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Choose Champion Build:
- Solo top Guide to success!
- Jungle guide to Success!
Recommended Items
Ability Order
Blast Shield (PASSIVE)
Vi Passive Ability
INTRODUCTION!!! to Vi's guide to Success on Top and Jungle ;)
Okay, here's the thing why I made this guide.
First of all, (!!) I wanted to say that this guide, is well actually like the rest of all guide's that you can see on mobafire :3
but I'm pretty sure this guide could be, as accurate as 100% or inaccurate as ZERO :D
This guide, "ULTIMATELY" depends on how the user, play this champ, in and out of the field...
whether top or jungle. Vi's still depends on the user.
well let's start.
I found Vi, as Fascinating as Malphite and Maokai. <33
Regards to the skills, Vi's damage outputs are Overwhelmingly Powerful on Early Game for those who doesn't have Armor/MR runes. but for those who have? Well, You can guess that already that they can be exceptionally good for damaging tanks and bruisers that are protectind/defending/blocking the weak. :P
(*Note: Probably, Everyone knows that she's one hell of an anti-tank, besides Jarvan IV or Jay4's Martial Cadence that has 8% penetration to armors but the downside is you can use this one for every 6 seconds... :( sad huh? )
Where was I? oh yeah! Vi's Skills are Power Overwhelming on 1 on 1 Scenario, Could chase opponents/enemy champions from a distance or could catch fleeing enemies on obstacles.
uhmmm, Anti-Tank Personnel. Great life/armor durability and survivability.
Great for stun lock/Aerial juggle combo's like:
Stun Lock/Aerial Juggle Combo:
Nautillus | Alistar | Blitzcrank | Darius and other champs that could ever be combo'd with Vi.
Life sustaining at It's "FINEST".
and most of all, If you know that, You have full control of the game whether It take you to the other side on early game take downs but, you can eventually turned the tables in and out. on Mid-game/Late-Game? Then, I'm pretty sure you could do as fine as I am. :)
As you can see this was just made last night =)) and i was trying to hitch a good time from when will you able to item such items within 30 minutes :D
Well, Your asking why I post this? Simple, Since I bought Vi, I never stopped on playing until I'm satisfied on the results. :)
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