Don't let Master Yi get kills early and you should be able to keep him on lockdown.
Nunu & Willump
Nunu Absolutely worthless first of all, second you will throw cleavers at him and he will be forced to run. You will out farm him, out drake him hopefully, outlived and all, easy matchup.
Hecarim is a little bit more a threat than Master Yi to us. You have to be careful he doesn't get fed as first he will out run you. Second Hecairm will be able to heal a lot and if its a decent player they will ignore you.
Warwick is a champion you obviously don't want to fall behind on levels, or kills. Make sure to not die to him early and you should be good as you farm so fast.
Be careful with Trundle, he will steal all your stats and he will try to make it to your back line damage. If Trundle makes it to your back line you might as well just lose if he gets a kill.
Later game you will out-tank her, and early game you can out farm and out level her. Just make sure to not die to her early, and match her ganks with counter ganks.
Diana will melt you early game if the Diana is good enough. Diana will want to fight you when she's reached either level 5, or 6 which is when you need to be the most careful about her. She will likely have backed and bought an item which will only make your regular ability to out-duel anybody not a threat to her.
Bel'veth is going to be a person you obviously don't want to feed. But also don't let her farm too much and obviously as usual counter gank.
Try to take a big raptor and a few smaller guys early game to put her just a little bit behind to the point that if your playing Jungle correctly will turn into a larger deficiency.
Watch her scaling.
Watch out for is early skirmishes, he won't be able to really beat you 1 v 1, but its a thing that Ekko will get help from personal experience. Try not to get stunned twice in his W as if that happens you have lost.
Don't let Ekko get fed, he will kill you fast, no matter how tanky you have built yourself, and he will be able to cream your teammates leaving you with no damage.
He is very mobile, remember that when you are choose to either feed him doing something stupid, or not.
Elise is a 50/50 pick vs. Mundo.
Elise is for sure a lot like Ekko in the way that you don't want to feed her or she will tear your teams damage apart, but she is obviously a tad different in her ability to sustain your cleaver artillery strikes. Ekko is a lot harder to kill, whereas Elise will have to surrender the fight if you successfully hit her with 3 or 4 cleavers before her team can get an engage into a fight.
Do your regular Jungler things when playing, just be wary of how you fight her mid-late game.
A lot like Ekko she will be able to kill your whole team in a go, and then avoid death with her ultimate.
Don't feed her she is horrible to feed and very strong mid-late game. Try to also counter jungle her and get her a few levels down at all times.
Don't feed, don't let kill you nor teammates.
Fiddlesticks is a high 2, Fiddlesticks is tanky and does a medium amount of damage, kill him immediately when he uses R on you and your team, he is helping your healing by putting himself so close to you anyways. Steal his farm, take drakes as all he does is farm. If he ganks turn him into mince meat.
Not even funny, just throw cleavers at this guy and he will die. He dashes into your cleaver, he is easy to kill.
Graves is a lower 5, don't feed him or he will do a lot of damage to you, and your back line with his ultimate.
One moment your team is behind you and all you have to do is look forwards to graves. Then he drops a nuke on you and your team with an R and after the dust and blindness settles your team is just gone and your sitting 50% health surrounded by the enemy.
Don't get blinded, don't get ulted, don't let him get fed. A decent graves will win against you. Graves in a higher Elo game is a champion to ban.
Funny, no Ivern is a garbage champion and your cleavers again, will tear him apart.
Jarvan IV
Your usual business, don't feed him, counter gank. Get drakes. Don't let him steal your jungle, keep him under your control.
Try to keep his ability to get past you minimal. Hope to have a peel on your team as he will lock you or a teammate in the box and nobody will able to do much.
Though we don't see Jax jungle much these days, just be careful that you don't kill him too much early game. He will try to stun you if he's an idiot, and then you pick up your canister and run him down. Don't be annoyed by his ward hops by making sure he doesn't get the chance to do so.
Run him down, go where you please. Even if he's fed try to run straight at him. Just hope your team has your back, and the enemy teams peel can't save him because if he survives your bomb rush you should be very upset.
Kayn is obviously someone you don't want to feed. Counter gank him, get the drakes. If he uses ultimate into one of your teammates just maul him before he can kill someone when he exits.
Be very careful with Kha'Zix, he is one of those assassins that has sustain, and will melt you too as he's just that way when he's fed. He is strong early game, especially when it comes to ganking and dueling. Take an actual thought before you choose to counter gank him and just make sure you don't screw it up. Please.
Kindred is a lower 3, kill her when her ultimate runs out of juice, and if you can succeed at that you can probably keep going. Just don't let her get to fed(Should be every jungler no matter what, obviously.)
Lee Sin
If he is able to kick you away from your team, and he is fed, he will be able to kill your team first instead of you forcing him to go through you.
Hope you have a peel support because if not your going to have a bad game along with the rest of your team. A good ban to execute if your feeling like it will happen.
A higher 3, just make sure she doesn't do anything funky and kill you and your whole team without you hitting a cleaver.
To kill her, hit a bunch of cleavers, press R, and run at her as fast as possible. She will be easy to kill and out gun early game, as she isn't the best at that time. Don't let her outrun you though. Don't let her get a space where you can't use E or w.
Easy kill, Maoki has a slow early clear, and is just slow for the whole game really. Not a threat, if they pick maoki Jungle blind, Mundo is a go to pick.
Nocturne is a lower 3, almost 2 but just to be safe a 3. Nocturne won't be able to duel you early game, but you won't be able to kill him alone as he is just fast. Be careful to not over extend an over extend as if he kills you, you have lost your whole team the game.
Note - Try to counter jungle and keep him at a lower level, it will help you out a lot when it comes to fighting him and keeping him off your teammates.
You win the fight of spamming Q, you will be the one running him down.
Unlike regular junglers, It can almost be said that you can let him get fed and you still have no problem killing him as long as you have at least a few kills and less deaths. (More gold and damage is what I really mean)
Now Ornn jungle, actually one of my surprisingly good jungle picks is a 50/50 fight against Mundo. He has a lot of CC and once he hits level 13 he has a decent chance, with help of course, to become king of the hill and he will then CC the life out of you and your team, you won't be able to pick up your canister if the Ornn has a brain.
Pantheon jungle has been increasing in popularity. I have played it myself and it is worth putting in as a possible opposing Jungle threat. Don't let him get too fed to the point where you can't get him off your teammates.
Have a peel support to cc him please. Or you will be having a horrible game that you want to just afk.
Poppy first of all is tanky, and late game turns into this unkillable rat from hell that turns your whole team fight formation into sludge. Poppy jungle will be picked if your team has a lot of dashes, especially in higher Elo. If you see dashes ban her please please it sucks to play against her if she and her team get just a little bit fed.
Rammus is a weird matchup for Mundo, you have to be careful with when and how you fight as he will pull your canister out with his q, and then he will taunt you applying Grevious wounds if he's got thorn mail which he should.
Try to not die and make sure to keep him away from your teammates as he will tear them apart.
An upper 3 as Rek'Sai is one of those Junglers that can bypass your set of steel abs. Just kill her early game with counter ganks, and counter jungle a few of her camps if possible.
Keep her levels behind and don't let her get easy ganks on your teammates.
Very annoying as always. Don't feed, don't let get tanky, don't let get anything, keep her as far behind as any other jungler.
Sej is very annoying CC and put with other team cc your not going to be moving anytime soon.
don't get screwed with by him, and but don't let him get to your back line. Make sure if you see him in your back line to throw all you have at him to kill him before he can cause your team some damage.
Shen is like Sejuani when it comes to just being super annoying. Ive played some Shen jungle and it is regular unkillable Shen and he will tear through you and you won't be even close to killing him, your cleavers later game and early do no damage to him.
Don't let her get fed, don't let her ultimate or e(dragon form E) your backline, cleaver her if she's not already in your back line and keep her slowed and poked down before fighting.
Make sure you get extra security over early drakes as she can take them solo and very fast with a teammate to help. She's the champion you say its a low chance she's on the drake but she is definitely on the drake when you would hope she isn't.
A 4-ish, Skarner can be annoying when it comes to him pulling you around and then his team taking out your back line when you can block for them.
Have a support peel champion, top lane peel will probably mean your team is a bit too tanky.
Easy kill with your cleavers, and take your drakes turn him into dog doo doo
Don't let him get fed, cleaver him, get drakes, do your regular stuff.
Be careful with her ultimate, don't let her melt you later game, and just don't let her get to your backline.
Easy kill with cleaver, he stuns you but you get canister.
Dont feed
Get drakes and rifts.
Xin Zhao
don't feed he will get to your back line.
He will turn your backline and yo into a bouncy house, don't let him get fed, keep his levels and objective counts down and you should be fine.
Although you end up getting robbed of a few kills, he will be your damage and you will win your ranked game.
Maokai Support and top in pair with Mundo is just bad, a lot of tank healing, but the main ding in the composition is the fact Maokai has no mobility
Draven along with Mundo is very much just run at the enemy. These two work very well together as they both charge and the thought process is alike other than the fact Draven can't be the front line in this situation.
Viktor is an annoying champion to have on your team when playing Mundo, as most of the time Viktor isn't going to be very mobile, and he does most of his damage stationary or falling back a tad. He will have trouble keeping up with you and you might lose fights because of his inability to keep damage coming while you charge.
Very good with Mundo
Strong support to have on the team, Zyra with the right itemization and skill will be able to keep up with a Mundo bomb rush.
Strong, he will charge with you, just make sure you remember who your hitting if he bunches a bunch of the enemy up.
A good top later to have on the team, you won't be the only one who is on the tankier side of the charts, but you still have his damage and his engage effort.
Very chase like, he will work out
Ekko would be a lower 4, if he needs to fall back to replenish with ultimate, you might be left with less damage for a bit, so make sure you either coordinate with your Ekko or you are able to survive a bit alone.
Not very good whatsoever. Illaoi is slow, and clunky, no mobility at all. You will be chasing the enemy team down, and if they keep running and she wasn't ahead of you when you started your charge she very well possibly won't even do damage in that situational fight.
NOTE- You want people that can do damage going forwards, and you want someone with cc on the team. usually that's a lot of supports doing so supports with cc are all good picks.
Although you end up getting robbed of a few kills, he will be your damage and you will win your ranked game.
Maokai Support and top in pair with Mundo is just bad, a lot of tank healing, but the main ding in the composition is the fact Maokai has no mobility
Draven along with Mundo is very much just run at the enemy. These two work very well together as they both charge and the thought process is alike other than the fact Draven can't be the front line in this situation.
Viktor is an annoying champion to have on your team when playing Mundo, as most of the time Viktor isn't going to be very mobile, and he does most of his damage stationary or falling back a tad. He will have trouble keeping up with you and you might lose fights because of his inability to keep damage coming while you charge.
Very good with Mundo
Strong support to have on the team, Zyra with the right itemization and skill will be able to keep up with a Mundo bomb rush.
Strong, he will charge with you, just make sure you remember who your hitting if he bunches a bunch of the enemy up.
A good top later to have on the team, you won't be the only one who is on the tankier side of the charts, but you still have his damage and his engage effort.
Very chase like, he will work out
Ekko would be a lower 4, if he needs to fall back to replenish with ultimate, you might be left with less damage for a bit, so make sure you either coordinate with your Ekko or you are able to survive a bit alone.
Not very good whatsoever. Illaoi is slow, and clunky, no mobility at all. You will be chasing the enemy team down, and if they keep running and she wasn't ahead of you when you started your charge she very well possibly won't even do damage in that situational fight.
NOTE- You want people that can do damage going forwards, and you want someone with cc on the team. usually that's a lot of supports doing so supports with cc are all good picks.
Im Rednblue, I am a Jungle main, and I have been doing a lot of Dr. Mundo recently. Mundo has become one of my highest win-rate picks with over 60% winrate in ranked over a course of 30+ games on him.
I am currently an M7 Dr. Mundo and I have come to love the fact that like his passive says, you can "Go where you please" and just trample the enemy team when your fed.
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Mundo Early Game
Starting off on Dr. Mundo, you will usually always be starting bottom-side jungle. I would personally never start top side, as I prefer early drakes no matter who I'm playing. Now before all that, you do not need potions, DO NOT BUY POTIONS
Your starting setup should be an Emberknife and a Control Ward. I usually use the ward to set up the drake pit for an early drake, and obviously get rid of enemy vision in the area.
First clear, full clear your camps always unless somehting pops up and its opportune to stop taking the camps and go get a kill or assist. When i first back i prefer to have at least 1 kill, and to have not died. Dr. Mundo's clear is fast enough that you can full clear and only be a few seconds late for the Scuttle.
After the first 15 minutes the game is pretty straightforwards as to what you want to do. You farm whenever there isnt an objective up,kill anybody who does something stupid, and take objectives when they are up. Mundo, with a Bami's Cinder can take a drake solo with a smite or two at levels 5 and 6. Use this to your advantage and don't attract a big crowd to the drake and try not to fight if there is no need to.
Mundo Thought Process
When playing Dr. Mundo your goal should really be able to go where you please, you should be able to do something stupid and get away with it, obviously without dying. If you are able to get away, your probably winning and you should then continue to group up with your team and run them down, literally just run at them.
Make sure to be doing as much damage as possible with your combos, if you don't pose a threat, you won't be able to peel for your damage for your life. You have to go for their damage or whoever is threatening your damage depending on the game you pick one.
Remember Jungling basics, DONT GANK, go get a kill. Many junglers don't have the right ideas in their mind and when someone says they want a gank, they just go in and try to kill the enemy. Only go in if you can kill them or at least make them use their flash, repeat gank.
When going in for a gank, use your cleaver as much as possible to slow down the enemy. Dont be afraid to use it too much, get the most out of your cooldowns and throw it if you have it, as if you might as well not play Dr. Mundo
...when it is put back into the game of course(Chemtech)
Check that out, you want any drake that appears, you want to be the team that gets soul, unless if it comes down to ignoring drake to win the game. Trading objectives is something that you want to do. But another thing that is also good, is just getting all the objectives by forcing the enemy team off objective Xby threatening something else more important like maybe their Nexus Crystal and then when they all Recall to go and stop you, you go take the objective and laugh at them.
Usually anything that isnt defensive doesnt work [3]
Mundo Runes
For the runes, you always are going to be taking Resolve tree, I prefer the yellow tree for secondary, as I find that it is easier to secure early kills and gold with Coup de Grace and Triumph for sustain and gold. Both granting you that ability to be unkillable in pair with Overgrowth, Grasp of the Undying, and your choice of Second Wind, Bone Plating,or Conditioning. Each one is optional.
And for the rest you can probably assume your not going to be taking Inspiration tree and hopefully not yellow tree primary. Fleet footwork isnt the way, same goes for Predator and Phase Rush, for jungle I prefer to tank more, but if your at risk of heavy kiting even with you hitting cleavers then go for something out of the box.
Jungling Crap
Jungler Objective Basics
As a Jungler you are going to be focusing on one of these four Jungle Institute Activities or JIA - Farming - You try to get as much gold and cs as possible as fast as you can by any means Necessary. Dueling - You track down the enemy teams Jungler to fight them and kill them usually resulting in them not getting their powerspikes and you winning the game by any means necessary. Objective Taking - You take Drakes, the rift heralds, Barons you know which objectives to prioritize in any given situation. Ganking - You keep up in level while helping your team snowball and thrive as efficiently as possible, this is hard for a decent amount of people to do as it takes some experience to know how to be efficient.
When it comes to prioritizing Drakes sometimes it can be hard if you aren't experienced but this will help you get a good understanding of which drakes to take and which drakes you CAN give up if needed or if there is a better objective available.
Infernal Drake
The Infernal drake is the one and only drake that is great in any situation no matter the game,Infernal drake gives extra damage that is adaptive so it will change based on your champions damage type. This drake should be a no brainer to take and you should not try to give this up as it is a great powerspike and it will change the course of a game a good deal.
Mountain Drake
The Mountain Drake is a great drake to have when going against a team with a lot of close range bruiser damage dealers, these types of champions will usually take Conqueror or something similar. This is a great drake to have when going against a team with champions like these, Yone, Darius, Sett, Yasuo, Fiora, Yorick, Nasus, ect.
Ocean Drake
The Ocean Drake is a great drake when the enemy team has a strong marksman and/or a longer range mage. What this drake will do is allow you to regenerate health faster from the poke that these types of champions will shoot at you. ultimately allowing you to maintain a good health and be able to Come back and fight without backing. Champions that this is great against are champions that will use Arcane Comet, Summon Aery,ect. Of course Marksman is an obvious role and is very definitive but for the long range mages those would consist of champions like these, Xerath, Zyra, Janna, Lux, ect.
Cloud Drake
The Cloud Drake is a great Drake to have when you have powerful ultimates on your team. Its really simple, champions that have powerful ultimates would be, Shen, Karthus, Xerath, Orianna, ect.
Hextech Drake
The Hextech drake is one of my favorite drakes, especially for soul. Hextech drake grants ability haste, which in turn grants your team more damage as a result of having their abilities up more. Hextech drake is a no-skipper, and reall is the same with all drakes, I as all junglers should, prefer to have all the drakes and get a soul, to end a quick game and force either a surrender, or finishing the opposing team off in whatever way it would have happened before. Now if the Hextech Drake is set to be the soul in your game, or the 3rd drake to appear. The map will grant Hexgates which is a portal that enables you to move to certain locations on the map quicker. You will see them in your games so not much is needed to be said, but the always get soul, no matter the drake.
Other Buffs:
Rift Herald
Rift Herald is a good Epic Monster for pushing lanes and getting tower plating, I would make sure to get the first one pre-14 when tower plating falls.
Baron Nashor
Baron Nashor is a great buff for finishing off the losing enemy team by pushing the waves. You usually take this objective after getting an inhibitor allowing you to super power up your super minions for a strong push.
Thank you for choosing to read through my Dr. Mundo build, if you made this this far into the build without closing the tab please leave a vote and comment your thoughts. I will continue to update and test out more and more unique builds that you will be able to be the first other than me to use. I am always working to allow you to be as flexible as possible, which helps especially in those really difficult to gain a lead games.
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