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Aatrox Build Guide by Jakelon

Jungle Aatrox Jungle

Jungle Aatrox Jungle

Updated on August 16, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Jakelon Build Guide By Jakelon 3,294 Views 0 Comments
3,294 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Jakelon Aatrox Build Guide By Jakelon Updated on August 16, 2015
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Hi this is my first guide!!! I do except suggestions to change around the items and runes. The reason I didn't put one of those person matchup thing is that I was to lazy to do it.
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Pros / Cons


1. Built in GA
2. Can solo drag whenever
3. He is a demon with a giant sword


1. Squishy if you don't build tank
2. No escapes with Q because of interruptions
3. Auto Attack dependent so proned to kiting

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People are wondering why I chose my runes. Because of the fact that Aatrox is auto attack dependent, he needs all the hits he can get. With the built in life steal from his W, an Aatrox built with attack speed is very good when jungling.

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The masteries of Aatrox are quite simple. They give him all needs for a jungler plus more.

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Creeping / Jungling

Jungling for Aatrox is done differently for each side. If you are started on Blue, begin with Krugs, then go to the Red Brambleback, then Blue Sentenial. After that clear jungle, or recall and solo drag. If you have started Red, begin with Gromp, then Blue Sentenial, then Red Brambleback. After either clear jungle or recall and solo drag. You should ward drag and Baron. If enemy team is going to steal drag, use Dark Flight to do in and steal the drag.

If you choose to gank early, put a point in Blades of Torment at level three.

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Okay for the items.

Spirit Visage goes well with life steal all the time. Aatrox having built in life steal, Spirit Visage is a must with him. Randuin's Omen is for the slows. Slowing the attack speed and movement speed of enemy Champions make it easier to gank. Warmog gives a nice thing of health and good healing. With Spirit Visage, the healing out of battle this gives is extremely effective. For the unkillable build, Guardian Angel gives you an extra life when team battling. Maw of Malmortis is on the build because of the beautiful ability called lifeline. It gives a shield that absorbs 400 magic damage. But with the minimal magic resistance given with this item plus damage conversions, the shield really absorbs ~680+ magic damage.

Life Steal

The four life steal items I gave you for Aatrox are all good for different reasons.

Bloodthirster: This item gives Aatrox a shield when you are at full health and in combat. This goes well with W making it easier to switch between Blood Thirst and Price.

Ravenous Hydra: This item gives a nice chunk of Atrack Damage. Also, with Cleave and Cresent, you can hit more monsters at monster camps killing them faster.

Blade of the Ruin King: This Blade gives Attack Speed and can slow champions, making you use more auto attacks. I personally don't recommend this item for the sake that Randuin's Oman does the same thing.

Guinsoo's Rage Blade: If you want a second life steal item, this is the one. It gives a
Attack Damage and when below 50% health, you gain life steal and a lot of attack speed. When you have stacked the passive and you are below 50% health, you can get up to +52% Attack Speed.


If you are versing heavy a CC team, I suggest getting Mercury Treads. Otherwise get Ninja Tabi
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Jakelon
Jakelon Aatrox Guide
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Aatrox Jungle

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