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Jhin does too much damage in every stage of the game. His fourth shot is very powerful and can knock you to half health when combined with his bouncing bullet. even though you are a lane bully, try, try to play safe against him since his the more minions his bullet bounces of the more damage is does. Try to all in him when he has no ammo and your lane is gankable. Try to establish your lead when he makes a mistake or when his wave is pushed into yours.
Vayne is an all-in champion and can melt you in a 1v1, so avoid her at all costs. Like Jhin, try to engage with her when you have your jungler with you. She also relies on her support being able to poke a lot, since she is a little passive until she hits level six.
Another all in champion. She relies on her E a lot, since it now scales with crit and does a lot of damage. Try to poke her out when you have lane priority (in the early game, since she relies on level three to fully all-in). when you can see she is about to jump towards you and E, try to get away. Avoiding her E is pretty hard, so try not to let her hit you once she has E'd you, since it does more damage the more times she hits you. Overall, very hard match up and try to ban her.
Since you have really low mobility and he has decently high base AD, Blitz will absolutely annihilate you in the early game. Play really safe when laning against him since he synergises well with every ADC, which will result in your death almost 90% of the time.
Like Blitzcrank, he has high base AD and has insane Q range, making it hard for you to dodge it. Play safe when laning against him and only engage when you know his Q isn't up. But then again, he can always stun you with his E anyway. So just ban him out if you find him difficult to lane against.
She has better poke then you and more range. She does fall of a bit late game, so try to play safe when laning against her.
Miss Fortune
She can take advantage of your low mobility and can slow you with make it rain and crit you out with her double up. She is a little difficult to lane against if she know what she is doing, but you can poke her out a lot in the ealry game, so try to establish your lead then.
Although a similar champion to blitz and pyke, he has a slower hook that is easier to dodge. He is also easy to poke out, but can still drag you to your doom.
Out ranges you with his W and out scales you. Once he hits level six his R can snipe you from half a screen away and it has low mana cost at first usage. Try to poke him and drive him out of lane, don't give him time to scale.
He has poke, but not really. You can take advantage of his range and poke him. Try to play aggressive against him early game.
She has really annoying poke but all her abilities are fairly easy to dodge. Try not to get caught in any of them, or you'll most likely die.
Ashe is the perfect counter to Ezrael. I personally hate Ezrael to the very core, so laning against him makes me really angry, and I usually lose badly or destroy him. Try to poke the hell out of him, try to delay his manamune. Once he gets that, laning against him will get difficult. You can poke him a lot and can easily all in him late game. easy match up really.
Another one of those Manamune ADC's. She is really bad against you since her only method of poke is her support and her Void seeker ability. Poke her out since she has pretty bad range, and all in her whenever you get the chance. She relies a lot on her support, so try to focus her when you are fighting a 2v2.
She is like a caster minion if you can play the lane right in the early game. Don't be afraid to all in her, since you should win 90% of the time. she scales after her second item, so be careful, since her passive is pretty OP and can shred you pretty easily.
Anyone that can bring the enemy towards you is good.
He can steal your kills, but can hook opponents so you don't have to walk towards them yourself. His E is also very useful since you can activate your Q or ult them once there stun is over.
Hook champ again.
Hook champ again.
Best support, provides insane healing and AP.
Can stun, which can help you put more pressure on your opponents, and you can cheese them.
It's pretty scary when a Sett with phase rush comes at you with his Q activated. His E does a decent amount of damage, and pulls champions towards him.
Anyone that can bring the enemy towards you is good.
He can steal your kills, but can hook opponents so you don't have to walk towards them yourself. His E is also very useful since you can activate your Q or ult them once there stun is over.
Hook champ again.
Hook champ again.
Best support, provides insane healing and AP.
Can stun, which can help you put more pressure on your opponents, and you can cheese them.
It's pretty scary when a Sett with phase rush comes at you with his Q activated. His E does a decent amount of damage, and pulls champions towards him.
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