Quint of Armor so it easly HP Regen and not so easly to kill,then I take 9 Seals of Armor,9 Glyphs of Magic Resist and 9 Marks of Scaling Health Regen.With this runes Shen is not so easy to kill and if u are in teamfight with a full build u won this easly :3 !
1. Energy based (infinite harass in lane)
2. Can easily escape ganks
3. Does not entirely rely on one type of damage, your auto attacks add up in a top lane fight
4. Sets up ganks easily
5. High sustain
1. Energy based (running out of energy in team fights)
2. No wave clear before
Sunfire Aegis
Stand United will sometimes bug and not teleport you if you are spamming Shadow Dash near the end of the channel.
Stand United can be hard to coordinate in solo queue
1. Energy based (infinite harass in lane)
2. Can easily escape ganks
3. Does not entirely rely on one type of damage, your auto attacks add up in a top lane fight
4. Sets up ganks easily
5. High sustain
1. Energy based (running out of energy in team fights)
2. No wave clear before



Summoner Spells:

In a team fight as
Shen you will always be doing one of two things:
1. Helping your team dive the enemy back line
2. Protecting your back line with your
Stand United and
Shadow Dash.
Which to do is up to you to decide and you can usually make the decision by looking at your team composition and comparing it to the enemy's team composition. It's more important to dive or peel for hyper carries such as
Kog'Maw, and
Tristana, while it's less important to dive or peel for champions like
Corki, and
Ezreal, all of which are in general more slippery than hyper carries and do less sustained damage in a team fight. Gold values also matter a lot. I'd much rather peel for a 10/0
Graves than try to dive the 1/15
Vayne with a Bilgewater Cutlas and
Boots at 20 minutes in. It will also be easier to dive if you have champions with strong gap closers on your team that you can Stand United onto such as
Nocturne, and

1. Helping your team dive the enemy back line
2. Protecting your back line with your

Which to do is up to you to decide and you can usually make the decision by looking at your team composition and comparing it to the enemy's team composition. It's more important to dive or peel for hyper carries such as

Shadow Dash +
Flash: Using
Flash during your
Shadow Dash will allow you to taunt enemies at the spot you flash to. This is effective because you can start a taunt and then Flash on the enemy when you get close enough, giving them little time to react. You can also taunt someone in one spot, then
Flash while the dash is still going to catch a second person or clumped group of people in the taunt.
2. Cancelling Stand United with Flash: Spamming
Flash near the end of
Stand United will cancel it, giving the shield but not taking you to your target. This can be worthwhile if the situation you are jumping to has gone awry and teleporting into their would mean your demise.
3. DON'T USE Stand United IF THE TARGET WILL NOT LIVE FOR THE LENGTH OF THE CHANNEL: Way too many Shens use their ultimate on a target who is low health and has no chance of surviving for the duration of the channel. This is a bad idea because your ult will go on cooldown, you won't save anybody, and you won't get to the fight, which will almost assuredly make it a lost cause and you'll be stuck alone in top lane to feel sad about ulting the wrong target. Pick someone that can benefit from the shield, put you in a good position, and live long enough for the channel of Stand United to finish.

2. Cancelling Stand United with Flash: Spamming

3. DON'T USE Stand United IF THE TARGET WILL NOT LIVE FOR THE LENGTH OF THE CHANNEL: Way too many Shens use their ultimate on a target who is low health and has no chance of surviving for the duration of the channel. This is a bad idea because your ult will go on cooldown, you won't save anybody, and you won't get to the fight, which will almost assuredly make it a lost cause and you'll be stuck alone in top lane to feel sad about ulting the wrong target. Pick someone that can benefit from the shield, put you in a good position, and live long enough for the channel of Stand United to finish.
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