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Annie Build Guide by Pifit

Middle Annie URF Build

Middle Annie URF Build

Updated on April 8, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Pifit Build Guide By Pifit 53,015 Views 0 Comments
53,015 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Pifit Annie Build Guide By Pifit Updated on April 8, 2015
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Why Annie?

Annie is not played often in URF (at least not when I play). Therefore she is not banned too often.

She is able to spam her Q and W very quickly. And once she is halfway through build, she starts to melt people apart.

Always use tibbers when stun is up, and before they can even do anything you will already have used tibbers, two Qs, and one W. That's like... half of most enemies hp.

She usually has pretty good survivability and just melts the enemy team by end game. I have gotten plenty of solo triple and quadra kills. As in, 1v3 or 1v4 with no team help and walked away.

She is a very strong ap carry pick. And she's really fun to play.

Minion waves? Np.

Bot is great because you are not the main focus and can reeealy poke a lot. Mid is great for solo carrying if you are really good at playing her.
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So basically, if you are mid lane and you are going up against a strong ap, you will almost always rush Abyssal Scepter immediately. Then continue with your chosen build.

If you go to a duo lane, chances are you won't be poked quite as much as mid, so you can immediately rush your build.

By the time you are 15-20 mins into game, generally you will be hitting really hard on most champs. And by the time you complete rabadons and void staff, you will be melting most champions.
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Pros / Cons

- Can spam your Q, W and E. Almost constantly
- OP stun. Tibbers stun on enemy team in teamfight = GG
- Very quick and easy to keep stun ready for enemies.
- Very high damage. Mid game you start melting people apart very fast.
- Does not fall off, gets better throughout game.
- Clears waves very fast mid game.
- Tibbers is ready to use again by the time he disappears.
- Can spam skills faster than most other champs.
- Tibbers.

- No escape skills.
- No way to get out of perma CC.
- Is still fairly squishy. You only survive well because you stun and kill them before they kill you. (Literally, you melt them before they can touch you much at all)
- Banned once in a while in URF.
- Has a hard time against some champs that can spam skills just as fast, or faster. Or champs that have a lot of CC or range. Or are naturally tanky (Galio) or has really good sustain.
- Shorter range than other champs.
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I get doubles and triples very often by myself. And I get quadra kills frequently too. Sometimes by myself. At full build I can ult the team with stun, and W, and now they are all at half life. A Q another W and Q and two more enemies are dead.

On average I go between 15-25 kills, and 3-10 deaths. I will upload screenshots and stats sometime when I have the time.

Try it out and let me know what you think! If this build guide helped you feel free +vote my guide!

I will be updating this guide all the time as needed. When I have time at least!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Pifit
Pifit Annie Guide
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Annie URF Build

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