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Nautilus Build Guide by Marrorn

Jungle AD Nautilus Jungle xD

Jungle AD Nautilus Jungle xD

Updated on August 9, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Marrorn Build Guide By Marrorn 8,099 Views 0 Comments
8,099 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Marrorn Nautilus Build Guide By Marrorn Updated on August 9, 2015
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Hi There I'm Marrorn I am from the NA server this is my very first guide so bare with me. I started building this way after I seen a guide about ADC Nautilus and that intrigued me about a full AD Nautilus jungle. The reason full AD Nautilus works is because he is just so naturally tanky even without one tank item.
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Pros / Cons

+ Semi-Fast Jungle Speed
+ Great Initiates Depth Charge
+ Hard to counter jungle after he gets blue
+ Tons of cc including passive Staggering Blow
+ If fed will do tons of damage with Titan's Wrath
+ The later the game the tankier he becomes

Nautilus is super scary to the enemy team because if you try to counter jungle him he will cc you till he team arrives. In addition Nautilus is the enemy adc's worst nightmare because of his point click ult Depth Charge that will seak them knocking up champions on the way and knock them up for 1-2 seconds. If Nautilus gets fed he will skyrocket in damage thanks to his Titan's Wrath and you could be dead without even notice that he was the cause of your death.

- Blue Buff reliant early
- Little kill potential without team
- Hard to master
- Your Dredge Line has a long CD
- Expensive Build

Early game Nautilus is super blue reliant without it he can't jungle effectively and will be super low by the end of his clear. Nautilus has no high single target damage early game until his Titan's Wrath is maxed. Nautilus has a super expensive build for jungle making it hard to get your full build till super late game unless ridiculously fed.
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Jungling Route

Start with Hunter's Machete and 2 Health Potion and use the appropriate route that follows:

Blue Side: Go head towards your bot laner and start Krugs and smite the big one, Red buff, Raptors than go recall to base. Pick up your Ranger's Trailblazer and 2 more Health Potions. Go to your Blue buff than gank.

Red Side: Similar to the blue side head to Gromp this time and smite him right away, take your Blue buff, then wolves. Recall and pick up your Ranger's Trailblazer and 2 more Health Potions then go to your Red buff then start ganking.

NOTE Raptors hit hard for no reason so avoid them early unless you are on blue side or need to smite the big one for the buff.
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Thank you for making it this far in reading my first guide and please leave feed back on things I can improve on.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Marrorn
Marrorn Nautilus Guide
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AD Nautilus Jungle xD

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