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Can be poked down very easily and very easy to keep under control for the first 6 levels. You just need to keep your distance against him and dont spam your Q into his shield.
Low range and no escapes, great source of income as you keep killing his face in lane. If you dont somehow manage to do that then you are screwed lategame.
Easy to poke down, next to no threat when played right on your end. Careful of level 2-3 all in basically.
Can be poked down levels through 1 to 3 and cant do much against you if you dont stand close enough to get headbutted under turret. He does sustain enough to mostly ignore your poke after a few levels and can make the lane a snoozefest.
Pretty easy to all in and destroy in lane when you have the priority but she can all in you with the right support combo. Be very aware of the level 6.
Hard to CC or kill in lane but he doesnt tend to do much in lane anyway. Becomes super strong lategame, try to avoid ulting him when you havent seen him use E.
Relatively low mobility and low threat during lane. Can turn into a terror if he gets ahead, but you can stop him rather easily.
He is very easy to deal with before level 6 but after level 6 he will keep poking you down and is rather hard to deal with.
Easy to all in and not an issue for the early few levels. Can become very hard to deal with with the right support combo and especially lategame.
A good Sivir will make it very hard for you to land a Q. You can proc the spellshield with Meeps though. Try to avoid fighting her when she has spellshield up.
If you dont poke her and keep vision of her she just wreck you and your ADC after level 6. Before that she isnt much of a threat.
Janna can easily block most of your damage and make ganks and engages hard to happen. Luckily Janna mains rarely do anything to win lane and just sit passively waiting for you to do stuff :^)
Tahm Kench
Keeps denying your picks or engages with devour, is tanky and slightly annoying. Does not do much else in lane which you can abuse by poking the ADC or Tahm himself.
A skill match up that can go either way very easily. You can just dodge around a bad or mediocre Thresh. A good Thresh will predict your movements and hook you and kill you.
Very weak laner unless combined with something like Lucian into a weaker lane. Keep your distance and poke him down, dont let the game go late or you are ****ed.
A skill match up that can go either way very easily. You can just dodge around a bad or mediocre Thresh. A good Thresh will predict your movements and hook you and kill you.
Not an extremely strong laner or a big threat to Bard but can get out of control easily if fed. Very easy to shut down with ult if you get ahead or in lategame teamfights.
A good Kalista will be a nightmare to deal with the hops. She can also engage on you without using any abilities from the support. On the other hand a bad Kalista is very easy to deal with.
Outsustains you without any effort. Only thing you can try to do is burst her down in the early levels. Ask for ganks against her and abuse the lack of mobility.
A good Leona is always scary and very hard to deal with if she gets ahead. You need to keep brush control or at least brush vision against her. But when played right Bard can dominate the match up pre 6, after that you need to have flash up or you can get instantly killed.
Can simply stand out of your range and very hard for you to deal with. Luckily she cant E out of your ultimate when used correctly because of the animation on it takes a decent amount of time.
Miss Fortune
Can very easily poke you and your ADC. If you play it right she can be very easily ganked and shut down, especially since she has to stand still while ulting.
A tricky match up where you need to position properly against her ult, can very easily screw you over hard. Before level 6 she is very susceptible to ganks or all-ins but she does outrange, outdamage and outsustain by a small margin.
A skill match up that can very easily go either way. His low range makes him susceptible to stuns and Meep poke, but his high damage can catch off people and you should not trade with him, just try to damage him when he is going for a CS.
She should be able to stay outside of your range and can escape ganks rather easily. Abuse her weak-ish early levels.
Hard to keep down and very strong laner, dont feed him and he wont be a huge problem come lategame.
She just outsustains you very hard and should always win lane against you. Can almost nullify your engages with her ultimate. Try to ult her too when engaging.
Rengar always gets fed somehow and is very hard for you to deal with. You need to carry pink wards and sometimes hit some blind stuns. Keep lane brush warded or ward in the enemy jungle. Consider taking exhaust.
Veigar stun cage stops you from standing far up in mid/lategame teamfights and zones you from teamfights. Can also interrupt your E very easily. Luckily nerfed quite a bit and is now a pretty rare sight.
Outdamages you hard and can very easily poke you out of lane if you try to do the same, she is very safe and you should just look to survive the lane unless she gets out of position.
Very tanky for the first levels and can just straight up ignore your damage when played right. Can just walk all over you, literally. Try to go for stuns on the adc through minions and just poke.
Morgana bindings catch off people and stop you from walking up as a frontline in mid/lategame teamfights. She can also nullify your Q or R on one of their carries. But your Q does go through her spellshield (The damage portion destroys the shield and the stun goes through) in certain situations.
Outdamages you hard and can very easily poke you out of lane if you try to do the same. Very unpleasant lane and will easily burst you or your ADC out late/mid game. Ask for ganks and abuse the low mobility. Locket is your friend.
Outdamages you hard and can very easily poke you out of lane if you try to do the same. Ask for ganks and abuse the low mobility. Locket is your friend.
Very strong poke, makes you question the meaning of life as the bombs just drop on your head. Very susceptible to ganks but that can be very hard after level 6.
The rocket grab stops you from standing far up in mid/lategame teamfights and a good Blitzcrank will make your lane very hard. A bad Blitzcrank can still get lucky and ruin your day with one good hook, avoid and run movespeed runes against him if possible.
Hi I'm FeldherrFrodo aka Captain Bard and im a hard Bard and Thresh Main. I got 150K on booth but Thresh got boring after a short time. When Bard came out I just loved him and it's still the same. My main Account stucks atm in Platin 4 but I'll change it next season. I got 'only' 150K on Bard (and Thresh) because got 5 Account round Gold 5 atm and i smurf also from bronze to Gold 1. I got in my opinion every good Mechanic with Bard and get away out of difficult situations perfectly. I'm btw atm the 300th best Bard world and 2000th best Thresh World. I wanna create a Bard only Account with the name 'Wanderer Brad' and will see where i can get on this account.
Now a few general information to Bard.
Bard is a utility and CC focused support who has a reasonably high skill ceiling. Bard has one of, if not the best, kits for utility and there are almost endless possibilities on what you can do with this kit. He can be played in so many ways while still being very effective. I feel like a lot of people who have started playing Bard or thought about it have a hard time understanding how he works or how he should be played. This is the people this guide is made for.
His rather weak laning is compensated by his awesome pick potential, great mobility and roaming ability and excellent teamfighting. In lategame teamfights he can do so many things compared to most supports who focus on one thing like healing, peeling or engaging. Bard can engage, he can disengage, he can peel, he can chase, he can do good damage (for a support) and to some extent he can sustain. A good Bard player can completely decide the flow of a teamfight and can single-handedly win you fights with well placed Cosmic Bindings or Tempered Fates. This however works both ways as a bad Bard player can cost you teamfights by either using Tempered Fate in a such a position that it prevents enemies from taking damage or dying or even worse kills your teammate by leaving them in a bad position. With this guide I hope you too will become the good kinds of Bard.
Skill Sequence
Skill Sequence
Ability Sequence
Pros / Cons
Pros / Cons
Extremely strong teamfigting Great mobility for roaming and warding Very good damage for a support Super versatile as a champion Super fun to play Can make camping bot lane as easy as it can be with E He looks so goofy its impossible to tilt while playing him
Relatively weak in laning phase Extremely skillshot reliant His E bugs out rather often and is sometimes hard to click Difficult for newer players to wrap their heads around Short range on Q and autoattacks Can accidentally tilt your ADC by roaming too much Very low base manaregen and high mana costs compared to other supports Ult is very easy to mess up as a new players
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