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Bard Build Guide by FeldherrFrodo

Support Bardian of the Galaxy [Bard Guide] (For EVERY Matchup!!!)

Support Bardian of the Galaxy [Bard Guide] (For EVERY Matchup!!!)

Updated on October 24, 2016
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League of Legends Build Guide Author FeldherrFrodo Build Guide By FeldherrFrodo 2,823 Views 0 Comments
2,823 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author FeldherrFrodo Bard Build Guide By FeldherrFrodo Updated on October 24, 2016
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Hi I'm FeldherrFrodo aka Captain Bard and im a hard Bard and Thresh Main. I got 150K on booth but Thresh got boring after a short time. When Bard came out I just loved him and it's still the same. My main Account stucks atm in Platin 4 but I'll change it next season. I got 'only' 150K on Bard (and Thresh) because got 5 Account round Gold 5 atm and i smurf also from bronze to Gold 1. I got in my opinion every good Mechanic with Bard and get away out of difficult situations perfectly. I'm btw atm the 300th best Bard world and 2000th best Thresh World. I wanna create a Bard only Account with the name 'Wanderer Brad' and will see where i can get on this account.
Now a few general information to Bard.
Bard is a utility and CC focused support who has a reasonably high skill ceiling. Bard has one of, if not the best, kits for utility and there are almost endless possibilities on what you can do with this kit. He can be played in so many ways while still being very effective. I feel like a lot of people who have started playing Bard or thought about it have a hard time understanding how he works or how he should be played. This is the people this guide is made for.

His rather weak laning is compensated by his awesome pick potential, great mobility and roaming ability and excellent teamfighting. In lategame teamfights he can do so many things compared to most supports who focus on one thing like healing, peeling or engaging. Bard can engage, he can disengage, he can peel, he can chase, he can do good damage (for a support) and to some extent he can sustain. A good Bard player can completely decide the flow of a teamfight and can single-handedly win you fights with well placed Cosmic Bindings or Tempered Fates. This however works both ways as a bad Bard player can cost you teamfights by either using Tempered Fate in a such a position that it prevents enemies from taking damage or dying or even worse kills your teammate by leaving them in a bad position. With this guide I hope you too will become the good kinds of Bard.
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Skill Sequence

Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
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Pros / Cons


Extremely strong teamfigting
Great mobility for roaming and warding
Very good damage for a support
Super versatile as a champion
Super fun to play
Can make camping bot lane as easy as it can be with E
He looks so goofy its impossible to tilt while playing him


Relatively weak in laning phase
Extremely skillshot reliant
His E bugs out rather often and is sometimes hard to click
Difficult for newer players to wrap their heads around
Short range on Q and autoattacks
Can accidentally tilt your ADC by roaming too much
Very low base manaregen and high mana costs compared to other supports
Ult is very easy to mess up as a new players
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League of Legends Build Guide Author FeldherrFrodo
FeldherrFrodo Bard Guide
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Bardian of the Galaxy [Bard Guide] (For EVERY Matchup!!!)

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