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Choose Champion Build:
Ability Order
Rebirth (PASSIVE)
Anivia Passive Ability

This is pretty much the best rune sett up for

summoner spells for skilled
Anivia players should role with
But for those who arent to familliar with
Anivia should go with
but if you arent to skilled with
Anivia and still want to use
Ignite just try to not spam your spells.
Clarity is only for those who spam their spells. if you dont spam your spells you wont need

But for those who arent to familliar with

but if you arent to skilled with

i felt like dividing the boots from the main item section. just because boots are more optional than the main item setup. There might not be that many boots to choose between, but they are all meant for different situations.
Normally you would choose
Ionian Boots of Lucidity is also an option.
Thats the only two boots i would really recommend, but you can always go for
Boots of Swiftness incase you are having problems with escaping from people.
all the other boots dont really fit for
Normally you would choose


Thats the only two boots i would really recommend, but you can always go for

all the other boots dont really fit for

My guide has been very standard for
Anivia except for the items so im going to get into details for my item choices.
Now as a starter item you should go with
Meki Pendant UNLESS you are new to
Anivia then i would rather recommend
Boots and two
Health Potion

Now as a starter item you should go with

Then depending on how well you did in mid you would want to buy
Tear of the Goddess the first time you return, and if you got spare cash either buy a Sight Ward or two, or you could start building your Catalyst the Protector. Unless you do experience problems dodgeing spells, or getting ganked and you cant get away fast enough then you should rather just get
Sorcerer's Shoes before Catalyst the Protector.
Now After coming back and being ready for buying new items you should get
Rod of Ages.
Its very important to get
Rod of Ages as early as possible, simply because it takes time for it to build up power.
Then the next fully builded item on the list is
Archangel's Staff so to charg up this 1 just use the ultimate as often as possible while you walk (fly) down to mid. just spam it and turn it off as soon as you can. Then when you have maxed
Archangel's Staff you will have more mana then you will ever need. pluss you will get great mana regen from it.
so after you got those 3 main items its pretty straight forward. first
Rabadon's Deathcap
and continue with either
Rylai's Crystal Scepter if you need more survivability or you can go with
Void Staff if the other team are stacking Magic resist. You could also just go with both if you feel like that. The fact is after you got
Rabadon's Deathcap you are pretty much free to chose any heavy AP item.
but just to narrow it down to a few items i will list them
Void Staff is for more damage if the other team are getting Magic resist
Rylai's Crystal Scepter is for survivability just in general (it grants you more hp)
Will of the Ancients grants you spell vamp (damage you deal with spells are returned to you) so you will heal yourself by using your spells (so thats survivability too)
Zhonya's Hourglass is for survivability against AD champs
Abyssal Mask this is just an item i use incase i dont need anymore survivability and i just feel like ****ting on the enemy teams AP caster. :D
Deathfire Grasp Well with the 500 AP you will reach you can take out 45% of the current health from the player you target. thats half their hp!
Lich Bane just think of it. The passive makes your basic attack deal about 550 dmg with your basic attack! YOUR BASIC ATTACK! and you are anivia.

Now After coming back and being ready for buying new items you should get

Its very important to get

Then the next fully builded item on the list is

so after you got those 3 main items its pretty straight forward. first

and continue with either

but just to narrow it down to a few items i will list them

Well someone might wonder why build
Archangel's Staff and
Rod of Ages? well i simply like having that extra survivability and mana. i cant get enough mana from
Rod of Ages and i certainly dont get survivability from
Archangel's Staff
Then why all that mana? well its simply as easy as when ur a caster who usually stay in the back and dont take to much damage cause your tanks got you covered. You should have enough mana to be able to stay through the whole fight and, when you use
Glacial Storm it drains alot of mana. so instead of having to return in the middle of the fight or right after the fight you can rather walk around and clean up creeps. get extra money and get better items faster.
Then why not build
Archangel's Staff first since you make
Tear of the Goddess at the start? Its just because you got
Rod of Ages in your build too. Both
Archangel's Staff and
Rod of Ages needs time to get fully uppgraded stat bonuses. only the thing is you need to get
Rod of Ages as early as possible because
Rod of Ages gets more and more powerfull for each minut that pass by until its gone 10 minuts since you bought it. Then it reaches its full potential. While
Archangel's Staff builds itself up by you casting spells and the same goes for
Tear of the Goddess and the bonus mana you build up with
Tear of the Goddess gets transferd to
Archangel's Staff so all in all by getting
Tear of the Goddess -->
Rod of Ages then
Archangel's Staff you will earn more early game power.

Then why all that mana? well its simply as easy as when ur a caster who usually stay in the back and dont take to much damage cause your tanks got you covered. You should have enough mana to be able to stay through the whole fight and, when you use

Then why not build

Jumping into my skill sequence. so my skill sequence might get bashed since i choose to level up

so basically just level up

The reason why i dont go with

When using

You can use

The most normal combo is to pop a stun on the enemy with
Flash Frost then quickly before the chill effect from
Flash Frost fades away use
Frostbite will deal double damage if the enemy champion is affected by a chill effect from your spells
You can also
Flash Frost Then
Glacial Storm and
Frostbite. only remember dont turn of
Glacial Storm before the enemy champion is out of the AOE.

You can also

Q: What is the difference in terms of survive-ability in the "Beginner Build" Rylai's Crystal Sceptor , and the "Skilled Anivia" Zhonya's Hourglass.
A: Well its pretty much the same, but in terms of survivability the HP from
Rylai's Crystal Scepter is survive-ability in general againts magic damage, and attack damage. While the armor from
Zhonya's Hourglass is more specific to AD ofc. Now thats why i chose to give a less skilled
Anivia player an survive-ability item that works for both types of damage. Then when it comes to item skills it also got something to say. Now im not sure if
Rylai's Crystal Scepter passive adds to the slow that
Anivia's spells already put on their target, but if they do. Then i belive that having that extra slow is vital for the less skilled player. Than for the more skilled player who is used to
Anivia's ability to escape and cooldown's would be more effective with the active from
Zhonya's Hourglass
now of course this is just my oppinion so, going with
Rylai's Crystal Scepter as a skilled player or going with
Zhonya's Hourglass as a less skilled
Anivia player is also an option. It is all up to the player. Whatever works the best for that individual.
Q: Now that the flat AP glyphs are buffed, do you recommend them over the per levels?
A: No. i simply feel that losing 1.8 Ap per rune is just to much. now yeah you only end up with about 16-18 Ap more in lvl 18, but i still feel that its better having more AP late game than trying to boost your early game, because
Anivia is already more than deadly enough early game. so i would reccommend staying with Per level glyphs.
Q: Would your take a point in Good Hands (3% dead time) for a point in Expanded Mind (4 more mana per lvl, 72 more at lvl 18)?
A: All in all belive that there aren't any need for more mana if you build
Archangel's Staff, so i would rather just stay with maxing out
Good Hands
. Instead of getting that extra 72 mana at lvl 18.
A: Well its pretty much the same, but in terms of survivability the HP from

now of course this is just my oppinion so, going with

Q: Now that the flat AP glyphs are buffed, do you recommend them over the per levels?
A: No. i simply feel that losing 1.8 Ap per rune is just to much. now yeah you only end up with about 16-18 Ap more in lvl 18, but i still feel that its better having more AP late game than trying to boost your early game, because

Q: Would your take a point in Good Hands (3% dead time) for a point in Expanded Mind (4 more mana per lvl, 72 more at lvl 18)?
A: All in all belive that there aren't any need for more mana if you build

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